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Iran's Lunar Exploration Program (ILEP)

Will Iran launch its first Lunar Orbiter before Israel's second lander?

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Aug 10, 2017
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Hong Kong
Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of

As already disclosed back in 2012, North Korea's Lunar Exploration Program (NKLEP) will start with an Orbiter. Landers are expected to follow. While permanent bases have been depicted in New Year's show.

Moreover, like Italy, Japan, Germany, India, Israel, South Korea, Spain, etc, it is common practice to test dual-use civilian-military space technologies under the guise of space explorations.

Please note that under the guise of "civilian research and demonstration platform", Japan has tested live and perfected with the tacit connivence of the U.S. its warhead reentry technologies.

With last year's Hayabusa-2 Asteroid Sampling Return mission successful recovery of a Reentry Vehicle at the speed of the second cosmic velocity, Japan concludes a second demonstration of dual-use civilian-military technology. Under the nose and applause of the international community.

After the Epsilon solid propellant ICBM, the re-entry warhead, this same technologies are the third steps out of 4, in the development and testing of a Japanese nuclear vector: the validation of its Post Boost Vehicle.

The expected ultimate and 4th step, to be followed closely will be the detonation in some remote outer space body of its nuclear device, and under the pretext of space exploration!

Moscow and St Petersburg will soon be within Japan's Strategic Forces' striking range!

According to the U.S. playbook of double standard practice in the application of international laws, team India-Israel ups the ante by announcing last December a new Beresheet-2 lunar lander as a cover for testing once more dual-uses military-civilian technologies unlocking Post Boost Vehicle for its ICBMs!

The unprecedented attempt to land 2 mini landers on the lunar surface has never been done before, with little scientific value, due to the smaller scientific payload.

It can only be interpreted as a stern warning to Israel's adversaries of its ability to manoeuver a Post Boost Vehicle and deliver 2 separate nuclear warheads to the pre-designated targets!

The testing being done 384'400 km afar.

Here a more recent exemple.

We are talking about the Chinese proposal to use the Lunar mission Chang'e 7 to detonate a small bomb (yes) on the surface of the Moon!

This dual-use civilian-military technology is equivalent to a missile with 200g of TNT equivalent explosive warhead, causing a crater of 1.5 meters deep, at a distance of 500-1000 meters from the lander!

In military term, China's People's Liberation Army (P.L.A.) would have demonstrated after the U.S. and Japan, in being the 3rd power in the World to master missiles in outer space.

Capability especially useful when dealing with co-orbital targets, such as Geosynchronous satellites that can not be reached with current ASAT Kinetic Kill Vehicle (KKV) missile from the ground.

In a nutshel, team North Korea and Iran will have to test their PBV and MIRV technologies on the Moon.

Iran's Lunar Exploration Program (ILEP)

Iran's Lunar Orbiter

Morteza Barari, the head of Iran's Space Agency and the Deputy Minister of Communications, in an interview with Mehr, announced the moon exploration program.

A Lunar orbiter project is to be done by the private sector and we have made initial agreements.

This project is about space exploration.

In this way, a satellite will orbit the moon.

An 18-member team from one of the country's universities has now begun the designing.

The lunar orbiter will be an important event.

The UAE has already started this project and has benefit of a lot of knowledge in this area.

Researchers in our country have also started their program.

We plan to send the first orbiter to the moon (380'000 kilometers from Earth) in the next two years.


Notice the lunar orbiter will precede the GEO satellite as explained below:


https://archive.vn/OvBUF/5fdf8ee766db5db2f7218da19308a5aa37c182f1.jpg ; https://archive.vn/OvBUF/f590bba848f7c7e5a0eaaef872d70c73c5268ff0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191006202452/https://i.imgur.com/1hLylwc.jpg
1. Lunar gravity assist used to place North Korea's satellite into the GEO belt.





As already disclosed back in 2012, North Korea's Lunar Exploration Program (NKLEP) will start with an Orbiter. Landers are expected to follow. While permanent bases have been depicted in New Year's show.

