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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

PMF and defence forces have besieged Ramadi from all directions and have taken over strategic areas including former military barracks. They have managed to advanced on one front, however IS suicidals have been launching a series of large truck bombs which is slowing down the advance.

Air support is playing a major role in dealing with IS reinforcment convoys and VBIED's.

As the iraqi forces gained the upper hand and recovered over 1/3 of lost territory. The frontlines are getting isolated slowly, this gives a tactical advantage for iraqi forces as they are better able to repel any large scale IS attacks, since IS can only attack on so many fronts, the air cover is also less scattered and the response time much faster, making it extremely hard for IS offensives. Each time IS attacks they expose themselves to the Iraqi army avaiation. The current tactics have set them back. Each large scale offensive they attempt they loose no less than a 100 fighters and eventually pull back as we have seen in the numerous attempts in Mak-houl mountains. They lost the initiative and all their attacks are being squashed.

You can search up "جبال مكحول" and see the series of failures and the hundreds of dead bodies. Also in Samara they got pretty hyped up gaining ground before being forced to leave their equipment and dead rats and retreat.

Iraq Airforce needs a COIN aircraft that can respond to ISIS attacks quickly.

take for instance the OV-10 Bronco it's fast,powerful, and can operate from austere airfields.
like a pocket AC-130 for the cheap
Iraq Airforce needs a COIN aircraft that can respond to ISIS attacks quickly.

take for instance the OV-10 Bronco it's fast,powerful, and can operate from austere airfields.
like a pocket AC-130 for the cheap

ov10 is old but cheap aircraft are available like the embaer or plane which has turbo engine and latest avionics in it

EMB-314 Super Tucano / ALX trainer and light attack aircraft - Airforce Technology
AT-6B Light Attack Aircraft / Trainer - Airforce Technology

but Iraq wants to very cheap then

AIDC AT-3 Jet Trainer / Ground Attack Aircraft - Airforce Technology
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Recent developments.

Thousands of IED's uncovered by heavy rain. Hundreds were detonated as a result of hail which followed the rain.

IS recently took advantage of the fog and attempted to advance from the anbar desert towards the areas west of Samara. However, a sudden change in weather caused the fog to quickly disappear, leaving IS rats exposed open fields. 48 IS rats reported killed.
These IS are former Saddam soldiers or are they from neighboring Saudi Arabia?
Both Saddamis and saudis plus from all over the planet.

It's a war of keep Iraq unrest and unstable.

In that case it is imperative for Iraq to control the border with Saudi Arabia. Also blow up any tunnels under the border. Saudi Arabia does not like Iraq competing for oil export.
These IS are former Saddam soldiers or are they from neighboring Saudi Arabia?

An evolution.

Baathists+ jihadists turned Alqaeda. Soon they turned ISIS and were joined by new foriegn masses from syria as well as tens of thousands of local sunni youth who were hyped when the group took over after the big treason.

Most of the supporters are in a tight spot now. They have booked a one way ticket when they joined IS and are confused as what to do as the PMF advance. They lost their wealth, homes and their livelihood forever. No option but to leave everything behind and flee or face death.
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An evolution.

Baathists+ jihadists turned Alqaeda. Soon they turned ISIS and were joined by new foriegn masses from syria as well as well as tens of thousands of locals sunni youth who were hyped when the group took over after the big treason.

Most of the supporters are in a 5ight spot now. They have booked a one way ticket when they joined IS and now they are confused as what to do as the PNF advance. They lost their wealth, homes and their livelihood forever. No option but to leave everything behind and flee or face death.
When I read your posts I feel good and that someone dealing well with these rats, but all I can see is that the fight on hold.

We need to change the the whole regime and the constitution other wise no hope mark my words if you still alive and may Allah grant you long live.
Two ISIS car bombs recently captured by Iraqi forces in Salah Ad-Din province
'Tyranny has gone': Kurds and Yazidis celebrate recapture of Sinjar from Isis | World news | The Guardian

The fall of Sinjar laid bare the depravity of its conquerers, who killed or enslaved the Yazidi community that had lived here for several thousand years and forced survivors to flee to the ridgeline above. It exposed the shortcomings of the Kurdish forces, who had been tasked with protecting the city but retreated as danger neared. And it scattered across the Nineveh plains minorities who had coexisted since the dawn of civilisation but could not survive Isis.

Sinjar’s recapture appears to herald a new phase in the war. On the bombed streets of the city, a few locals had returned to inspect what was left of their homes. “It doesn’t matter that the house has been bombed,” said one man in front of his partly ruined home. “It matters that I can take my family out of the refugee camp. This is ours again.”

how effective do you think this makeshift slat armor is against RPG-7 and AT-4s???

maybe should buy NLAW to counter it?

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