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Iraqi Muslim revealed shocking truth of Xinjiang: how China eradicate terrorism and protects Islam

oh look Western who lost his way in China ends up making YouTube video and twitter account praising China, so it must be true and authentic

can we also get the other side of the story ?

where 1 million Uyghurs were sent to concentrations camps and its known as a genocide in the rest of the world

they sent Ughurs kids to live with Han Chinese and killed their parents

they destroyed mosques

and guess what islam is still spreading faster than any other religion how is this possible ?

because God is doing the work

USSR and Spain did for much longer and harder and today Muslims in Russia and Spain are in higher numbers

Islam cannot be stopped
From your foul bullshit mouth or BBC (British Bullshit Corporation).
Free media is dead.

India, the world’s most populous democracy, is also sending signals that holding the government accountable is not part of the press’s responsibility. The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has supported campaigns to discourage speech that is “antinational,” and government-aligned thugs have raided critical journalists’ homes and offices. The media have become widely flattering of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who won reelection last month, amid allegations that the government issues directives on how the press should cover his activities and intimidates journalists who push back. The government has also been selective in the allocation of television licenses, effectively excluding unfriendly outlets from the airwaves.

In perhaps the most concerning development of recent years, press freedom has come under unusual pressure in the United States, the world’s leading democratic power. Although key news organizations remain strong and continue to produce vigorous reporting on those in office, President Donald Trump’s continual vilification of the press has seriously exacerbated an ongoing erosion of public confidence in the mainstream media. Among other steps, the president has repeatedly threatened to strengthen libel laws, revoke the licenses of certain broadcasters, and damage media owners’ other business interests. The US constitution provides robust protections against such actions, but President Trump’s public stance on press freedom has had a tangible impact on the global landscape. Journalists around the world now have less reason to believe that Washington will come to their aid if their basic rights are violated.
Do you Indians allow free journalists reporting and foreign investments or doing business in your occupied Kashmir as Chinese allow in Xinjiang, lol, thick face ? Stop murdering Muslims and minorities in your la la land.

The point is, you are not a good boy because we are bad. This binary with Kashmir will not make you a saint...
The point is, you are not a good boy because we are bad. This binary with Kashmir will not make you a saint...
We are much better than you people for sure, you Indians engage in the killing of Muslims and minorities on daily basis in your la la land, it's time for the world to pay attention to that.
SIN #10: The Committee To Protect Journalists ranks India as the 3rd most dangerous country for journalists in 2018 after Afghanistan and Syria.
We all know that the indigenous people in the U.S. are forced to live on reservations in the desert, deprived of their language and culture, and living in misery.
Yet, when it comes to the Uyghurs under Chinese rule, the scenery of the cities looks like that of Turkey or Arab countries, and strangers would not believe that they are in China.
The culture and language are well protected, and the economy is developing rapidly.
I can understand why people in the West, who like to think they are morally superior, would be upset by such a cruel contrast.
SIN #10: The Committee To Protect Journalists ranks India as the 3rd most dangerous country for journalists in 2018 after Afghanistan and Syria.

Ferengi rule of acquisition #39

"Don't tell customers more than they need to know"
Whatever West Pakistan and East Pakistan say. Xinjiang is Chinese territory! It has nothing to do with you!

Pakistanis state nothing about Xinjiang, except it is Chinese territory. As much as Kurdistan is Turkish territory. As much as Balochistan is Pakistani territory.

I am quite sure these trolls claiming otherwise are not Pakistani. Reason is they post pics of JF-17 which was mostly developed by China so there is no way a Pakistani would display it and accuse China of being "anti-Islam."
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China no longer needs to prove its innocence.
Talk nonsense. You are just dodging the question, shame on your crimes !

You’re the one who did that.
I asked a simple question, I ask again: was this guy allowed inside concentration camps? This is a simple Yes or No question.

Now let me guess, you will reply with:
1) Personal attacks
2) Calling everything a propaganda, lie and a conspiracy
3) Off topic non sense

This is how the Chinese bots reply here. 🤦‍♂️

You have a point. We really should have send in to china your crazy genocide expert on Muslims mass killings India pm Modi. Pakistan is to busy saving Kashmirs from you we cannot be firefighting everywhere. In this world ….

Okay. You wanna firefight everyone (India Israel France Sweden etc) in the name of Islam except China :lol:

I get it buddy, it’s okay.
You’re the one who did that.
I asked a simple question, I ask again: was this guy allowed inside concentration camps? This is a simple Yes or No question.

Now let me guess, you will reply with:
1) Personal attacks
2) Calling everything a propaganda, lie and a conspiracy
3) Off topic non sense

This is how the Chinese bots reply here. 🤦‍♂️
Again, talking nonsense fool, I ask you is India allowing free journalists reporting and free foreign investments or doing business inside your occupied Kashmir ? And the answer is NO, and you are ashamed of it, everyday you Indians brag about your country has "democracy and freedom" and bash China for that, just pure BS. And your slum country engages killings of Muslim and minorities on daily basis in your la la land, yet, you fools still have the gall to ridicule and bash China everyday on such topics as "alleged human rights problems" in China.
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Again, talking nonsense fool, I ask you is India allowing free journalists reporting and free foreign investments or doing business inside your occupied Kashmir ? And the answer is NO, and you are ashamed of it, everyday you Indians brag about your country has "democracy and freedom" and bash China for that, just pure BS. And your slum country engages killings of Muslim and minorities on daily basis in your la la land, yet, you fools still have the gall to ridicule and bash China on such topics such as "human rights problems" in China.
As expected, instead of answering a simple yes or no question, you replied like a typical BOT proving my previous post: 👇

Now let me guess, you will reply with:
1) Personal attacks
3) Off topic non sense

This is how the Chinese bots reply here. 🤦‍♂️
As expected, instead of answering a simple yes or no question, you replied like a typical BOT proving my previous post: 👇
Fool, I am the one who was asking you the question, you Indian is good at twisting things around.🖕
Fool, I am the one who was asking you the question, you Indian is good at twisting things around.🖕

Dear high IQ chini BOT, I asked the question in post #10. You quoted it and asked an off topic non sense in Post #11.

Can you tell me what comes first? 10 or 11?

Is it too hard for you to understand? What happened to your high IQ?
In this kind of contentious and controversial issue, expecting impartial media that tell you the full story, such that you can just pick one source and trust that they tell you all the truth, well, that source doesn't exist.

Therefore you just have to exercise you judgement, and try to get as much information as you can get, and evaluate them.

You can at least get the minimum of what is the truth.

Like for say, genocide is totally untruth because it is just obvious from watching all this video from Xinjiang, that there couldn't possibly be an genocide or mass killing there.

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