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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

IS has lost all of Falujah. The bastion which they laid all their strength to protect. The battle lasted about a month. Nearly 1500 IS fighters were killed and another 2000+ were arrested as they tried to flee with the civilian population.

Pockets of IS territory is collapsing quickly after their defeat in Falujah with just a couple left in the entire area ranging from Hit to Baghdad.

IS fighters in "jazirat alkhaldiyah" managed to slip out unfortunately.

In northern Sallahiddin iraqi forced kept rolling and are now just one town away from Shirqat. An important IS stronghold which is also the key to liberating Hawijah. IS forces are collapsing at an unprecedented rate. their moral has been lost and they are loosing nearly every battle. Their counter-offended are crushed easily and their tactics are becoming to predictible.
IS convoy was struck and destroyed by IQAF.



Some great news.

Iraqi forces have entered southern Nineveh from Sallahiddin province for the first time in 2 years. They have liberated several villages and are on the outskirts of Shirqat.

Around Fallujah and khaldiyah island IS fighters have massed into their remaining pockets. Totally trapped in a small area. They attempted to rip through Amriyah from southern Fallujah and try to reach the desert and from there attempt to travel to the remaining towns under IS control towards the Syrian border.

Nearly 500 vehicles in the two areas have attempted the escape. However, iraqi army aviation managed to destroy over 4 convoys. some of the vehicles managed to escape back to the remaining surrounded IS pockets. Many IS fighters were killed. Also dozens of them have died in the desert after loosing their vehicles with no water or food. The iraqi army aviation, iraqi army, local fighters and PMF units continue to hunt down and kill the remaining IS fighters in the region.
There is a checkpoint every few kilometers in najaj Karbala samrah and everywhere posters of militas fighting isis
Saudi to appoint military attaché to Iraq

Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Iraq Thamer Al-Sabhan announced on Tuesday that the kingdom intends to appoint a military attaché in Baghdad.

The announcement came after his meeting with Iraqi Defence Minister Khaled Al-Obaidi in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Al-Sabhan wrote on Twitter that the pair had discussed bilateral relations between the two countries as well as the kingdom’s keenness to enhance military cooperation with Iraq to serve the needs of both people.

Al-Obaidi briefed the Saudi ambassador on the military operation being carried out by the Iraqi army and the international coalition to regain control of the city of Fallujah from Daesh.

In a statement, Al-Obaidi said the Saudi ambassador congratulated him on the Iraqi army’s victories across the country, adding that it is defending all the Middle East’s security and stability.

He stressed his country’s keenness to establish better relations with its neighbours on the principles of non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.
Good to see Iraqi forces start showing effectiveness of their air wings. In desert war, air wing is everything to provide cover to advancing forces.

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