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Iran's occupation map started a regional war

lies and falsehood has no feet a sin which is despised by Muhammad PBUH and punished severe by Hazrat Omar R.A

you have issues with shias and Iran shouldnt mean that you make a fool of yourself by spreading lies

the Mosque was attacked and seized by a Wahabi faction calling itself Al Akhwan based in Saudi Arabia

Grand Mosque seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

grand Mosque seizure



And we personally don't care.
please dont quote the hatermonger

That is why you are zero allies in the region.
did you see what post he responded to?
his reaction was most civil. the person was outrageously hate monger

I have to be morally currupt and infested with sectarian hatred if I choose to ignore the handiwork of ISIS, Al Qaeda and Taliban who are all extremists sunni Muslims and choose to express my absolute hatred for the community that has faced the biggest brunt from the brutalities of these organisations.

you see? this is why all non Muslims from east and west laugh at us because we are so blatantly hypocrite and heartless and then we cry victims too.

Muslims today will really shock the Muslims of the early days.
Last edited:
lies and falsehood has no feet a sin which is despised by Muhammad PBUH and punished severe by Hazrat Omar R.A

you have issues with shias and Iran shouldnt mean that you make a fool of yourself by spreading lies

the Mosue was attacked and siezed by a Wahabi faction calling itself Al Akhwan based in Saudi Arabia

Grand Mosque seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

grand Mosque seizure

View attachment 208432

View attachment 208431

please dont quote the hatermonger

did you see what post he responded to?
his reaction was most civil. the person was outrageously hate monger

I have to be morally currupt and infested with sectarian hatred if I choose to ignore the handiwork of ISIS, Al Qaeda and Taliban who are all extremists sunni Muslims and choose to express my absolute hatred for the community that has faced the biggest brunt from the brutalities of these organisations.

you see? this is why all non Muslims from east and west laugh at us because we are so blatantly hypocrite and heartless and then we cry victims too.

Muslims today will really shock the Muslims of the early days.

Thank you bro! Honest the god I had no idea he was talking about. Sounded cooky anyhow....
Damnit, muslims fighting muslims. Sad...

it worse than fighting .... we are butchering each other .... well , who is right and who is wrong !? I hope that we are not in wrong side .... but I guess we won't find out it until judgment day ...

That is why you are zero allies in the region.

the answer is more simple ... we are not under control of western master ... so we are alone and we like this loneliness ...

Muslims today will really shock the Muslims of the early days.

we are result of their actions ... that all
Turkey is going through a phase itself. The public is having some sort of paradox feeling towards themselves. Are they European or Asian? Secular or Muslim?

For example, I'm looking at a poll on Turkey (by Pew Research Center). Only 25% are favorable towards EU, but 53% want to be allowed to join EU! That's at least 25% of people who don't like EU but still want to be allowed in!

Or how about this: Only 19% of Turks are favorable towards US and 73% of them don't like being part of NATO, but the government is still part of NATO.

But here is another interesting information you can get from the Pew polls. Turks don't like...anyone!

"But Turkish distaste for foreign powers does not begin and end with the U.S. On balance, around two-thirds or more Turks express unfavorable views of the European Union, China, Brazil, Russia, Iran and Israel. Turks even dislike Saudi Arabia (53% unfavorable and, notably, the highest favorability percentage (26%) among all countries we asked about). The people of Turkey also hold negative views toward NATO specifically (70% dislike the organization). In fact, it is hard to find any country or organization the Turkish people really like, except, of course, Turkey itself. According to our spring 2012 poll, 78% of Turks said they had a favorable view of their country."

So maybe the Turks need to really do some soul searching. If they don't like the west, they don't like Israel, they don't like Syria and Iraqis and Arabs and Iranians and Chinese and Kurds and Armenians...who DO you guys like?

Well, apparently, according to the poll above, Turks just like Turks.
Turkey is going through a phase itself. The public is having some sort of paradox feeling towards themselves. Are they European or Asian? Secular or Muslim?

