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Iranians can ‘wipe out’ Israel if attacked: Ahmadinejad


Apr 25, 2012
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CAIRO - The Iranian people are ready to march on Israel to “wipe it out” if the Jewish state attacks the Islamic republic, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in statements published Wednesday by Egypt’s state news agency. “The people of Iran are ready to march on Israel to wipe it out if it launches into an adventure against Tehran” and attacks the country, the Iranian president told Egyptian newspaper editors, according to excerpts published by MENA. “The Zionists... hope to aggress Iran and attack it, but they are very afraid of the Iranian reaction and of the consequences of such an attack,” he said in the Arabic transcription of the comments made during a visit to Egypt. “Our defence forces are capable of dissuading any aggressor and making him regret his act,” Ahmadinejad said.

Shoe hurled at Ahmedinejad in Egypt

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad faced a shoe-hurling episode in Egypt on Wednesday, but the hurler never got any close to hitting his target. Egypt’s security arrested four men who were protesting outside a Cairo mosque, where the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was praying. The men, including a Syrian, belong to the ultra-conservative Sunni Salafist movement. One man threw a shoe at Ahmadinejad, a Shia, who was never in any danger. The Al-Hussein Mosque is revered by Shia Muslims, who are widely disliked by conservative Sunni Muslims, including members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi was previously a member of the Brotherhood. Many Sunni Muslim groups have denounced the Iranian president’s visit to Cairo and have called on Egypt’s government to prevent Ahmadinejad from visiting any religious sites that are significant to Shia Muslims.

Iranians can
I think the US and Israeli option of attacking Iran was possible in the early 2000's, but now Iran has gotten stronger and more advanced so that attacking would be the worst possible option, as it would be another Iraq, but just 50 times worse.
Anyone wants to take bets the Western media is only going to quote the "ready to wipe out Israel" section in the headlines and start warmongering for "defensive" preemptive invasion to prevent the "nuclear threatening" Iranian "nuclear threat" again?
Did I mention "Iranian nuclear threat" + "ready for wiping out Israel"?

PS.: "nuclear threat" from "nuclear Iran"
PSS: Iranian president: "ready for wiping out Israel"!!!
You are right, beside here in US most Americans don't even want to go to another war. Our economy is complete ****, we have no money. Our domestic issues are out of control. There are states that are trying to secede from Washington. Its absolute chaos here and on top of that another war. Are you kidding me. I swear if US goes to war with Iran, m moving to Canada.
Iran is playing good. Everbody knows if america attack iran they wil wipeout iran. Of course iran wil defend and they have the weapons but how long? And how much wil america sacrifice?

Iran gonna use ballistic missiles with cep of 100m:woot:.
that's it. me and all Iranians are ready for that day.
You can not speak instead of ALL Iranians.
Many of them don't care about these war rhetoric and want to live a peaceful life with a good quality and high standard and also, freedom.You can only speak for yourself, not 77 million people.
You can not speak instead of ALL Iranians.
Many of them don't care about these war rhetoric and want to live a peaceful life with a good quality and high standard and also, freedom.You can only speak for yourself, not 77 million people.

actually real iraninan people stand next to their country. when a war occurs no matter you're gov is right or not the people who stand next to their country can call themselves a citizen of that country.those who watch others fight are not from that country.hope you understand
actually real iraninan people stand next to their country. when a war occurs no matter you're gov is right or not the people who stand next to their country can call themselves a citizen of that country.those who watch others fight are not from that country.hope you understand

If Iran is attacked,then yes,you are right.
But me and many Iranians are not interested to fight another one's war.if you know what I mean.We have sacrificed enough.What did we get instead?
Rhetoric against Israel is lease of life to reigning Iranian politician since 1979, no one takes it seriously not even majority of Iranians themselves.
If Iran is attacked,then yes,you are right.
But me and many Iranians are not interested to fight another one's war.if you know what I mean.We have sacrificed enough.What did we get instead?

yes i completely agree with you and why i say all iranians will fight against israeel is because surely they will start a fight against us everything is clear.
If Iran is attacked,then yes,you are right.
But me and many Iranians are not interested to fight another one's war.if you know what I mean.We have sacrificed enough.What did we get instead?

You just remove Israel & US from the picture for an instance then analyze, on what parameters of governance Khamenei and co. has the right to rule the country.
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