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Iran’s Quds Force chief tells Lebanon’s Hezbollah to stand down on Israel: Report

A country that has been infiltrated can't do Jack. Rather than fighting proxy wars in neighborhood countries, it should provide security to its own top scientists and generals, which is a humongous task as of now.

They don't even have active proxies anymore. The Russians have taken over everything from them in Syria, The energy deals and the constructions and everything else. Solemni signed the entirety of Assad territories to the russians and that is why he was killed due to regretting the deal. The Iranians gave him out.

The country is in 3 part partition Russian, Turkish and American part and Iran is nowhere to be seen and as for Yemen they send weapons to terrorists but they have only managed to put so much pressure on the rebels and brought negativity towards them from the other muslims soon enough the houthis will be wiped out due to Iran playing it's cards badly and this time Russia has no jurisdiction here because the legal country won't invite them.

They only managed to turn themselves against greater anger and mostly gathering enemies who initially didn't want to be one
Using Hezbollah will add to Iranian humiliation. Best case scenario is Iran managing to take out some serious figure inside Israel in same dramatic manner.
You are a fierce defender of IR, no problem. For now IR and Iran are intertwined so automatically you will defend Iran too which is fine. But please tell us, without any religious bias. What has Khamenei (biggest boss of IR for the past 30 years) done against Israel ? Do not come up with empty slogans.

Tell us.. what was the answer to Israeli crimes by Khamenei ? Israel is targeting Iranian scientists directly since 2010 and there was and never will be a reply. Khamenei tells to stand down and then you will tell us here to have patience and Israel will somehow magically surrender. Come on.... even you can not believe this nonsense no matter how biased your religious worldview is.

I'm not sure you can decry what you portray as a lack of response by Iran, given that you seem not to adhere to the policy of anti-zionist Resistance in the first place. This is suggested by the fact that in another thread, you 'liked' a post which begins as follows:

Iran has been the biggest supporter of the Palestinians but what have they gotten in return? Only ruin,

As for the notion that Islamic Iran has "not been doing anything" against the zionist regime, you should start by asking yourself why Tel Aviv is concentrating its wrath on Iran then?

Why all the US-imposed sanctions, pushed for by the Isra"el" lobby? Why the all out support for each and every anti-IR oppositionist and terrorist organization? Why the relentless, massive propaganda and psy-ops campaign against the Islamic Republic and its Leader Seyyed Khamenei by zionist-controlled mainstream media? Why the desperate assassinations of Iranian scientists?

These points are no "empty slogans" but stem from pure logic. They are enough to prove the baselesness of the supposition that Iran has not been challenging the interests and security of the zionist entity, and in a very serious and efficient manner at that.

But let's provide a more direct answer to complement the above:

- Iran has prevented the zionists from having their way in Palestine, thanks to the military aid smuggled through to Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

- Iran has prevented the zionists from doing as they please in Lebanon and has prevented them from dominating that country, given the emergence and steady expansion of Hezbollah.

- Iran has turned into a major regional power enjoying real independence and autonomy not just from the zionists but also from their American lackeys - unlike any other country of the region, which constitutes major challenge to Tel Aviv's absolute hegemonic ambitions.

- Iran has encircled the zionist regime on three fronts and from three directions (south Lebanon, Gaza, Golan Heights) through allied armed formations, which may grow to four via the Red Sea once Ansarallah and the legitimate Yemeni government are done repelling Saudi invaders.

- Iran is promoting anti-zionist Resistance on the soft- and media-war levels, in the Muslim world and beyond.

- Because it offers a succesful model of anti-imperial Resistance, Iran represents an ongoing threat to the hegemony of imperial powers by virtue of the example it offers, which at any time may lead others to emulate its precedent. Hence the permanent demonization of the Islamic Republic, the blackening of Iran's image and the fake news in zio-American dominated media.

These are hard hitting facts and undisputable geostrategic ground realities.


A country that has been infiltrated can't do Jack. Rather than fighting proxy wars in neighborhood countries, it should provide security to its own top scientists and generals, which is a humongous task as of now.

