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Iraqi Sunni MP Mishan Al Jabouri criticizes Saudi-Arabia on fake concern for Mosul


Mar 14, 2015
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Iraqi MP criticises Saudi Arabia for fake concern on Mosul after letting thousands of Saudi citizens come to Iraq to join #ISIS

This is the same Mishan al Jabouri who insulted and accused someone of being Iranian.

he is right u know.. sadam knew how to rule and keep Iraq united.. now i heard its been divided into almost three parts.. they executed him very quickly without think of the consequences..
he is right u know.. sadam knew how to rule and keep Iraq united.. now i heard its been divided into almost three parts.. they executed him very quickly without think of the consequences..

Any more genocidal madmen You want to support while You are at it?
  • Stalin?
  • Hitler?
  • Attila the Hun?
  • Djingis khan?
he is right u know.. sadam knew how to rule and keep Iraq united.. now i heard its been divided into almost three parts.. they executed him very quickly without think of the consequences..

The real problem is that colonialists cunningly drew border lines and created fake countries because they knew it will never work and their divide and conquer strategy is still bearing fruits. You can't keep a country together through the use of force alone.
Any more genocidal madmen You want to support while You are at it?
  • Stalin?
  • Hitler?
  • Attila the Hun?
  • Djingis khan?
yes sure how about u...

now tell me... its worst now or b4 it was.. its western doing that Iraq is still burning.. all lies were told by people like u and afterward no one asked where are the wmd and so on.. dont tell me who to support ...
yes sure how about u...

now tell me... its worst now or b4 it was.. its western doing that Iraq is still burning.. all lies were told by people like u and afterward no one asked where are the wmd and so on.. dont tell me who to support ...

It is ISIS, the former Baathist henchmen of Saddam that is the cause of Iraq burning.
Economy is MUCH better, and when ISIS is defeated, Iraqis will be much better off than under Saddam.
It is ISIS, the former Baathist henchmen of Saddam that is the cause of Iraq burning.
Economy is MUCH better, and when ISIS is defeated, Iraqis will be much better off than under Saddam.

Have to agree with the Pakistani here. These societies in the Middle East are not ready for democracy yet. They are disciplined out of fear of the dictators. You let them loose and the anti-social elements take over. Doing away with dictatorships in Middle East was a bad idea. You think once ISIS is defeated, this region wide civil war will end ? Before ISIS there was Al Qaeda in Iraq, after ISIS too some other group will rear its head. West should have stayed out of the Middle East. Secular dictatorships are far better than civil wars. Also note that global Islamist terror has only worsened considerably since the invasion of Iraq.
Have to agree with the Pakistani here. These societies in the Middle East are not ready for democracy yet. They are disciplined out of fear of the dictators. You let them loose and the anti-social elements take over. Doing away with dictatorships in Middle East was a bad idea. You think once ISIS is defeated, this region wide civil war will end ? Before ISIS there was Al Qaeda in Iraq, after ISIS too some other group will rear its head. West should have stayed out of the Middle East. Secular dictatorships are far better than civil wars. Also note that global Islamist terror has only worsened considerably since the invasion of Iraq.

Somehow I remember that this whole series events was STARTED by Saddam,
and restarted by global Islamist terror.
I guess that makes Saddam an ideal leader.
They Americans only created this mess in middle East to appease Israel. All made possible through Zionist parasites in U.S govt targeting anyone who didn't get on with Israelis; in order to appoint subordinate puppets.

Ref: Hillary's emails.
They Americans only created this mess in middle East to appease Israel. All made possible through Zionist parasites in U.S govt targeting anyone who didn't get on with Israelis; in order to appoint subordinate puppets.

Ref: Hillary's emails.

Hundreds of Thousands of Syrians are fighting each other just because Hillary wrote a few emails...
Written Years after the rebellion started.

I think You should go to Syria and show that they are just puppets.
I am sure the Civil War will stop immediately.

An ideal leader for that society indeed. Even most Westerners have now come to accept that Iraq invasion shouldnt have happened.

I think it is good that Saddam, Ghaddaffi and Milosevich are gone.
Despicable individuals.
Iraqis will learn, give them a few centuries...
I think it is good that Saddam, Ghaddaffi and Milosevich are gone.
Despicable individuals.
Iraqis will learn, give them a few centuries...

A few centuries of ISIS and the like ? I am sure that's not what the civilised world wants especially your continent after what has been happening recently.
Hundreds of Thousands of Syrians are fighting each other just because Hillary wrote a few emails...
Written Years after the rebellion started.

I think You should go to Syria and show that they are just puppets.
I am sure the Civil War will stop immediately.

I think it is good that Saddam, Ghaddaffi and Milosevich are gone.
Despicable individuals.
Iraqis will learn, give them a few centuries...

That's why I called it a mess, things don't always go to plan as we see unfolding.
A few centuries of ISIS and the like ? I am sure that's not what the civilised world wants especially your continent after what has been happening recently.

Nope, but only the Iraqis can solve the problem.
Each group have to realize that they will coexist with other groups and develop empathy.
They have to learn how to compromise.
Right now, they are behaving like children.

That's why I called it a mess, things don't always go to plan as we see unfolding.

Especially if there were no plan to start with.
The mess was created by the Baath party of Syria which ran a brutal dictatorship.
When people protested, Assads genocide was started, and protest grew to rebellion.
Foreign Islamists converged on Syria forming a multitude of rebel groups.
The lack of support from the US (and others) caused rebels to defect from FSA
joining more extreme groups funded by Sunni supporters.

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