Moreover, like Italy, Japan, Germany, India, Israel, South Korea, Spain, etc, it is common practice to test dual-use civilian-military space technologies under the guise of space explorations.

Please note that under the guise of "civilian research and demonstration platform", Japan has tested live and perfected with the tacit connivence of the U.S. its warhead reentry technologies.

With last year's Hayabusa-2 Asteroid Sampling Return mission successful recovery of a Reentry Vehicle at the speed of the second cosmic velocity, Japan concludes a second demonstration of dual-use civilian-military technology. Under the nose and applause of the international community.

After the Epsilon solid propellant ICBM, the re-entry warhead, this same technologies are the third steps out of 4, in the development and testing of a Japanese nuclear vector: the validation of its Post Boost Vehicle.

The expected ultimate and 4th step, to be followed closely will be the detonation in some remote outer space body of its nuclear device, and under the pretext of space exploration!

Moscow and St Petersburg will soon be within Japan's Strategic Forces' striking range!

According to the U.S. playbook of double standard practice in the application of international laws, team India-Israel ups the ante by announcing last December a new Beresheet-2 lunar lander as a cover for testing once more dual-uses military-civilian technologies unlocking Post Boost Vehicle for its ICBMs!

The unprecedented attempt to land 2 mini landers on the lunar surface has never been done before, with little scientific value, due to the smaller scientific payload.

It can only be interpreted as a stern warning to Israel's adversaries of its ability to manoeuver a Post Boost Vehicle and deliver 2 separate nuclear warheads to the pre-designated targets!

The testing being done 384'400 km afar.

Here a more recent exemple.

We are talking about the Chinese proposal to use the Lunar mission Chang'e 7 to detonate a small bomb (yes) on the surface of the Moon!

This dual-use civilian-military technology is equivalent to a missile with 200g of TNT equivalent explosive warhead, causing a crater of 1.5 meters deep, at a distance of 500-1000 meters from the lander!

In military term, China's People's Liberation Army (P.L.A.) would have demonstrated after the U.S. and Japan, in being the 3rd power in the World to master missiles in outer space.

Capability especially useful when dealing with co-orbital targets, such as Geosynchronous satellites that can not be reached with current ASAT Kinetic Kill Vehicle (KKV) missile from the ground.

In a nutshel, team North Korea and Iran will have to test their PBV and MIRV technologies on the Moon.

Iran's Lunar Exploration Program (ILEP)

Iran's Lunar Orbiter

Morteza Barari, the head of Iran's Space Agency and the Deputy Minister of Communications, in an interview with Mehr, announced the moon exploration program.

A Lunar orbiter project is to be done by the private sector and we have made initial agreements.

This project is about space exploration.

In this way, a satellite will orbit the moon.

An 18-member team from one of the country's universities has now begun the designing.

The lunar orbiter will be an important event.

The UAE has already started this project and has benefit of a lot of knowledge in this area.

Researchers in our country have also started their program.

We plan to send the first orbiter to the moon (380'000 kilometers from Earth) in the next two years.


Notice the lunar orbiter will precede the GEO satellite as explained below:


https://archive.vn/OvBUF/5fdf8ee766db5db2f7218da19308a5aa37c182f1.jpg ; https://archive.vn/OvBUF/f590bba848f7c7e5a0eaaef872d70c73c5268ff0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191006202452/https://i.imgur.com/1hLylwc.jpg
1. Lunar gravity assist used to place North Korea's satellite into the GEO belt.




first Iran should develop decent medium weight launch vehicle than it it can put hundred of kilogrmam satellite into space, han thinks to the exploration of moon, (lunar orbiter), its not easy job but complex science
Not that I support China that much ( China not being actually Communist ) but I would really like North Korea to participate in any joint short or long exploration or settlement on the Moon along with China and Russia.
Iran's Deep Space Tracking Network

One of the prerequisite for any venture beyond the Earth Orbit is the ability to track and communicate wit space probe not only far away but also outside of the line of sight from Mission Control in Tehran.

