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Iran's New Satellite "Khayyam" Launched into Orbit from Kazakhstan Station

lydian fall

Feb 11, 2022
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's home-made satellite, "Khayyam", was sent into the space by the Russian Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome on Tuesday.

Marking strategic aerospace cooperation between Tehran and Moscow, “Khayyam” satellite has been launched into orbit from the Russian-operated Baikonur cosmodrome in neighboring Kazakhstan.

The Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with Fregat upper-stage brouth the Iranian remote sensing satellite into orbit under the order of Tehran.

Imagery from "Khayyam" will be used to monitor Iran’s borders and improve the country’s capabilities in management and planning in the fields of agriculture, natural resources, environment, mining, and natural disasters.

Iran Launches Khayyam Satellite into Orbit pic.twitter.com/xJEIJ4HrYJ

— Fars News Agency (@EnglishFars) August 9, 2022
In a Sunday statement, the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) rejected recent reports that claimed Moscow might maintain control of the satellite temporality to use it in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The ISA statement dispelled the unfounded suspicions and said that the Khayyam satellite will be fully controlled by Iranian experts and technicians based inside Iran from the very beginning of its launch.

It added that it is impossible for any countries or entities to access to the satellite other than Iran because it is equipped with encrypted algorithms designed by ISA’s researchers.

The statement came after a report by The Washington Post alleging the Iranian satellite is supposed to aid Russia’s own war effort in Ukraine.

Iran Preparing Three Remote-Sensing Satellites for Launch into Orbithttps://t.co/hofC3O9UQX pic.twitter.com/s68q6UZ2Xx

— Fars News Agency (@EnglishFars) August 3, 2022
Iran has taken giant strides in the field of science of technology in recent years, despite US sanctions.

In early June, the Iranian Space Agency announced that work has been underway to prepare seven more satellites for launch into the orbit.

In late June, Iran tested its domestically-developed hybrid-propellant satellite carrier rocket called Zuljanah for “predetermined research purposes” for the second time. The Iran’s Defense Ministry launched the Zuljanah satellite carrier into space for the first time in February 2021.

Iranian President Seyed Ebrahim Rayeesi has also stressed continued efforts to further advance space technology.

“The obtainment of this technology is among the manifestations of national might, which was made possible with the efforts of the Armed Forces - specially the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and the Communications Ministry - and which must continue with greater force,” he noted in mid-March.

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Iran's home-made satellite, "Khayyam"
As far as I know the satellite "Khayyam" was built by Russia.. Iran probably generated all the requirements. It is 600 kg and too heavy for any Iranian SLV to launch at the present time (Thanks to idiot Rohanni for stopping Iranian SLV development for 5 years!).

In any case Great day for Iran to have the capability.

@Sardar330 ..happy to see you back and thanks for all the videos you upload..I am using them in various threads ..hope you do not mind.
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As far as I know the satellite "Khayyam" was built by Russia.. Iran probably generated all the requirements. It is 600 kg and too heavy for any Iranian SLV to launch at the present time (Thanks to idiot Rohanni for stopping Iranian SLV development for 5 years!).

In any case Great day for Iran to have the capability.

@Sardar330 ..happy to see you back and thanks for all the videos you upload..I am using them in various threads ..hope you do not mind.
Bro you are my best friend

Of course a great day for Iran and many more good days and seasons will come

As far as I am awared most parts of this satellite is made by Iranians except some parts like cameras
Russophiles are out of their caves again. For 30+ years having delivered no worthy military equipment, constant violation of deals,constant flirting with the zionist regime etc will be forgiven because of a simple satellite launch.

Makes you really wonder about their IQ.
Nebo radar (or related technology), Kasta radar (or related technology), OTH radar (or associated basic technology to help Iran jump-start her own R&D), S-300PM2 (with S-400 elements, and not the PMU2 export version), Tor-M1, AK-103 production license, not to mention highly probable, undisclosed cooperation in very specific fields, equals "no worthy equipment delivered by Russia in 30+ years" in the burlesque universe populated by anti-IR oppositionists.

