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Iraq: Eight killed by shelling on popular tourist resort in Kurdistan


AD can be destroyed with monkey iraqies.... :p:
We know these mountains by heart. A memory from today. When the trolls who threaten us here look at these pictures, they are probably seeing them for the first time in their lives.

@dBSPL You're not angry at me or something,are you? We're just discussing stuff. But,you didn't reply to me. If Iraq formally asks you to leave Iraqi territory, do you think you should leave or ignore them? I mean obviously Erdoğan and Akar will refuse,but do you think it would be right to stay despite the Iraqi government asking you to leave?
We know these mountains by heart. A memory from today. When the trolls who threaten us here look at these pictures, they are probably seeing them for the first time in their lives.


Can your brain differentiate between PKK, and plain lands of Iraq where you are terrorizing

Stop deflecting so much, you're not Erdogan you don't need to lie. Your words here have no impact.


AD can be destroyed with monkey iraqies.... :p:

Tirkish donkeh
Can your brain differentiate between PKK, and plain lands of Iraq where you are terrorizing

Stop deflecting so much, you're not Erdogan you don't need to lie. Your words here have no impact.

Tirkish donkeh
We are not the ones protecting the PKK, we are not the political patrons of the PKK, we are not using it as a proxy element.

Until the 2010s, PKK were crossing from Iraq to Turkiye with hundreds of terrorists in one night, and then they were returning to Iraq by raiding the border police stations.

They were establishing checkpoints in the border regions of Iraq and checking the identity of the citizens like a state.

In the middle of the street, in broad daylight, they were killing the soldiers on the market leave.

They were raiding the villages, shooting civilians and burning their houses.

They were kidnapping soldiers and holding them hostage.

They were killing teachers without mercy

They were raiding construction and setting vehicles on fire to prevent investments in these areas both Iraq and TR.

They were trapping mines in rural areas and costing the lives of poor shepherds, villagers.

They were raiding villages in the middle of the night and forcibly taking the innocent Kurdish children to the mountains.

In the cities, they poured gasoline on the cars, and buildings -which were all won by people's sweat- and burned them.

In places where the population is dense, they were making massacres with bombs, regardless of children, young or old.

They were carrying out actions against public institutions with stones, sticks and molotov under the guise of civilian citizens.

They were extorting tribute from the poor people.

They were selling drugs in cities and poisoning young people thanks to their extensions

They were threatening the Kurds with their lives to vote for their political extensions in the elections.

They were ambushing vehicles with rockets, mines and long barrels.

If the PKK cannot do these things as before, it is thanks to our martyrs, veterans, state and people, who have paid the price. May God not allow them and their political extensions again.

Read the first message I wrote, you are directing your anger in the wrong direction.
both sides blaming each other

meanwhile 8 civilians are dead

I am sure Turks made a mistake but for crying out loud they were kids
Iraqi monkey donkey....

Ther is no need to talk to a dessert donkey barking...

I going to quote my favorite saying, it is translated...

When a fox rub his nut on a mountain, he will get the idea he faked the mountain... :p:
You're so pathetic that I'm sorry to even insult you. So you can continue these tantrums as a monologue.

both sides blaming each other

meanwhile 8 civilians are dead

I am sure Turks made a mistake but for crying out loud they were kids
both sides? Who is sides?
We clearly say that this is a false flag operation, because this operation(attacking on civilians and blaming Turkiye for it) was supported by psyop activities at the same time as the attack, even minutes before.

The attack was first said to be an airstrike, then when the lie was revealed it was called an artillery strike, footage from the accident area shows it was either a hand-made bomb or a mortar attack. What makes you sure? Can you share the data that convinced you?

The place where the accident took place is 60 km outside the operation area. I'm sure you're too off-topic to even showing on map the areas in question where are Turkish military and where the accident placed, but you're confident enough to get an idea from (probably)what you read on social media.
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Yeah showing your horrible past and present really irritates you to make up the nonsense you hear from your media from disorting the agreements signed with iraq now allowing turkish military bases on iraqi soil.
Now what really irritates me on every thread you talk about the chance of Egyptian-Turkish cooperation while ignoring the atrocities your proxies and TAF commits on neighbouring countries and is the exact reason why your proxies got their bases deleted and their leader kidnapped in a single operation where 150 were killed 55 kidnapped compared to 3 cassulties 1 KIA 2 injured. Al-watiya darna tarhona all a response to your bullshit. This attack might as well be one of your proxies now dont stick it up the PKK so much.
Russia is raining bombs on civilian settlements in Syria, regardless of women, children or the elderly. All airstrikes are carried out without regard to civilian sensitivity. Even this morning, more than ten children and women died in airstrikes. But accusing the Turks while thre is no any evidence and without any hesitation is a very hypocritical understanding and clearly shows your prejudices.

three of the children who were martyred today

Of the 1108 posts you wrote, do you have a single message condemning Russia for killing Arabs, children and women? You can't write because I told you why. So stop messing with people's minds.
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Iraqi Shias are the worst. First, they sold their country to the Yankees then they became slaves of the Persians. I'd exchange them against Yemen if I could. At least they have a sense of national proud.


Don't you understand? There was no Turkish involvement. There's not even evidence that would support the use of Turkish artillery.
Story short, Turkey has retarded elements in its army who can't aim.

Turkey lies a lot, and tries to spread chaos in countries (proven)

Turkey remains a gay NATO outpost for the white man
Turkey denied it but Iraqi government insisted that Turkish ground forces were the only ones who were capable of conducting such an attack, none of militant groups possesed artillery in that area.

This is the weakness of Iraqi government, they should allow PMU to destroy every seperatist element within Iraq. They are guardians of Iraqi territories, trust them and allow them to keep Iraqi integrity.
@dBSPL You're not angry at me or something,are you? We're just discussing stuff. But,you didn't reply to me. If Iraq formally asks you to leave Iraqi territory, do you think you should leave or ignore them? I mean obviously Erdoğan and Akar will refuse,but do you think it would be right to stay despite the Iraqi government asking you to leave?
He doesnt want to answer that
We both know he wants the oil in the north

HE failed to get a drop of the gas in the MED
he failed to get the oil and gas in sirte Gufra
Now its time for syria and iraq to give them a beating
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