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Iran's occupation map started a regional war


Jul 15, 2012
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We tried to draw attention to this for months. To Iran's concealed expansion map, regional war scenarios, the scenarios being used to draw the region into two main fronts by exploiting sectarianism, the course of Arab-Persian wars which have continued over three decades, to the fact that what happened in Syria and Iraq will start in Yemen, to the new power structure in the old Ottoman map, the chaotic scenario which will take the region as hostage and the fact that this scenario's ultimate front would be shaped between Iran and Turkey…

We could not grab anyone's attention. Not even Turkey's…

We understand the elections atmosphere at home, but the polemics and personal disputes have blinded Turkey's eyes. Perhaps this was the goal. The Gezi Protests and December 17 coup attempts were not only about toppling the government, but were directed towards making Turkey immobilized region-wide. This was the goal, and it concluded this way. They paralyzed Turkey's scope of reach in the region with the intelligence information provided by the pro-coup mindset. Because confidential information belonging to our country was served to them by the “parallel gang”, known as the Gülen Movement.

Iran, the new imperial power

And the expected happened. The Arab coalition initiated a military intervention in Yemen, opening the Yemen front of the Arab-Persian war. We know that Iran is carrying out a war in Iran with all its military units and that the Syrian troops are administered by Iranian generals.

We know that Baghdad is administered by Tehran, and the recent operations conducted against ISIL are administered by Iranian commanders, and that Iraq was given away to Tehran as a gift. We also know that Lebanon has fully become an Iranian garrison through the Hezbollah.

We know that Iran, the new imperial power of the region, opened its last front through the Houthis in Yemen, and that they took control of the administration by toppling the government during President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's recent trip to Somalia. Not to mention the fact that this

happened when Erdoğan was going to a country right across from Yemen, which is Somalia… That day, I drew attention to the fact that the change of rulership in Yemen was very relevant to Turkey, and made warnings.

Remember: the Arab-Persian border was the Iran-Iraq border. Following the US invasion,this border receded back to the Syria-Iraq border. This is why the war in Syria is a war of Iran. If Syria goes under the control of Iran after the war, the Arab-Persian border will be the Jordan-Syria border. If the Iranian occupation in Yemen is successful, the Arab world will be surrounded from the south. Draw this map over sectarian lines now, and you will see the same results.

There are even more dangerous showdowns

Iran must immediately adopt a more ethical position. It must end its extremely expansionist, reckless, and greedy aggression - which poses a serious threat to its neighbors - in no time. The region which has struggled against foreign occupation is under the threat of Iranian aggression, which is as dangerous as occupation. We are witnessing the fact that the Tehran administration, which for years has appeared to be anti-imperialist and gained respect from societies in the region, now exploits this value judgment in an ugly manner and has made an enemy of the region.

In recent years, with the impertinence brought by excessive armament, Iran has been threatening the Arab world, and surrounding Turkey from the south in efforts to create a buffer belt between Turkey and the Muslim-Arab world.

Let me be frank: the sectarian wars project, which will divide the region into two and result in endless regional wars, is carried out by Iran. The next step of these interventions is much more dangerous and the actual war will happen then, when Turkey will be pushed to be included in this war.

Tehran will strike the Gulf and Saudi Arabia

In the case that Iran succeeds in Syria and Yemen, it will create chaos in Gulf countries within a year. Note this if you would like, the countries of the Gulf will be under direct threat of and even invasion by Iran. More importantly, take a note that while all of this happens, Iran's ultimate goal is Saudi Arabia. Again within a year, the Shia populated regions of Saudi Arabia will be stirred and maybe Iran will directly create civil war in this country.

Consequently, if an Arab-Iranian or Shia-Sunni war has started in Yemen, it is actually the Gulf and Saudi Arabia which are under direct threat of Iran. The intervention initiated by Saudi Arabia and the Arab Coalition in

Yemen today is self-defense. No country can stay idly against such a threat directed toward itself. This issue is a reality which goes beyond the scope of a blind partiality, like those who support Iran and Saudi Arabia. The region as a whole should immediately wake up and mobilize against the regional war plots which can last for decades.

If the occupation map led by Iran is successful, the whole region will experience destruction on a larger scale than it went through in World War I.

Saudi Arabia's big mistake

Saudi Arabia has made a serious mistake in terms of the Egypt issue. Such lack of a strategic horizon is not forgivable. It financed the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and broke the most wide-spread societal resistance in the Arab world against the threat today. While doing this, Saudi Arabia fell prey to Iran. Whereas the countries of the region could mend fences with the Muslim Brotherhood and make use of this power from Sudan to Syria. Iran has been the winner of the Egyptian coup d'etat in this sense too.

It is still not too late, Saudi Arabia can correct this mistake and strengthen its hand, by creating a solution in Egypt which can be supported by Turkey. But I am not sure if they would do this. If not, it does not seem like they will be able to stop the expansion of Iran. Putting full faith in Western powers in this sense and seeking refuge under their assurance could be a historical mistake.