Orbital manoeuver needed to place in a highly elliptic GTO orbit will require several engine cut off and ignition, at the earth diametrically opposite position.

Major space powers such as the Soviet Union and China have build fleets of space tracking and telemetry ships, about 4 to 6 to cover the entire orbit.

Others such as the U.S. and France, that control vast territories overseas have simply build deep space tracking stations on the ground.

Iran doesn't control much territories overseas. Neither has Iran started to build a fleet of space tracking vessel.

The only solution is to use the Deep Space Tracking Network of friendly nations. Starting with North Korea, located at 71° east from Iran.

Again compare with this North Korean ~35 meters diameter radio antenna (38.975776°N, 125.845287°E) that could easily be used to track a lunar orbiter!

For reference, the 35 meter diameter one being built in South Korea for suporting its lunar exploration program!


https://archive.vn/L6tNu/1704aabe6d42f39f4f4357620b1b46797aff9ecc.jpg ; https://archive.vn/L6tNu/938923d6f291bb707e077bc99cb146c5df12f438/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201230200906/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eqf88UKU0AEW8nc?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/ISNJH/status/1344321149853790209
1. ~35 meters diameter satellite dish in DPRK 38.975776° 125.845287°

Supporting Korea's Lunar Exploration Program (KLEP), the completion of the deep space tracking ground station, which is the largest in Korea, with a single dish radio antenna of 35 meters diameter!

The deep space ground station plans to play a key role in performing space exploration missions by communicating with the Korean lunar orbiter, which will operate on the moon at a distance of about 384'400 km, and controlling its trajectory for lunar orbit insertion.


https://archive.vn/Ejxcc/f015e74c8772a8571421bf77ea5a3d75841272c3.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Ejxcc/ae1e6cc10e4cd70a57450b9f4caece19cd9d54af/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201212065943/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eo7sSINVQAEDEnC?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/kari2030/status/1337265949355884550
2. Supporting Korea's Lunar Exploration Program (KLEP), the completion of the deep space tracking ground station. Dec 11, 2020


And this while Iran's largest ground satellite dish (unless proven otherwise who knows), the latest IRGC satellite ground control station located at 29°34'30.18"N, 52°22'12.28"E near Shiraz, only fields half the size, 15 meters diameter radio dish (meaning it captures four times less radio signal intensity)!


https://archive.vn/YTHIX/ef02e68138922baa0b57aef5c0e0057c3ab5efef.jpg ; https://archive.vn/YTHIX/23ecce11b92c9e0348eba6a3c82da67eea966e90/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210105004503/https://i.imgur.com/vmBCQHU.jpg ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AuucVPMxpM ; https://twitter.com/fab_hinz/status/1346063657436930048
3. Shiraz IRGC satellite ground control station at 29°34'30.18"N, 52°22'12.28"E, with 15 meter diameter satellite dish.

IRGC satellite ground control station
Nov 29, 2020

As a full member of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), Iran's deep space exploration effort could be supported by the APSCO's network mainly controlled by China.

Iran's Lunar Launcher

Let us examine the Iranian options for a first lunar orbiter mission.

Iranian SLVs payload capacity: Safir-1, Zoljanah, Safir-2/Simorgh, Safir-3/Sarir, Safir-4A/Soroush-1, Safir-4B/Soroush-2.


https://archive.vn/Todvc/45ec76a2e136395326a88cc6b7e103bcda9841db.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Todvc/e57554e721c58bb3052da5039966b91496f29c5c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210202064242/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtJyAKhXMAMOEg3?format=jpg&name=large
4. Iranian SLVs payload capacity: Safir-1, Zoljanah, Safir-2/Simorgh, Safir-3/Sarir, Safir-4A/Soroush-1, Safir-4B/Soroush-2.