Besides, as if Iran ever requested much more than the above items from Moscow. For unlike the overthrown monarchy, the Islamic Republic is the exact opposite of a submissive client state. The IR's a powerful independent polity which will not put Iran's sovereignty on sale in exchange for a handful of glitzy military toys acquired at rip-off rates and maintained by foreign advisors like the Pahlavi regime was doing. Just in case you didn't notice, the rules drastically changed forty three years ago, with Iran standing on her own feet and focusing on the development of domestic industries.

Russia and China's input doesn't consist of finished products but of scientific cooperation, samples deliberately made available to Iran so as to enable reverse-engineering, as well as the occasional, gap-filling helping hand e.g. today's satellite launch. This is what defines the strategic partnership between Tehran and Moscow / Beijing. Any sober observer can see how zionists are actually desperate to completely undermine this relationship, an endeavor they've been miserably failing at.

All the enemy is left with therefore, is to churn out endless streams of propaganda and psy-ops against Russia and China in its Persian-language media, which both the Saudi International-, Manoto- and BBC-watching crowd, oppositionist "social media" trolls as well as the liberal fifth column back home will enthusiastically rehash all day.

Then again, what else should we expect from frustrated oppositionists? Parroting zionist- and NATO-concocted storylines is what they excel at, after all. So let them moan and utter invectives from behind computer screens as much as they like, in perfect disconnectedness from contemporary Iran's dynamic and triumphant ground reality, embittered but powerless as they are about being subjects to an Islamic system they loathe, watching on as American and zionist schemes are defeated one by one, and yet cultivating nutty fantasies about Iran being weaker today than she used to be under the Pahlavis. What first class comedy :lol: .
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Nebo radar (or technology thereof), Kasta radar (or technology thereof), OTH radar (or associated basic technology to help Iran jump-start her own R&D), S-300PM2 (with S-400 elements, and not the PMU2 export version), Tor-M1, AK-103 production license, not to mention highly probable covert technological cooperation in specific fields, equals "no worthy equipment delivered by Russia in 30+ years" to anti-IR oppositionists.

Besides, as if Iran ever requested much more than the above from Moscow. No, our beloved Islamic Republic unlike the overthrown monarchy happens to be the exact opposite of a submissive client state, namely a powerful independent polity which will not put Iran's sovereignty on sale in exchange for glitzy military equipment imported at rip-off rates and maintained by foreign military advisors like the Pahlavi regime was doing. Iran since 1979 has been standing on her own feet and focusing on the development of domestic industries.

Russia and China's input does not consist of finished products but of scientific cooperation, samples deliberately made available to Iran so as to enable reverse-engineering, as well as an occasional gap-filling helping hand as with today's satellite launch. This is what defines the strategic relationship between Tehran and Moscow / Beijing. Any rational and informed observer can see how zionists are actually desperate to undermine this relationship, an endeavor they have miserably failed at.

All the enemy is left with, is to churn out endless streams of propaganda and psy-ops against Russia and China in their Persian-language media, which both the Saudi International-, Manoto- and BBC-watching crowd, oppositionist "social media" trolls as well as the liberal fifth column back home will be most happy to rehash.

Then again, one cannot expect more from frustrated oppositionists. Parroting zionist and NATO storylines is what they excel at. Let them moan and utter invectives from behind computer screens as much as they like, in perfect disconnection from contemporary Iran's dynamic and triumphant day-to-day realities, embittered but powerless as they are about being subjects to Velayate Faqih, watching on as the Americans and zionists keep failing in their nefarious schemes against Islamic Iran but cultivating nutty fantasies about Iran today being weaker than during the Pahlavi era :lol: .
Yeah. S-300 was the pinnacle of cooperation between Iran and Russia. Russia itself allowed 4 rounds of UNSC resolutions to pass on Iran. Then she said that S-300 is for defensive purposes and it does not fall under the UNSC weapons embargo on Iran. After that, Medvedev signed a presidential decree to stop the transfer of S-300 to Iran. Why? Because the US and Israel asked Russia to do so.

