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Iran's envoy to Azerbaijan claims Turkey spreading pan-Turkism

You will be disappointed at the end, but then it will be too late. You know what I mean deep inside. Every Azeri in Iran stands behind Aliyev and you know it.

There is nothing deep inside,you are too shallow my friend.
About the Alyev part, I can't do anything but smiling...that how can ultra nationalism spoil people's minds
You are right actually, 101% of Iranians, not only Azeris, love Alyiev,even more than their parents.He is kinda worshipped in here.
Azeris are the only people who call themselves Turkish in the broader Turkic world, Azeri Turkish language is most intelligible to parent Turkish language (especially after Azeri conversion from Cyrillic to Latin) that creates natural bonding between the two states and the citizenry respectively. Iran on the other hand having more Azeri Turkish population than the republic of Azerbijan ( outcome of Golistan treaty) and the natural Shiet bond of religious kinship as most of Azeri Turks are shiets unlike the Anatolian Sunnites. In the end it will be a long battle between the "Ethinc/linguistic and the religious kinship" two identities and it will be interesting to see that who will be the ultimate winner.
Azeris are the only people who call themselves Turkish in the broader Turkic world, Azeri Turkish language is most intelligible to parent Turkish language (especially after Azeri conversion from Cyrillic to Latin) that creates natural bonding between the two states and the citizenry respectively. Iran on the other hand having more Azeri Turkish population than the republic of Azerbijan ( outcome of Golistan treaty) and the natural Shiet bond of religious kinship as most of Azeri Turks are shiets unlike the Anatolian Sunnites. In the end it will be a long battle between the "Ethinc/linguistic and the religious kinship" two identities and it will be interesting to see that who will be the ultimate winner.

x2, very insightful.

Does anyone find it strange that most of these separatist "South Azerbaijan" movements aren't even coming from the area at all, but from the Azerbaijani Republic? Who says that Aliyev represents all Azerbaijanis? He doesn't even represent most of the citizens in his own country. If Azerbaijan has so much money, why does it not create housing for its IDPs? Its BS reasoning is that it will mean acceptance of NKR status quo. Well, guess what Aliyev, people still need houses.

The following questions is directed words ASQ-1918 and atatwolf: Why do you believe that you have to support the current president to be a nationalist? In Azerbaijan's case, as well as Armenia's, it is in fact the opposition that are the real patriots. Sargsyan is a criminal, and any Armenian who disagrees is either collaborating with him or is ignorant. That goes 10x for Aliyev.
a lot of countries use cross-over of religious sect and ethnicity to help build "alliances" of sorts

in this case, it's hard for both Iran and Turkiye

what is an ethnic Iranian? what is an ethnic Turk? Today in 2012, no such thing exists!!
Not correct,

There was no organized army, that you could call : "Azeri army" ( they were mostly militia ).

And remember ; Russia had created the difference in that conflict.
I think Iranian Azeris should be given the freedom to join their own country (Azerbaijan) no matter what, and their movements should not be made fun of. I have had a couple of Iranian Azeri friends who were ashamed to call theirselves Iranian and who were sick of the Iranian government restricting them from saying what they wanna say. No matter what the reason is, Iran does not have the right to seperate a major population from their country.
As a devil's advocate ; what about some etnic people in Turkiye then? What if there has been a country where they want to join? And what if that country to be declared ?
I think Iranian Azeris should be given the freedom to join their own country (Azerbaijan) no matter what, and their movements should not be made fun of. I have had a couple of Iranian Azeri friends who were ashamed to call theirselves Iranian and who were sick of the Iranian government restricting them from saying what they wanna say. No matter what the reason is, Iran does not have the right to seperate a major population from their country.
The question can be asked in another way, why doesn't Turkey let Kurds join their 'brothers' in Iraqi Kurdistan?
No country has any right to interfere in others' internal affairs.
Iranian Azeris belong to Iran,as they have been during 2000 years ago.It was republic of Azerbaijan who was separated from Iran in wars with Russia. Now if anyone has any right to claim any land,it's Iran, not Azerbaijan.We won't do it, because Azerbaijan is a sovereign nation and Iran was among the first who recognized it after USSR break-up.
No one should join any other side, that's the way it is.
The question can be asked in another way, why doesn't Turkey let Kurds join their 'brothers' in Iraqi Kurdistan?
No country has any right to interfere in others' internal affairs.
Iranian Azeris belong to Iran,as they have been during 2000 years ago.It was republic of Azerbaijan who was separated from Iran in wars with Russia. Now if anyone has any right to claim any land,it's Iran, not Azerbaijan.We won't do it, because Azerbaijan is a sovereign nation and Iran was among the first who recognized it after USSR break-up.
No one should join any other side, that's the way it is.

