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Iran's "9 DEY" surface to air missile revealed


Aug 19, 2018
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
A new short range surface to air missile revealed with a range of 30km.


@PeeD I am assuming this missile's role be the protection of the larger Bavar-373 and Talash/3rd of khordad from UAV's and cruise missiles. I am assuming we will see yet another layer composing of a yet shorter range missile soon i.e in form of an Iranian pantsir like systems.
whatever weapons iran makes is a weapon against Arabs, specially the custodians of our holy places the saudis.
Thats why its sad that Iran is making these weapons.
whatever weapons iran makes is a weapon against Arabs, specially the custodians of our holy places the saudis.
Thats why its sad that Iran is making these weapons.

Your saudi masters could not fight their ways out of a plastic bag, you think all these high end missile are going to be wasted on such clowns?
A new short range surface to air missile revealed with a range of 30km.


I wonder what it uses for directional control,as the rear surfaces look to be fixed.That would only leave thrust vectoring,which does make sense as you`d want very high agility for a short ranged missile like this.
Your saudi masters could not fight their ways out of a plastic bag, you think all these high end missile are going to be wasted on such clowns?
says your zorastrian masters?
Who are still sulking about the end of their Persian empire by the hands of Muslim Arabs and still plotting a revenge via you the shia?
No wonder in your faith the very sahabi who conquered persia Hazrat Omer is insulted and hated .
Saudis are not our masters but our brothers.
says your zorastrian masters?
Who are still sulking about the end of their Persian empire by the hands of Muslim Arabs and still plotting a revenge via you the shia?
No wonder in your faith the very sahabi who conquered persia Hazrat Omer is insulted and hated .
Saudis are not our masters but our brothers.

Okay kid, take a hike now.

I wonder what it uses for directional control,as the rear surfaces look to be fixed.That would only leave thrust vectoring,which does make sense as you`d want very high agility for a short ranged missile like this.

I agree given they probably had UAV defence in mind when they made this, it will be a very agile system.
whatever weapons iran makes is a weapon against Arabs, specially the custodians of our holy places the saudis.
Thats why its sad that Iran is making these weapons.
What do you honestly expect iran to do when its faced with regional aggression courtesy of the us and its regional vassals in the gulf states?.
If I was you I`d be far more sad about the hundreds of billions of dollars that the saudis/gulfies have collectively squandered on weapons that they never needed and couldnt even use anyway.

says your zorastrian masters?
Who are still sulking about the end of their Persian empire by the hands of Muslim Arabs and still plotting a revenge via you the shia?
No wonder in your faith the very sahabi who conquered persia Hazrat Omer is insulted and hated .
Saudis are not our masters but our brothers.
Spare us your phony baloney "arab unity" bullsh!t please,because the last time I looked there was precious little unity in the muslim world let alone the arab world,most of whom were nothing more than corrupt us backed vassals.
If the :butcher:saudis:butcher: are your idea of a "brother" then I`d hate to be a member of your family:ph34r:
I wonder what it uses for directional control,as the rear surfaces look to be fixed.That would only leave thrust vectoring,which does make sense as you`d want very high agility for a short ranged missile like this.

Just a mock-up for now, not much details.
Amazing how some of these guys are so diluted that they think the house of Saud is their friend or brother, WAKE UP! These guys have killed more Muslims than the Americans, either directly or through proxies. Do you think if there was muslim unity the West would dare attack a muslim nation? These guys are collaborators. custodians of their corrupt wealth and depravity and nothing else. Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt....useless puppets of the west.
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Amazing how some these guys are so diluted that they think the house of Saud is their friend or brother, WAKE UP! These guys have killed more Muslims than the Americans, either directly or through proxies. Do you think if there was muslim unity the West would dare attack a muslim nation? These guys are collaborators. custodians of their corrupt wealth and depravity and nothing else. Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt....useless puppets of the west.

dude, this thread is about the "9-DAY" missile...
says your zorastrian masters?
Who are still sulking about the end of their Persian empire by the hands of Muslim Arabs and still plotting a revenge via you the shia?
No wonder in your faith the very sahabi who conquered persia Hazrat Omer is insulted and hated .
Saudis are not our masters but our brothers.

very sensitive topic.please don't talk about sahaba e rasool here.we all respect them.arabs and persians are crazy.they want to kill each other for no reason.we as an individual can't do anything to stop this hate.both country leadership wants to destroy each other.crazy people.it's our duty to protect sacred places and we will.i hope iran and saudia will solve all problems.they should give respect to each other.

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