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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions


A summary of the events in the various regions. Don't bother translating and Arabic is a world language anyway.

١-التوجه الحقيقي لتنظيم الدولة داعش في محافظة صلاح الدين هو فك الحصار عن تكريت واسترجاع ببجي، وعن تكثيف تواجده في محاور الجلام والإسحاقي ومكيشيفة مع تَغْيير وجهة المعركة بشكل متكرر وتذبذب في كثافة النيران.
٢-جنوب سامراء مناطق ريفية وقليلة السكان، وليس أولوية حالية لمسكها من قبل تنظيم الدولة، وأهم ما فيها هو قربها من مركز سامراء الذي سوف يكون تحت مرمى نيران الهاونات، فأهميتها عسكرية وليست إقتصادية .
٣-وبما أن الكفة كانت تميل للقوات الأتحادية نهاية الشهر الماضي لولا إنسحاب سرايا السلام لإسباب لم أقف على رأي صريح بخصوصها، فقد رأى عسكري تنظيم الدولة حجّي عبدالله جوهر ومساعده كامل الأسودي، أن هذا هو الوقت المناسب لفك الحصار عن تكريت والتقرب من مركز سامراء، وأن الخيار الأفضل لهم استمرار المعارك لا حسمها إلى حين إيجاد منفذا للدخول لتكريت!!
٤-عناصر تنظيم الدّولة على قلتهم في هذه المحاور قد تقدموا في الجلام والحويش، وتضاءل تأثير عمليات سامراء، ولم يكن وقع الرد كبيرا بين القوات العراقية وتنظيم الدّولة.
٥-علما أن ولاية صلاح الدين في تنظيم الدولة ليس لديها ما يكفي من الدعم لحسم المعركة في الصينية وإرجاع بيجي، بل لاتزال تعاني من الانتكاسات العسكرية.
٦-وأيا كان المطلوب والهدف من هذه التعرضات العنيفة طيلة اليومين الماضيين، فأن تنظيم الدولة سوف لن يستطيع الحفاظ على التوازن النسبي بينه وبين القوات العراقيّة، حيث لا ينتصر طرف على آخر، وإلى أجل غير مسمى والى حين تحقيق هدفهم.
٧- وعلى القوات الأتحادية الاعتماد على عامل المفاجئة والصدمة، الذي يُعيد هزيمة العدو، ويرسم الخطط التي تفوق توقعات العدو، ومراجعة الأولويات في التحرير والنصر، فهو ظهور الدولة على الساحة!!
٨-سوف تلجأ عناصر تنظيم الدولة إلى المناطق المحاذية للدجيل من جهة شمال بغداد، أو على طول حوض نهر دجلة، أو في مناطق الطارمية والتاجي وتاجي الشط، مع جيوب بذراع دجلة والبوركيبة وفي بعض منطقة المشاهدة.
٩-محاولة إسقاط عمليات الأنبار والزحف نحو سامراء من اتجاهات مختلفة أربك التحالف الدولي في دعم عمليات البيشمركة في الشمال باتجاه الموصل وزعزع أولويات الغطاء الجوي للقوات البرية.

Of course the main battle will not be fought in Fallujah as in earlier years but obviously in Mosul. My guess is that in one year's time (next December) ISF, along with American help (mainly in the form of airstrikes), locals (crucial part) and MAYBE foreign boots on the ground will have liberated Mosul.
ISIL advised by US, Israeli generals: Scholar

The ISIL terrorist group, whose creation is based on “fraud and fabrication,” is being advised by US and Israeli generals to “subvert” the Syrian government, an American scholar says.

“ISIS is actually a creation of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia which is designed to actually undermine the infrastructure of Syria,” said James Henry Fetzer, using another acronym for the group.

“The situation with ISIS is completely outrageous, it’s a deceitful operation, it’s a deception,” said Fetzer, who is also an editor at Veterans Today and a retired professor in Madison, Wisconsin.

“The whole thing is a fraud and fabrication,” Fetzer told Press TV on Thursday. “It’s intended to mask US attempts to subvert the (Syrian) government of Bashar al-Assad.”

The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, now control large parts of Iraq and Syria.

US warplanes have been conducting airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq since early August. Some Western states have also participated in some of the strikes in Iraq.

The US and some of its Arab allies have also been carrying out airstrikes against ISIL inside Syria since late September without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

Intermediaries in touch with the ISIL terrorist group say the Takfiris have proposed the sale of the body of the first American citizen they executed in August.

ISIL presented the proposal to hand over American journalist James Foley’s remains as an act of mercy for the family and a “humanity case,” while requesting $1 million for it, BuzzFeed reported Thursday.

“The very idea of ISIS attempting to sell the body of someone it has murdered is completely outrageous and an affront to the moral sensibilities of the entire world,” Fetzer stated.

PressTV - ISIL advised by US, Israeli generals: Scholar
About the Map, northern Babel, jalawla, and sadiyah are under government control. Tikrit is under IS contro but nearby areas are control by IAl. Baiji is under IA but nearby areas are under IS control. There is no IS threat to mada'in.

In Balad, the town itself is under iraqi control, with IS controlling Aziz Balad, the town of yethreb and the areas norh of Dhuluiyah (east of Balad)
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Pete Hegseth: Islamic State ‘Modern-Day Nazis’

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
December 12, 2014 4:10 pm

Following reports that the Islamic State (IS, ISIS or ISIL) had beheaded four Christian children for refusing to convert to Islam, Concerned Veterans for America CEO Pete Hegseth called the terrorist group “modern-day Nazis.”