Not to mention that when Iran ordered S-300 in 2007, it was state of the art in long-range air defense systems. But when it delivered to Iran in 2016, it was no longer the same.

Also, there's no reason to prove that the OTH technology of Sepehr and Ghamar came from Russia. At least that it's not what Iran claims. Do you have any proof that the technology was transferred to Iran from Russia?

Do I also need to mention Russia's delays in the Bushehr nuclear reactor, the cancellation of the Shafagh project, banning Iranian students from studying nuclear engineering and science in Russia, the infection of Iran's internal systems at Natanz with Stuxnet which was done with the help of Russian agents, their refusal to sell even civilian air planes to Iran, let alone modern jet fighters, and many other such wonderful cooperations?

The Shah you are referring to purchased things that continue to form the backbone of our air force after 4-5 decades. F-14 that the Shah bought was the same as F-22 in its time, sold only to Iran and no other country, even Israel. Also, huge orders for F-16 had been signed that were to be delivered had the revolution not happened. If it weren't for the very same Shah, Iraqis would've destroyed our ground forces to oblivion within months after the start of the war. It was Iran's ability to counter the Iraqi Air Force that allowed Iran to defend against Iraq even when our ground forces were clearly outnumbered and outclassed by Iraq.
Nebo radar (or related technology), Kasta radar (or related technology), OTH radar (or associated basic technology to help Iran jump-start her own R&D), S-300PM2 (with S-400 elements, and not the PMU2 export version), Tor-M1, AK-103 production license, not to mention the high probability of undisclosed technological cooperation in specific fields, equals "no worthy equipment delivered by Russia in 30+ years" in the burlesque universe populated by anti-IR oppositionists.

Besides, as if Iran ever requested much more than the above from Moscow. For unlike the overthrown monarchy, the Islamic Republic happens to be the exact opposite of a submissive client state, namely a powerful independent polity which will not put Iran's sovereignty on sale in exchange for a handful of glitzy military toys imported at rip-off rates and maintained by foreign advisors like the Pahlavi regime was doing. Iran since 1979 has been standing on her own feet and focusing on the development of domestic industries.

Russia and China's input does not consist of finished products but of scientific cooperation, samples deliberately made available to Iran so as to enable reverse-engineering, as well as an occasional gap-filling helping hand as with today's satellite launch. This is what defines the strategic relationship between Tehran and Moscow / Beijing. Any clear sighted observer understands how zionists are actually desperate to undermine this relationship, an endeavor they have miserably failed at.

All the enemy is left with therefore, is to churn out endless streams of propaganda and psy-ops against Russia and China in their Persian-language media, which both the Saudi International-, Manoto- and BBC-watching crowd, oppositionist "social media" trolls as well as the liberal fifth column back home will enthusiastically rehash all day.

Then again, what more did you expect from frustrated oppositionists? Parroting zionist- and NATO-concocted storylines is what they excel at. Let them moan and utter invectives from behind their computer screens as much as they like, in perfect disconnectedness from contemporary Iran's dynamic and triumphant ground reality, embittered but powerless as they are about being subjects to an Islamic system they loathe, watching on as American and zionist schemes are defeated one by one, and yet cultivating nutty fantasies about Iran being weaker today than she used to be under the Pahlavis :lol: .
Some of our friends in here forget that Russia will not do anything against her interests when it comes to dealings with Iran..just as Iran will do the same....but when the issue has no bearing on russians interests they have always been with Iran.

So this was how things worked before...With Syria file Russia saw the writing on the wall..putine came to Iran went straight to SL and propsed Big RESET ..that rest became double strong after Ukraine and in the same time as Raisi speech in Duma.

