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Iran's 'hidden' alcoholism problem

look at the source .... BBC , and we don't have execute punishment for drinking alcohol !
there is only a minority in iran who use that ****!

Looking at the Iranian community that i know of in Toronto, they consume alcohol like water, and almost all have wet bars in their basmeents. So, I dont doubt this news.
of course we have so many armanians in Tehran and they are informal free to drink alcohol.no problem with that.
why are you guys so much seriouse to find problems of our society nowdays?
of course we have so many armanians in Tehran and they are informal free to drink alcohol.no problem with that.
why are you guys so much seriouse to find problems of our society nowdays?
Because their society is so clean that they can't find any problems in it,so they are looking for Iran's problems.

So what is about the news?When it comes to west,drinking alchohol is a gesture of liberals and being open-minded,but about Iran,It's a lethal problem?
Iran has a large minority of people who call themselves as liberals and non-Muslims,they drink alchohol and it's a normal matter for them.Instead of putting your head in Iran's cultural matters like an old woman,think of something for your own countries problems which i believe is not less than Iran's.
There is a serious obsession about Iran in this forum.
Few of my Iranian friends told me that Alcohal consumption is very common in home parties there especially in big cities.
Not just home parties. When I was in Iran last time, Mexican, German and American beer was always a phone call away at very good prices. I paid pretty much the same as here for a 12 pack.

I said it in another thread. The regime needs to re-evaluate the shria laws. Right now it's having the opposite effect, in all areas, not just this. Our society is way different from the Saudi society. Culturally we're much more open people and 8 decades of Pahlavi rule made the country very Westernized, whether we like it or not.

People have to want something first, you can't just push your morality down their throats.

of course we have so many armanians in Tehran and they are informal free to drink alcohol.no problem with that.
why are you guys so much seriouse to find problems of our society nowdays?
It's good. It shows how important we are. lol

Everyday one aspect of our society is being examined.

Some people here want to impose Iran as a role model for Pakistan - well thanks Allah that we have not fared so worst that we need needle vending machines for heroin addicts

Iran to distribute condoms, needles from vending machines as public health measure
Buddy, in Iran we have the best family planning in the Middle East. We're always being used as an example by the UN. Newly weds have to take family planning etc... That's why our total fertility rate is lower then even some European countries and yours is, well you know better than me.

Total fertility rate: 1.88 children born/woman (2011 est.)

Iran: A Model for Family Planning?
Iran: A Model for Family Planning? by Janet Larsen - The Globalist

Iran's population growth rate dropped from an all-time high of 3.2 percent in 1986 to just 1.2 percent in 2001. This is one of the fastest drops ever recorded. In reducing its population growth to this level — a rate that is only slightly higher than that of the United States — Iran has emerged as a model for other countries that want to lessen the risk of overpopulation. Janet Larsen, research associate at the Earth Policy Institute, explains.

Problem ???
Boozing is a matter of personal choice, banning it will make people to drink just for the thril of doing it.
I am happy that in my father suggested me not to go beyond 2 large and a small when ever there is a party my friends throw up, this is a normal human limit, you go beyond that you risk the chance of becoming an addict.
Iran's regime is a little loony. But Iranian people and society are one of the most progressive societies in middle east.
Read the news and take it literally. It is indeed a problem probably in upper income folks. Its the same situation in many nations where alcohol is banned.
Jun 25, 2012

Iran to execute two for drinking alcohol

Iran is to execute two people caught drinking alcohol for a third time after judges upheld the Islamic republic's strict laws on alcohol consumption, according to media reports in the country quoting a top judicial official today.

Hassan Shariati, the judiciary chief of the northeastern province of Khorasan-e Razavi, announced the sentence in an ISNA news agency report that was published by the Donya-e-Eqtesad daily.

The two unidentified people were repeat offenders, having been twice before convicted of drinking and lashed 80 times each, Mr Shariati said.

He said the death penalty for their third conviction had been validated by Iran's Supreme Court.

Under Iran's interpretation of Sharia law, imposed after its 1979 revolution, a first and second conviction on the charge of drinking alcohol is punishable by a maximum sentence of 80 lashes.

A third offence risks a death penalty but, if the convicted person repents, the sentence can be commuted to the whipping.

Only members of Iran's Christian minorities are exempt from the alcohol laws.

The last time execution was ordered for a repeat offender on the charge was in 2007, but it was overturned after the convict officially expressed contrition, the Shargh daily reported.

Despite Iran's tough penalties, some 60 million to 80 million litres of alcohol are smuggled into the country each year, of which police seize only around a quarter, according to officials.

An officer at Iran's anti-smuggling bureau said in early 2011 that the value of liquor smuggled to Iran was around US$730 million (Dh2.6 billion) per year. According to Iran's police chief, Esmaeel Ahmadi Moghadam, the country has some 200,000 alcoholics.

Alcohol is also covertly manufactured in Iran, sometimes resulting in deaths due to the production methods used.

Iranian police have also started taking measures against driving under the influence of alcohol, with offenders liable to a fine of about $120, confiscation of their driving licence and criminal prosecution.

Iran to execute two for drinking alcohol - The National

BS they claim they are an islamic country how come they put people to death for alcohol. :argh:
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