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Iran’s Quds Force chief tells Lebanon’s Hezbollah to stand down on Israel: Report

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
No wonder there is no ''retaliation'' after 1000th Israeli attack. It is the Israeli puppet Khamenei ordering to stand down. Disgraceful monkey must be brought to justice immediately!!

The commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force visited Beirut recently to meet with Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah and to call for refraining from any provocative actions towards Israel, a French-language Lebanese daily reported Monday.
I suspect Iran now knows their whole country has been infiltrated by hundreds of agents. They will be killed from within.
No wonder there is no ''retaliation'' after 1000th Israeli attack. It is the Israeli puppet Khamenei ordering to stand down. Disgraceful monkey must be brought to justice immediately!!

The commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force visited Beirut recently to meet with Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah and to call for refraining from any provocative actions towards Israel, a French-language Lebanese daily reported Monday.

the national security council as we speak taking place , but so far the order to all branches is stand down.
Iran must retaliate alone, no need to bring Hisbullah. Lebanese has already suffered a lot due to Israel attack, particularly those Hisbullah strong hold community.

If you cannot killed the similar caliber Israeli scientist, better do more protection to your remaining scientist. This Iranian guy @Dariush the Great should go to Israel and do the attack by himself rather than blaming to his rational leader.
Iran must retaliate alone, no need to bring Hisbullah. Lebanese has already suffered a lot due to Israel attack, particularly those Hisbullah strong hold community.

If you cannot killed the similar caliber Israeli scientist, better do more protection to your remaining scientist. This Iranian guy @Dariush the Great should go to Israel and do the attack by himself rather than blaming to his rational leader.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Stick to your own region and continue being American slaves.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Stick to your own region and continue being American slaves.

What the ****. Strange lash out and just incorrect. Indonesia is easily one of the most independent and proudest countries standing on the face of the earth
If you cannot killed the similar caliber Israeli scientist, better do more protection to your remaining scientist. This Iranian guy @Dariush the Great should go to Israel and do the attack by himself rather than blaming to his rational leader.

Well said, brother. This user seems eager to assist the zionist terror regime in its psy-ops war with this bizarre kind of rhetoric. You don't need to be Iranian or West Asian to understand there's something either outlandish or even fishy with this sort of an attitude.

If you notice, ever since this despicable terror attack was reported here, the user made not a single comment against the zionist perpetrators. Not once.

Nor even against Iranian liberals (like Rohani and the reformists), who are apologetic towards the enemy and deliberately hamper Iran's defence policy.

Instead, all you see him utter is "Khamenei, Khamenei, Khamenei" - i. e. a Leader targeted day in day out by zionist-controlled mainstream media, in fact the person alive most hated by those same zionists. The user's obsession with focusing his wrath exclusively on the Supreme Leader puts him in the same boat as Iran's enemies and their propaganda organs. The main target of their attacks is the same person.

As if turning opinion against the Leader was of any use in the current situation. When in fact what would be needed, is to strengthen the Leader's hand domestically against defeatist liberals.

As if internal unrest directed against the Leadership, which this person probably wishes to occur, would not to be of benefit to the enemy and directly damaging to Iran's national security in a manner far more serious than desperate and token zionist terror attacks against Iranian scientists.

As if there was any realistic alternative to the Islamic Republic and its Leadership, other than the guaranteed and definitive destruction of Iran - let alone an alternative willing to continue Iran's policy of Resistance against the US and zionist regimes to boot, let alone rush into impulsive, short sighted, Saddam Hussein-like knee jerk reactions the user seems to promote.

Oh, and let's automatically believe whatever Al-Arabiya citing pro-western Lebanese newspaper L'Orient le Jour claims... Even then, the same source adds:

It is unclear when precisely the reported trip took place and Al Arabiya English was unable to independently verify the visit.

In other words, if true this could have taken place prior to Dr. Fakhrizadeh's martyrdom. But apparently that doesn't matter to the user, he will be content with such approximations as long as they can be used to feed his bias against the Islamic Republic.

Not judging his motivations, but if someone wanted to serve the zionist psy-ops effort by misdirecting the patriotic portion of Iranian public opinion, that's exactly how they would operate. Either that, or one's thinking would have to be completely beside the point to indulge in this sort of rhetoric.
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Well said, brother. This user seems eager to assist the zionist terror regime in its psy-ops war with this bizarre rhetoric.

If you notice, ever since this despicable terror attack was reported here, the user made not a single comment against the zionist perpetrators. Not one.

Nor even against Iranian liberals (like Rohani and the reformists), who are apologetic towards the enemy and deliberately hamper Iran's defence policy.

Instead, all you see him utter is "Khamenei, Khamenei, Khamenei" - i. e. a Leader targeted day in day out by zionist-controlled mainstream media, in fact the person alive most hated by those same zionists. As if turning opinion against the Leader was of any use in the current situation. As if domestic unrest directed against the Leadership of the IR, which this, was not to the benefit of the enemy and directly damaging to Iran's national security in a.
Khamenei will be a hero when he answers the Israeli crimes. It is that simple. Till now his actions (what matters the most in this world) show that he is a pathetic puppet exploited by Zionists.
What does it have to do with the US? indonesia is guarding its own borders. In reality China and Indonesia are on good terms they completed deals worth billions just few days ago and signed free trade deal
Yes, it has nothing to do with Indonesia being a US ally and trying to flex their tiny muscles and provoke China to please the Americans.
Khamenei will be a hero when he answers the Israeli crimes. It is that simple. Till now his actions (what matters the most in this world) show that he is a pathetic puppet exploited by Zionists.

Yes sure, the zionist regime will concentrate its attacks on its own "puppets", rather than on its actual enemies... Not!

Seyyed Khamenei is a hero because he kept Iran firmly on the path of Resistance against zio-American imperialism, which is the primary cause behind those useless, desperate zionist terror attacks in the first place.

The very reason they resort to such actions is becaus Iran has been challenging them for 40+ years. Something no other country has dared to do, and that no Iranian opposition group or personality will ever be willing to imitate.

That's what matters. Not illogical conclusions drawn on the pretext that Iran won't engage in counter-productive, short-sighted knee jerk reactions, conclusions which betray a lack of understanding with regards to the whole range of parameters at play.
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Yes sure, the zionist regime will concentrate its attacks on its own "puppets", rather than on its actual enemies...

Seyyed Khamenei is a hero because he kept firmly Iran on the path of Resistance against zio-American imperialism, which is the reason for those useless, desperate zionist terror attacks in the first place.
You are a fierce defender of IR, no problem. For now IR and Iran are intertwined so automatically you will defend Iran too which is fine. But please tell us, without any religious bias. What has Khamenei (biggest boss of IR for the past 30 years) done against Israel ? Do not come up with empty slogans.

Tell us.. what was the answer to Israeli crimes by Khamenei ? Israel is targeting Iranian scientists directly since 2010 and there was and never will be a reply. Khamenei tells to stand down and then you will tell us here to have patience and Israel will somehow magically surrender. Come on.... even you can not believe this nonsense no matter how biased your religious worldview is.
A country that has been infiltrated can't do Jack. Rather than fighting proxy wars in neighborhood countries, it should provide security to its own top scientists and generals, which is a humongous task as of now.
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