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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Amazing footage. ISIS SVBIED coming straight towards a camera crew thinking they could interview the Iraqi Army safely. ISIS SVBIED fails and detonates after taking fire from the Iraqi Army.

12 ISIS fighters dead after a group of ISIS fighters had to withdraw from their position in Amriyat al Fallujah

WHY?? What's wrong with these idiots??

They were 'alienated' by the Shia Rafidi Majoosi Fireworshipping government lol. It's sad but many more people will die until this group as well as ideology is dealt with. People always speak about how good the armies of the west are but the west isn't dealing with so many people seeking to kill and destroy.

It won't be solved until Syria is free from IS and terrorism as well. Spillovers went from both Iraq to Syria and Syria to Iraq. Though Iraq is dealing with too much at once. From low finances to kurds who are inside enemies, IS terrorism on the front and in the capital, western pressure on politics, the Syrian border etc.

A huge mess
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Seal the border with Saudi Arabia and prevent wahabis from coming in.
They should call back all those who fight for Assad.
Disarm and outlaw all sectarian militias.

Until then they will be a failed non state.
IA advanced in and around Rutba, IS responds with suicide attacks targeting civillians in Baghdad.
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Grank forces entered Rutba and it is reported to be liberated (city center) entered.



IA are heading from liberated Ruta to the Jordanian border. 2 border crossings with Jordan. As well as certain parts of the Syrian border, the most southern one I would assume not Al-Qaim yet.
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IA advanced in and around Rutba, IS responds with suicide attacks targeting civillians in Baghdad.
Are you for real man what isis for god sake it's all done by baathist of Baghdad many of then top officers of the interior ministry and the army.

You forgot about Saddams SI and the other secret services that are many of them working freely in Baghdad and around it.

Iraqis know their enemy they see them every day yet they leave them free!!!!.

This guy blaming isis it's a way of sticking their head in the sand...
It seems something BIG is going to happen in Fallujah in up coming days but no official confirmation yet.

Videos reportedly showing popular crowd moving soldiers and artillery to front lines.
It seems something BIG is going to happen in Fallujah in up coming days but no official confirmation yet.

Videos reportedly showing popular crowd moving soldiers and artillery to front lines.

Nothing more than a pathetic attempt of a show of force, as evident by the title given in these videos. That and they want to impress the general public, because after all, these parties are essentially form of business. And they want to keep this business intact. This is an approach seen all over the ME, where they take up 'sociopolitical' stands and form such movements as means of income/standing/power in society. It's a traditional approach that will prevent development of society.

They will shell the city a bit, and not make move to free it. They should have done it long ago, but they aren't. Probably because government/parties utilize it as an distraction.
Nothing more than a pathetic attempt of a show of force, as evident by the title given in these videos. That and they want to impress the general public, because after all, these parties are essentially form of business. And they want to keep this business intact. This is an approach seen all over the ME, where they take up 'sociopolitical' stands and form such movements as means of income/standing/power in society. It's a traditional approach that will prevent development of society.

They will shell the city a bit, and not make move to free it. They should have done it long ago, but they aren't. Probably because government/parties utilize it as an distraction.

That doesn't really hold true considering the massive gains in Anbar province. ISIS really only holds 3 cities worth and have been unable to re-penetrate even after over a year (in the case of Tikrit). ISIS have alienated much of the Iraqi Sunni population and have driven many tribes to openly support the Iraqi government with not just political statements but with men to volunteer fighting against ISIS.
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