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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

12 October 2014

The Anbar Police commander, Gen. Ahmed Al-Dulaimi, was killed today as his motorcade was on its way to the Abu Risha area northeast of Ramadi. A roadside explosive device was detonated as his vehicle was passing by. He was rushed to the hospital where he passed away. Also killed in the explosion was one of his bodyguards and his private photographer. Brigadier-General Sabah Mohammed has been provisionally appointed in his place, pending the appointment of a new commander by the Interior Ministry.
Following the assassination, a broad security operation was launched in the area.
Also in Ramadi today, mortar fire from unknown sources has struck several districts in the city, causing a number of civilian casualties. Gunmen have also been on the move in the western and southern districts of the city; they have seized control of large areas of those districts.
In Hit township, following yesterday's fierce clashes and coalition air strikes. The clashes and mortar attacks have killed 4 residents and wounded 11 in a number of the town's districts.
In Garma, security forces have taken control of areas northeast of Fallujah toward Garma.
Within Fallujah, the situation is relatively calm.
The Anbar Council announced today that it has received approval for the formation of a tribal fighters' National Guard to take on the armed groups. The Deputy Council Leader, Faleh Al-Issawi, has also stated that the entire Anbar Province will fall within 15 days unless the central government takes action by providing weapons and munitions to the security forces there. He added that unless this happens "the consequences for Anbar will be catastrophic."

Daily Updates from Anbar: 12 October 2014

^ Khattab Al-Kurdi.
Didn't he die yesterday? btw he reminds me of some cartoon character.

Edit: Just remembered. He looks like the running guy in some episode in Asterix cartoon series.
List of the late Suicide Bombers.


Didn't he die yesterday? btw he reminds me of some cartoon character.

Edit: Just remembered. He looks like the running guy in some episode in Asterix cartoon series.

No, He is leading Ayn Al-Arab/Kobane offensive. Though some 35 Kurdish IS fighters lost their life in the offensive. He is alive, AFAIK.
Didn't he die yesterday? btw he reminds me of some cartoon character.

Edit: Just remembered. He looks like the running guy in some episode in Asterix cartoon series.

LMAO mums life I actually laughed out loud. I don't know if he's dead or alive. If he's dead we'll know short after. ISIS are keen on showing their KIA members.
LMAO mums life I actually laughed out loud. I don't know if he's dead or alive. If he's dead we'll know short after. ISIS are keen on showing their KIA members.

There is a pic of his death, but it's graphic so can't post

150 High-rank officers dismissed

Official sources said on Sunday that the Prime Minister, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider Abadi, dismissed / 150 / officers of high-ranks in the second step by Al-Abadi after the resolving of the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces.

According to sources, who preferred not to be named, said that the officers who were dismissed including Lt. Gen. Qassim Atta, spokesman for the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Lt Gen. Mohammed al-Askari, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense and the Deputy Chairman of the Intelligence Service Zuhair al-Gharbaoui and other military leaders. .

Those sources indicated that most of the leaders who were responsible for the fall of the provinces of Nineveh, Salahuddin and parts of Kirkuk under the IS control and their entry without fighting, have been dismissed in this action.

The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces has ordered the cancellation of the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces in the twenty-third of last month
Islamic State Officially Admits to Enslaving Yazidi Women

After capture, the Yazidi women and children were then divided according to the Sharī’ah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar operations, after one fifth of the slaves were transferred to the Islamic State’s authority to be divided as khums.

The enslaved Yazidi families are now sold by the Islamic State soldiers as the mushrikīn were sold by the Companions (radiyallāhu ‘anhum) before them. Many well-known rulings are observed, including the prohibition of separating a mother from her young children.
List of the late Suicide Bombers.

View attachment 128314

No, He is leading Ayn Al-Arab/Kobane offensive. Though some 35 Kurdish IS fighters lost their life in the offensive. He is alive, AFAIK.

Those damn bastards using Saudis mainly for their suicide bombings, I said it before, I will never forgive them for brainwashing our young men and getting them killed. They will pay a heavy price for this.

It seems that Iraqi-Saudi relations are returning to friendly, you can see this by Al-Arabiyah reporting that has now become fully pro-Iraqi government as of late.

List of the late Suicide Bombers.

View attachment 128314

No, He is leading Ayn Al-Arab/Kobane offensive. Though some 35 Kurdish IS fighters lost their life in the offensive. He is alive, AFAIK.

Those damn bastards using Saudis mainly for their suicide bombings, I said it before, I will never forgive them for brainwashing our young men and getting them killed. They will pay a heavy price for this.

It seems that Iraqi-Saudi relations are returning to friendly, you can see this by Al-Arabiyah reporting that has now become fully pro-Iraqi government as of late.

150 High-rank officers dismissed

Official sources said on Sunday that the Prime Minister, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider Abadi, dismissed / 150 / officers of high-ranks in the second step by Al-Abadi after the resolving of the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces.

According to sources, who preferred not to be named, said that the officers who were dismissed including Lt. Gen. Qassim Atta, spokesman for the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Lt Gen. Mohammed al-Askari, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense and the Deputy Chairman of the Intelligence Service Zuhair al-Gharbaoui and other military leaders. .

Those sources indicated that most of the leaders who were responsible for the fall of the provinces of Nineveh, Salahuddin and parts of Kirkuk under the IS control and their entry without fighting, have been dismissed in this action.

The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces has ordered the cancellation of the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces in the twenty-third of last month

Mate, dismissing won't work. They must be severely punished.

In Turkey, not carrying orders in military during the wartime means "treason to country". Punishment for that crime is death.
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