Zoljanah specs:

length: 25.5m
mass: 52 tons
diameter 1. & 2. stage 1.5m
diameter 3. stage 1.25m (derived from Safir 2. stage)
solid motor thrust: 74 tons


https://archive.vn/NsJYu/8061c79363eb0ea8d1e69027367910babca8cd7b.jpg ; https://archive.vn/NsJYu/e5139f17641a85fd699faf812d9c294eb4cbef5a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210202062843/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtJzT5EXMAYHVoq?format=jpg&name=large
5. Zoljanah specs.

Safir-2 SLV and Zoljanah SLV have quite similar performance. About 250 kg at 500 km LEO.

Provided there is a restartable upper stage such as the Saman-1, the GTO should be ~100 kg, and the TLI ~50 kg.

The advantage of Safir-2 SLV is that the launcher has been tested, but the Saman-1 upper stage still needs to be improved before a first successful mission.

The advantage of the Zoljanah Lunar launcher is that it can be launched from the southernmost part of Iran, near the coast and from a TEL.

Meaning improved payload capacity when launching toward the ecliptic plane for Deep space missions. And improved safety as no stage would fall over Iran's territory.

No need of any space center.

The downside is that Zoljanah SLV and Zoljanah Lunar SLV have never flown as of 2021.

To launch a lunar orbiter within 2 years would be quite difficult.

But such first simple mission has already been attempted before, some 65 years ago with the U.S.' first ever lunar orbiter Pioneer-0, with a mass of only 38 kg.

Pioneer-0 Lunar Orbiter

American lunar orbiter. Pioneers 0, 1 and 2 were the first U. S. spacecraft to attempt to leave Earth orbit.

Status: Operational 1958. First Launch: 1958-08-17. Last Launch: 1958-11-08. Number: 3 . Gross mass: 38 kg (83 lb). Height: 0.77 m (2.52 ft).

Propelled by the U. S. 's desire to beat the Soviet Union to the moon, each of the three vehicles was designed to go into orbit around the Moon and photograph the Moon's surface. None of the vehicles accomplished its intended mission, although some useful data was returned.

The first vehicle, Pioneer 0, was launched by the USAF and was destroyed 77 seconds after launch when the rocket's first stage exploded. Following this attempt, Pioneer 1 and Pioneer 2 were turned over to United States' newly formed National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Pioneer 1 was the first spacecraft launched by NASA. A programming error in the Pioneer 1 launch vehicle upper stage resulted in Pioneer 1 being given insufficient velocity to escape the Earth's gravitational field. Although lunar orbit was not achieved, it did reach an altitude of 113,854 km above Earth and provided data on the extent of the Earth's radiation belts. The vehicle re-entered over the Pacific Ocean 2 days later. Pioneer 2 also suffered a launch vehicle failure and re-entered the Earth's atmosphere 6 hours and 52 minutes after launch (it did not return any significant data). The spin stabilized spacecraft used a paint pattern for thermal control of the multi-instrument payload. A retro-rocket was to have allowed lunar orbit insertion if the moon had ever been reached. The payload included a TV camera, magnetometer, micrometeoroid impact detector, and radiation detector.


Thor Able I SLV

American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x Able 1/AJ10-41 + 1 x Altair

Status: Retired 1958. First Launch: 1958-08-17. Last Launch: 1958-11-08. Number: 3 . Payload: 50 kg (110 lb). Thrust: 710.00 kN (159,610 lbf). Gross mass: 52,000 kg (114,000 lb). Height: 26.90 m (88.20 ft). Diameter: 2.44 m (8.00 ft). Apogee: 100,000 km (60,000 mi).

LEO Payload: 50 kg (110 lb).


