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IRAQ to buy 516 Fighter jets worth of billions from france and USA

IMO figure of 516 planes is much too large. There is some error somewhere. Dont think Iraqi Air Force/Army Aviation even at the height of Saddam Hussein time was ever that big. Also don’t think it is possible for Iraqis to develop infrastructure to support such a large number of fixed plus rotary wing aircraft.

Iraq is now exporting nearly 2-million bbls of oil per day; worth more than $50-billion a year in today’s money thus they can pay. US on the other hand is spending billions of dollars on Iraqi operation, it stands to reason that they want part of it back thru selling Iraq military hardware whether Iraq needs it or not. If nothing else; it will help resolve US trade deficit problems.
Impossible number.

who said iraq is third biggest oil reserve in middle east sir and this info i got from a reliable source its not like a i shoot a bullet in blindness thanx for your reply sir
My post had nothing to do with you. :). Thanks for posting it, but the number don't seem realistic. Iraq has more importnant issues then 516 fighter jets right now, and probably in decades.

But even tho, I have never heard of anyone purchasing 516 fighter jets, as you point out Iraq's oil wealth, stil don't justifies it.
Sunni Arab Powers are all scared about the growing power of Iran. It is increasingly spreading Shia Islam in the guise of Jihad against Israel and railing against Sunni Arab Dictatorships.

The Iraqi, Saudi, Gulf Arab militaries are being dedicated for confronting Iran and its proxies such as the conflict that is raging in Yemen between Saudis and Shia Fighters.

In the Middle East by 2020, the most powerful military powers will be:

1 - Israel
2 - Turkey
3 - Egypt
4 - Saudi Arabia
5 - Iraq
6 - Iran
7 - Syria
8 - UAE
9 - Oman
10 - Qatar

sit who said you turkey in middle east anyway but they are same as arabs and what about egypt egyptian are better than saudi arab no way in hell sir no way look ate saudia millitary muscle and egyptian u will get a difference sir any way lets come to the topic americans always see their interest even when they sell their weapons without their interest they wont sell anything even u offer them billions one is they are getting oil second they are getting their bashed economy from financial crisis back on track. any way Iraq after this acusation will be very very lethal airforce in middle east along with saudia arabia and uae with rafales and F 16 this is the only airforce deal dont know what they are buying for navy
Sunni Arab Powers are all scared about the growing power of Iran. It is increasingly spreading Shia Islam in the guise of Jihad against Israel and railing against Sunni Arab Dictatorships.

The Iraqi, Saudi, Gulf Arab militaries are being dedicated for confronting Iran and its proxies such as the conflict that is raging in Yemen between Saudis and Shia Fighters.

In the Middle East by 2020, the most powerful military powers will be:

1 - Israel
2 - Turkey
3 - Egypt
4 - Saudi Arabia
5 - Iraq
6 - Iran
7 - Syria
8 - UAE
9 - Oman
10 - Qatar

I really think that Turkey might be the strongest by that time, seeing their projects right now. Even now they are, actually.
My post had nothing to do with you. :). Thanks for posting it, but the number don't seem realistic. Iraq has more importnant issues then 516 fighter jets right now, and probably in decades.

But even tho, I have never heard of anyone purchasing 516 fighter jets, as you point out Iraq's oil wealth, stil don't justifies it.

so i should post a copy of that bill which iraq has to pay for usa and france sir i can't do it bellieve it or not they are buying in 1 or 2 year time you will get it and kindly do not forget me at that time ok we will talk than if u dont bellieve what can i do so u to bellieve.
Iraq is buying 516 Plane Military fighter air-gun from France and the United States and Iraqi military official said a high-level that this move was to strengthen the Iraqi army and to facilitate a U.S. withdrawal and will cost Iraq Billions of dollars

General Nasser Al-Obeidi Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of the joint Iraqi-US forces said that the Iraq Impact on all transactions on 2 October \ November 2008 and also said that all the aircraft delivered to the Iraq Between 2011 and 2015, except for 36 Plane F-16 be handed over in 2010 for emergency reasons and also said Iraq Currently owns 100 Plane And there is no Plane Them with the capacity beaten or Plane Jets and said the deal is the first 108 Plane From France and the United States Sestelmha Iraq In 2011 before the U.S. withdrawal a few months and a U.S. commander commented that this move is evidence that the Iraqis are hungry to air force and want to build a strong air



