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Iran's utilization of ultra deep underground waters


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran is seriously researching on the extraction of underground waters thousands of meters below the surface. as the third country after France and Russia, Iran is now extracting water from such wells.

Recently new hopes emerged as the third ultra deep well around the city of Zabol in Sistan & Baloochestan province reached drinkable water at 1790 meters depth. authorities described the water as drinkable with a brief treatment. currently the extraction rate is at 1000 cubic meters and can be extended to 8 million litters after installing an in-well pump.

The following lake in the video is created through the extracted water:
dangerous move.
it can result in the problem we see in deep wells but on another scale
Wow...the expertes and technology that Iran has developed to drill almost two kilometers down is amazing..must be the same drilling rigs and people that do the deep oil wells in Iran..

As for water..great news if there are no side effects like the collapse/sinking of entire flat plains in california.
The understanding is that these waters are renewable.
To some extent but if we tap in them like what we did with deep wells . We probably face problem. Don't forget at the time deep wells also were considered renewable but later when we found they are not that much renewable then it was late
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honnestly I'd rather it was news on how we managed to not to waste water or how we managed to reduce the water we use in our farms than tapping ultra deep water basin
Iran is seriously researching on the extraction of underground waters thousands of meters below the surface. as the third country after France and Russia, Iran is now extracting water from such wells.

Recently new hopes emerged as the third ultra deep well around the city of Zabol in Sistan & Baloochestan province reached drinkable water at 1790 meters depth. authorities described the water as drinkable with a brief treatment. currently the extraction rate is at 1000 cubic meters and can be extended to 8 million litters after installing an in-well pump.

The following lake in the video is created through the extracted water:

Excellent news. Hopefully it will be exploited to a max.

Typical Iranian ingenuity versus consumerist, wasteful western / masonic / zionist genocidal capitalism.
Excellent news. Hopefully it will be exploited to a max.

Typical Iranian ingenuity versus consumerist, wasteful western / masonic / zionist genocidal capitalism.
and then we can go on national tv and claim drying of Oumyah lake is not a national disaster and emergency but an opportunity and then say now we can raise camels around it.
and then we can go on national tv and claim drying of Oumyah lake is not a national disaster and emergency but an opportunity and then say now we can raise camels around it.

Nothing unusual given region wide drought. Lake Orumieh is in the process of being revived by the way. And the recent floods not only replenished groundwater wells but instantly debunked the fatalist discourse popular within certain circles about waning water resources and associated baseless apocalyptic fearmongering. Generally speaking, the overly alarmist drivel on water resources is a fifth columnist / nofoozi ploy whose one and only goal is to dismantle all domestic agricultural production in Iran except maybe for some token poisonous, GMO- and chemicals-infested trash that only benefits multinational cut-throat corporations, and thereby jeopardize national food security as well as public health.

What I agree with in terms of saving water is that greenhouse and dipping techniques should be generalized where possible in the agricultural sector. Nothing beyond that, and certainly no relocation of agricultural activities outside Iran's borders nor increased dependence on imports. Those advocating for the latter and similar things are globalists and potential traitors who ought to be court-martialed, like suspected spy Kaveh Madani who fled the country before he could be arrested.
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Nothing unusual given region wide drought. Lake Orumieh is in the process of being revived by the way. And the recent floods not only replenished groundwater wells but instantly debunked the fatalist discourse popular within certain circles about waning water resources and associated baseless apocalyptic fearmongering. Generally speaking, the overly alarmist drivel on water resources is a fifth columnist / nofoozi ploy whose one and only goal is to dismantle all domestic agricultural production in Iran except maybe for some token poisonous, GMO- and chemicals-infested trash that only benefits multinational cut-throat corporations, and thereby jeopardize national food security as well as public health.

What I agree with in terms of saving water is that greenhouse and dipping techniques should be generalized where possible in the agricultural sector. Nothing beyond that, and certainly no relocation of agricultural activities outside Iran's borders nor increased dependence on imports. Those advocating for the latter and similar things are globalists and potential traitors who ought to be court-martialed, like suspected spy Kaveh Madani who fled the country before he could be arrested.

Iran has a terrible water mismanagement strategy. And with its neighbors enacting dams and drying up its rivers plus on going climate change that is likely to make Iran a drier country in the next century means preparation needs to be made now.

Or else “oops” is not going to cut it in 50 years when Iran has to invade another country to get drinking water or be a beggar with its hand out importing water. Either scenario is unfavorable.
Nothing unusual given region wide drought. Lake Orumieh is in the process of being revived by the way. And the recent floods not only replenished groundwater wells but instantly debunked the fatalist discourse popular within certain circles about waning water resources and associated baseless apocalyptic fearmongering. Generally speaking, the overly alarmist drivel on water resources is a fifth columnist / nofoozi ploy whose one and only goal is to dismantle all domestic agricultural production in Iran except maybe for some token poisonous, GMO- and chemicals-infested trash that only benefits multinational cut-throat corporations, and thereby jeopardize national food security as well as public health.

What I agree with in terms of saving water is that greenhouse and dipping techniques should be generalized where possible in the agricultural sector. Nothing beyond that, and certainly no relocation of agricultural activities outside Iran's borders nor increased dependence on imports. Those advocating for the latter and similar things are globalists and potential traitors who ought to be court-martialed, like suspected spy Kaveh Madani who fled the country before he could be arrested.
it was not began to revive till the person i mentioned and his like minded people get replaced

and by the way while we are at it what's your idea about cutting 70 percent of north jungle and 90% of zagross jungles, are the people who also warn about danger of cutting trees are enemies Nofoozi ?
Iran has a terrible water mismanagement strategy. And with its neighbors enacting dams and drying up its rivers plus on going climate change that is likely to make Iran a drier country in the next century means preparation needs to be made now.

Or else “oops” is not going to cut it in 50 years when Iran has to invade another country to get drinking water or be a beggar with its hand out importing water. Either scenario is unfavorable.

Iran's strategy has been just fine by regional and other standards, we've seen comparable problems elsewhere. But prospective development to meet upcoming challenges is in full swing, desalination technology has been acquired with the first plant having gone on line.
Iran's strategy has been just fine by regional and other standards, we've seen comparable problems elsewhere. But prospective development is in full swing, desalination technology has been acquired with the first plant having gone on line.
its not fine our agricultural sector use several time ore water than it should and we still insist water our farms with the technique you can find depicted on Babylonian tablets. as if we live in a land that we have several meter/year of rainfall
its not fine our agricultural sector use several time ore water than it should and we still insist water our farms with the technique you can find depicted on Babylonian tablets. as if we live in a land that we have several meter/year of rainfall

You're quoting and replying to a truncated sentence... I put things into perspective and am against selective finger-pointing that defies comparative understanding.

I already endorsed improved and more economical watering techniques as well as greenhouses where possible.

and by the way while we are at it what's your idea about cutting 70 percent of north jungle and 90% of zagross jungles, are the people who also warn about danger of cutting trees are enemies Nofoozi ?

70% of the North's forests gone? We mustn't be looking at the same satellite pictures. But I don't see the relation to what I wrote, I was referring to a specific issue concerning water reserves and how some have been trying to instrumentalize this is order to push an agenda of reducing domestic agricultural production. And no, I don't support deforestation anywhere in Iran.
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