Yes, question can rightly be asked but there is difference between the two cases as Northern Iraq is not an independent state and Turkey has much better relation with KRG unlike Iranian- Azeri relations that prompted the envoy to raise the aforementioned issue.

One more thing that geographical boundaries are Man made and they keep changing with the passage of time. Who knows there can be another treaty like Golistan or Severe
Yes, question can rightly be asked but there is difference between the two cases as Northern Iraq is not an independent state and Turkey has much better relation with KRG unlike Iranian- Azeri relations that prompted the envoy to raise the aforementioned issue.

One more thing that geographical boundaries are Man made and they keep changing with the passage of time. Who knows there can be another treaty like Golistan or Severe
Yes, boundaries are man made.But there is no need for any change.No matter how bad Iran-Azerbaijan relations are, it won't lead to any border changes.Because of lack of interest on the side of Iranian Azeris. They have rights which are rightfully demanding them and I totally back it.like teaching Azeri Turkish language in schools or Turkish papers and channels.
Yes, boundaries are man made.But there is no need for any change.No matter how bad Iran-Azerbaijan relations are, it won't lead to any border changes.Because of lack of interest on the side of Iranian Azeris. They have rights which are rightfully demanding them and I totally back it.like teaching Azeri Turkish language in schools or Turkish papers and channels.

I respect your personal opinion and thought process but that does not mean that power brokers in Tehran do think in the same line. The artificial division of Azeri Turkish people to satisfy imperial powers was against there wishes so was the division of Kurdish people and that was even worse. In my opinion artificial division does not last long and it has to be bridged and it will definitely be bridged by mother nature itself.
Pan-Turkism can gain ground anywhere where Turks live. Not necessary for Turkey's meddling.

In Europe, Pan Turkism happen when Turkish families take a block of apartments and put flags on it, then comes a mosque.

in Central Asia and beyond, Turkism has different form, they abandon Russian and Islamic traditions, and embrace ancient arts and living of their ancestors.

if Iran cannot control the feelings of its people, Turkey is not the one to blame. Arabic traditions are rejected by Persians; why not by Turks as well?

Transformation of societies are interesting issue to watch and take clues. I was being harsh on Anti-Islamic movements, cause they threatened the social structure. But then i realized human happiness is most important thing.

if Persians find peace in Zoroastrianism, and Kurds in Yazidism, why should Turks not search for their roots?
Iran won't allow Azeri to have freedom. They don't even allow freedom to Syrian people but support dicatators. Only way for Azeri in Iran to get freedom is when it joins North-Azerbaijan
Most of those people were Persian. anyway
Bullshit, each one of those dynasties are more Turkish than the Ottoman dynasty.
poor kid, what about Cyrus the great? what about the acheamenids, parthians, sassanians?
Who's talking about Cyrus the great? What the fvck about them?
Those dynasties existed long before your kind (Mongols)

Turkic migration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't give a rat's *** about the identity issues of Azeri Turkmens or other Turkmen people in Iran. There's no way they will ever gain independence on their own or embrace iranian identity all of a sudden. The only clash that'll happen in future will be a military one, it was always about military. If Azerbaijan reaches the military technology and competence to take on Iran they'll pluck southern Azerbaijan or northern Iran whatever you call it. And the world will stand and watch.
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