Rebuild the Iraqi air force is in three phases and each phase takes 5 years

The first phase began in 2006 and ending in 2011 and in the first phase will establish the basis for the Air Force

The second stage, in the second phase steps are better than France for the extradition Iraq Rafale and at this stage will be to build the capacity of the Iraqi Air Force and the construction of air bases and a new phase ends in 2016

Phase III will complete the training and the improvements and development of air power in the new Iraqi army

And currently at this stage is to develop and train 6000 men and the construction of 10 new air bases Twi swarms that Sestelmha Iraq In 2011 and in the second phase will be delivered to Iraq 516 Plane And then Iraq Buy more aircraft and from other sources after 2015 and the aircraft Sestelmha Iraq In before 2011 are as follows:

36 F16 fighters

24 AT-6B trainers

24 EC-635 Utility / Attack Helos

24 Bell-407 Armed Recon Helos

And this 108 Plane Sestelmha Iraq Before and to 2011 and this is the first phase

And after receiving Iraq 108 Plane Suspend delivery of the aircraft's other 408 Plane Until after the withdrawal from 2012 to 2015 and then buy Iraq Each year 102 Plane And each squadron will consist of 18 Plane And swarms that Sestelmha Iraq From 2011 to 2015 include the following:


2 fighter, 1 trainer, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 attack helo Squadron

2 Squadron fighter and 1 squadron training and 1 non-combat helicopter squadron and a helicopter squadron fighter 1


3 fighter, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 utility / attack helo squadron

3 fighter squadron 1 helicopter squadron attached to a helicopter squadron and 1 fighter "Either that or the flock will be Eurocopter Lama Apache"


3 fighter, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 utility / attack helo squadron.

3 fighter squadron 1 helicopter squadron and a helicopter squadron 1 fighter


3 fighter, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 utility / attack helo squadron

3 fighter squadron and 1 helicopter squadron and a helicopter squadron fighter 1


3 fighter, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 utility / attack helo squadron.

3 fighter squadron and 1 helicopter squadron and a helicopter squadron fighter 1

Currently there are 7 flocks in the service and there is not a fighter squadron

Squadron 12 training helicopters and 23 transport squadron, Squadron 3, and 70 Squadron of the reconnaissance squadron, and 4 are transport helicopters and Squadron 2 is the search and rescue helicopters and a squadron of special forces and In training

And the flock is 15 and there's a plan to add 6 squadrons until 2011

In 2018 to 2020, there also said official of the Pentagon's plan Stdhish region

And equip the Iraqi air force during the three stages of this aircraft

F-16 Fighting Falcon

F-16 Block 55 +



Eurocopter EC 635


I hope that you can indulge and you can be assured that your heart was burning when you hear that the Iraqi air force, consisting of 956 Plane Jets and 500 helicopters have gone down as you go, but the wind Anchaallah This will be the new air force stronger than the previous

This topic gift to all Iraqis and loving people of Iraq and a gift to each member to the Iraqi Army and Iraqi Air Force and the Iraqi navy and a gift to former employees of the Air Force that went with the wind

The article keeps on contradicting itself and the source is not reliable so no need to debate mate :cheers:
america, french or any country don't sell 4++ generation figthters iraq right now. because the countrys future unknown.

maybe they're part. maybe civil war begun. maybe turkey must be occupied nothern iraq. maybe iran must be accupied southern iraq. then... who take those fighters? who use this fighters against who? who afford the many of modern fighter jets taking and using by international terrorists. or taking undercover by the china, russia etc...
well it is relable source mate and yes turkey is for sure powerfull millitary when it comes to muslim world but they are not permenant members of OIC any way but the majority over their is muslims but government of turket controled by USA also pakistan govt but pakistan is very complicated for USA any way iraq also is in USA hands and its govt but im sure in last part of their airforce madernization they will get rafale sir. rafael is now no big deal france immediatly need its cutomers becoz what ever fighter jets produced with rafale all have got customers but countries dont know why shying to buy it iraq will be good customer for them

Rafale is a twin-jet combat aircraft capable of carrying out a wide range of short and long-range missions, including ground and sea attack, air defence and air superiority, reconnaissance, and high-accuracy strike or nuclear strike deterrence.

The aircraft has been developed for the French Air Force and Navy. 61 aircraft were ordered (36 for the air force and 25 for the navy).

