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Iran's Hormoz-2, worlds first anti-radiation ballistic missile

So Iran's response to being attacked is to throw the entire region into chaos? I don't wanna sound like a Debbie downer but this sounds a little too much.

(I would of thought that Iranian generals would take a more tactical approach to reciprocal actions rather then just destroying multiple countries and having an even greater humanitarian problem bein created)

Please don't take this the wrong way though.

All of those countries have been warned by Iran that if Iran is attack, Iran's response will be attacking them!

War is War Iran will never be the one who starts the war but one of the most vital targets in war is cutting off your enemies supply line and the only way to cut off the U.S. supply line that's within Iran's capability is by cutting off their means of income!

among other things U.S. sells over $100 Billion USD of arms to the region this allows them spend money on their own military to make war against Iran! So if Iran is attack, Iran will be forced to cut off their source of income and to do that Iran will have no choice but to respond harshly by hitting U.S. puppets!

Hitting a few US ships in international waters is not going to solve anything because the US fleet is too large and the main way to make them hurt is by hitting their puppets!

This is NOT a war Iran is looking forward too but if forced that will be Iran's response! Iran's is no match for the U.S. military but they can defend their own territory & the ONLY way to make the U.S. hurt is by hitting their puppets & cutting off their source of income!
All of those countries have been warned by Iran that if Iran is attack, Iran's response will be attacking them!

War is War Iran will never be the one who starts the war but one of the most vital targets in war is cutting off your enemies supply line and the only way to cut off the U.S. supply line that's within Iran's capability is by cutting off their means of income!

among other things U.S. sells over $100 Billion USD of arms to the region this allows them spend money on their own military to make war against Iran! So if Iran is attack, Iran will be forced to cut off their source of income and to do that Iran will have no choice but to respond harshly by hitting U.S. puppets!

Hitting a few US ships in international waters is not going to solve anything because the US fleet is too large and the main way to make them hurt is by hitting their puppets!

This is NOT a war Iran is looking forward too but if forced that will be Iran's response! Iran's is no match for the U.S. military but they can defend their own territory & the ONLY way to make the U.S. hurt is by hitting their puppets & cutting off their source of income!

I guess that's fair, I see where you're coming from. Destroying the puppets sates will definitely set US plans back a bit and create loads if uncertainty for the pentagon who will now be worrying about the US bases being in countries that are unstable.

Th oil will be the biggest though.
So Iran's response to being attacked is to throw the entire region into chaos?

It is a great deterrence. Iran makes it clear that any attack on Iran, even a "limited" strike on its nuclear facilities, would be met by full, unrestrained retaliation. What this does it raise the cost of war exponentially. No more "limited" strikes on sovereign countries, like the Israelis did in Iraq, Syria etc, and like the Americans did to Saddam with the "no-fly zone" between the two Iraq wars, or they wanted to do in Syria a few years ago, or that they did to Libya. You attack Iran even to destroy a single centrifuge and you will be met by an extremely disproportionate response.

Raise the cost of war. Deterrence 101.
It is a great deterrence. Iran makes it clear that any attack on Iran, even a "limited" strike on its nuclear facilities, would be met by full, unrestrained retaliation. What this does it raise the cost of war exponentially. No more "limited" strikes on sovereign countries, like the Israelis did in Iraq, Syria etc, and like the Americans did to Saddam with the "no-fly zone" between the two Iraq wars, or they wanted to do in Syria a few years ago, or that they did to Libya. You attack Iran even to destroy a single centrifuge and you will be met by an extremely disproportionate response.

Raise the cost of war. Deterrence 101.

I think the biggest take away here is that Iran knows the Arab monarchies and states are unstable, this is what the US knows as well.

I just got a little disheartened thinking of the millions of innocence lives that will be destroyed because central governments are going to be essentially liquidated but when a countries safety comes under attack then I won't blame Iran for the steps it takes.

Iran is very much right though. USA's puppet Arab states and the Israeli masterminds are all just one entity. Nearly indiscernible from each other. When one goes down the others will follow. And then the house of cards folds.

It's kinda sad don't you think. We Americans have the strongest military and the second largest economy but we squander it away on fruitless foreign endeavors.

