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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

1) New and gruesome photoreport from IS has emerged. Looks like IS eliminated all ISF presence in and around the Baiji city.

2) IS elements has entered Samara City itself, clashes ongoing.

Fighting continues around Hasan al-Askari Mosque, eleventh imam of Shias.
Stop lying this is the real news Mr. terrorism supporter.

Security forces repel ISIS militants southern Biji - Iraqi News
Salahuddin (IraqiNews.com) On Monday, a security source in Salahuddin province said, that a military force has managed to foil an ISIS attempt to sneak into the area of al-Mallaha in Biji.

The source informed IraqiNews, “Iraqi forces have managed to foil an attempt by the ISIS group to sneak some of its fighters into the area of al-Mallaha in Biji district, located 40 km north of Tikrit.”

“The security forces have killed 9 elements of the ISIS group during violent clashes,” the source added.

25 ISIS casualties in operation northern Baghdad, says BOC - Iraqi News
Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) On Monday, Baghdad Operations Commander Abdul-Amir al-Shamri announced, that 18 terrorists have been killed and 7 others were wounded in a security operation in al-Nabaeh area.

Al-Shamri stated to IraqiNews, “Today’s operation in al-Nabaeh area, located in northern Baghdad, has resulted in killing 18 terrorists and wounding 7 others.”

“Iraqi forces have also destroyed an armored vehicle in the operation,” he added

15 ISIS elements killed in air strike northern Ramadi - Iraqi News

Al-Anbar (IraqiNews.com) On Saturday, a security source in al-Anbar province said, that 15 ISIS elements have been killed in an air strike by IAF, including a key aide to a leader (Amir) within the group.

The source said, “The international coalition warplanes have carried out an air strike against an ISIS rank headed from Zankoura area to Abu Tayban,” noting that, “The air strike resulted in killing 15 ISIS militants and destroying 4 vehicles.”

“A key aide to a leader (Amir) within the ISIS group in Zankoura area was among the dead,” the source added.
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Local police have been put to protect baiji when it was liberated, but they collapsed after the first IS attack causing a setback for the IA. Baiji is now under IS control again. However baiji refinery is sill a mission impossible for IS.

Fighting around samara, IS will NEVER take the city of samara. Soon enough depopulation of IS areas around samara will be carried out.
@Al-Kurdi ,

Sunni Arabs and Kurds who gifted Mosul and Tirkrit to ISIS and ran away will not do anything except losing more and more territories .

Believe me , Even Sunnis' homes and women will be freed by Shias .

I know its hard but those " hizbullah fuckers " will save your *** in Iraq .
We're always saving their ***, even feeding them whilst all they do is spit, btw that Al Kurdi isn't even from Iraq he's from Turkey.
These dogs say that they have two million refugees while iraqi government didn't give them a blanket

These dogs forgot that all their salaries and their weapons are from the iraqi government

I don't know why Iraq give them money and weapons if they are a separate state
Local police have been put to protect baiji when it was liberated, but they collapsed after the first IS attack causing a setback for the IA. Baiji is now under IS control again. However baiji refinery is sill a mission impossible for IS.

Fighting around samara, IS will NEVER take the city of samara. Soon enough depopulation of IS areas around samara will be carried out.
Where did you get that news from.
Shiite Militia Groups Increase In Kurdish Territories

Following attacks by Islamic State (IS) in Kurdish populated areas in Iraq, Shiite Militia groups are on the increase and are strengthening bases in the Kirkuk, Jalawla and Saadia areas, under the direction of the Hashdi Shabi militia group.

On Monday, an intelligence source from Kirkuk told BasNews that there are nine heavily-armed Shiite militia groups in the province, especially in the south.

The source claims that the number of militia groups increases daily, accusing them of kidnapping, murder and robbery, creating tension and mistrust in the area.

The source noted that beside the Hashd Shabi and Iraqi army, the Asaib Ahl al- Haq, Iraqi Hizbullah and Khurasan militia groups have entered the province, often supported by their senior members.

Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) official Sheikh Ja’far Sheikh Mustafa told BasNews, “Shiite militia groups in Jalawla and Saadia are preventing the Peshmerga entering areas under their control. The groups are torching Kurdish and Sunni Arab houses.”

Moreover, he said that many Shiite militia groups in the strongholds of Jalawla and Saadia report to Iran. Those groups that have lost men in battles against IS refuse to leave, he concluded.

Shiite Militia Groups Increase In Kurdish Territories

Why are you posting Basnews and similar sources anyway, don't you know they spread more fake news than any other news agency, basnews is worse than rudaw
News reports/ social media.

Sleeper cells involved in Samara attacks everything is under control. Reports of the arrest of 1000+ Youth the areas where the attack occurred for investigation.
Without the population mobilization Baghdad maybe on fire now.
these men are the cure to the barbarian baath-wahabist.
Latest MOD footage. Hundreds of IS militants have been killed in air strikes this week. Coalition airstrikes killed 20+ in Kirkuk, 100+ in Nineveh. Iraqi airstrikes killed 60+ in different areas as well.

This operation is from Karma two weeks ago, I posted the news but no video. 100+ IS terrorist kills as well as tens of trucks and equipment destroyed or siezed.

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING , follow the link to see. Insert youtube code

Aftermath of destroyed IS convoy. 42 vehicles and 150+ killed. Coalition airtime a near Hit 2 weeks ago.


Popular mobilization forces repel IS attack with boats near Samara.

Promo video for popular mobilization forces. "We are the soldiers of Iraq, not militias" explains how they work with the government and are loyal to Iraq first and foremost.

Promo video Imam Ali brigades

IS launched assault against Peshmerga and YPG from 4 (four) fronts. Initial reports tell mass confusion among Peshmerga, and dozens of casualties on Kurdish side per each front. Main fronts are Sinjar and north of Mosul.

Unconfirmed by independent sources.
Small scale attacks by IS against Peshmerga positions in Kirkuk and Tuz Khormato.
Iraq affairs expert says Washington wants ISIL checked not destroyed

Washington seeks to contain the ISIL Takfiri terrorists operating in Iraq rather than get rid of them, says an Iraq affairs expert.

Zayd al-Isa said in an interview with Press TV from London that the purported US-led airstrikes against ISIL positions in the country have been “mostly cosmetic.”

He added that what the United States intends to do “is to actually contain rather than degrade or destroy” ISIL.

“They want to maintain it (ISIL) as a potent, credible threat in order to put the Iraqi government on the back foot and also to ensure that they can entrench their presence in order to maintain and ramp up their influence in Iraq,” he stated.

Isa went on to say that “the Iraqi security forces which are heavily backed up by the volunteers who are actually forming the backbone of these forces have turned the tide against the ISIL” Takfiri terrorists.

“If you look at the overall picture, we have seen that the lightning advance made by ISIL during the summer has definitely been held back. It has been halted,” he said.

The expert further noted that the Saudi government has played “a major role” in actually reviving ISIL.

The overall security situation in Iraq has worsened over the past few months as the ISIL terrorists, of whom many are foreign militants, have taken control of some parts in the north and west.

The Iraqi army, backed by pro-government tribes, Shia volunteers and Kurdish Peshmerga forces, has so far managed to make significant gains in the battle against ISIL.

PressTV-‘US wants ISIL checked not destroyed’
Iraqi government forming Shiite militias in Kirkuk

Shiite militias staying in ‘disputed territories’ could cause problems: KRG officials

Source: thousands of Shiite militiamen, arms brought into Kirkuk

They are mainly active members of Shiite armed groups that include Khorasan, Hezbollah, the Badr brigade and Asaib al-Haq. They have also formed a paramilitary force of 550 Shiite fighters inside the city of Kirkuk.

The governor wanted militias support, now he's complaining.

Why are you posting Basnews and similar sources anyway, don't you know they spread more fake news than any other news agency, basnews is worse than rudaw


Anyway, time to kick out Kurds out of Kirkuk.
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