So it would be wise if we stop demonizing Russia for her past actions and look into our new relationship with them...keeping in mind that "countries do not have friends but Interests".
Yeah. S-300 was the pinnacle of cooperation between Iran and Russia. Russia itself allowed 4 rounds of UNSC resolutions to pass on Iran. Then she said that S-300 is for defensive purposes and it does not fall under the UNSC weapons embargo on Iran. After that, Medvedev signed a presidential decree to stop the transfer of S-300 to Iran. Why? Because the US and Israel asked Russia to do so.

Not to mention that when Iran ordered S-300 in 2007, it was state of the art in long-range air defense systems. But when it delivered to Iran in 2016, it was no longer the same.

Also, there's no reason to prove that the OTH technology of Sepehr and Ghamar came from Russia. At least that it's not what Iran claims. Do you have any proof that the technology was transferred to Iran from Russia?

Do I also need to mention Russia's delays in the Bushehr nuclear reactor, the cancellation of the Shafagh project, banning Iranian students from studying nuclear engineering and science in Russia, the infection of Iran's internal systems at Natanz with Stuxnet which was done with the help of Russian agents, their refusal to sell even civilian air planes to Iran, let alone modern jet fighters, and many other such wonderful cooperations?

The Shah you are referring to purchased things that continue to form the backbone of our air force after 4-5 decades. F-14 that the Shah bought was the same as F-22 in its time, sold only to Iran and no other country, even Israel. Also, huge orders for F-16 had been signed that were to be delivered had the revolution not happened. If it weren't for the very same Shah, Iraqis would've destroyed our ground forces to oblivion within months after the start of the war. It was Iran's ability to counter the Iraqi Air Force that allowed Iran to defend against Iraq even when our ground forces were clearly outnumbered and outclassed by Iraq.

you sound like a 10 year old girl with your constant emotional hurt over Russia delaying delivering a s-300 system to Iran a decade ago....

There is 0 place for emotion in geopolitics. Nations act according to their national interest.

Iranian leaders are not stupid and they realize this. Todays events are not some minor blip in the hot/cold game Russia had with the west. The gloves are off, the geopolitical order has been smashed, and a historic opportunity has arisen for Iran to leverage the situation to its benefit.

This will include signing deals with Russia and China, while also flirting with the west on the side here and there. Especially in trade matters.

Have you ever heard any north korean/chinese butthurt about Irans relations with south korea? North Korea has been one of the most reliable military partners since the revolution. And actually did help us alot in the early days of our missile development.

but that hasnt stopped Iran from making massive multi billion dollar economic deals with south korea. 100x times+ bigger then any Iran n. korea trade.

The world order has been smashed. Iran can either try and use the situation to its advantage. Or sit there all butthurt like a 10 year old about previous minor issues such as a delay in weapons delivery a decade ago when the world was completely different.
you sound like a 10 year old girl with your constant emotional hurt over Russia delaying delivering a s-300 system to Iran a decade ago....

There is 0 place for emotion in geopolitics. Nations act according to their national interest.

Iranian leaders are not stupid and they realize this. Todays events are not some minor blip in the hot/cold game Russia had with the west. The gloves are off, the geopolitical order has been smashed, and a historic opportunity has arisen for Iran to leverage the situation to its benefit.

This will include signing deals with Russia and China, while also flirting with the west on the side here and there. Especially in trade matters.

Have you ever heard any north korean/chinese butthurt about Irans relations with south korea? North Korea has been one of the most reliable military partners since the revolution. And actually did help us alot in the early days of our missile development.

but that hasnt stopped Iran from making massive multi billion dollar economic deals with south korea. 100x times+ bigger then any Iran n. korea trade.

The world order has been smashed. Iran can either try and use the situation to its advantage. Or sit there all butthurt like a 10 year old about previous minor issues such as a delay in weapons delivery a decade ago when the world was completely different.
If we're going to resort to name calling, I would obviously prefer to sound like a 10 year old girl than a dumb whore repeatedly used by Russia and then thrown away like you Russophiles here.

Iranian leaders aren't really the brightest candle on the cake either. The state of Iran's economy is the testimony to this.

Also, you are contradicting yourself. If you already know that nations act according to their national interests, then the whole point of hailing Iran-Russia alliance is moot and there's nothing to discuss here.