You need to take into account what it is Iran is going up against. The US and the zionist regime (plus international zionism) are the most powerful entities in history. To expect that one can put up 40+ years of Resistance against these without taking any hits, including through infiltrated agents, would be unrealistic. What matters however is the overall geostrategic picture, where Iran's resilience is impressive.


They don't even have active proxies anymore. The Russians have taken over everything from them in Syria,

Iran has military outposts in Syria.

Iran is closely assisting several units of the Syrian armed forces, including the NDF paramilitary.

Iran has allies in the form of local armed formations, some of them composed of Shia Muslims, from Aleppo to the Deir ez-Zour area.

Iran has enhanced its defence cooperation with Damascus, among others through a recent deal to revamp Syria's air defence systems.

You do not seem to know what you are talking about.

The energy deals and the constructions and everything else.

Iran has signed multiple economic cooperation accords with Syria in a variety of sectors (construction and real estate, phosphate extraction, telecommunications etc) over the past few years.

Solemni signed the entirety of Assad territories to the russians and that is why he was killed due to regretting the deal. The Iranians gave him out.

Source? That's an outlandish fabrication, obviously.

The country is in 3 part partition Russian, Turkish and American part and Iran is nowhere to be seen

Iran is visible all accross Syria.

and as for Yemen they send weapons to terrorists but they have only managed to put so much pressure on the rebels and brought negativity towards them from the other muslims soon enough the houthis will be wiped out due to Iran playing it's cards badly and this time Russia has no jurisdiction here because the legal country won't invite them.

Yes of course... we've been hearing the same song for a while now. Initially the war was supposed to be over in "three weeks", and it's been almost six years now.
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I doubt you're in a position to decry what you portray as a lack of response by Iran, given that you seem not to adhere to the policy of anti-zionist Resistance in the first place. This is suggested by the fact that in another thread, you 'liked' a post which begins as follows:

As for the notion that Islamic Iran has "not done anything" against the zionist regime, you should start by asking yourself why Tel Aviv is concentrating its wrath on Iran then?

Why all the US-imposed sanctions, pushed for by the Isra"el" lobby? Why the all out support for each and every anti-IR oppositionist and terrorist group? Why the relentless, massive propaganda and psy-ops campaign against the Islamic Republic and its Leader Seyyed Khamenei by zionist-controlled mainstream media? Why the desperate assassinations of Iranian scientists?

These points are no "empty slogans" but stem from pure logic. They are enough to prove the baselesness of the contention that Iran has not been challenging the interests and the security of the zionist entity, and in a very serious and efficient manner at that.

But let's provide a more direct answer to complement the above:

- Iran has prevented the zionists from having their way in Palestine, thanks to the military aid to Hamas and Islamic Jihad smuggled through to Gaza.

- Iran has prevented the zionists from doing as they please in Lebanon and has prevented them from dominating that country, given the emergence and steady expansion of Hezbollah.

- Iran has turned into a major regional power enjoying real independence and autonomy not just from the zionists but also from their American lackeys - unlike any other country of the region, which constitutes major challenge to Tel Aviv's absolute hegemonic ambitions.

- Iran has encircled the zionist regime on three fronts and from three directions (south Lebanon, Gaza, Golan Heights) through allied armed formations, which may grow to four via the Red Sea once Ansarallah and the legitimate Yemeni government are done repelling Saudi invaders.

- Iran is promoting anti-zionist Resistance on the soft- and media-war levels, in the Muslim world and beyond.

- Because it offers a succesful model of anti-imperial Resistance, Iran represents an ongoing threat to the hegemony of imperial powers by virtue of the example it offers, which at any time may lead others to emulate its precedent. Hence the permanent demonization of the Islamic Republic in the zio-American dominated media.

These are hard hitting facts and undisputable geostrategic realities.


You need to take into account what it is Iran is going up against. The US and the zionist regime (plus international zionism) are the most powerful entities in history. To expect that one can put up 40+ years of Resistance against these without taking any hits, including through infiltrated agents, would be unrealistic. What matters however is the overall geostrategic picture, where Iran's resilience is impressive.


Iran has military outposts in Syria.

Iran is closely assisting several units of the Syrian armed forces, including the NDF paramilitary.

