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Iraqi FM: Iran cuts flow of 42 river tributaries to Iraq without warning

Those are not the Iraqis who are lazy and ashamed of working these are yours in Saudi and the some of the GCC

Iraqis work and like to work but Iraqis don't like to dedicate their life just to work they have families and friends whom they like to spend time with

I know you are not Iraqi and that's for sure. You know it's shame for some one to adapt another nationality that he doesn't belong to




Speaking about a need for a mentality change.
Those are not the Iraqis who are lazy and ashamed of working these are yours in Saudi and the some of the GCC

Iraqis work and like to work but Iraqis don't like to dedicate their life just to work they have families and friends whom they like to spend time with

I know you are not Iraqi and that's for sure. You know it's shame for some one to adapt another nationality that he doesn't belong to

Iraqis don't work for shit neither do many other Arabs. It's a public holiday almost everyday over there and working hours are the equivelant of school hours for kids in the west. The white collar employees are corrupt to the core, take wasta (Arabs know the word) and are very unproductive.
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Personal insult

Very typicall al-hasani [@Saif al-Arab] method ...

No insults.

Just a friendly advice to a brother and a funny and harmless gif.

According to Malik everyone that is an Iraqi/Arab nationalist, puts Iraq's interests above everything else, wants (naturally like almost every Iraqi) to have cordial ties with fellow Arabs and the Arab world, condemns harmful meddling, points out faults of the Iranian regime (including Turkey despite being of Sunni background - so much for the propaganda of people like us solely thinking about sect, lol) which Iraqis in ALL corners of Iraq talk about openly and even protest in huge numbers (from Mosul to Basra), is a non-Iraqi, lol.

Anyone who does not believe that compatriots should kill other compatriots on behalf of another regime/country during war, is also not an Iraqi.

Everyone that does not share my view is not an Arab. I can say that too.

Iraqis don't work for shit neither do any other Arabs. It's a public holiday almost everyday over there and working hours are the equivelant of school hours for kids in the west. The white collar employees are corrupt to the core, take wasta (Arabs know the word) and are very unproductive.

Situation is different among the youth and this mentality was due to oil booms in the region. We can say similar about other regional (non-Arab) countries. Youth (by most) are different and want to prove themselves, in particular the Arab women are jewels in this regard and some of the most talented people out there (actually not kidding here or worshipping a certain part o the body here which many can do online, lol). They are very determined to prove their worth and very ambitious.

Actually Arab women in the West (diaspora) are some of the best performing and educated groups in the Western societies as well. They are doing better than Arab/Muslim males in fact as per all statistics.
I embarrass my self what a joke

Because you keep embarrass yourself you keep making new accounts in here whata pathetic

Me and @OutOfAmmo are forgetting our passwords or leaving the forum by making a new user. Moderators know everything and besides nobody is hiding either. Common on PDF.

Pathetic was your post, you must admit that. If people in KSA and the GCC are lazy and not working (according to your logic) the same is the case in Iraq and most of the region if not all of it! We all know it!

Only Iraqis in the entire world dedicate some of their time on family and friends as well, lol. Come on.

As for calling people with a different view than yours for non-Iraqis is the most pathetic thing here, lol. Think about it. Tomorrow a new Iraqi member might join this forum and consider your opinions for nonsense and say that you are not an Iraqi but some Shia from Pakistan or Iran or whatever, lol.

Come on.

Our views are written openly. We do not hide anything. We talk openly. Nothing to hide. Using arguments always. Facts. If certain topics/interpretations, you disagree with, argue your case.

I asked you a few days ago what discrimination Iraqi Shia Arabs faced during the monarchy, Qasim and Al-Bakr and you never answered? What kind of discussion is this?

Anyway this thread speaks for itself and it is time to close down for today. Enough of discussion.
Situation is different among the youth and this mentality was due to oil booms in the region. We can say similar about other regional (non-Arab) countries. Youth (by most) are different and want to prove themselves, in particular the Arab women are jewels in this regard and some of the most talented people out there (actually not kidding here or worshipping a certain part o the body here which many can do online, lol). They are very determined to prove their worth and very ambitious.

Actually Arab women in the West (diaspora) are some of the best performing and educated groups in the Western societies as well. They are doing better than Arab/Muslim males in fact as per all statistics.

This is probably because reliance on the public sector is decreasing. Increased opportunities in the private sector and encouragement in self-investment has grown. Can't say that for the 35+.
Trust me it never bother me it's so small

لعب اولاد زغار

LOL, a harmless and funny gif and saying "stop embarrassing yourself" is now a personal insult. Ok, I apologize if I pushed the wrong buttons but what can I do when I read such nonsense posts? PDF is not a forum for people who take offense over nothing, I am afraid.

Nothing to do with age. You are older but this is irrelevant. Older people can write nonsense too.

This is probably because reliance on the public sector is decreasing. Increased opportunities in the private sector and encouragement in self-investment has grown. Can't say that for the 35+.

This is an important factor indeed. Also being more connected to the outside world (studying abroad, traveling abroad, watching movies/series/being exposed to Western culture) also helps change this unnatural tendency that the oil booms caused. Before the oil booms, Arabs were always very hardworking people. A non-hardworking people would never have achieved this much in history if lazy.

Anyway most manual jobs in say 2-3 decades will be replaced by robots and that is a good thing. Humans should spend their time on developing innovative technologies that will make life better, easier and more enriching to live rather than waste 40-50 years of their lives and health on cleaning hotels or houses for instance or working in a mine.
LOL, a harmless and funny gif and saying "stop embarrassing yourself" is now a personal insult. Ok, I apologize if I pushed the wrong buttons but what can I do when I read such nonsense posts? PDF is not a forum for people who take offense over nothing, I am afraid.

Nothing to do with age. You are older but this is irrelevant. Older people can write nonsense too.
Still like you
as brother
But the country is majority Shia (70%) and Iran is majority Shia (90%) too. What do u have to say about it? A rational answer or some random blabbering again...

Your Arab (Mixed-Arab) superbla...

Btw the countries that ruined your country are GCC (especially Saudi regime) and the US not Iran.

Even if it wasn’t Saudi and the US (wahhabi - American green light) Iran-Iraq war could not happen.
Bro! This @OutOfAmmo is like a choosy beggar. He wants Iraq to have everything it deserves without doing everything it needed to do to have those things. We live in reality, next point please.

Terrorist gov, Saddam dealt well with them
Saddam dealt with them, but can you tell us where Iraq is now relative to Iran? your head is in the clouds.
Bro! This @OutOfAmmo is like a choosy beggar. He wants Iraq to have everything it deserves without doing everything it needed to do to have those things. We live in reality, next point please.

Saddam dealt with them, but can you tell us where Iraq is now relative to Iran? your head is in the clouds.

I'm not the gov, I have my own opinions. What's the prob with that? Your comment is empty, I stated my opinions if you don't like them don't.
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