Comparative Specs
Launcher Thor-Able I SLV Zoljanah Lunar Orbiter SLV
Length ~28 m26 m
Total Mass51.15 tons~52 tons
1st stage Diameter 2.44 m 1.5 m
2nd stage Diameter 0.84 m 1.5m
3rd stage Diameter 0.84 m 1.5m
Total thrust 68.94 tf 74 tf
Trans-lunar injection (TLI) payloadPioneer-0: 38 kg~50 kg


https://archive.is/niCBv/1b46bfd441a8861d35015804bb6929eadd54aa3d.jpg ; https://archive.is/niCBv/b8769c1002af4360e11c56fe07a0a578851eb78f/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210207121510/https://i.imgur.com/ynXfFpo.jpg
6. Iran's Zoljanah Lunar Orbiter Launcher VS U.S. Thor-Able I (Pioneer-0 Lunar Orbiter) SLV .




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Iran's Lunar Lander

Well, team India-Israel launched two landers the same year back in 2019.

The ball is now in the court of team North Korea-Iran!:lol:

As for the North Korean orbiter, nothing new:

S. Korean Newspaper Praises DPRK's Planned Satellite Launch

March 28. 2012 Juch 101

A director of a research centre noted with appreciation that Kwangmyongsong-3 is apparently an artificial satellite, adding this is a clear reminder of the high-level technology of manufacturing satellites of the north.

He said the north is likely to launch a lunar explorer satellite.


And for the North Korean lunar lander:

AP Exclusive: North Korea hopes to plant flag on the moon


Aug. 4, 2016 11:30 AM EDT

In an interview with The Associated Press, a senior official at North Korea's version of NASA said international sanctions won't stop the country from launching more satellites by 2020, and that he hopes to see the North Korean flag on the moon within the next 10 years.

"We are planning to develop the Earth observation satellites and to solve communications problems by developing geostationary satellites. All of this work will be the basis for the flight to the moon," Hyon said on July 28, adding that he personally would like to see that happen "within 10 years' time."


That means with a 10 years preannouncement timeframe, a North Korean lunar orbiter by 2022 and a landing by 2026.

Iran's Lunar Orbiter

We plan to send the first orbiter to the moon (380'000 kilometers from Earth) in the next two years.


For Iran, an orbiter by 2022, and a lander still pending official announcement. Expect target date to be 2026.:lol:

Notice the lunar orbiter will precede the GEO satellite as explained below:


https://archive.vn/OvBUF/5fdf8ee766db5db2f7218da19308a5aa37c182f1.jpg ; https://archive.vn/OvBUF/f590bba848f7c7e5a0eaaef872d70c73c5268ff0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191006202452/https://i.imgur.com/1hLylwc.jpg
1. Lunar gravity assist used to place North Korea's satellite into the GEO belt.

Iran's Lunar Lander SLV

Let us examine the Iranian options for a first lunar lander mission.

By 2026, it is unlikely that the Soroush-1 SLV could be ready. Unlike the Sarir series SLV.

Sarir-2 specs:

length: 35 m
mass: ?? tons
diameter 1. & 2. stage 2.4 m
Total thrust: 320 tf

Sarir-1 SLV can place 700 kg into 1'000 km altitude LEO, with 2 strap-on liquid boosters the Sarir-2 SLV can place ~1'500 kg into LEO.

Sarir-2 SLV can place ~700 kg in GTO, and ~300 kg in TLI.

Such first lunar lander mission has already been attempted before, some 62 years ago with the U.S.' first ever lunar impactor Ranger-3, with a mass of only 331 kg.

Iran's Sarir-2 SLV is similar in performance to the U.S. Atlas Agena B SLV.

Ranger 3-4-5

American lunar lander.

Status: Operational 1962. First Launch: 1962-01-26. Last Launch: 1962-10-18. Number: 3 . Gross mass: 331 kg (729 lb).

The ambitious middle series of Ranger spacecraft were designed to transmit pictures of the lunar surface to Earth stations (during a period of 10 minutes of flight prior to impacting on the Moon), to rough-land a seismometer capsule on the Moon, to collect gamma-ray data in flight, to study radar reflectivity of the lunar surface, and to continue testing of the Ranger program for development of lunar and interplanetary spacecraft.