For example, I'm looking at a poll on Turkey (by Pew Research Center). Only 25% are favorable towards EU, but 53% want to be allowed to join EU! That's at least 25% of people who don't like EU but still want to be allowed in!

Or how about this: Only 19% of Turks are favorable towards US and 73% of them don't like being part of NATO, but the government is still part of NATO.

But here is another interesting information you can get from the Pew polls. Turks don't like...anyone!

"But Turkish distaste for foreign powers does not begin and end with the U.S. On balance, around two-thirds or more Turks express unfavorable views of the European Union, China, Brazil, Russia, Iran and Israel. Turks even dislike Saudi Arabia (53% unfavorable and, notably, the highest favorability percentage (26%) among all countries we asked about). The people of Turkey also hold negative views toward NATO specifically (70% dislike the organization). In fact, it is hard to find any country or organization the Turkish people really like, except, of course, Turkey itself. According to our spring 2012 poll, 78% of Turks said they had a favorable view of their country."

So maybe the Turks need to really do some soul searching. If they don't like the west, they don't like Israel, they don't like Syria and Iraqis and Arabs and Iranians and Chinese and Kurds and Armenians...who DO you guys like?

Well, apparently, according to the poll above, Turks just like Turks.
We love enough people and you know it. It is funny to get a lecture about that from a self-obsorbed Farsi who hates every country. :lol: That article you quoted on purposely left out the countries we like. Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Syrians, Lebs, Iraqi, other Arabs, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Kirgizistan, Japan, etc.
The survey mentioned 7 countries + the EU, and you say, "oh but we love everyone else!!"

It would be time-consuming & difficult to find individual polling data regarding the rest, but given that above poll still proves that Turks dislike EU & US, but also Saudi Arabia, but also China & Russia, but also Israel, but also Brazil but also Iran, then it at least shows that your dislike is wide ranged. Given this attitude, it would come as to no surprise that this will encompass other countries too.

However, here is some additional stuff I found. You mentioned Japan.

In 2013 survey from WorldPublicOpinion, countries were asked about if they thought influences from certain countries were negative or positive.

We will look at percentages of Mainly Negative for each other (this shows strong feeling).

For example, they were asked about Japan. Global average for Japan was that 26% considered their influence negative. However, 41% of Turks considered Japan's influence to be negative! For comparison, look at other Muslim countries' views on Japan, only 26% of Pakistanis considered their influence negative, only 9% in Indonesia and 20% in Egypt.

You didn't mention India, but global average for India was 35% considered them negative. Turks? 44% considered them mainly negative!

You then look at a country that is usually considered harmless. Only 13% consider them mainly negative, but not so for the Turks. 34% consider them mainly negative. Not one of the 25 countries view Canada more negatively than this number. The second country would be Pakistan who still hits only 29% in their views to Canada.

Oh look. France. Average is 22% mainly negative, but 64% of the Turks were against its influence.

Okay, you mentioned Pakistan. 48% consider them mainly negative. But the global average is 55%, so congrats, you like them slightly more than the average.

There are other countries but its all negative (for example, 40% against South Korea), most is above average.

So, in conclusion, maybe it's time to do some soul searching.
Turkey is going through a phase itself. The public is having some sort of paradox feeling towards themselves. Are they European or Asian? Secular or Muslim?

For example, I'm looking at a poll on Turkey (by Pew Research Center). Only 25% are favorable towards EU, but 53% want to be allowed to join EU! That's at least 25% of people who don't like EU but still want to be allowed in!

Nobody likes the EU. Not even its members, but you don't see them leaving the EU either. So it isn't a paradox or a contradiction really. It is a pursuit for interests.

So maybe the Turks need to really do some soul searching. If they don't like the west, they don't like Israel, they don't like Syria and Iraqis and Arabs and Iranians and Chinese and Kurds and Armenians...who DO you guys like?

Well, apparently, according to the poll above, Turks just like Turks.

