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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

So what are you trying to say ? That a SU-35 is only capable of engaging targets at a distance of 42 KM or less
against fighter size target with less rcs than 5m yes
Today a SU-30 shot down another MIG-29. You realize that the R-77 missile has a maximum range of 200 KM right ?
yes but , you first most get a lock , if your target is a bomber , well use it against it , good for you , if its a older fighter with rcs of 10-15m, i suggest you be at least wait to reach 90-100km (only if you have 200km version of the missile ) if your target is f-18 or f-16 or mig-29 . then sadly you must wait to reach 40km to get a lock
The SU-35 in the video you mentioned launched its missile at the Mig-29 from a distance where the probability of hitting the target was extremely high (NEZ).
no look at the video more closely , it fire the missile as soon as it get a lock,. it just happen it get the lock well inside NEZ for R-77-1
Also locking onto a target gives away your position. The Russians have data link and AWACS support. They know precisely what Ukraine's MIG-29s are capable of, even with NATO upgrades. They know exactly what they doing. When all was said and done, what was the end result ?
not exactly , turning on your radar will give away your locations not getting a lock, and how much Russia used its AWACS in this war , if they have used them effectively , do you think Ukraine helicopter were able to sneak inside Russia or any Ukraine airplane were able to fly 8 month after the conflict ?
Ukrainian helicopters were able to sneak into Russia with intelligence provided by NATO. They fly low to avoid radar. Remember Russia is a massive country. I mean it's rare and most of the time Russia shoots down Ukrainian aircraft, but it happens.

against fighter size target with less rcs than 5m yes

yes but , you first most get a lock , if your target is a bomber , well use it against it , good for you , if its a older fighter with rcs of 10-15m, i suggest you be at least wait to reach 90-100km (only if you have 200km version of the missile ) if your target is f-18 or f-16 or mig-29 . then sadly you must wait to reach 40km to get a lock

no look at the video more closely , it fire the missile as soon as it get a lock,. it just happen it get the lock well inside NEZ for R-77-1

not exactly , turning on your radar will give away your locations not getting a lock, and how much Russia used its AWACS in this war , if they have used them effectively , do you think Ukraine helicopter were able to sneak inside Russia or any Ukraine airplane were able to fly 8 month after the conflict ?
Ukrainian helicopters were able to sneak into Russia with intelligence provided by NATO. They fly low to avoid radar. Remember Russia is a massive country. I mean it's rare and most of the time Russia shoots down Ukrainian aircraft, but it happens.
flying low won't protect you from the eye of AWACS , it protect you from the eye of Ground based radar and only two AWACS is enough to cover all of Ukraine Russia border.
also yes Russia is vast country but its not at war with all its neighbors , it is only at war with Ukraine , you expect they had some AWACS at the theater monitoring the battlefield . I say that's another fail for Russia if they didn't do that
Russia has AWACS planes but nothing is full proof. Look at the big picture. The vast majority of the time Ukrainian aviation gets shot down. Out of hundreds of attempts, Ukraine is bound to succeed a few times. I think the Russians have learned alot from this war. It's a good wake up call for them. They should have put more emphasis on UAV technology and specifically intelligence gathering and sensors.

flying low won't protect you from the eye of AWACS , it protect you from the eye of Ground based radar and only two AWACS is enough to cover all of Ukraine Russia border.
also yes Russia is vast country but its not at war with all its neighbors , it is only at war with Ukraine , you expect they had some AWACS at the theater monitoring the battlefield . I say that's another fail for Russia if they didn't do that


November 3-4, 2022

At around 3 a.m., local residents reported that the Geran-2 UAV flew over the city of Tetiev in the Belotserkovsky district of the Kyiv region, but there is no information about arrivals.

At night, local residents reported about the work of Russian kamikaze UAVs over Zaporozhye, but there is no information about strikes yet.

In the Dnipropetrovsk region at night, air defense systems were actively working on the Geran-2 UAV flying over Dnepropetrovsk and Krivoy Rog. Local residents reported the sounds of explosions.
Even Shahed 136 denoizified the PDF's Ukraine war thread - Pro Ukraine people post like 20% as much as they used to some months ago - they reacted as if the Shahedification of Ukrainian energy facilities directly affected them- they literally started sulking and whining quietly.