Iran has allies in the form of local armed formations, some of them composed of Shia Muslims, from Aleppo to the Deir ez-Zour area.

Iran has enhanced its defence cooperation with Damascus, among others through a recent deal to revamp Syria's air defence systems.

You do not seem to know what you are talking about.

Iran has signed multiple economic cooperation accords with Syria in a variety of sectors (construction and real estate, phosphate extraction, telecommunications etc) over the past few years.

Source? That's an outlandish fabrication, obviously.

Iran is visible all accross Syria.

Yes of course... we've been hearing the same songs for a while now. Initially the war was supposed to be over in "three weeks", and it has been almost six years now.
I literally said Iran is the only one challenging Israel. You misunderstood me.
No wonder there is no ''retaliation'' after 1000th Israeli attack. It is the Israeli puppet Khamenei ordering to stand down. Disgraceful monkey must be brought to justice immediately!!

The commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force visited Beirut recently to meet with Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah and to call for refraining from any provocative actions towards Israel, a French-language Lebanese daily reported Monday.
Fake news
I literally said Iran is the only one challenging Israel. You misunderstood me.

No worries, I didn't misunderstand you.

The user I was responding to has been lamenting what he portrays as insufficient response from Iran to these low intensity terror attacks. Since you expressed the opinion that resisting zionism brought Iran nothing but ruin (and you are entitled to your opinion of course, even though mine radically differs on this), and since he in turn 'liked' that comment of yours, I posed the question how can one call for more action against the zionist entity (and even accuse the Iranian Leadership of "treason" for allegedly "not doing enough") when at the same time one does not believe in the necessity of anti-zionist Resistance in the first place.

Hope this clears it up.
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I literally said Iran is the only one challenging Israel. You misunderstood me.

All of Muslim nations challenge Israel, except UAE and Bahrain now. The diplomatic efforts and economic embargo from Muslim nations are very blunt.

Indonesia uses its period in UN Security council, for example, to fight for many issues in which Palestinian issue is the main important ones. We are even against US in UN and criticize USA publicly when they block Indonesia initiative in UNSC as representative of Muslim nation in UNSC in Palestinian-Israel issues.

Our foreign minister if she has moment talking with her US counterpart always remind Indonesia position about Palestinian and ask US to follow international wisdom about Palestine-Israel relation that include illegal Israeli settlement issues. The same way she said to Chinese foreign minister the important of freedom of religion in Xinjiang directly when she met him in an occasion.

Even Netanyahu need to avoid Indonesia airspace when he flown from Singapore to Australia.

We supported Palestinian government and society through several assistance that include money (Government aid) and also our people (not government initiative) support in providing important infrastructure to Palestinians like mosque and hospital.

The different between Indonesia and Iran is that, Iran helps Hamas that has capable military force. Indonesia never want to give military support to Palestinian because it is just a suicide to Palestinian people. We can see how many Palestinian women, children are being killed due to Hamas attack to Israel (Hamas retaliation actually, but it become Israel opportunity to kill Palestinian people in masses and destroy their infrastructure).

Jews has religious backing to kill civilians

It is said in their holy book that some how also part of Christian bible

1 Samuel 15:3

Now go and strike Amalek and completely destroy everything that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”
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Axios: Israeli Military Preparing for Possible US Attack on Iran | CBN News

Axios: Israeli Military Preparing for Possible US Attack on Iran
IDF troops Patrol Israel's border with Syria, Photo, CBN News
JERUSALEM, Israel – In recent weeks, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been preparing for the possibility of a US attack against Iran, Axios reported Wednesday.
Citing anonymous senior Israeli officials, Axios reports that the IDF is taking preventative measures because they anticipate “a very sensitive period” ahead of Jan. 20, when a potential Biden administration could enter the White House. The preparations do not come from any intelligence or assessment that President Donald Trump will order a strike.
Should an American attack against Iran occur, the IDF wants to be ready for retaliation from Iran directly or through its proxies in Syria, Gaza, and Lebanon, the officials said.


