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Iraq militia threatens to bomb Dubai's Burj Khalifa

Ofcourse it will be backed by iranians. The same way they are hammering u and saudis through houthis. Also u cannot blow anyone to pieces, because they know u well and know that ur fragile. Money is a good thing but also makes u vulnerable and ull be scared to lose it. Iran has nothing to lose while u have all the worldly luxuries and businesses to lose. In history arabs were strong when poor but now weak when rich.
Let's not white-wash the Iranians here.

While they have a principled stance against Israel, the Iranians have stoked sectarian conflict themselves. We've had several arrests recently in Pakistan of sectarian terrorists who received training in Iran or are linked to Iran through the Zainabiyoun brigade.

When it comes to Iran vs the Saudis+UAE, there are flaws on both sides. Pakistan did well to stay out of their conflict, especially in Yemen, because there is no 'good side'.

And before anyone suggests that I am pro-Arab, please remember that I have often made clear on the forum that I come from a primarily Shia family, and I spent a number of years living in one of the GCC countries in my childhood before my parents decided to move back to Pakistan.

As Pakistanis, our loyalty must always be to Pakistan, and not Saudi, UAE, Iran or Turkey.
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the joke

Islamic Republic is so popular today than it is ever been before.

even the nationalist group , Anti religious group, supporter persia, ex......++++

now all strongly support Islamic Republic, all those group use to fight against Islamic Republic
Well said...When Persians debate most "Gulfi" Arabs who have never voted in their entire brief history make a mistake thinking they are not happy with their government. As a non religious and patriotic Iranian I can tell when it comes facing a external threat we Iranian act as one.

Now about Arabs : and I am talking about all 22 countries. Ture Israel has support amongst Western elite due to money they pour into these people.When it comes to fighting for Israel it will be doubt full they will join in . But lets focus on Arabs...They have one of biggest military weapons that they never use. it is called "Weaponized Oil"....Stop the OIL and Israel will stand alone in any fight...but they can never be united to use this weapon..When Egypt bavely was fighting Israel they paid lip service to their brothers. Imagine 400 million Arabs and 400 million Pakistani, Persian and Turk united and ...Israel will go poof!.....Iranians alone can now take on Israel if US does not come into the fight.
its Iran hiding behind so called Iraqis making the threats here , and you write this garbage ?

One missile from where exactly ? doesn't matter. Wherever it comes from, that country will be blown to pieces because unlike rogue banana republics , the UAE is a respected nation all around the world.
Iran wouldn't hide behind anything ... some people hoped on Iranian tanker blew up its engine & took the tanker to their shores the respond was taking out half of their oil production ... Yankees took our tankers we took their tankers .... some other used your lands for their drones spying us after warning it turned to its pieces ... amerian hit our general cowardly at night next to the airport and not on the battlefield the response was hitting their base directly ...
If anyone if any Islamic nation on this planet has gut or balls to even say amerian less than "sir" then come here tell me Iran is hiding behind some groups ...
No sir the only one standing still is Iran others are some milky cows ...
One cannot go swimming without getting wet. If these Persian Gulf Arabs believe they can be instrumental in funding suicide bombings etc in places such as Iraq then they should realise they are not insulated from the consequences. Iraqis reserve the right to target anything in the land of these countries should they continue to ferment these effects. This image was just a warning. I hope our friends across the Persian Gulf are not mistaken to think the Americans can protect them. As Iran has warned them many times, they can buy weapons but not security. Just as the Americans could not stop the Saudi Abqiaq going up in flames, it will also be helpless if UAE gets targeted. Knowing these smaller Persian Gulf sheikhdoms, even a small hint of danger would be enough to send their population into chaos. When you live in such a glass tower, you should not be even thinking about throwing stones.
Let's not white-wash the Iranians here.

While they have a principled stance against Israel, the Iranians have stoked sectarian conflict themselves. We've had several arrests recently in Pakistan of sectarian terrorists who received training in Iran or are linked to Iran through the Zainabiyoun brigade.

When it comes to Iran vs the Saudis+UAE, there are flaws on both sides. Pakistan did well to stay out of their conflict, especially in Yemen, because there is no 'good side'.

And before anyone suggests that I am pro-Arab, please remember that I have often made clear on the forum that I come from a primarily Shia family (my mother is Sunni and my father was Shia), and I spent a number of years living in one of the GCC countries in my childhood before my parents decided to move back to Pakistan.

As Pakistanis, our loyalty must always be to Pakistan, and not Saudi, UAE, Iran or Turkey.

I am also not pro iran, u can see my posts in other threads. Current iranian regime is a sectarian expansionist one and is the main player in all recent regional conflicts. My point was that all the luxury have made the arabs fragile, in history we know how they ruled.
Current iranian regime is a sectarian expansionist one and is the main player in all recent regional conflicts.

Let me reveal something to you, all nations are expansionists by nature. In the world you have two groups of people, those who want to expand their influence and have the ability & opportunity and those that lack these. There are no angelic beings that are collectively against expansionism. As for Iran's expansion being driven being sectarianism, so why is Iran supporting the Sunni Palestinians and had supported the Sunni Kurds? You appear to have a misaligned view of the geopolitical reality. The fact that most of Iran's allies are of the Shia background is not by design but due to the obvious fact that groups are more likely to align with Iran. However Iran will work with any group of people regardless of their race or creed.
I am sorry to say but i think you are projecting your own self-loathe and lack of self-worth onto Arabs. Keep this toxicity to yourself brother. Inshallah you snap out of it soon enough

keep your advice to yourself ya dayouth. go prepare your tongue for yahoodi boots. it wont clean itself.
it sounds like I just spoke to the diplomat, no wonder the diplomatic statement, Killing other Arab Muslim brethren for stately wars, lol.

and conveniently ignoring the typical chauvinist pig attitude of threatening Pakistan with dire consequences, LOl

as far as how UAE rulers work, dont get me started on that. i don't need to remind one of you sheiks wife that has run away from emirates

and now to mention how UAE rules take cristscm ;

and the taking underage kids as camel jockeys.

everyone is well aware of the fake glamour beauty of this region that has shattered now and the reason why yous lot have to search for new masters in Israel. LOl

The camel jokey issue has been resolved years and years ago. We stopped bringing in the boys and their parents stopped selling them. Al hamdulelah.