The basic vehicle consisted of a lunar capsule covered with a balsa wood impact-limiter, 27.5 cm in diameter, a retrorocket with a silvered plastic thermal shield, and a gold- and chrome-plated hexagonal base 1.5 m in diameter. Two wing-like solar panels (5.2 m across) were attached to the base and deployed early in the flight. Power was generated by solar panels containing 8680 solar cells. The capacity of the AgZn launching and backup battery was 1000 W-hours, and the six AgCd batteries were capable of operating the lunar capsule transmitter for 30 days.

The experimental apparatus included: (1) a vidicon television camera, which employed a scan mechanism that yielded one complete frame in 10 s; (2) a gamma-ray spectrometer; (3) a radar altimeter; (4) a seismometer to be rough-landed on the lunar surface; (5) an earth-controlled command system; (6) telemetry; (7) a power supply of AgZn batteries charged by solar cells; and (8) timing, orientation, and temperature control devices. Telemetry aboard the spacecraft included two 960 MHz transmitters, one at 3 W power output and the other at 50 mW power output.

The combined lunar impact/landing mission on these early probes proved too ambitious and none successfully completed their missions.


1962 January 26 - . 20:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC12. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas Agena B. FAILURE: Agena B second stage guidance system failure. Failed Stage: U.

• Ranger 3 - . Payload: NASA P-34 (RA-3). Mass: 327 kg (720 lb). Nation: USA. Agency: NASA. Program: Ranger. Class: Moon. Type: Lunar probe. Spacecraft Bus: Ranger. Spacecraft: Ranger 3-4-5. USAF Sat Cat: 221 . COSPAR: 1962-Alpha-1.

Lunar impact probe; missed the moon by 36,874 km and went into solar orbit. A malfunction in the booster guidance system resulted in excessive spacecraft speed. Reversed command signals caused the telemetry antenna to lose earth acquisition, and mid-course correction was not possible. Some useful data were obtained from the flight. Of four scientific experiments only one was partially completed: gamma-ray readings of the lunar surface. Attempts to relay television pictures of the moon and to bounce radar signals off the moon at close range were unsuccessful.


Atlas Agena B

American orbital launch vehicle. Atlas D with improved, enlarged Agena upper stage.

Status: Retired 1965. First Launch: 1961-07-12. Last Launch: 1965-03-21. Number: 28 . Payload: 850 kg (1,870 lb). Thrust: 1,721.10 kN (386,919 lbf). Gross mass: 127,367 kg (280,796 lb). Height: 33.00 m (108.00 ft). Diameter: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Apogee: 400,000 km (240,000 mi).

Payload: 850 kg (1,870 lb) to a GTO.

Stage Data - Atlas LV-3A / Agena B

• Stage 0. 1 x Atlas MA-3. Gross Mass: 3,174 kg (6,997 lb). Empty Mass: 3,174 kg (6,997 lb). Thrust (vac): 1,644.960 kN (369,802 lbf). Isp: 290 sec. Burn time: 120 sec. Isp(sl): 256 sec. Diameter: 4.90 m (16.00 ft). Span: 4.90 m (16.00 ft).Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. No Engines: 2. Engine: LR-89-5. Status: In Production.
• Stage 1. 1 x Atlas Agena SLV-3. Gross Mass: 117,026 kg (257,998 lb). Empty Mass: 2,326 kg (5,127 lb). Thrust (vac): 386.300 kN (86,844 lbf). Isp: 316 sec. Burn time: 265 sec. Isp(sl): 220 sec. Diameter: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Span: 4.90 m (16.00 ft). Length: 20.67 m (67.81 ft). Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. No Engines: 1. Engine: LR-105-5. Status: In Production.
• Stage 2. 1 x Agena B. Gross Mass: 7,167 kg (15,800 lb). Empty Mass: 867 kg (1,911 lb). Thrust (vac): 71.166 kN (15,999 lbf). Isp: 285 sec. Burn time: 240 sec. Diameter: 1.52 m (4.98 ft). Span: 1.52 m (4.98 ft). Length: 7.09 m (23.26 ft). Propellants: Nitric acid/UDMH. No Engines: 1. Engine: Bell 8081. Status: Out of Production.


