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Iranian vice president visits Turkey

Ahmadinejad was governor of Ardabil province, he also held some positions in West Azarbaijan province. That is probably why he speaks Turkish.
Ahmadinejad was governor of Ardabil province, he also held some positions in West Azarbaijan province. That is probably why he speaks Turkish.

Nice to see that pure Persians are governing our Azeri region. :tup:
Nice to see that pure Persians are governing our Azeri region. :tup:

Nice to see that Turks are governing your country.
It goes both ways. Also I dont understand why you're so ******* sensible about races.
Well, as a pure Gilaki I am happy for my pure Persian brothers. :D

Nice to see some pureness on this forum.
Dear Sorena, if this help you to come back to peace state, ok he is a tOrk!!!

My dear, I am not responsible for that creation! Please contact the creator!

What the hell is tOrk ?
Nice to see that Turks are governing your country.
It goes both ways. Also I dont understand why you're so ******* sensible about races.

If Turks are governing Iran, they are doing a hell of a job!
Nice to see that Turks are governing your country.
It goes both ways. Also I dont understand why you're so ******* sensible about races.

I get you mate, i.e Ottoman Sultans have little Turk Blood in their veins yet they were Turks.

These are the decendants of the Last Ottoman Sultan.

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