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Iran’s New Pivot to Central Asia

The Russian dominate Central Asia. The Soviet Union might be gone but they left people in place to make sure their interests are secure. Iran will work with Russians on issue that don’t conflict. The Russians don’t want to see Iranians destabilizing their strategic rear.

Iran ingress into Central Asia with be relatively small and targeted, expect IRGC “green berets” in the Fergana valley region and particularly Tajikistan; Reconstituting the “Northern Alliance”. If Masood’s son goes to Iran, it might be an indicator.

Russia is gradually losing its grip on these former Soviet republics of Central Asia. The US and increasingly China have considerable clout among them too. India is also moving in, via Afghanistan, and likewise Pakistan. At one point the Saudis had ambitions in Central Asia too, but no longer. Turkey wants to be the leader of the Turkic speaking world, and so constituted the Turkic Council which includes most of these Central Asian republics (minus Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, but plus Azerbaijan).

The truth is Russia is waning, despite the desperate attempts by the Putin regime to project power and relevance on the international stage.
My country of origin Pakistan needs to wake up and realize there's a race for Central Asia, and our main rivals are not just India, but Iran too. It's in our interest that Central Asia is wooed away from Iran and gives us those contracts instead.
We might want to think about funding the Baloch separatist insurgency in Iran to destabilize them, as we did with the Sikh insurgency in Punjab during the 80s.
@waz ......This member "Cherub786" who claims to be Pakistani (more likely an agent assigned to PDF since he has been banned many times)..has a "signature" that is an insult to Iranian nation..I am sure you can read his signature written in Farsi....his posts all over Iran section are designed to create division and hatred between various nations and groups.....I post this for your attention.
@waz ......This member "Cherub786" who claims to be Pakistani (more likely an agent assigned to PDF since he has been banned many times)..has a "signature" that is an insult to Iranian nation..I am sure you can read his signature written in Farsi....his posts all over Iran section are designed to create division and hatred between various nations and groups.....I post this for your attention.

@Cherub786 is Indian, without doubt. His cover was blown long ago. He also keeps changing his origin every few months, first he was Punjabi, then Kashmiri after few months and now Hyderabadi Mohajir. I think he was banned before, and I hope the mods consider perm ban.
@drmeson @Sineva @Caspian Parsi
Man, are Iranians that desperate that now they are pushing their genetic similarity with other nations as geopolitical strategy.

Which is the worlds most natural thing, ain't that right my Abdul Bakistani Arabastani ? You stick to the family. Russians care for slavs, Chinese like for Sino diaspora, Anglosphere countries rule NATO togather. Why cant we Irano-Turkics look for each other ? esp when we have glorious glorious most history togather and we share genetics, languages, culture that you are not part of by any means.
Man, are Iranians that desperate that now they are pushing their genetic similarity with other nations as geopolitical strategy.

Do you even know anything about geo-politics for the last 2000 years?

You mean, Germanic tribes allying together against Rome, or Germany and Austria forming a coalition together. Do you think the Serbs allying with Russians for the fun of it?

Do you think 5-eyes is a coincidence that they happen to all be Anglo nations? Or Turks and Azerbaijanis are close allies for no reason? Unbelievable stupidity on this post.
@Cherub786 is Indian, without doubt. His cover was blown long ago. He also keeps changing his origin every few months, first he was Punjabi, then Kashmiri after few months and now Hyderabadi Mohajir. I think he was banned before, and I hope the mods consider perm ban.
@drmeson @Sineva @Caspian Parsi

on reddit he said he was born in Canada, one parent from India, the other from Pakistan, who lived for a period of time in 2 US states (one of them Pennsylvania).
Which is the worlds most natural thing, ain't that right my Abdul Bakistani Arabastani ? You stick to the family. Russians care for slavs, Chinese like for Sino diaspora, Anglosphere countries rule NATO togather. Why cant we Irano-Turkics look for each other ? esp when we have glorious glorious most history togather and we share genetics, languages, culture that you are not part of by any means.

Your argument about 80% genetic similarity between Iran and Turkic is horse shit. See below (using g25 coordinates + Vahaduo).


Persians are closer to Western Pakistanis. Same is true for Azeris.

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