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Irans Drone Hoax

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Expert on Iran Drone Claims: ‘Something is Really Amiss Here’
December 10, 2011
Associated Press

“Something is really amiss here,” the engineer says. It has been around a week since the U.S. admitted it lost contact with an RQ-170 Sentinel Unmanned Aerial Vehicle over the Iran-Afghanistan border — and two days since Tehran showed off pictures and videos purporting to show the secretive Sentinel mostly intact and being inspected by Iranian officers.

The stealthy Sentinel, built in small numbers in the early 2000s by Lockheed Martin, was most likely looking for evidence of Iran’s nuclear-weapons program on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency, analysts said.

The images seemed to corroborate Tehran’s narrative: that it used electronic jamming to force the RQ-170 down while the bat-shaped craft was spying on Iranian facilities, and now Iranian engineers will disassemble the intact drone to learn its secrets. Given the drone’s apparently excellent condition, “there is the potential for reverse engineering, clearly,” U.S. Air Force Chief Gen. Norton Schwartz confessed.

But one American drone engineer is skeptical. The engineer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, worked on the Boeing X-45, a contemporary of the RQ-170. The X-45 came in two versions: the early “A” model and the larger “C” later on. In the early 2000s, Northrop Grumman also came out with a flying-wing-shaped UAV, the X-47. The X-45 and X-47 are strictly experimental.

For starters, the engineer questions how the Iranians could possess a mostly undamaged Sentinel, when all large U.S. drones are equipped with multiple self-destruct systems. “On the X-45A and C, we went to considerable lengths to have that capability — both commanded and autonomous. On the X-45A it was executed by blowing the wings off. This was mainly a consideration for flying at Edwards [Air Force Base in California] as that was the preferred method there, as opposed to simply making a hole in the ground.”

“In the X-45C there would be two systems, but both resulted in the aircraft flying as vertically down as possible to minimize collateral damage and to maximize the G forces on the aircraft,” the engineer continues. “Operationally and away from Edwards there was demand for less risk in dealing with explosive bolts — or whatever means you would need to have to blow the wings off — so simply screwing into the ground was going to be the [standard procedure].”

There were two ways to active the self-destruct, the engineer adds. One was by command. The other began automatically if the drone had lost contact with its operators on the ground and had traveled a given distance on its own, begun to fly erratically or had run out of fuel. The automated self-destruct required no human intervention. “This whole feature wasn’t an extra Boeing invention, but the Pentagon required it as part of the physical security plan for the system,” the engineer says. “It was a very big deal.”

The RQ-170 almost certainly came equipped with similar, if not identical, self-destruct systems. So how is it that the Iranians came into possession of an undamaged Sentinel?

It’s possible they didn’t — and that the craft depicted in the photos and videos is a replica designed for propaganda purposes. Iran has a long history of creating fake weaponry to show off during parades. The Pentagon declined to comment directly on the images.

“Looking at the photos, the [UAV's] surface doesn’t look right,” the engineer says. “Besides no damage to speak of, the seams and joints don’t look right for [stealthy] surface treatment. Signature would have been crap. Hard to think they built a fake in a couple of days,” the engineer admits, “but then we had a surfboard-maker in California make a full size X-45C that looked like the real one — and he did it in a few days, start to finish.”

The thing crashed in Iran, they got ONLY wreckage, made a mock-up and said they got the thing intact. Typical Iranian B.S. They got NOTHING !!!:rofl:
lmaooooo what a fail thread

The american PRESIDENT HIMSELF asked for the drone back, thus confirming the whole thing, now this guy is pulling this idiotic report from DECEMBER 2011.

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lmaooooo what a fail thread

The american PRESIDENT HIMSELF asked for the drone back, thus confirming the whole thing,..

I don't deny that the Iranians got a drone, or MORE PRECISELY the WRECKAGE of a drone. Then they built a shoddy looking mock-up, displayed it like they got the thing intact. That's why they won't show the landing gear. Too hard to fake. It would be obvious the thing is a replica. Hold your breath waiting for the Iranian reversed engineered version. It's NEVER coming.

That's why Obama begged Iran to give back the drone?:lol:
Why would he beg to give back a useless wreckage?American troll

'BEGGED', Iranian camel-banger ? No one 'begged'. You got a box of wreckage and you can't do a thing with it.
'BEGGED', Iranian camel-banger ? No one 'begged'. You got a box of wreckage and you can't do a thing with it.
Yeah exactly,that's called begging.

Obama:"We ask Iran to give the drone back".
That's officially called begging from a country you don't have relations with.

Off topic,Iranians have no relations with camels.It's not even in our culture.That's why they've taught you in school?
One wise man said once:Some of Americans are nothing more than over-educated idiots.Now I understand what he meant.
Another wise man said, 'You don't know what the f#ck you're talking about'. If I 'ASK' you to shut the f$ck up, does that mean I'm 'BEGGING' you ? Not quite, genius. Now, back on topic, the whole drone thing was a hoax. You only got WRECKAGE and tried to spin it into something. Good try.
Another wise man said, 'You don't know what the f#ck you're talking about'. If I 'ASK' you to shut the f$ck up, does that mean I'm 'BEGGING' you ? Not quite, genius. Now, back on topic, the whole drone thing was a hoax. You only got WRECKAGE and tried to spin it into something. Good try.
So that's why some U.S commanders and Republicans urged Obama to order to bomb the place where that drone was being kept in Iran?Of course they didn't have enough balls to do that,but I'm saying,it was all for a wreckage?
Ok you can be happy in you imaginations,you can think it was a wreckage,no problem.
But we still didn't lose anything,it was you who lost your mighty new toy with lots of new-tech.You can be sad about it.
guys we re-built a drone within hours and put a matching engine right inside it

we should be given an award for being so ******* amazing



RED ARROW: Why nobody has taken the high-resolution photo files and put them into Photoshop to blow out the details is beyond me. A huge tell in whether or not this thing is real or a fake would be what lies behind the intake radar diffuser. In this case it appears to be exactly what should be there, a jet motor with possibly some type of radar blocker covering the fan face. If this was a hastily designed mockup I seriously doubt the Iranians, who had full control of what images were released, would have formed such a smooth inlet and actually placed a motor inside. This is possibly the largest piece of evidence found during my analysis, and you have not seen it anywhere else but aviationintel.com! Sometimes it actually pays to be a professional photographer in these matters because you can utilize basic editing tools to bring out details that are not apparent in the images in the state that they are distributed.

You can look for more evidence here:

So that's why some U.S commanders and Republicans urged Obama to order to bomb the place where that drone was being kept in Iran?

We didn't bomb it because it wasn't worth bombing a box of scorched parts.

But we still didn't lose anything,it was you who lost your mighty new toy with lots of new-tech.You can be sad about it.

No, you're right. You didn't lose anything. You didn't GAIN anything, either.

Expert on Iran Drone Claims: ‘Something is Really Amiss Here’
... Hard to think they built a fake in a couple of days,” the engineer admits, “but then we had a surfboard-maker in California make a full size X-45C that looked like the real one — and he did it in a few days, start to finish.”
Ever heard flame virus yeah it was there for months now and you didn't know it was there, it was too late when you found it, it stole some secret stuff from your computers. :rofl:
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