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Qarmatians were Shia, later they became twelvers. They were stronger than Sunni Abbasids and defeated them different times and they brought the black stone back and stopped with their actions. What's wrong with Shia and Neighboring countries feeling brotherly?

If you had a slight respect to Islam (which I expect you not to be a beliver in it), you wouldn't speak with a proud tone about their invasion of Mecca. Qarmatians weren't Shia when they attacked Mecca, they were somthing like Druz or Bahais (a mixture of ancinet philosophical thoughts).
If you had a slight respect to Islam (which I expect you not to be a beliver in it), you wouldn't speak with a proud tone about their invasion of Mecca. Qarmatians weren't Shia when they attacked Mecca, they were somthing like Druz or Bahais (a mixture of ancinet philosophical thoughts).
They were Ismaili shia and they fought abbasids. We have the right to be pride of shia dynasties and their war against Abbasids just like how you're pride of yazid and muawiya, ibn taymiya, abu sufyan etc.
Eid Mubarak when you talk to a Shia Iraqi that you wanna show some "brotherly" feelings to. But in other posts, you talk with postive proud tone about Qarmathians' attack on Mecca.

@Malik Alashter

They were heretics (certainly not mainstream Ismaili Shias like the Fatimids for instance) and were irrelevant in the wider picture. Founded in 899 by an Arab-Persian working for the Abbasid Caliphate and stationed in Eastern Arabia. In 930 they attacked Makkah. Before that his Eastern Arabian forces had pillaged parts of Iraq although they could not enter Baghdad.

In 976 they were crushed by the Abbasid Caliphate and severely weakened and confined to Al-Hasa and immediate areas. They lost their access to the sea. 90 years later they were dealt a final blow by the Arab general Abdullah bin Ali al-Uyuni. Later that area of Eastern Arabia came under the control of Uyunid dynasty of which Abdullah was the founder of.

Uyunid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Arabia has a very, very long documented history (one of the oldest) and had a very interesting history in Islamic times too. Najd and Eastern Arabia are quite close areas historically speaking so you should know this better than me.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that there are any Ismaili's in the Eastern Province today. Could e wrong so please correct me.
Nowadays the Ismailis are based in the South. Najran Province especially and some small pockets in Hijaz.


Regarding the Daesh attack. Khan Bani Saad is a mixed city (Arab Sunni + Arab Shia + small Kurdish minority). The victims were likely from both major sects although I have not really read bout that attack in depth. Such attacks are not exactly "rare" in Iraq.
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Eid Mubarak when you talk to a Shia Iraqi that you wanna show some "brotherly" feelings to. But in other posts, you talk with postive proud tone about Qarmathians' attack on Mecca.

@Malik Alashter
I didn't get why you tagged me sorry about that.

No doubt that we Shiite are innocent of what the Qarmathians they are not really shiite at all.

Also those Qarmathians and these wahhabis are equal in their savageness. Qarmathians committed atrocities against Muslims.
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I didn't get why you tagged me sorry about that.

No doubt that we Shiite are innocent of what the Qarmathians they are not really shiite at all.

Also those Qarmathians and these wahhabis are equal in their savageness. Qarmathians committed atrocities against Muslims.
What Iraq now needs is a kind of Qarmathian-like or Ḥashshāshīn like groups and leaders like Hafez Al-Assad, Shah Ismail, Bahram Jannabi. No need for mercy, just kill and clean or continue to suffer like the past 12 years, daily car bombs etc. Combat their wahabi terror with terror or Iraq will be at great risk. This is what I said 9 years ago and in those days people were like no, we want peace blabla.
In 976 they were crushed by the Abbasid Caliphate and severely weakened and confined to Al-Hasa and immediate areas. They lost their access to the sea. 90 years later they were dealt a final blow by the Arab general Abdullah bin Ali al-Uyuni. Later that area of Eastern Arabia came under the control of Uyunid dynasty of which Abdullah was the founder of.
in 976 there abbasids were ruled by persian Buyids:

At-Tai ruled for 17 years from 974 to 991 C.E. He was very weak and incapable. He had no hold on power. He was virtually a prisoner in the hands of the Buwayhids.

They were abbasids only in title and somethimes with just a little bit more power. This happened after 850. Before 850 Al-mutasim, in Fear of Iranian forces, governors started to introduce Turkic forces. Then Turks, from 850 and further, made Abbasids their puppets and between that the Buyids did the same. Few caliphs in between had some kind of independency (ruling Iraq).
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They were Ismaili shia and they fought abbasids. We have the right to be pride of shia dynasties and their war against Abbasids just like how you're pride of yazid and muawiya, ibn taymiya, abu sufyan etc.

Well, that is a nice maneuver. Qarmathians were disbelievers in Islam (with all of its sects). No Shia sect permits what they have done in Mecca. My whole point is that you don't really care about Islam or Shiasim, given that you once cited their invasion of Mecca as something you are proud of. Don't try to maneuver further as it is easy to admit your lack of belief and your lack of respect for all believers.