Comparative Specs
Launcher LV-3 Agena B.1 SLV Sarir-2 Lunar Lander SLV
Length ~31 m35 m
Total Mass130.50 tons?? tons
1st stage Diameter 3.05 m 2.4 m
2nd stage Diameter 1.52 m 2.4 m
Total thrust 162.74 tf 320 tf
Trans-lunar injection (TLI) payloadRanger-3: 331 kg~300 kg


https://archive.is/lonDF/362e3bf6092fe9feed363755b2d30f1a5c2d4ccb.jpg ; https://archive.is/lonDF/4cc22c96d35c4a424ce80e21c4d753549117fda1/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210208125731/https://i.imgur.com/u5CZAu5.jpg
1. Iran's Sarir-2 lunar lander SLV VS the U.S. Atlas Agena SLV. 2021.

Will the U.N.S.C. find fault with team Iran-DPRK's testing of dual-use military-civilian technologies on the moon, while turning a blind eye on team Israel-India's lunar landers, and the U.A.E.'s Mars orbiter "Hope"?

That would be outrageous double standards practice in the application of international laws and the right to peaceful use of outer space for all nations.




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Iran's Lunar Rover

Well, Turkey has now entered the global lunar space race today, with the announcement of a lunar impactor for 2023 and a lunar lander by 2028!

Turkey's Lunar Exploration Program (TLEP)

End of 2023 first moon mission: A falcon9 SpaceX rocket brings the first Turkish moon Orbiter into low earth orbit.

After separating the moon orbiter ignite its hybrid rocket engine and shots the moon orbiter to the moon for a hard landing!

The second part of the Turkish moon mission: 2028 turkey plans to launch a moon landing module with its own launcher. This is very ambitious

Look to the sky and see the moon
The original : istikbal göklerdedir-> future is in the skies


https://archive.is/SwfYf/56600b03591d19b0d87252f72b0b6a774d4e5272.jpg ; https://archive.is/SwfYf/75297c79b93cef2a06317854ec8aa69c91219e51/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210210133544/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtzW5zVXAAMirWr?format=jpg&name=large
1. Roadmap for the Turkish Lunar Exploration Program (TLEP). 2021.


The ball is now in the court of team North Korea-Iran!:lol:

As for the North Korean Lunar Rover, nothing new:

North Korean lunar Rover mission

The third phase of the NKLEP after orbiting and landing would be to land a rover on the moon for a prolonged exploration.

Already hinted back in 2015's Pyongyang Science-Technology Complex.


▲ Schematics of the orbital trajectory of the North Korean Lunar Exploration Program Phase III: lunar lander and rover mission.
Launched with a heavy Unha-18 booster able to place 3 t into a LTO, sometimes after 2026.
Participants in the 8th Congress of the Korean Children's Union visiting the Science-Technology Complex in Pyongyang, on June 5, 2017.

North Korean Lunar Exploration Program Video

Published on Oct 28, 2015


Note: At t=666 seconds (11m06s), possibly the section dedicated to the future North Korean lunar exploration program (Unha-9, Unha-20), as disclosed back in 2012; Hint at future Phase Three with lunar lander and rover.

▲ Censored:
Pyongyang Opens Science - Technology Complex

▲ Uncensored backup video: At T=3m06s section dedicated to the future North Korean lunar exploration program (Unha-9, Unha-20), as disclosed back in 2012; Hint at future Phase Three with lunar lander and rover.

Iran's Lunar Rover SLV

Let us examine the Iranian options for a first lunar lander and rover mission.

Expect the Unha-18/Soroush-2 space launcher to be ready by 2028-2030.