The Rafale M entered service in 2001, and ten aircraft are operational on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier.

Rafale B and C entered service with the French Air Force in June 2006, when the first squadron was established. The second air force squadron was set up in 2008.

Navy Rafale F1 standard fighters have air-to-air capability. Deliveries to the navy of the F2 standard, with air-to-ground missiles, began in May 2006 and 17 were delivered in May 2008. F1 aircraft are to be upgraded.

A €3.1bn ($3.89bn) contract to develop the fully capable F3 standard aircraft was awarded to Dassault Aviation (€1.5bn), Snecma (€600mn), Thales (€500mn) and other French defence contractors by French Ministry of Defence in February 2004. An order for 59 F3 aircraft, 47 for the air force (11 two-seat and 36 single-seat) and 12 (single-seat) for the navy, was placed in December 2004. The Rafale F3 was certified in July 2008 and will be delivered from 2009. The first squadron of 20 aircraft will be in service by the end of 2009. The contract also includes the upgrade of Rafale F2 aircraft.

As of July 2008, 120 Rafales have been ordered (82 for the French Air Force and 38 for French Navy), with 35 delivered to the air force and 23 to the navy.

In March 2007, three French Air Force and three Navy Rafale fighters began deployment in Tajikistan in support of the Nato International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

The cockpit has hands-on throttle and stick control (HOTAS). The cockpit is equipped with a head-up, wide-angle holographic display from Thales Avionique, which provides aircraft control data, mission data and firing cues.

"The Rafale fighter is produced in three variants - M, B and C."A collimated, multi-image head-level display presents tactical situation and sensor data, and two touch-screen lateral displays show the aircraft system parameters and mission data.

The pilot also has a helmet-mounted sight and display. A CCD camera and on-board recorder records the image of the head-up display throughout the mission.

The Rafale can carry payloads of over 9t on 14 hardpoints for the air force version, and 13 for the naval version. The range of weapons includes: Mica, Magic, Sidewinder, ASRAAM and AMRAAM air-to-air missiles; Apache, AS30L, ALARM, HARM, Maverick and PGM100 air-to-ground missiles; and Exocet / AM39, Penguin 3 and Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

For a strategic mission the Rafale can deliver the MBDA (formerly Aerospatiale) ASMP stand-off nuclear missile. In December 2004, the MBDA Storm Shadow / Scalp EG stand-off cruise missile was qualified on the Rafale.

In September 2005, the first flight of the MBDA Meteor BVRAAM beyond visual range air-to-air missile was conducted on a Rafale fighter. In December 2005, successful flight trials were carried out from the Charles de Gaulle of the range of Rafale's weapon systems – Exocet, Scalp-EG, Mica, ASMP-A (to replace the ASMP) and Meteor missiles.

In April 2007, the Rafale carried out the first firing of the Sagem AASM (armement air-sol modulaire - air-to-groung modular weapon) precision-guided bomb, which has both GPS / inertial guidance and, optionally, imaging infrared terminal guidance. Rafale have been equipped with the AASM from 2008. Rafale can carry six AASM misssiles, with each aiming to hit the target with 10m accuracy.

The Rafale has a twin gun pod and a Nexter (formerly Giat) 30mm DEFA 791B cannon, which can fire 2,500 rounds a minute.

"From 2007, the Rafale will be armed with the Sagem AASM precision-guided bomb."The Rafale is equipped with laser designation pods for laser guidance of air-to-ground missiles.

The Rafale's electronic warfare system is the Spectra from Thales. Spectra incorporates solid state transmitter technology, radar warner, DAL laser warning receiver, missile warning, detection systems and jammers.

The Rafale is equipped with an RBE2 passive electronically scanned radar developed by Thales which has look down and shoot down capability. The radar can track up to eight targets simultaneously and provides threat identification and prioritisation.

Thales is developing an active electronically scanned version of the RBE2 which will equip the Rafale from 2012. Flight tests of the radar onboard the Rafale took place in 2008.

The optronic systems include the Thales / SAGEM OSF infrared search and track system, installed in the nose of the aircraft. The optronic suite carries out search, target identification, telemetry and automatic target discrimination and tracking.

Navigation and communications
The communications suite on the Rafale uses the Saturn onboard V/UHF radio, which is a second-generation, anti-jam tactical UHF radio for Nato. Saturn provides voice encryption in fast-frequency hopping mode.