Some of our friends in here forget that Russia will not do anything against her interests when it comes to dealings with Iran..just as Iran will do the same....but when the issue has no bearing on russians interests they have always been with Iran.

So this was how things worked before...With Syria file Russia saw the writing on the wall..putine came to Iran went straight to SL and propsed Big RESET ..that rest became double strong after Ukraine and in the same time as Raisi speech in Duma.

So it would be wise if we stop demonizing Russia for her past actions and look into our new relationship with them...keeping in mind that "countries do not have friends but Interests".
The moment that the US, Saudi Arabia or Israel decide to pay Russia more, Russia will throw under Iran the bus again instantly.

The point is not that Russia is bad, the point is the clear hypocrisy of Russophiles here.
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Yeah. S-300 was the pinnacle of cooperation between Iran and Russia. Russia itself allowed 4 rounds of UNSC resolutions to pass on Iran. Then she said that S-300 is for defensive purposes and it does not fall under the UNSC weapons embargo on Iran. After that, Medvedev signed a presidential decree to stop the transfer of S-300 to Iran. Why? Because the US and Israel asked Russia to do so.

Not to mention that when Iran ordered S-300 in 2007, it was state of the art in long-range air defense systems. But when it delivered to Iran in 2016, it was no longer the same.

The system delivered in 2016 was much more evolved than the export version Iran signed a deal for in 2007.

Also, there's no reason to prove that the OTH technology of Sepehr and Ghamar came from Russia. At least that it's not what Iran claims. Do you have any proof that the technology was transferred to Iran from Russia?

Those were developed autonomously by Iran, but insight into a lower tier export-version OTH system (according to Hack-Hook) surely made Iran save some time in indigenizing the technology.

Do I also need to mention Russia's delays in the Bushehr nuclear reactor,

Delay does not equal cancellation though.

the cancellation of the Shafagh project,

The Russian company involved in the project shut up shop after the demise of its founder Mukhamedov.

banning Iranian students from studying nuclear engineering and science in Russia,

I doubt it led to a tremendous setback for nuclear science in Iran.

the infection of Iran's internal systems at Natanz with Stuxnet which was done with the help of Russian agents,

Is there a reliable source for this? Sounds like fake news to me. Other than the US and zionists, the Dutch spy agency appears to have been involved.

their refusal to sell even civilian air planes to Iran, let alone modern jet fighters, and many other such wonderful cooperations?

Civilian air planes which use western components, and western producers banning re-export to Iran.

The Shah you are referring to purchased things that continue to form the backbone of our air force after 4-5 decades. F-14 that the Shah bought was the same as F-22 in its time, sold only to Iran and no other country, even Israel. Also, huge orders for F-16 had been signed that were to be delivered had the revolution not happened. If it weren't for the very same Shah, Iraqis would've destroyed our ground forces to oblivion within months after the start of the war. It was Iran's ability to counter the Iraqi Air Force that allowed Iran to defend against Iraq even when our ground forces were clearly outnumbered and outclassed by Iraq.

The shah I am talking about was ruling over an Iran deprived of sovereignty. Had his Prime Minister (Amini) chosen in the White House. His security apparatus, which his regime was relying upon for survival, infiltrated to the hilt by his imperial patrons, nay, established by those same neo-colonial powers (especially SAVAK). His own palace riddled with listening devices installed by the Americans (explicitly referenced in Court Minister Alam's memoirs).

Iran was not a sovereign state before 1979, so any attempted analogy between the Pahlavi regime and the Islamic Republic can be no more than a non-starter by essence.

Anything Russia supplied Iran with, Moscow didn't ask for an iota of Iranian sovereignty in exchange. This marks a fundamental difference.

Also Anglo-zionist imperialists committed genocide against the Iranian people in 1917-1919, killing off a staggering 50% of Iranians through starvation (10 million martyred souls). No power will come close to their crimes against the Iranian nation, crimes that have known no equivalent since the Mongol invasion.
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This news is being focused too much for no actual reason.

