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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

I've noticed the part in bold as well.

I've never seen Al Arabiya speak positively of ISIS. Al Jazeera, on the other hand, is a different story lol.

The Qataris really need to revamp Al Jazeera, in my opinion.

Well, Al-Jazeera is in many ways the official channel of the Muslim Brotherhood and after seeing the official proclamation of the MB in regards to the liberation of Fallujah and other cities in Iraq, this is not really strange.

Anyway numerous political organizations, clerics, religious channels etc. in the region are just blindly behind their sect and no amount of logic or facts can change their positions. Both Sunnis and Shias are guilty of that but since the Sunnis outnumber Shias many times worldwide, the former is more vocal. Anyway it's quite obvious from anyone who follows events in the region that both sides have become much more radical. It's a very sad situation as such behavior will ultimately destroy the region even more if that was ever needed!

Anyway hopefully sanity will prevail eventually. Sectarianism, while a big problem currently, is FAR from the only challenge that this region faces. Many arguably much more important challenges are swept under the carpet due to this current agenda dominating. That could potentially be very dangerous for everyone.

Anyway what hurts me more than anything is the Arab infighting that we can see. Its absolutely unacceptable and I will never forgive the current regimes, clerics etc. for their active role in creating this mess. I don't expect much from the largely uninformed masses who are dominated by sectarianism nowadays. The ones behind the scene are all aware of the fact that this is not about any "holy war" but just about geopolitical interests. It's a dirty world and the MENA region is a perfect example of why that is. Anyway that is why I am interacting with Arabs from all across the Arab world and the more people I talk to (of all backgrounds) the more they too realize the tragedy of the current situation.

Anyway you know my opinion about the Qatari Royal family and their politics in regards to the region. Not a fan but which country in the region can one one truly be a fan of? All are mostly trash, I am afraid. Humans are stupid unfortunately. All that misery they have caused the world and themselves throughout history. When will it stop?

Anyway I should stop writing "anyway".:lol:
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The second phase of the Falujah offensive has been concluded. With the nearby IS strongholds and lifelines of Fallujah fully liberated. Karma, Saqlawyiah and Sijr have been IS strongholds for about two years along with Falujah. About 27 towns and villages have been liberated by iraqi forces since the beginning of the operation. Now Falujah is cut off from nearby towns and villages. Iraqi forces will continue clearing out the outskirts and farmland in the area before starting the Fallujah offensive. Minor ops to weaken IS positions have already started. But the all out offensive my need another few days.
More IS crimes against fleeing civilians. After the suicide bombing against the fleeing civilians in Saqlawiyah. IS has attacked some families trying to escape the city through the river. One boat has sunk and mostly women and children drowned. Some of them were saved.

The PMF and locals from the Albu Issa tribe have been attempted to secure safe passages to civilians fleeing Falujah.
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Please let's keep this thread for what its for. If there are religious discussions and offtopics, why not create a new thread?

A lot of us have to skip a lot of mudslinging between members to get to the actual updates.


If i were an Israeli i would love to see shias and sunnis to kill each other indefinitely. When the one side tries to win, you help the other side. Permanent war, permanent massacres, permanent terrorism. Considering the fanaticism and the pleasure that sunnis and shias take from murdering each other it isnt so difficult to do
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