I pray not for a country or a faction or ideology, I pray for the well-being of mankind.
There are several thousends of people (4000-6000) embarked on board CVNs: radiation cannot be that high or people would fall sick.

"The occupational radiation doses to crew of nuclear vessels in very small. US Naval Reactors’ average annual occupational exposure was 0.06 mSv per person in 2013, and no personnel have exceeded 20 mSv in any year in the 34 years to then. The average occupational exposure of each person monitored at US Naval Reactors' facilities since 1958 is 1.03 mSv per year."

Ok, thanks. That's what I thought too. :tup:

Smaller than the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf is 251,000 km2
That is still quite a bit of real estate (water) to monitor

@VEVAK has already answered what I too was going to say. The 2 American bases (1 for the Army & the other for the Airforce) are within 100 km of range from the nearest Iranian held island (there are multiple).

Post #89 takes it a bit further than even my initial response. So it's great as to what will happen if Iran is attacked. ;)

Duh. They (Tomahawk carrying SSNs and DDGs) would be in the Med, Arabian Sea, Red Sea or possibly even Black Sea, not the Caspian Sea, silly. CVNs would not operate in the Black Sea.


Diego Garcia - Teheran is 5,165 km (Indian Ocean)
Haifa - Teheran is 1555km. (Mediterranean Sea)
Muscat - Teheran is 1500km (Gulf of Oman / Arabian Sea)
Batumi - Teheran is 1000km (Black Sea)
Jeddah - Bandar Busher is 1400 km (Red Sea)

Block II TLAM-A – 1,350 nmi (1,550 mi; 2,500 km)
Block III TLAM-C, Block IV TLAM-E – 900 nmi (1,000 mi; 1,700 km)
Block III TLAM-D – 700 nmi (810 mi; 1,300 km)
JASSM-ER – 1,000km
JASSM – 370+ km

Combat radius for an carrier-based F/A18E is 390 nmi (449 mi, 722 km) on an interdiction mission, exclusive of aerial refuelling. With 370+ km (230 mi) JASSM that gives a strike range of about 1100km unrefueled.

As for land-based assets, JASSM is also carried by e.g. F-16 (550km + 370 km = 920 km strike range, unrefuelled), F-15E (1,270 + 370 = 1640km), B-1B (5,540 + 370 = 5,910 km).

The 5,540 km combat radius B1's would be adding 1000+ km (620 mi) with JASSM-ER. Eventually this missile also will be integrated onto 7,210 km capable B-52, the 1,270 km capable F-15E, and 550 km capable F-16.

Ok, so now that I understand your game plan. You also have to consider what post #89 said (Hezbollah support in/near the Mediterranean Sea + Houthis near the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean). I think it was yesterday that I saw a thread on PDF saying that USN had conducted strikes against Houthis because they (the Houthis) had ~3 radars that were tracking USN ships (and using AshM's against).

So, in this scenario, we don't know if the Houthis have been equipped with UAV's (that have radar on them instead of ammunition) or have ground radars strong enough to see 200 km - 600 km afar from shore.

So, let's extend the stand off ranges. USN would have to strike Iran ~1000 km from it's shores (so JSOW-ER would be ineffective) + ~200-500 km away from Yemeni coast (in fear of being tracked and targeted).

The final option would be the use of CM's by subs & vessels far away in the Indian Ocean (or subs near the Iranian coast) but then again, Iranian midget subs will come in action & the great ranges from launch to target (of the CM's or JSOW-ER (if it's launched)) would enable enough time for the Iranians to be able track the CM's coming their way & deploy SAM's against them. :azn: (Post #89 also expands on this).

Simply said, the US can't afford to attack Iran without losing lots of it's own material, soldiers, assets, bases, allies & it's permanent foothold in the M.E.

With the USN or US out of the way, who will protect Israel? It'll be a all-buffet led by Iran against Israel then. :)

So Iran's response to being attacked is to throw the entire region into chaos? I don't wanna sound like a Debbie downer but this sounds a little too much.

The entire region is already in chaos without Iran even being directly involved. When the region started going down the path of chaos was when the US became involved 2-3 decades ago. Before that, it was the British & French some 50 so years ago.

So, who is to be blamed? Iran? Or the Anglo-Saxons? (the Western World in general) o_O

Surely the media doesn't portray it like that, does it? :D
What are you even blabbering about? your comment makes no sense. Where did I even compare indigenous systems vs purchased?