Btw countries look for their own. Russia looks for its own interests as well and they have very right to do so. They are known as cold hearted chess players who think before acting emotionally. I would not count on Russia-Iran relations too much because of the same reason. both these countries are cautious political manuverers.
The system delivered to Iran was much more evolved than the export version Iran signed a deal for in 2007.

Iran developed those autonomously, but insight into a Russian export version OTH radar made Iran save time in indigenizing the technology.

Delay does not equal cancellation.

The Russian company involved in the project shut up shop after the demise of its founder Mukhamedov.

What tremendous setback for nuclear science in Iran... not.


Civilian air planes that use western components, and western producers banning re-export to Iran.

The shah I am talking about sold Iran's sovereignty. Had his Prime Ministers chosen in Washington D.C. His security apparatus, which his regime was relying on for survival, infiltrated to the hilt by his imperial patrons, nay, set up by these same patronizing imperial powers (SAVAK). His own palace riddled with listening devices installed by the Americans (referenced in Court Minister Alam's autobiography).

Iran was not a sovereign state before 1979, so any attempted analogy between the Pahlavi regime and the Islamic Republic is a non-starter by essence.

Anything Russia supplied Iran with, Moscow never asked for a iota of Iranian sovereignty in exchange. This is the fundamental difference.
The shah of Iran you are referring to was brought to power by the British when he was a young, inexperienced guy. He didn't have a choice really. The Americans and the British had almost everyone around him bought. Also, the Shah had to cope with the consequences of the invasion of Iran in World War II and a beast called the Soviet Union that eyed our territory in the North and didn't shy away from supporting separatism in Kurdistan and Azerbaijan regions of Iran. But that's not the issue here. We are discussing military purchases, which Shah clearly has the upper hand.

The state of sovereignty in the Islamic Republic is also not very clear. There are millions of things that the Islamic Republic has done and continues to do that completely violate Iran's sovereignty. The JCPOA is clearly one of them. Forbidding Iran from plutonium reprocessing for an infinite amount of time is another. Agreeing to Russia's proposal for defining borders in the Caspian Sea is also quite controversial.
The shah of Iran you are referring to was brought to power by the British when he was a young, inexperienced guy. He didn't have a choice really. The Americans and the British had almost everyone around him bought. But that's not the issue here. We are discussing military purchases, which Shah clearly has the upper hand.

When the whole system which made these weapons purchases possible was premised on Iran ceding her national sovereignty to the Americans and zionists, then these two topics can no longer be viewed in separation from each other.

Iran could hardly use those shiny weapons without the 40.000 American military advisers stationed on her soil, who were enjoying legal immunity for whatever crime they'd commit against Iranian citizens (capitulation treaty signed by the shah regime).

It was the Islamic Republic which went through the demanding effort of building up the capability to fully operate and maintain this armament domestically. For this to happen, the shah regime had to be overthrown first.

The past is the past and I wouldn't have mentioned the shah if the user who attacked my comment hadn't previously implied that Iran became "weaker" after 1979. Monarchists need to leave aside personal political preferences when comparing the situation then and now.

The state of sovereignty in the Islamic Republic is also not very clear. There are millions of things that the Islamic Republic has done and continues to do that completely violate Iran's sovereignty. The JCPOA is clearly one of them. Forbidding Iran from plutonium reprocessing for an infinite amount of time is another.

The JCPOA was never going to be put into practice, the Leader knew it when he told Rohani right at the start of the negotiations that he does not trust the Americans, and does not believe a functioning deal can ever be reached with Washington.

Also there's a difference between incurring some limitation to one's political leeway as a result of sanctions and other pressures on the one hand, and giving up actual sovereignty on the other hand. The former is a natural consequence of power politics, whereas the latter puts a foreign entity directly in control of the nation's decision making.

Agreeing to Russia's proposal for defining borders in the Caspian Sea is also quite controversial.

Iran didn't cede maritime territory in that resolution.
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