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Jan 7, 2013
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Iran successfully has built a nuclear bomb with the help of Russia and North Korea and has enough weapons-grade uranium and plutonium for more, according to a source in the Revolutionary Guards intelligence unit.

The source, who has access to Iran’s nuclear program, said the Islamic regime is working out of seven nuclear sites, most unknown to the IAEA, and that its nuclear bomb program is complete.

North Korea has provided the regime with plutonium for nuclear warheads, the source verified, and the last obstacle to overcome is arming missiles with those warheads.

The source, who revealed the existence of the regime’s microbial plant and its effort on biological weapons as published on Jan. 1 by WND exclusively, now has provided information on two of the seven secret sites.

The first is in the town of Khondab near the city of Arak in central Iran where Iran’s heavy-water plant reactor is located, which, once operational, will provide enough plutonium for several bombs just in its first year. WND will soon publish information on the second secret nuclear site, which has direct Russian participation involving laser technology for uranium enrichment.

The Khondab site, according to the source, expands on the activity at Iran’s previously secret site in Fordo, about 80 miles away. When the existence of Fordo was revealed in September 2009, much of the nuclear bomb research and equipment was later transferred to Khondab.



The new site, in the belly of a mountain, is immune to airstrikes. It has three levels accessible by three elevators. The first level is security, where personnel check in, cell phones, arms and other items are confiscated, IDs are checked and passage allowed. The second level houses the centrifuges and the third level the lab, where work is ongoing on both uranium and plutonium bombs.

The uranium enrichment on the second level is in two phases: The first phase has eight cascades of centrifuges into which uranium hexafluoride gas has been fed for enrichment; the second phase has 12 cascades with six already operational and six more being readied.

The planning of the site was approved under former president Mohammad Khatami, but the project was approved by the current president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and completed over two years ago.

Several high-power towers, visible in images, have been installed near the site to provide much-needed electricity for the centrifuges. The electricity flows only to the bottom of the mountain, where entrances have been dug out.



“The imagery clearly shows some kind of highly sensitive and fortified installation supporting a deep underground facility inside the mountain,” stated Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA analyst and executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, an advisory board to Congress.

“The exterior facility has a huge security gate and guard post, the entire installation is surrounded by miles of deep trench and berm, like a medieval fortress, with modern security fences and guard posts.


“And there are clearly two enormous underground entrances surmounted by a building that may power elevator shafts, escalators or a subway to the underground complex inside the mountain,” he said.


Of particular interest, Pry said, are the high-tension power lines at the facility.

“Whatever is going on inside needs a lot of electricity. Chemical and biological weapons programs have very modest power needs, compared to nuclear weapons programs, which consume enormous amounts of electricity.”

Pry said that Russia, China and North Korea are helping Iran’s nuclear and missile programs and that it is probably no accident that Iran’s underground facilities closely resemble those countries’ setups, which were intended to deceive the West during and after the Cold War.

“The discovery of previously unknown underground facilities of such size and potential significance in Iran is further proof that the U.S. is probably underestimating the advancement and sophistication of Iran’s nuclear weapons program,” Pry said. “The present policy of negotiation until Iran is caught red-handed moving toward nuclear weaponization is a policy doomed to fail – probably already has failed inside one of Iran’s underground nuclear installations.”

The site is supervised by Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, the father of Iran’s nuclear bomb program. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s representative, former defense minister Ali Shamkhani, routinely visits the site.

There are 60 personnel working at this site, with four Russian and three North Korean scientists helping the Iranian scientists.

Iranian scientists Massoud Ali Mohammadi and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, who worked on this Khondab project, were assassinated, Mohammadi in 2010 and Roshan last year.

Because of those assassinations, Khamenei has ordered the Ministry of Intelligence and National Security to keep a close eye on all employees at various sites and monitor their movement and communications.

Two missile sites in the vicinity of this nuclear site are hidden underground to protect the site from an airstrike.

Currently more than 2,000 centrifuges are enriching uranium at this facility, with more to be operative shortly.

With the failure in three rounds of talks since last April between the world powers 5+1 and Iran over its illicit nuclear program and the regime’s defiance in stopping its enrichment and preventing the International Atomic Energy Agency from inspecting suspect sites, the West is running out of options, the source added.

He said the regime believes that ultimately America will have no choice but to accept a nuclear-armed Iran.

WND last October revealed that regime scientists at another secret site were working on a neutron detonator for a nuclear weapon and warhead design for ballistic missiles.

Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and author of the award-winning book “A Time to Betray” (Simon & Schuster, 2010). He serves on the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and the advisory board of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI).

Read more at Iran’s nuclear bomb program complete


Oh crap ? :confused:
If they have the bomb, then good. But they should show restraint in testing it.
Even if true i'm sure western media have enough grip on their citizens to make them understand the difference between an atomic bomb and hydrogen bombs the west already possess.
Congratulations to Iran and adieu to the Zionist entity and the Great Satan.

China is ready to bring down USA in East Asia and Iran / Russia are ready to bring down USA in the Middle East!
First of all they've been claiming such a thing since 26 years ago which has never got proved ...
Secondly all of them are nonsense 'cause once USA and its western alliances got some info 'bout the Fordo site while it was being built and there was no fissile materials there (therefore base on NPT Tehran didn't have to inform the IAEA in that time) they shouted and screamed it instantly to pass a new resolution in the UNSC ... and now you are telling me those who make a mountain out of the molehill those who produce pretexts out of nothing to put pressure on Iran have closed their eyes on it and sealed their lips while Iran is closer to nuke more then anytime in the past ... funny ...
Ally and foe always claims Iran has nukes lol

Of course I'm thankful for well wishers like Sinochallenger, but I don't think it's true.

I wish it was true, but the leadership isn't after nukes. They want the capability and they have it. They want to stay in the NPT, but have the option to pull out and be able to assemble everything in an extremely short time should the need arise. This is not the best strategy IMO but I can see their mindset. They want to take it slow, which will give them more time for research and fine tuning. At the same time they won't have to deal with harsher sanctions. Most importantly, this by itself then becomes a deterrent against war ("I won't make nukes if you don't attack me"). The problem with this strategy IMO is that having a nuke is a better deterrent than saying we "will make one if you attack," even if we have the capability. On top of that the fall out on the country will be quick and painful if we just get it done with and this will benefit iranians more in the long run actually. We will also finally be able to sit on the negotiation table with some solid cards in our hands.

As to this report, well it's bs as usual b/c of the language and the things it claims. for e.g.:

"secret fordo facility" - False, FORDO was declared to the IAEA in the alloted time period so it was never secret

"several nuclear bombs from the Arak reactor" - false, the Arak reactor would provide enough plutonium for 2 bombs a year, not several


It just sounds like the same ol' same ol' bs we're all used to
btw the site seems like a neocon zionazi hangout. Further evidence that it's all made up bs for their retarded audience:

Top Comments under the article

thanks to our Muslim dictator?

Also I am sure that obama has also provided them with the necessary guidance system technology for their missles...

In a simple answer - YES!
Unlike the threat of M.A.D. Between the U.S. and Russia (USSR), the Persian Twelvers WANT the chaotic destruction of the flames. They believe it draws their Mahdi out of the well. Little do they know that their "god" crawled out of that abyss a thousand years ago. You'll hear them scream his name when they are k!lling each other and us as "Allahu Akbar!"
They claim the first one is for Israel.

Muslims don't care about killing their own if it furthers their goal of killing infidels.

I can go on all day
Good for Iran if true, welcome to nuclear brotherhood :lol:
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