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In $600 million arms deal, U.S. plans to send 46,000 tank rounds to Iraq

a $600 million foreign weapons sale, the latest indication that Baghdad is preparing for a new military campaign to take back turf it lost to the Islamic State militant group.

The State Department said the deal will “advance Iraq’s efforts to develop an integrated ground defense capability to support a strong national defense.” The announcement comes as the Iraqi government struggles with how to take back Mosul, its second most populous city, and broad swaths of western Anbar province from the militants.

The government in Baghdad requested four different kinds of 120mm rounds, which are used in the tank’s main gun. Most will be variations of the Pentagon’s high-explosive anti-tank munitions, or HEAT rounds. They’re built to penetrate the armor of other vehicles and tanks, and can hit a target a mile away. Militants have captured both armored personnel carriers and tanks from Iraqi government forces this year, and are using them to maintain control of territory they have seized.

General Dynamics’ ordnance tactical systems branch in St. Petersburg, Fla., would be the main contractor on the project, State Department officials said. Company officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

In $600 million arms deal, U.S. plans to send 46,000 tank rounds to Iraq - The Washington Post
^^ 600 mil is DSCA price, real price is ~ 1/3 th of the DSCA estimate which takes the full service option into count
A PKK or Yezidi militant ask for support from western powers. 22/10/2014

Translation: "All of the military positions except (the very point whose name I didnt understand) have been takeover. Islamic State is 3km far from here. If an aerial support would not arrive in next 48 hours, we would be in hard situation. We ask Germany, Europe and whole world for help"


France are concerned about Arabian princes that are funding rebel groups in northern Mali. " Private funds from Saudi Arabia Kuwait and Qatar are the most important source of terrosit groups worldwide. Qatar, in the same way , pooring money on the Salafists in Tunisia and Morocco, known as the " next weakest link. "
Smell of gas for sure!

France are concerned about Arabian princes that are funding rebel groups in northern Mali. " Private funds from Saudi Arabia Kuwait and Qatar are the most important source of terrosit groups worldwide. Qatar, in the same way , pooring money on the Salafists in Tunisia and Morocco, known as the " next weakest link. "
Smell of gas for sure!

You can create another thread about it.
450 Peshmerga Killed in IS Clashes So Far

Hemin Salih
BasNews, Erbil

The Kurdistan Region has released figures detailing total Peshmerga causalities in the fight against Islamic State.

Since the clashes began in northern Iraq in early June, Peshmerga forces have lost 450 members and 2,300 have sustained injures, reported member of the Kurdistan Parliament Soran Omar.

He also said about 100 of the wounded Peshmerga have been sent abroad for treatment, due to their severity of their injuries.

Omar noted that Islamic State has lost thousands of fighters in their clashes with Peshmerga forces, in the last 4 months.


That's only Peshmerga, not includes Yazidis, nor YPG nor PKK.
In $600 million arms deal, U.S. plans to send 46,000 tank rounds to Iraq

a $600 million foreign weapons sale, the latest indication that Baghdad is preparing for a new military campaign to take back turf it lost to the Islamic State militant group.

The State Department said the deal will “advance Iraq’s efforts to develop an integrated ground defense capability to support a strong national defense.” The announcement comes as the Iraqi government struggles with how to take back Mosul, its second most populous city, and broad swaths of western Anbar province from the militants.

The government in Baghdad requested four different kinds of 120mm rounds, which are used in the tank’s main gun. Most will be variations of the Pentagon’s high-explosive anti-tank munitions, or HEAT rounds. They’re built to penetrate the armor of other vehicles and tanks, and can hit a target a mile away. Militants have captured both armored personnel carriers and tanks from Iraqi government forces this year, and are using them to maintain control of territory they have seized.

General Dynamics’ ordnance tactical systems branch in St. Petersburg, Fla., would be the main contractor on the project, State Department officials said. Company officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

In $600 million arms deal, U.S. plans to send 46,000 tank rounds to Iraq - The Washington Post

and I wonder how fast they go through all 46,000. you gotta question how effective Abrams are in the hands of Iraqi's and how they are used.

they pressing need is getting them Mi-28 and Apaches with lots of 30mm ammo,rockets, and ATGMs. once they start lighting up Daesh the Moral of the common soldier will raise.
Kidnapping War Against Kurds in Baghdad

Kidnapping Kurds in Iraqi capital Baghdad has become a phenomenon in recent days with tens of Kurds have been abducted by unknown militants.

According to information obtained by BasNews a number of the victims are freed by the kidnappers after paying ransom, while those who don’t have the money remain in captivity.

A Kurdish member of Iraqi parliament Shakhawan Abdullah revealed that in recent month and since Islamic State attacks, a high number of Kurds who are living in Baghdad and are wealthy have been kidnapped.

“The Kurds kidnapped by the security police and then ask for ransom for their release, there are many evidences for those case and a few days ago, a Kurdish students from Khanaqen in Diyala Province who studied in Baghdad kidnapped by unknown gunman’, added Abdullah.

“Many of those Kurds are freed once they pay the security forces, but some other Kurds even pay money, but they are not freed, and they have remained in captivity,” added Abdullah.

In addition a Kurdish commander in the Iraqi army who spoke on condition of anonymity, told BasNews, that since the beginning of IS attacks, Iraqi security forces in Baghdad checkpoints, are provoking those Kurds who are travelling to the capital and won’t let them enter the city and forces them to return back to Kurdistan Region.

The commander also stated these provocations has increased in recent weeks, since there have been threats of IS insurgents getting closer to Baghdad International Airport.

“I have some documents as evidence from the Baghdad security force that shows they have been ordered by higher officials to provoke Kurds in the checkpoints,’ added the Kurdish commandor.

Abdullah also reveled that he has personally talked to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Haidar Abadi about one of these cases, in which a Kurdish commander was kidnapped, however the Iraqi PM didn’t do anything

“A Kurdish commander by the name of Brigadier Bakhtiyar was kidnapped recently in Baghdad and I asked Abadi to intervene in the case, however he told me that it is the issue for the former PM Nouri al-Maliki and its not his duty,’ claims Abdullah.

“Now, we are working to bring this issue to the parliament as well and bringing the victims’ families to the Parliament, so that the Parliament have a special session on this new phenomenon against the Kurds in Baghdad,” revealed Abdullah said.

Regarding who they think are responsible for kidnapping the Kurds in Baghdad, the Kurdish representative in Iraqi Parliament says “It’s clear that Sunnis don’t have such power and authority in those areas.”

It's claimed that US government is planning to set up a military base on the area of Herir Military Airport, in Erbil.
World Bulletin/News Desk

It's claimed that the United States (US) willing to set up a millitary base in Iraq's Erbil district.

Inside the Erbil city's borders, the military base will be build, turning the Herir Airport remained from the Saddam regime into a base, reported anonymously by a source of Kurdish Regional Government.

Said an offical that hey will have to leave the Herir airport zone due to several weeks, adding also foreign companies have already moved with their staff into other locations.

“A delegation of Peshmerga and US commanders had visited las month this territory and were here to examine the airport and its environment. This zone is strategically important because of its neighboring countries Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. So the Americans want to exploit the base once again.” another official said anonymously.

Herir airport, whose landing field is still ready to be used, was a military airbase during Saddam's baas regime. From 2003 it was used as a military zone, bordered 60 kilometres away from Iran, for a while. Herir airport was also used during Iran-Iraq war.

US to build military base in Erbil -Kurdish official | Iraq | Worldbulletin News
Iraqi soldiers escape fom Duylibe (32km west of Baghdad) by swimming through river.

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