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Iran's Rouhani: Israel should sign non-nuclear treaty


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Iran has urged Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Speaking at the UN General Assembly for the second time this week, President Hassan Rouhani called for a world disarmament conference to establish a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East.

“As long as nuclear weapons exist, the threat of their use exists,” Rouhani said, recalling the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Calling for a "nuclear-free zone" in the Middle East, Rouhani said that Israel was the only country in the region that had not yet signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Earlier, Arab states proposed a non-binding resolution to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), calling for Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and submit its alleged nuclear facilities to IAEA monitoring.

But member states of the UN nuclear agency voted down the resolution.

Rouhani has called for a conference to create a zone free of nuclear weapons or any WMD weapons in the Middle East without delay. All countries, he said, should participate in the conference.

He stated that any use of nuclear weapons is a violation against humanity, stating that "the world has waited too long for nuclear disarmament."

"Almost four decades of international efforts to establish nuclear weapon-free zones have regrettably failed," he said. "Urgent, practical steps toward the establishment of such a zone are necessary. The international community has to redouble efforts in support of the establishment of this zone."

Nuclear disarmament “should be implemented in a comprehensive and non-discriminatory manner,” Rouhani declared.

On the way to full elimination, “nuclear states should refrain from threats or use of such weapons against non-nuclear states under any circumstances,” he said.

"Threatening non-nuclear states with nuclear weapons should end. The modernization of these weapons undercuts efforts for their total abolition," Iranian President stressed.

Israel is believed to possess anywhere from 75 to as many as 400 nuclear weapons, including thermonuclear weapons in the megaton range. Israel has always avoided confirming or denying whether it has nuclear weapons, but has consistently accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons and posing a threat to world security.

Speaking earlier to The Washington Post regarding Iran’s nuclear program, Rouhani said that Tehran wants to reach a deal as soon as possible with the P5+1 group of nations that discuss Iran’s nuclear program.

Hilarious. A rogue regime which murders its own people, help a barbaric regime use chemical weapons against innocent civilians and violated constantly its international commitments on its nuclear programme, has the dare to lecture Israel.

Iran might be able to fool the West and the U.S., but Israel can see the demonic intentions of this monstrous regime.
so Rohani for you is not human, he is a demon ? or a monster ? he eats little baby each morning ?

seriously let's be honest.
we should respect the treaty .
but clearly , with all the respect, your country didn't respect it since it didn't even sign it.

the world should work to destroy nuclear arsenal , not blaming the other when yourself you have it ;)
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LoLz. No NPT for the Israelis! They won't give up their last resort - in case of an imminent destruction -
so Rohani for you is not human, he is a demon ? or a monster ? he eats little baby each morning ?

seriously let's be honest.
we should respect the treaty .
but clearly , with all the respect, your country didn't respect it since it didn't even sign it.

the world should work to destroy nuclear arsenal , not blaming the other when yourself you have it ;)

Rohani is human and he might even be very nice guy who cuddle little babies, but that is irrelevant. He is the President of a rogue regime which committed various atrocities against the Iranian people and helped the butcher from Damascus do the same in his country.

As for Israel, you stated correctly that it never joined the NPT, so how can it violate it? Iran, on the other hand, lied and cheated for more than 20 years regarding its nuclear programme and currently under international sanctions imposed by the UN. And now the President of this revolting regime lectures Israel on the nuclear issue instead of come clean regarding Iran's crimes.
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LoLz. No NPT for the Israelis! They won't give up their last resort - in case of an imminent destruction -

Persuade your "brothers" in Pakistan to sign the NPT and then come with complaints about Israel.
Persuade your "brothers" in Pakistan to sign the NPT and then come with complaints about Israel.

What am I supposed to do with Pakistan in this sense :what:? Sorry, I wear no religious glass, unlike some folks in here.

You just had a knee-jerk reaction. What I'm implying was that Iran should get her house in order before making such comments.
What am I supposed to do with Pakistan in this sense :what:? Sorry, I wear no religious glass, unlike some folks in here.

You just had a knee-jerk reaction. What I'm implying was that Iran should get her house in order before making such comments.

OK, got it.
Hilarious. A rogue regime which murders its own people, help a barbaric regime use chemical weapons against innocent civilians and violated constantly its international commitments on its nuclear programme, has the dare to lecture Israel.

Iran might be able to fool the West and the U.S., but Israel can see the demonic intentions of this monstrous regime.

Calm down buddy.
A rogue state is a country that sees itself above the international law, can violate sovereignity of its neighbours constantly, can threaten to attack sovereign nations and refuses to sign any treaty that is related to peace or disarmament. Don't worry, this time Netanyahu is completely alone in the U.N, I wonder if he will make a joke out of Israel again, like he did last year in UNGA.
Not only Israel, but everyone should give up their nuclear weapons, with no exceptions.
Calm down buddy.
A rogue state is a country that sees itself above the international law, can violate sovereignity of its neighbours constantly, can threaten to attack sovereign nations and refuses to sign any treaty that is related to peace or disarmament. Don't worry, this time Netanyahu is completely alone in the U.N, I wonder if he will make a joke out of Israel again, like he did last year in UNGA.
Not only Israel, but everyone should give up their nuclear weapons, with no exceptions.

You have correctly defined the Iranian regime - think it is above moral standards, can violate its commitments, murder even his own people, and threaten to eliminate sovereign nation such as Israel.

No matter how successful Rohani is in fooling the world, the nature of the Iranian regime will remain barbaric as before.
OK, got it.

The bottom line is the bottom line; if there were no douche like the Pan-Arabist Nasser, vowing to throw the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea, along with his death squads aka " Fidaeen " carrying terror attacks against harmless civilians, the Israelis may not have had gone as far as to develop atomic weapons. Another reason was that during the Cold War, the Israelis as well as the West didn't want to witness another Cuban Missile crisis in the ME, or the Soviet helping the Pan-Arabs to develop atomic weapons.

My two cents.
The bottom line is the bottom line; if there were no douche like the Pan-Arabist Nasser, vowing to throw the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea, along with his death squads aka " Fidaeen " carrying terror attacks against harmless civilians, the Israelis may not have had gone as far as to develop atomic weapons. Another reason was that during the Cold War, the Israelis as well as the West didn't want to witness another Cuban Missile crisis in the ME, or the Soviet helping the Pan-Arabs to develop atomic weapons.

My two cents.

I partly agree with you. With all due respect to Nasser and his Fidaeens, both of them are long gone and Israel still confront an unstable and an unsecured region with horrible neighbors which are hostile to it. And I do not expect any positive change in the foreseeable future.
I partly agree with you. With all due respect to Nasser and his Fidaeens, both of them are long gone and Israel still confront an unstable and an unsecured region with horrible neighbors which are hostile to it. And I do not expect any positive change in the foreseeable future.

The Six day war was a major blow for Nasser, his legacy was gone for good that day, so yes, he's gone.
Hilarious. A rogue regime which murders its own people, help a barbaric regime use chemical weapons against innocent civilians and violated constantly its international commitments on its nuclear programme, has the dare to lecture Israel.

Iran might be able to fool the West and the U.S., but Israel can see the demonic intentions of this monstrous regime.

Your rogue Zionist entity can fool the US and the west whining about holocuast to get aid but not us and you dare to lecture us about human right how dare you Zionist terrorist
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