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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Sectarian Iran backed death squads kidnapping an elderly Sunni woman in Fallujah.
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Freed Fallujah not leveled, as Iraqi Army learns lesson of Ramadi


Ramadi unfortunately is damaged heavily, US allowed IS to enter with it's air force being idle for some political reasons.

IS entering Ramadi in 2015, the US could have leveled them but chief of staff Dempsey said before the city fell that it can be retaken later and the the Iraqis have other priorities now..
Most ISF casualties among the Federal Police units.


Most of the security forces who died in Fallujah were killed either by suicide car bombs or rocket attacks used by the militants on a wide scale towards the end of the battle to block the advancing forces, sources said.

The Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Squad, an elite fighting unit, had the lowest number of deaths. The highest casualties, military sources said, were among federal police troops who fought without air cover in the northern region of Fallujah and also secured the city centre.

"We are not army or counter-terrorism services, we are federal police… We do not have tanks or jets. We were fighting in our flesh," General Lieutenant Ra'ad Jawdat, the commander of Iraqi federal police, told MEE.

Jawdat said federal police operating in the city’s northern hub were attacked by 90 suicide car bombs.

May Allah accept our martyrs.

Some updates.
Northern sallahiddin southern Nineveh.
Iraqi forces continue advancing North. Seems like they are not entering shirqat but instead will advance north then east to create a siege by cutting the road between Qayara and shurqat. Possibly make a joint operation with the forces east of qayarrya before opening two front, one pushing North and another pushes south towards Shirqat. This tactic proved successful in every battle. Cutting off Daesh supply lines means a garanteed victory.

Iraqi federal police and ICTF Have returned to Baghdad after taking part in the 6+ week campaign liberation Fallujah.

An armoured iraqi army division has been sent to take part in the liberation of khaldiyah peninsula, one of the last IS pockets in the area. The operation has already started and iraqi forces have managed to enter the area, battles ongoing.
iraq needs to be supported to uproot this murderous cult,they have tarnished the image of islam ,all they want is wanton killings of civilians,iraq suffered heavily.
Federal police back to Baghdad after accomplishing the mission in Fallujah.

From a weeks ago, Iraqi forces heading towards shirqat. Residents of Alem cheer.
Note that shirqat is a mostly loyalist town. Although it's a sunni city, majority of the population are against daesh. Hundreds of residents who were forced out of shirqat by IS are taking part in the operation.

Seems like Iraqi need to adopt merciless policy of Saddam era, who level the towns without counting the innocent souls . If they give refuge to ISIS ..too bad.

We don't need to do that. We defeated ISIS in every major city we have battled them. Even Fallujah which many Pro-ISIS Sunni leaders in Iraq said would never fall even if Mosul and Raqqa in Syria fell.

Defeating ISIS is only a matter of time.
RIP Americans did what they wanted to do put Shias and Sunnis killing each other
RIP Americans did what they wanted to do put Shias and Sunnis killing each other

That ship has sailed. Now it is not Sunnis vs Shias, its Extremists vs Everday Muslims. ISIS did not attack a Shia mosque or ashura gathering. They are attacking normal civilians (like in Turkey, did they attack Turkish shias?).

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