“It is a level of brutality we cannot relate to. These are modern-day Nazis. These are ideologues who feed on the blood, on the violence,” Hegseth told Fox’s Gretchen Carlson on Friday.

“The radicalization takes them to a place where violence begets more violence.”

Commenting on a Fox News poll indicating 81 percent of Americans believe IS will attempt to attack the United States, Hegseth said Americans are right to believe that IS is focused on America and the southern border, but the group’s capability to do so remains in question.

“There’s no doubt ISIS has seized the psychology,” Hegseth said. “They’ve focused on lone wolf attacks through heavy emphasis on social media and trying to motivate, and you’ve seen their social media far advanced from what al Qaeda ever did.”

Hegseth said members of the House Armed Services Committee have expressed concern about activities on the southern border that could leave the U.S. vulnerable for an IS attack.

“[They] won’t carry the black flag of ISIS and say ‘I’m from ISIS,’ but there’s a lot of question about the allegiance,” Hegseth said.

“I don’t want to overplay the threat. It’s much more psychological and sort of a lone wolf focus. It’s not clear that Baghdadi is as shrewd and sophisticated in long-term thinking as Bin Laden was, but he’s a little bit more ruthless and bloodthirsty, which may not manifest itself here immediately, but they’d like to, and clearly they’ve seized our psychology.”

[h/t: EoZ]
Ever since the liberation of northern babel, all terrorist attacks against in babel and Karbala stopped. In the past month, 2 attempted terrorist attacks against Karabala through Anbar occurred but were foiled. One by a suicide bomber, and the other attempt to bring 4 car bombs to Karbala through Anbar, all of which have been captured and detonated.

This year only a single terrorist attack occurred in Karbala burning the arbaeen commemoration, mortar were fired from the desert of Anbar province and targeted a home, which resulted in 1 death and 4 injuries. 12 people believed to be involved In the attack were arrested.

All this suggest one thing, the role of the local population in terrorism. These areas need to be depopulated.
ISIL advised by US, Israeli generals: Scholar

The ISIL terrorist group, whose creation is based on “fraud and fabrication,” is being advised by US and Israeli generals to “subvert” the Syrian government, an American scholar says.

“ISIS is actually a creation of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia which is designed to actually undermine the infrastructure of Syria,” said James Henry Fetzer, using another acronym for the group.

“The situation with ISIS is completely outrageous, it’s a deceitful operation, it’s a deception,” said Fetzer, who is also an editor at Veterans Today and a retired professor in Madison, Wisconsin.

“The whole thing is a fraud and fabrication,” Fetzer told Press TV on Thursday. “It’s intended to mask US attempts to subvert the (Syrian) government of Bashar al-Assad.”

The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, now control large parts of Iraq and Syria.

US warplanes have been conducting airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq since early August. Some Western states have also participated in some of the strikes in Iraq.

The US and some of its Arab allies have also been carrying out airstrikes against ISIL inside Syria since late September without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

Intermediaries in touch with the ISIL terrorist group say the Takfiris have proposed the sale of the body of the first American citizen they executed in August.

ISIL presented the proposal to hand over American journalist James Foley’s remains as an act of mercy for the family and a “humanity case,” while requesting $1 million for it, BuzzFeed reported Thursday.

“The very idea of ISIS attempting to sell the body of someone it has murdered is completely outrageous and an affront to the moral sensibilities of the entire world,” Fetzer stated.

PressTV - ISIL advised by US, Israeli generals: Scholar

Thanks for the information, "scholar". Completely legit.
Kurdish soccer star swaps sides to join Islamic State in northern Iraq

THERE seemed nothing unusual, neither a trace of finality nor hidden agenda, when the local football star left home.

Then, on October 29, Kazi’s death was reported in the Kurdish press, including a picture, lifted from a jihadist website, of his body wrapped in a shroud. Halabja’s famous goalkeeper had been killed by an airstrike in Shangal, northern Iraq, while serving as fighter with Islamic State.

News of his defection and death on a frontline facing his fellow Kurds has stunned Halabja, which was already reeling from confirmation by the intelligence service that 85 of its young men are known to have joined Islamic State. The extremist group is pitted against fighters from the Kurdish regional government along a 1000km front stretching across Iraq from Syria to Iran.

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Kurdish Peshmerga forces have launched a massive ground attack against Islamic State (ISIS) militants near the town of Shingal west of Mosul, said a Peshmerga commander on the frontline.

“We launched the attack on three fronts at 7:00 a.m today and we are making rapid advance,” said the commander.

Rudaw reporter in the area said that the Peshmerga ground assault began following a night of intense airstrikes against ISIS positions by coalition fighter jets.

The commander said that Peshmerga forces have left Mount Shingal to control the Hardan junction to prevent ISIS from sending reinforcements from the town of Tel Afar.

Intense fighting is going on between the Kurdish forces and ISIS militants on Hugna, Karez and Kobanke frontlines.

Peshmerga launch massive ground assault on ISIS near Shingal
The kurdish dogs removed the iraqi flag replaced it with kurdish in the university
The student shouting

بالروح بالدم نفديك يا عراق

US/Israel want to build Kurdistan. There is no escaping it. I am not against Kurdish people at all. I am just against colonial interests in region. And nothing will work for us except one state. Otherwise these games will be continue to be played on us until we realize that we need to unite and remove our borders.
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