Intervention in Syria and the Arab-Kurdish war

The second great move that would be made will conclude the Syrian issue. Supporting the opposition –The Free Syrian Army-, ensuring that their moves are supported by a great power means stopping Iran in this country. If they do not do this, then there will be no other power left in front of Iran through the region reaching from Yemen to the Red Sea.

The biggest enemy of the countries in the region is the geopolitical lack of a horizon.

At this stage, the coalition against ISIL will do nothing but clear the region for Iran's expansion and pave the way for it. ISIL is the sin of the Saudi administration's bypassing of the Muslim Brotherhood. While they could support the local and legitimate opposition in the region, it is a matter of improvidence to not see the gap left is filled by ISIL.

Let me make another reminder: ISIL initially did not plan to fight the Kurds. It was positioned directly against Iran and the powers under the control of Iran. Some forces turned ISIL's direction right towards the

Kurds all of a sudden, and plotted an Arab-Kurdish war over the terrorist organization. I think that Iran is also behind the strategic mindset which succeeded. Furthermore, I also think that it was the Iranian intelligence service which served terror right into Turkey during the Kobani incidents in October.

The only antidote is Turkey

I did not write this piece for the sake of opposing Iran or supporting tSaudi Arabia. There is a blind prejudice in Turkey and this blocks everyone's foresight. The promotion of the war conducted over sectarian identities is also being made through the exploitation of this prejudice. Everyone should open their eyes and be able to predict a step further, a year ahead.

Turkey has taken a strong position regarding this matter. The Foreign Ministry's statement has clearly shown this as they said they “support the Arab-led coalition in Yemen.” President Erdoğan's expressions regarding the “Withdrawal of Iran and terrorist groups” is also an indicator that the threat was completely recognized. Iran's threat against Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries will be directed towards Turkey after a while. As a matter of fact, Iran has targeted Turkey through Syria.

Since the 1991 Gulf war a conflict has become so regional for the first time. Ten countries directly intervened in Yemen. There will also be ground operations. Let's wait and see how Iran will retaliate. But a similar intervention to that in Yemen may be felt in Syria.

I've been writing a lot about this issue for weeks now. I am sharing the links here. My goal is to make the necessary precautions before the war swathes the region as a whole. Because an extremely serious threat is about to take the region captive. And the only antidote of this is Turkey. There is no other hope left.
İbrahim Karagül - Iran's occupation map started a regional war- @yenisafakEN - 27.03.2015
Obongo said ISIS are the bad guys now and are them who should die !
We tried to draw attention to this for months. To Iran's concealed expansion map, regional war scenarios, the scenarios being used to draw the region into two main fronts by exploiting sectarianism, the course of Arab-Persian wars which have continued over three decades, to the fact that what happened in Syria and Iraq will start in Yemen, to the new power structure in the old Ottoman map, the chaotic scenario which will take the region as hostage and the fact that this scenario's ultimate front would be shaped between Iran and Turkey…

We could not grab anyone's attention. Not even Turkey's…

We understand the elections atmosphere at home, but the polemics and personal disputes have blinded Turkey's eyes. Perhaps this was the goal. The Gezi Protests and December 17 coup attempts were not only about toppling the government, but were directed towards making Turkey immobilized region-wide. This was the goal, and it concluded this way. They paralyzed Turkey's scope of reach in the region with the intelligence information provided by the pro-coup mindset. Because confidential information belonging to our country was served to them by the “parallel gang”, known as the Gülen Movement.

Iran, the new imperial power

And the expected happened. The Arab coalition initiated a military intervention in Yemen, opening the Yemen front of the Arab-Persian war. We know that Iran is carrying out a war in Iran with all its military units and that the Syrian troops are administered by Iranian generals.

We know that Baghdad is administered by Tehran, and the recent operations conducted against ISIL are administered by Iranian commanders, and that Iraq was given away to Tehran as a gift. We also know that Lebanon has fully become an Iranian garrison through the Hezbollah.

We know that Iran, the new imperial power of the region, opened its last front through the Houthis in Yemen, and that they took control of the administration by toppling the government during President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's recent trip to Somalia. Not to mention the fact that this

happened when Erdoğan was going to a country right across from Yemen, which is Somalia… That day, I drew attention to the fact that the change of rulership in Yemen was very relevant to Turkey, and made warnings.

Remember: the Arab-Persian border was the Iran-Iraq border. Following the US invasion,this border receded back to the Syria-Iraq border. This is why the war in Syria is a war of Iran. If Syria goes under the control of Iran after the war, the Arab-Persian border will be the Jordan-Syria border. If the Iranian occupation in Yemen is successful, the Arab world will be surrounded from the south. Draw this map over sectarian lines now, and you will see the same results.