S-300/S-400 are not battle tested, F-22, Su-30/35 etc etc are not truly battle tested but people still purchase them.You're talking out of your behind.
and how many countries are operating F-22 ??? you know there is a thing called wiki ??? even kids can use it

To top that off it seems you forgot that Iranian Hezbollah Forces hit an Israeli ship in the Mediterranean & Iranian backed Hothi forces so far have hit several Saudi & UAE ships off the cost of Yemen!
None of these three ships sank. Only the unarmed, converted civilan catamaran ferry was wrecked (by fire, for the most part). Neither combat ships suffered serious damage: both came back to port under their own power.
Yeah, clearly something worth forgetting.

Iran has 30 unsinkable Islands all armed in the Persian Gulf + 30 armed Midget Subs specifically made for the Persian Gulf to top that off Iran has Anti Ship Missiles stationed in Syria & Lebanon for the Mediterranean and in Yemen for the Red Sea
Do they also have any sinkable islands? Or is this where they base those midgets? Who cares if Iran has minions with (what, 200 or 300 km range?) Noor / quader in Syria and Lebanon! You just keep a it more distance. 300km is just 1/5 of the length of the Red Sea at best > who cares?

Plus US has over 50 bases within the range of Iranian precision guided ballistic missiles even if they pack up and leave it still wont matter because Iran is not going to be wasting it's missiles on them!
Then why waste wors on it?

FYI Iran's MAIN Targets will be the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain & Saudi Arabia
If Iran is attack in response Iran will sink every ship UAE, Qatar & Saudi Arabia has in the Persian Gulf!
Every Air Base in UAE, Qatar & Saudi Arabia will be hit
Every Oil facility, refinery, power plant,... in Qatar, UAE & Saudi Arabia will be destroyed
Every port UAE, Qatar, Bahrain & Saudi Arabia have in the Persian Gulf will be wiped out

And Iran will do all this in a single DAY! In a single day Iran will send US puppets in the region into the dark ages!

That's right, Iran's response will be cutting off the cash flow that goes to the U.S. military industrial complex from those puppet stats. Iran will not only destroy their toys but will also cut off their livelihood by taking out every source of income they have.

And the ONLY countries exporting anything out of the Persian Gulf will be Iran & Iraq!
I think you're completely missing the point of discussion.
So Iran's response to being attacked is to throw the entire region into chaos? I don't wanna sound like a Debbie downer but this sounds a little too much.

(I would of thought that Iranian generals would take a more tactical approach to reciprocal actions rather then just destroying multiple countries and having an even greater humanitarian problem bein created)

Please don't take this the wrong way though.
Iran leader: Any attacks bring 'same level' reply | World News | US News

though we consider U.S and Israel as one entity.
None of these three ships sank. Only the unarmed, converted civilan catamaran ferry was wrecked (by fire, for the most part). Neither combat ships suffered serious damage: both came back to port under their own power.
Yeah, clearly something worth forgetting.

Do they also have any sinkable islands? Or is this where they base those midgets? Who cares if Iran has minions with (what, 200 or 300 km range?) Noor / quader in Syria and Lebanon! You just keep a it more distance. 300km is just 1/5 of the length of the Red Sea at best > who cares?

Then why waste wors on it?

I think you're completely missing the point of discussion.

No I'm not missing the point! Your point is that if US was going to attack Iran they would move their ships out of the Persian Gulf and attack Iran with cruise missiles from the Black Sea off Turkish costs and Iran has no sensors there to hit those ships even if they had the weapons to do so!

And I'm telling you U.S. can fire it's cruise missiles, Iranian air defense will do their best to counter as many as they can BUT IRAN'S RESPONSE will be sending US Puppets back to the stone ages to cut off the fools that fund the US Military Industrial Complex for they will be the main target NOT the US Navy!

US naval fleet is vast so hitting a few US ship is not going to hurt the U.S.! Hell the US military industrial complex will even be happy for it because they can sell more! What will hurt them is destroying the means of income of their puppet stats like UAE, Qatar, Bahrain & Saudi Arabia!