And I am not proud of Yazid by the way (that's your second nice maneuver).
Well, that is a nice maneuver. Qarmathians were disbelievers in Islam (with all of its sects). No Shia sect permits what they have done in Mecca. My whole point is that you don't really care about Islam or Shiasim, given that you once cited their invasion of Mecca as something you are proud of. Don't try to maneuver further as it is easy to admit your lack of belief and your lack of respect for all believers.
And I am not proud of Yazid by the way (that's your second nice maneuver).

Sunnis permit destroying graves and shrines and ahl-bayt (of course these people according to you are considered pure Muslims who fight shirk). We don't care about your standards about who is Muslim or not and who is fault and who is good. We set our own standards. The attacks weakened Abbasids, who persecuted the Shia. Without such actions there would be no shia today.

Lets see your sunni umayad action:
The Karbala massacre of the Hashimite caravan of Husayn ibn Ali, the pillage and plunder of the city of Madinah (by Yazid's general Ibn Uqbah al-Murri) in which over 10,000 Muslim citizens were slaughtered and Muslim women were indiscriminately raped, and the siege of Mecca in which Yazid's commander Ibn Numayr ordered his troops to catapult fireballs to the shrine of the Kaaba
Sunnis permit destroying graves and shrines and ahl-bayt (of course these people according to you are considered pure Muslims who fight shirk). We don't care about your standards about who is Muslim or not and who is fault and who is good. We set our own standards. The attacks weakened Abbasids, who persecuted the Shia. Without such actions there would be no shia today.

Lets see your sunni umayad action:
The Karbala massacre of the Hashimite caravan of Husayn ibn Ali, the pillage and plunder of the city of Madinah (by Yazid's general Ibn Uqbah al-Murri) in which over 10,000 Muslim citizens were slaughtered and Muslim women were indiscriminately raped, and the siege of Mecca in which Yazid's commander Ibn Numayr ordered his troops to catapult fireballs to the shrine of the Kaaba

Are you equating Ka'aba with Shrines?
ohh you will grab your sword now and behead me now?
Both are dear for Shia. The incident of Qarmatians was to bring the Mahdi. Later the black stone was returned peacefully.

You didn't answer and you are trying here to play smart. The question again, do you see an equivalency between the two?
Different opinions about this, I can't answer it. Muslim blood is more holy than the Kaaba. We know what happened in Karbala.
Let me tell you this, to sunnis in general they kill destroy rape slave all that is fine.

To them Kaabah Is way holy than Al-Hussain PBUH and Yazeed is more holy than Kaaba so whatever Yazeed and his like do is right and ok.

That's why our people today ( Muslims ) so cheap. And that's why our nations are so behind!!!.

If we Muslims had applied the Islam the way Allah wanted and his messenger then we Muslims wont be the way we are now.

No use at all, the way the sunni Islam directed after the rule of the first khalifah and the rule of Umayyad and Abbaseed.
Sorry for putting all that but that's the history telling me all that.
Let me tell you this, to sunnis in general they kill destroy rape slave all that is fine.

To them Kaabah Is way holy than Al-Hussain PBUH and Yazeed is more holy than Kaaba so whatever Yazeed and his like do is right and ok.

That's why our people today ( Muslims ) so cheap. And that's why our nations are so behind!!!.

If we Muslims had applied the Islam the way Allah wanted and his messenger then we Muslims wont be the way we are now.

No use at all, the way the sunni Islam directed after the rule of the first khalifah and the rule of Umayyad and Abbaseed.
Sorry for putting all that but that's the history telling me all that.
that is your made up history don't include 1.5 billion sunni with you.
''Turkey to train Iraqi police in efforts to combat ISIS

Turkey continues its efforts to combat the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) terrorist organization through various means including training Iraqi police. During his visit to Turkey on July 14, Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs Ibrahim al-Jaafari met with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. In the meeting held with Çavuşoğlu, it was reported by local media outlets that the Special Operations Department of Turkey's Security General Directorate is to train Iraqi police officers. The training of the Iraqi police is expected to be held at the Gölbaşı training center in Ankara.

In a joint press conference following the meeting with Jaafari, Çavuşoğlu reiterated that ISIS is a terrorist organization that is a great threat to not only Iraq, but also Syria and Turkey. Reaffirming that the train-and-equip program will continue to provide support in the fight against ISIS, Çavuşoğlu confirmed that the Iraqi police training will be carried out in Turkey as well.

Prior to training the Iraqi police officers, Turkey had launched a training program for the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) peshmerga forces and Foreign Ministry officials announced that 230 peshmerga soldiers had been trained by Turkish Special Forces, known as the "maroon berets." During the meetings, the Turkish and Kurdish prime ministers agreed that the training program would continue for as long as necessary due to the ongoing ISIS threat.''

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