There are even more dangerous showdowns

Iran must immediately adopt a more ethical position. It must end its extremely expansionist, reckless, and greedy aggression - which poses a serious threat to its neighbors - in no time. The region which has struggled against foreign occupation is under the threat of Iranian aggression, which is as dangerous as occupation. We are witnessing the fact that the Tehran administration, which for years has appeared to be anti-imperialist and gained respect from societies in the region, now exploits this value judgment in an ugly manner and has made an enemy of the region.

In recent years, with the impertinence brought by excessive armament, Iran has been threatening the Arab world, and surrounding Turkey from the south in efforts to create a buffer belt between Turkey and the Muslim-Arab world.

Let me be frank: the sectarian wars project, which will divide the region into two and result in endless regional wars, is carried out by Iran. The next step of these interventions is much more dangerous and the actual war will happen then, when Turkey will be pushed to be included in this war.

Tehran will strike the Gulf and Saudi Arabia

In the case that Iran succeeds in Syria and Yemen, it will create chaos in Gulf countries within a year. Note this if you would like, the countries of the Gulf will be under direct threat of and even invasion by Iran. More importantly, take a note that while all of this happens, Iran's ultimate goal is Saudi Arabia. Again within a year, the Shia populated regions of Saudi Arabia will be stirred and maybe Iran will directly create civil war in this country.

Consequently, if an Arab-Iranian or Shia-Sunni war has started in Yemen, it is actually the Gulf and Saudi Arabia which are under direct threat of Iran. The intervention initiated by Saudi Arabia and the Arab Coalition in

Yemen today is self-defense. No country can stay idly against such a threat directed toward itself. This issue is a reality which goes beyond the scope of a blind partiality, like those who support Iran and Saudi Arabia. The region as a whole should immediately wake up and mobilize against the regional war plots which can last for decades.

If the occupation map led by Iran is successful, the whole region will experience destruction on a larger scale than it went through in World War I.

Saudi Arabia's big mistake

Saudi Arabia has made a serious mistake in terms of the Egypt issue. Such lack of a strategic horizon is not forgivable. It financed the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and broke the most wide-spread societal resistance in the Arab world against the threat today. While doing this, Saudi Arabia fell prey to Iran. Whereas the countries of the region could mend fences with the Muslim Brotherhood and make use of this power from Sudan to Syria. Iran has been the winner of the Egyptian coup d'etat in this sense too.

It is still not too late, Saudi Arabia can correct this mistake and strengthen its hand, by creating a solution in Egypt which can be supported by Turkey. But I am not sure if they would do this. If not, it does not seem like they will be able to stop the expansion of Iran. Putting full faith in Western powers in this sense and seeking refuge under their assurance could be a historical mistake.

Intervention in Syria and the Arab-Kurdish war

The second great move that would be made will conclude the Syrian issue. Supporting the opposition –The Free Syrian Army-, ensuring that their moves are supported by a great power means stopping Iran in this country. If they do not do this, then there will be no other power left in front of Iran through the region reaching from Yemen to the Red Sea.

The biggest enemy of the countries in the region is the geopolitical lack of a horizon.

At this stage, the coalition against ISIL will do nothing but clear the region for Iran's expansion and pave the way for it. ISIL is the sin of the Saudi administration's bypassing of the Muslim Brotherhood. While they could support the local and legitimate opposition in the region, it is a matter of improvidence to not see the gap left is filled by ISIL.

Let me make another reminder: ISIL initially did not plan to fight the Kurds. It was positioned directly against Iran and the powers under the control of Iran. Some forces turned ISIL's direction right towards the

Kurds all of a sudden, and plotted an Arab-Kurdish war over the terrorist organization. I think that Iran is also behind the strategic mindset which succeeded. Furthermore, I also think that it was the Iranian intelligence service which served terror right into Turkey during the Kobani incidents in October.

The only antidote is Turkey

I did not write this piece for the sake of opposing Iran or supporting tSaudi Arabia. There is a blind prejudice in Turkey and this blocks everyone's foresight. The promotion of the war conducted over sectarian identities is also being made through the exploitation of this prejudice. Everyone should open their eyes and be able to predict a step further, a year ahead.

Turkey has taken a strong position regarding this matter. The Foreign Ministry's statement has clearly shown this as they said they “support the Arab-led coalition in Yemen.” President Erdoğan's expressions regarding the “Withdrawal of Iran and terrorist groups” is also an indicator that the threat was completely recognized. Iran's threat against Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries will be directed towards Turkey after a while. As a matter of fact, Iran has targeted Turkey through Syria.

Since the 1991 Gulf war a conflict has become so regional for the first time. Ten countries directly intervened in Yemen. There will also be ground operations. Let's wait and see how Iran will retaliate. But a similar intervention to that in Yemen may be felt in Syria.

I've been writing a lot about this issue for weeks now. I am sharing the links here. My goal is to make the necessary precautions before the war swathes the region as a whole. Because an extremely serious threat is about to take the region captive. And the only antidote of this is Turkey. There is no other hope left.
İbrahim Karagül - Iran's occupation map started a regional war- @yenisafakEN - 27.03.2015

Damnit, muslims fighting muslims. Sad...

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