In the last two weeks, Defense Minister Benny Gantz spoke twice with Christopher Miller, Trump’s acting defense secretary, the report said. On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Iran was one of the main agenda items. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also discussed Iran with the Saudis on Sunday during the last leg of his tour of the region.
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A State Department readout about the meeting said Pompeo and the crown prince talked about “the need for Gulf unity to counter Iran’s aggressive behavior in the region.”
Meanwhile, the US Central Command announced that the US rapidly deployed several B-52 heavy bombers to the region “to deter aggression and reassure US partners and allies.” The highly irregular move by the Trump administration was seen as a nod to Iran.
Last week, the New York Times reported that Trump discussed options for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear program with his top officials – including Vice President Mike Pence, and Pompeo. Trump seemed to decide against a strike, after being warned that a bold attack against the Islamic Republic could spark a regional war, the Times reports.

I'm not sure you can decry what you portray as a lack of response by Iran, given that you seem not to adhere to the policy of anti-zionist Resistance in the first place. This is suggested by the fact that in another thread, you 'liked' a post which begins as follows:

As for the notion that Islamic Iran has "not been doing anything" against the zionist regime, you should start by asking yourself why Tel Aviv is concentrating its wrath on Iran then?

Why all the US-imposed sanctions, pushed for by the Isra"el" lobby? Why the all out support for each and every anti-IR oppositionist and terrorist organization? Why the relentless, massive propaganda and psy-ops campaign against the Islamic Republic and its Leader Seyyed Khamenei by zionist-controlled mainstream media? Why the desperate assassinations of Iranian scientists?

These points are no "empty slogans" but stem from pure logic. They are enough to prove the baselesness of the supposition that Iran has not been challenging the interests and security of the zionist entity, and in a very serious and efficient manner at that.

But let's provide a more direct answer to complement the above:

- Iran has prevented the zionists from having their way in Palestine, thanks to the military aid smuggled through to Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

- Iran has prevented the zionists from doing as they please in Lebanon and has prevented them from dominating that country, given the emergence and steady expansion of Hezbollah.

- Iran has turned into a major regional power enjoying real independence and autonomy not just from the zionists but also from their American lackeys - unlike any other country of the region, which constitutes major challenge to Tel Aviv's absolute hegemonic ambitions.

- Iran has encircled the zionist regime on three fronts and from three directions (south Lebanon, Gaza, Golan Heights) through allied armed formations, which may grow to four via the Red Sea once Ansarallah and the legitimate Yemeni government are done repelling Saudi invaders.

- Iran is promoting anti-zionist Resistance on the soft- and media-war levels, in the Muslim world and beyond.

- Because it offers a succesful model of anti-imperial Resistance, Iran represents an ongoing threat to the hegemony of imperial powers by virtue of the example it offers, which at any time may lead others to emulate its precedent. Hence the permanent demonization of the Islamic Republic in the zio-American dominated media.

These are hard hitting facts and undisputable geostrategic ground realities.


You need to take into account what it is Iran is going up against. The US and the zionist regime (plus international zionism) are the most powerful entities in history. To expect that one can put up 40+ years of Resistance against these without taking any hits, including through infiltrated agents, would be unrealistic. What matters however is the overall geostrategic picture, where Iran's resilience is impressive.


Iran has military outposts in Syria.

Iran is closely assisting several units of the Syrian armed forces, including the NDF paramilitary.

Iran has allies in the form of local armed formations, some of them composed of Shia Muslims, from Aleppo to the Deir ez-Zour area.

Iran has enhanced its defence cooperation with Damascus, among others through a recent deal to revamp Syria's air defence systems.

You do not seem to know what you are talking about.

Iran has signed multiple economic cooperation accords with Syria in a variety of sectors (construction and real estate, phosphate extraction, telecommunications etc) over the past few years.

Source? That's an outlandish fabrication, obviously.

Iran is visible all accross Syria.

Yes of course... we've been hearing the same song for a while now. Initially the war was supposed to be over in "three weeks", and it's been almost six years now.
Salar jan, the way things are right now makes me (and many other people) believe that the IRI has failed to estabilish a powerful deterrence. White men were dictating and imposing on Iran during the Pahlavi era. The same is true even today. White men still decide if Iranians get medicine or not.. right under the nose of IRI. There has been no effective deterrence established. Maybe the IRI really has a grand plan at the end and might shock all of us like what you say. But as things stand now (for over 41 years) that seems extremely unlikely. I hope Iran prevails.
This article is nonsense and part of US and Zoinist psy-ops. Expect a lot more of these fake news until Jan 21, 2021. It is aimed at Iranian and Arab populations to demoralize them. Nothing new.
Salar jan, the way things are right now makes me (and many other people) believe that the IRI has failed to estabilish a powerful deterrence.