There is an old documentary on youtube, from 3-4 years ago about the hundreds of thousands of young homeless boys in Pakistan that get raped by Pakistani men. Especially those bus drivers. Has Pakistan managed to eliminate this sickening disease?

I have kids, so watching it made me sick to my stomach. However, I would like to think of myself as a sensible reasonable adult. I know for a fact that the vast majority of Pakistanis are just as sick of this problem as anyone is and I trust they will work on eliminating this issue, and I also realize that every country has its pros and cons and I do not paint the entirety of the nation with one stroke of the brush, but rather deal with each issue head-on and separately.

you, on the other hand, are one emotional kid. what a mess ...

Also, Pakistanis that lived in the UAE know that Emiratis and their rulers are not fragile. We are a very tightly knit Muslim society that shares values and traditions derived from Islam. We trust our leaders and would die for this nation.
yeah. that is why i said it. you will sellout to anyone for any sum of money. then you will twist islam to say it is all halal. that word suits your mentality.

sorry , that is not what dayuth means brother
One cannot go swimming without getting wet. If these Persian Gulf Arabs believe they can be instrumental in funding suicide bombings etc in places such as Iraq then they should realise they are not insulated from the consequences. Iraqis reserve the right to target anything in the land of these countries should they continue to ferment these effects. This image was just a warning. I hope our friends across the Persian Gulf are not mistaken to think the Americans can protect them. As Iran has warned them many times, they can buy weapons but not security. Just as the Americans could not stop the Saudi Abqiaq going up in flames, it will also be helpless if UAE gets targeted. Knowing these smaller Persian Gulf sheikhdoms, even a small hint of danger would be enough to send their population into chaos. When you live in such a glass tower, you should not be even thinking about throwing stones.

we have a saying

He struck me first then started to cry, got to help before me, and played the victim

The Iranian regime is funding the most despicable groups of terrorists in the world. They are directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of thousands every year. Their own people lead miserable poor lives in Iran.

then you have the audacity to type away like that. Don't blame you though. Philosophers usually enjoy listening to their own voice, no matter how idiotic it might sound.
we have a saying
He struck me first then started to cry, got to help before me, and played the victim

I believe this saying is best applied to your own country given you are exporting instability in Iraq and not the other way around.

The Iranian regime is funding the most despicable groups of terrorists in the world.

Those would be the likes of ISIS that S. Arabia and UAE are too busy supporting.

They are directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of thousands every year.

Not at all. Iran and its allies are the ones removing these diseases that are being spread in the region.

Their own people lead miserable poor lives in Iran.

When was the last time you were in Iran?

then you have the audacity to type away like that. Don't blame you though. Philosophers usually enjoy listening to their own voice, no matter how idiotic it might sound.

I am merely giving you the reality on the ground, I never said your kind would like it. The truth is a bitter medicine.
I believe this saying is best applied to your own country given you are exporting instability in Iraq and not the other way around.

Those would be the likes of ISIS that S. Arabia and UAE are too busy supporting.

Not at all. Iran and its allies are the ones removing these diseases that are being spread in the region.

When was the last time you were in Iran?

I am merely giving you the reality on the ground, I never said your kind would like it. The truth is a bitter medicine.

I can show you hundreds of posts by your own Iranian brothers on this website proud and declaring how Iraq is just an Iranian province, under Iranian feet and how Iran is messing it up

or are they all just joking? ;)

UAE supporting ISIS and going after Iraq, you are not funny one bit.
One cannot go swimming without getting wet. If these Persian Gulf Arabs believe they can be instrumental in funding suicide bombings etc in places such as Iraq then they should realise they are not insulated from the consequences. Iraqis reserve the right to target anything in the land of these countries should they continue to ferment these effects. This image was just a warning. I hope our friends across the Persian Gulf are not mistaken to think the Americans can protect them. As Iran has warned them many times, they can buy weapons but not security. Just as the Americans could not stop the Saudi Abqiaq going up in flames, it will also be helpless if UAE gets targeted. Knowing these smaller Persian Gulf sheikhdoms, even a small hint of danger would be enough to send their population into chaos. When you live in such a glass tower, you should not be even thinking about throwing stones.
Who supported Saddam to kill Iranians and Iraqis?
Who is supporting and financing US sanctions against Iran? Who is pressuring US and Israel to attack us? Who is pressuring US to keep waging financial terrorism against Iran? You know the answer. So we must take revenge. There is no other solution.
I can show you hundreds of posts by your own Iranian brothers on this website proud and declaring how Iraq is just an Iranian province, under Iranian feet and how Iran is messing it up

People are entitled to their own views, I am not obliged to go along with whatever views people create.

UAE supporting ISIS and going after Iraq, you are not funny one bit.

UAE certainly supports terrorist groups, this is not something that is even up for questioning. The support of Persian Gulf Arab states for ISIS is well documented:

We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along – US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding Isis
The question is, how is it you are not aware of this as clear as crystal fact? Or is it a matter of pretending otherwise? Remember, we are not discussing whether you personally support these groups but your leaders. You may not find the idea of it palatable, but like I said previously that is not how the truth works.
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