The aircraft is also equipped with fixed-frequency VHF/UHF radio for communications with civil air traffic control. A multifunction information distribution system (MIDS) terminal provides secure, high-data-rate tactical data exchange with NATO C2 stations, AWACS aircraft or naval ships.

The Rafale is powered by two M88-2 engines, each providing a thrust of 75kN.Rafale is equipped with a Thales TLS 2000 navigation receiver, which is used for the approach phase of flight. The TLS 2000 integrates the instrument landing system (ILS), microwave landing system (MLS) and VHF omni-directional radio-ranger (VOR) and marker functions.

The radar altimeter is the AHV 17 altimeter from Thales, which is suitable for very low flight. The Rafale has a TACAN tactical air navigation receiver for en route navigation and as a landing aid.

The Rafale has an SB25A combined interrogator-transponder developed by Thales. The SB25A is the first IFF using electronic scanning technology.

The Rafale is powered by two M88-2 engines from SNECMA, each providing a thrust of 75kN. The aircraft is equipped for buddy-buddy refuelling with a flight refuelling hose reel and drogue pack.

The first M88 engine was delivered in 1996. It is a twin-shaft bypass turbofan engine principally suitable for low-altitude penetration and high-altitude interception missions.

The M88 incorporates the latest technologies such as single-piece bladed compressor disks (blisks), an on-polluting combustion chamber, single-crystal high-pressure turbine blades, powder metallurgy disks, ceramic coatings and composite materials.

The M88 engine comprises a three-stage LP compressor with inlet guide vane, an annular combustion chamber, single-stage cooled HP turbine, single-stage cooled LP turbine, radial A/B chamber, variable-section convergent flap-type nozzle and full authority digital engine control (FADEC).

Messier-Dowty provides the 'jumper' landing gear, designed to spring out when the aircraft is catapulted by the nose gear strut.

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Seven Rafale fighters are operational on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier.


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The Rafale B for the French Air Force.


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Rafale refuelling in-flight.


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The Rafale B with Scalp EG missiles, Mica missiles and external fuel tanks.


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The Rafale is powered by two M88-2 engines from SNECMA, each providing a thrust of 75 kN.


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The Rafale M variant is a single-seater, carrier-based aircraft for the Navy.


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The Rafale cockpit.


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The Rafale can carry payloads of over 9t on 14 hardpoints for the air force version and 13 for the naval version.


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The Rafale B fitted with conformal fuel tanks.

sit who said you turkey in middle east anyway but they are same as arabs and what about egypt egyptian are better than saudi arab no way in hell sir no way look ate saudia millitary muscle and egyptian u will get a difference sir any way lets come to the topic americans always see their interest even when they sell their weapons without their interest they wont sell anything even u offer them billions one is they are getting oil second they are getting their bashed economy from financial crisis back on track. any way Iraq after this acusation will be very very lethal airforce in middle east along with saudia arabia and uae with rafales and F 16 this is the only airforce deal dont know what they are buying for navy

Are you kidding?

The Egyptian Military is a battle hardened force with a good officer corps and well integrated systems.

Saudis have a lot of nice toys but lack the experience to use them.

Navy: Egypt
Special Forces: Egypt
Air Force: Saudi Arabia
Army: Egypt

Overall: Even though the Saudis have a powerful air force they don't have experienced pilots so Egypt is the strongest Military in the Arab world.
I really think that Turkey might be the strongest by that time, seeing their projects right now. Even now they are, actually.

Turkish soldiers are among the best in the world.

They proved their valor in the Korean War.

But in terms of technology and military innovation, Israel is 20-30 years ahead of Turkey.

Israel produces a state of the art Tank, while turkey is only now trying to develop one.

It produces superb avionics, computer systems, radars, etc...while Turkey just buys them from USA.

Israel uses its superior technology advantage to negate the qualitative advantage its enemies have.
For a country that had just been destroyed, 516 planes seems to be a lot. But I think this is going to happen, and its not because Iraq needs it but because NATO was to sell its equipment. The US is dominating Iraq defence needs right now. Iraq will have to pay for it through oil.

Anyone disagree?
Now war Iraq against is paying. USA can sell there toys to Iraq before Sadaam used to buy from Russia.
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