Destroying 20 US navy ships may kill many American but over all it wont put a dent in the US Navy the U.S. has over 200 combat vessels in reserve alone!
Iran is not stupid enough to go around the world looking for US ships to destroy! YES they will shut down the Persian Gulf & hit any US ship in it! BUT the main target is cutting off the source of income of US puppet states that fund the US military industrial complex! And they can say bye bye to that $100 Billion a year they used to get from their puppet states

And you don't need to sink a ship to disable it! And till now Iran hasn't been attacked for you to even comprehend the amount of missiles that will start flying if such a war ever takes place! You haven't seen nothing yet! these are small skirmishes during peace time with Iran and as of yet Iranian soil has NOT been hit!
@Śakra Iran won't (or maybe can't) launch N-tipped missiles right in it's backyard (the Arabian Sea or the Gulf of Hormuz).

1) The radiation will kill all the marine life and make hell for all the fishermen of the whole region.
2) Other than marine life, radiation can spill into the Iranian mainland.
3) The Gulf states and cities like Dubai are not far away so they will be effected, leading to bigger people/nations joining the fray against Iran.

Some of the many reasons why Iran won't fire a N-tipped BM on vessels or in general. Iran won't fire one into KSA due to it not being technologically advanced enough (can someone counter this?) or the above reasons.

Second, no country, even the US is going to send out their N-tipped missiles just because Iran is sending BM's their way;
1) Because they can't put Nukes on missiles yet....(so they know the BM's are not N-tipped)
2) Because commanders will get hell if they are not N-tipped (again #1, if they don't get nukes on missiles in the future)
3) Everyone is going to make sure to let one at least hits water or a vessel (or explodes like a nuke when intercepted) to test out #2 if they are N-tipped then yes, they will fire back but believe me, no one's stupid enough to fire N-tipped missiles just cuz BM's are on the radar. BM's can also be used conventionally.

Iran is NOT after making Nukes if Iran wanted to makes nukes the technology & capability is there and has been there for over a decade and like Japan the capability alone is all the deterrence against nukes Iran needs!
Everyone knows that Iran has the technology to develop nukes if it so chooses and can do so in under a year even with all the restrictions of the JCPOA so attacking Iran with a Nuke will sooner or later result in a nuclear response from Iran!

So that well known fact is all the deterrence Iran needs!

If Iran wanted to hit Saudi Arabia there would be no need for nukes! In a war with Saudi Arabia Iran would destroy every Oil facility, power plant, port, ship, tanker & Air base Saudi Arabia has! The number of missiles Iran has aren't in the 100's or 1000's they are in tens of thousands if all Iran had was a handful of missiles then yes Nukes would be a necessity but that is not the case!
Saudi regime is fully dependent on Oil and is incapable of producing anything of it's own so all Iran has to do is take away their means of income and the regime will fall so there is no need for Nukes against the KSA!
No I'm not missing the point! Your point is that if US was going to attack Iran they would move their ships out of the Persian Gulf and attack Iran with cruise missiles from the Black Sea off Turkish costs and Iran has no sensors there to hit those ships even if they had the weapons to do so!

And I'm telling you U.S. can fire it's cruise missiles, Iranian air defense will do their best to counter as many as they can BUT IRAN'S RESPONSE will be sending US Puppets back to the stone ages to cut off the fools that fund the US Military Industrial Complex for they will be the main target NOT the US Navy!

US naval fleet is vast so hitting a few US ship is not going to hurt the U.S.! Hell the US military industrial complex will even be happy for it because they can sell more! What will hurt them is destroying the means of income of their puppet stats like UAE, Qatar, Bahrain & Saudi Arabia!

Destroying 20 US navy ships may kill many American but over all it wont put a dent in the US Navy the U.S. has over 200 combat vessels in reserve alone!
Iran is not stupid enough to go around the world looking for US ships to destroy! YES they will shut down the Persian Gulf & hit any US ship in it! BUT the main target is cutting off the source of income of US puppet states that fund the US military industrial complex! And they can say bye bye to that $100 Billion a year they used to get from their puppet states

And you don't need to sink a ship to disable it! And till now Iran hasn't been attacked for you to even comprehend the amount of missiles that will start flying if such a war ever takes place! You haven't seen nothing yet! these are small skirmishes during peace time with Iran and as of yet Iranian soil has NOT been hit!
Bye Vevak.
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