The questions you should rather ask is: "Who likes Iran?", "Why is it so?", "What can we do to change that?"

let me correct you " Iran doesn't rely on others in region "

That's called isolation mate.
That's called isolation mate.

this is because you turks don't knew enough about ME ... if you rely to other ME countries , some day you will see the tip of dagger come out from your chest while it is red by your blood ...
this is because you turks don't knew enough about ME ... if you rely to other ME countries , some day you will see the tip of dagger come out from your chest while it is red by your blood ...

Yup, only the master strategist mullahs know enough about the politics as one can tell by looking at Iran. You are so isolated that you can't even get backstabbed. So don't worry about that bud.
Read this very Interesting Post to know What we are dealing with

Is ISIS Infiltrated by Rapist, Thugs, Crusaders, Crypto Jews, Opportunist, Zionist, Fake Muslims etc

erDOGan can bark as he wants the osmanli empire will never come back

i think turkey need another ATATURK to show these goons who really they are

I think Iran needs a Sunni Leader like Caliph Omar R.A. to teach Iran a lesson like He has given Persia at that time to Show Iran that You are Shia Supporters of Alawite Assad Regime and Who is doing a Genocide of Sunnis in Syria
Iran needs a very strong beating from Sunnis ---------> Period
Also most of Shia Persians aka Iranis are Mutta (Temporary Marriages for Pleasure & Sex) illegitmate children, which we call them in India- Pak. Sub Continent Harami Bastard Children

We love enough people and you know it. It is funny to get a lecture about that from a self-obsorbed Farsi who hates every country. :lol: That article you quoted on purposely left out the countries we like. Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Syrians, Lebs, Iraqi, other Arabs, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Kirgizistan, Japan, etc.
Read this very Interesting Post to know What we are dealing with

Is ISIS Infiltrated by Rapist, Thugs, Crusaders, Crypto Jews, Opportunist, Zionist, Fake Muslims etc

I think Iran needs a Sunni Leader like Caliph Omar R.A. to teach Iran a lesson like He has given Persia at that time to Show Iran that You are Shia Supporters of Alawite Assad Regime and Who is doing a Genocide of Sunnis in Syria
Iran needs a very strong beating from Sunnis ---------> Period
Also most of Shia Persians aka Iranis are Mutta (Temporary Marriages for Pleasure & Sex) illegitmate children, which we call them in India- Pak. Sub Continent Harami Bastard Children
This sounds more like a Muslim Brotherhood/Hizb ut Tahrir apologist than a right winger Turkish power ideal. As far the the Hizb-ut-Tahrir goes, they can go cut their arms off and use that to screw themselves.

As for Iranian expansion, at least the article is true to the idea of this being an Arab-Persian conflict and not the sectarian one(which is just a tool for the Mullahs and Sheikhs running the show).
lies and falsehood has no feet a sin which is despised by Muhammad PBUH and punished severe by Hazrat Omar R.A

you have issues with shias and Iran shouldnt mean that you make a fool of yourself by spreading lies

the Mosue was attacked and siezed by a Wahabi faction calling itself Al Akhwan based in Saudi Arabia

Grand Mosque seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

grand Mosque seizure

View attachment 208432

View attachment 208431

please dont quote the hatermonger

did you see what post he responded to?
his reaction was most civil. the person was outrageously hate monger

I have to be morally currupt and infested with sectarian hatred if I choose to ignore the handiwork of ISIS, Al Qaeda and Taliban who are all extremists sunni Muslims and choose to express my absolute hatred for the community that has faced the biggest brunt from the brutalities of these organisations.

you see? this is why all non Muslims from east and west laugh at us because we are so blatantly hypocrite and heartless and then we cry victims too.

Muslims today will really shock the Muslims of the early days.
Hats off.:thank_you2:.
Yup, only the master strategist mullahs know enough about the politics as one can tell by looking at Iran. You are so isolated that you can't even get backstabbed. So don't worry about that bud.

at least we can focus in our front .... that really good things ...
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