Soroush-2 Specs:

length: ?? m
mass: ?? tons
diameter 1. & 2. stage 3.7 m
Total thrust: 640 tf

Soroush-1 SLV can place 8'000 kg into LEO and 1'000 kg into GTO, with 4 strap-on liquid boosters the Soroush-2 SLV can place 15'000 kg into LEO and 2'500 kg into GTO.

Soroush-1 SLV can place ~500 kg into LTO, Soroush-2 SLV can place ~1'300 kg into LTO.

Such lunar lander and rover mission has already been attempted before, on 1st December 2013 with China's first lunar rover Chang'e 3, with total launch mass of the lander and rover of about 3'800 kg. The small rover having a mass of ~ 120 kg.

Chang'e 3

2013 December 1 - . 17:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Xichang. Launch Pad: xxx. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 3BE.

• Chang'e 3 - . Mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb). Nation: China. Class: Moon. Type: Lunar probe. Spacecraft: Chang'e. Decay Date: 2013-12-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 39458 . COSPAR: 2013-070A.

Unmanned lunar rover. Boosted into a 210 x 389 109 km x 28.5 deg lunar transfer orbit. On December 6 at 09:50 GMT the spacecraft entered a 100 km polar orbit around the Moon. The 3,800 kg wet / 1,200 kg at landing spacecraft had a descent engine and landing legs, and a variety of lunar surface science experiments. It also carried Yutu, a small 140 kg rover. On December 10 at 13:20 GMT the orbit was lowered from 100 x 100 to 15 x 100 km. At 12:59:52 GMT December 14, near perilune, the descent engine was turned on to decelerate the probe and fly it down to the surface. Chang'e-3 touched down at 13:11:18 GMT, at 19.51W 44.12N, about 43 km south of crater Laplace F in the Mare Imbrium. This was the first lunar soft landing since the USSR's Luna-24 in 1976.


Chang Zheng 3BE

Version of the Long March 3B with lengthened first stage and boosters, increasing geosynchronous payload to 5,500 kg.

AKA: Chang Zheng 3B;Chang Zheng-3B;Long March 3B. Status: Active. First Launch: 2007-05-13. Last Launch: 2013-12-20. Number: 14 . Payload: 11,200 kg (24,600 lb). Thrust: 2,980.00 kN (669,930 lbf). Gross mass: 425,800 kg (938,700 lb). Height: 54.80 m (179.70 ft). Diameter: 3.35 m (10.99 ft). Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).

LEO Payload: 11,200 kg (24,600 lb) to a 200 km orbit at 28.50 degrees. Payload: 5,100 kg (11,200 lb) to a GTO. Launch Price $: 70.000 million in 1999 dollars.


Comparative Specs
Launcher CZ-3BE SLV Soroush-2 Lunar Rover SLV
Length 54.84 m?? m
Total Mass472.70 tons?? tons
1st stage Diameter 3.35 m 3.7 m
2nd stage Diameter 3.35 m 3.7 m
3rd stage Diameter 3.00 - 3.35 m 3.7 m
Total thrust 610.4 tf 640 tf
Trans-lunar injection (TLI) payloadChang'e-3: 3'800 kg~1'500 kg


https://archive.vn/fiyWM/bb466978c63510b8e78428350f156fce0d9de0ed.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fiyWM/6c4a37281895eb9e17a5ef1c07b86c86884efe62/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210210134635/https://i.imgur.com/XaWlidR.jpg
3. Iran's Soroush-2 lunar Rover SLV VS the Chinese CZ-3B SLV. 2021.

This is only the beginning, as the Moon is no limit, coming next: the manned space race between Turkey and Iran for the global leadership in the Islamic world!


https://archive.vn/ayeeo/ad3a47f2fb6e55564ee4c3c14efa0b9a0299a2b2.jpg ; https://archive.vn/ayeeo/e0c7963831bbcef88de3759e89d492f568ce9354/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210210133655/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtzUavrXIAQd-xS?format=jpg&name=large
4. Inter-Islamic Space Race.




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