My friend, if this were the case, you can be sure Iran would already have suffered the fate of Iraq and Afghanistan. Right under George W. Bush they would have invaded and/or bombed into oblivion Iran, which was their main "axis of evil" target.

Do not under-evaluate the level of deterrence established by Iran because of some non-game changing setbacks or hits taken here and there. It's always the overall geostrategic balace that counts at the end of the day.

And let's also not forget the brute power differential between Iran and her foes. In every respect, their material advance over Iran is enormous. Their brutality is known to all, so is their neurotic intolerance for the slightest recalcitrant behaviour from whomever it may be. Yet Iran has succeeded in keeping them in check for 40+ years. Has been successful in preventing them from turning her into another Syria or Libya, which is their goal.

Not only that, but Iran is actively challenging them and their interests. Causing them headaches all accross the region and beyond. Although they will never admit to it, and perhaps even lie to themselves so as to stay in denial, deep down it must be extraordinarily humiliating for the global "superpower" of this time and age to fail so miserably at defeating and bringing to its knees an immeasurably smaller power like Iran.

One must adjust one's expectations to these realities. Including in view of the historical perspective: over the modern period of history (starting in the 17th-18th century A.D.), look where Iran was then and where it is now. Except for the brief rule of Nader Shah Afshar, Iran has never been as developed, autonomous, powerful and influential outside its borders for the past three centuries. Of course there are drawbacks too, but there always will be. Compared to the Qajar and Pahlavi periods, the strides taken in terms of economic, industrial, agricultural, human, cultural and social development, not to mention in terms of effective military power and international projection thereof, are simply huge.

White men were dictating and imposing on Iran during the Pahlavi era. The same is true even today. White men still decide if Iranians get medicine or not.. right under the nose of IRI.

Well, let's compare and realize the progress made: today Iran is producing at least two thirds of her medical needs inside the country from scratch. And importing the raw materials for the rest from non-western countries (such as China, India, South Africa etc). Now of course US sanctions will cause certain shortcomings in this area.

But this level of self-sufficiency is incomparable with the Pahlavi years, when only a token percentage of the required medicine was produced domestically. Had Iran been sanctioned in a similar manner back then, Iranians would have suffered from a lack of drugs the same way as Iraq did during the 1990's - i.e. with 500.000 children and babies killed in about 12 years, in addition to countless adults as a result.

Also and more importantly, the Pahlavi regime was a client state to the west, in the full sense of the word. Iran was largely deprived of her sovereignty. That's not the case under the Islamic Republic. Yes, the west and the zionists can harm Iran because they are immensely resourceful but they no longer dictate policy to Iranian decision makers, and the latter have chosen to put up a fight against the oppressors.

I hope Iran prevails

So do I. But still, the most important thing to me is that Iran keeps Resisting these imperial powers and struggling for what is right. I'd rather die fighting, and fighting intelligently especially if the enemy is that much of a big fish, than to spend my life on my knees begging (and perhaps even end up being killed either way).
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Is this a joke?

It is hard to take this tough talk seriously when a top nuclear scientist is assassinated in broad daylight in Tehran, and this isn't even the first time such an incident has happened.

Even Indian spies like Kulbhushan Jadhav used Iran as a base for anti-Pakistan operations.
The outgoing Trump Administration and it's Zionist Handlers (kushner, mnuchin, pompeo) are desperate. The fear is that Biden's Administration, would follow what the Obama Administration did. Which basically was to sideline israel's agenda.

The moves made so far by the Zionists States of America, i.e assassination of Iran's General Suleimani and now the Iranian Nuclear Scientist. These acts are by design to provoke Iran into doing something reckless which would lead to a full blown retaliatory strikes from america. So the fact that Iran hasn't retaliated yet, is exactly what america and israel do not want.
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