Shahed 136 is now a modern military star drone.
Even Shahed 136 denoizified the PDF's Ukraine war thread - Pro Ukraine people post like 20% as much as they used to some months ago - they reacted as if the Shahedification of Ukrainian energy facilities directly affected them- they literally started sulking and whining quietly.

Shahed 136 is now a modern military star drone.
I judge Shahed's effectiveness on how much it makes Ukraine fans seethe.

At about 19 pm in Pokrovsk (Krasnoarmeysk) on the territory of the DPR controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a powerful explosion thundered.

According to preliminary data, the RF Armed Forces hit a large ammunition depot near the railway station in the western part of the city.

Shortly before this, residents heard the sounds of Geran-2 kamikaze drones flying over, which they tried unsuccessfully to shoot down with small arms.

At the moment, detonations have been going on in the arrival area for several hours. Local authorities are urging residents not to leave their homes until the blasts stop.


Panoramic photo of Pokrovsk (Krasnoarmeysk), where a few hours ago Russian Geran-2 kamikaze drones hit (https://****/rybar/40882) a large ammunition depot near the railway station.

Judging by the ongoing detonations and the voluminous cloud of the explosion, the RF Armed Forces managed to destroy a large amount of ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at once.
as i said the best air-defense India have indigenously is a copy of KUB not even BUK and turkey what air-defense they had ?
Not at all.
Akash Mk I, II & NG, MRSAM, QRSAM, MPDMS, VL-SRSAM, XR-SAM, ER-SAM and all Indian ABMs are a product of multiple programs, failures and success and not related to SA-6. Off course Indian air defence capabilities in Asia are only superseded by Russia, China and Israel.

We certainly started with reverse engineering of SA-2 guidline
USA refused to sell them patriot , what other option they had ?
We never asked for patriot. When India's multi-layered air defense program (to deploy a full scale anti-missile and antiaircraft system on big cities) began, India realised that enough funds and time weren't there to deploy XR-SAM in large numbers.
S400 was indeed best addition in arsenal and buy time for induction of Indian equivalent.

As far as sanctions are concerned, we are only country with a big military which has joined neither of sides. So, we aren't going to be sanctioned by either side.
It's better to have India on your side than Australia in IOR in case of a WW3. We won't be sanctioned until we directly invade someone like Russia did.
are you saying our situation is like them ?
No, your country is a toned down version of Russia and China with limited capabilities due to it's small size. Iran has made respectable progress as far as its size and sanctions are concerned though.
We never asked for patriot. When India's multi-layered air defense program (to deploy a full scale anti-missile and antiaircraft system on big cities) began, India realised that enough funds and time weren't there to deploy XR-SAM in large numbers.
S400 was indeed best addition in arsenal and buy time for induction of Indian equivalent.
first that part is about turkey. not india
Not at all.
Akash Mk I, II & NG, MRSAM, QRSAM, MPDMS, VL-SRSAM, XR-SAM, ER-SAM and all Indian ABMs are a product of multiple programs, failures and success and not related to SA-6. Off course Indian air defence capabilities in Asia are only superseded by Russia, China and Israel.

We certainly started with reverse engineering of SA-2 guidline
second akash-ng is not ready yet , it is being tested
Akash-1s is short range , and akash-I and II just Kub
MRSAM is barak-8 not indian QRSAM has a range of 30 and flight altitude of 10km
MPDMS just a Manpad ,
VL-SRSAM based on Astra and short range
XR-SAM still being developed not even a test
ER-SAM israeli design based on barak-er and not yet produced .
in short pereign design short to medium , the Indian one is akash which is short range . for the long ranges you must wait 1-2 year at least if no problem happen

No, your country is a toned down version of Russia and China with limited capabilities due to it's small size. Iran has made respectable progress as far as its size and sanctions are concerned though.
let kjust say our toned down 3rd of khordad is operational and have 200km of range , your fantastic akash have 40-50km and only can engage aircraft that fly less than 15km of altitude

when you built those system (I mean Israel gave you a production line to build it inside India) then come and talk
Enjoy it :lol: :

Here the Google Translate from Ukrainian to English of the previous PDF:

IRN-05 (Shahed-131) UAV Technical report

General overview. The IRN-05 (Shahed-131) is a deadly drone
one-way attack device (OWA - one way attack). (UAS) production system
Shahed Aviation Industries Research Center (SAIRC). IRN-05 (Figures 1-4) is made of
carbon fiber reinforced with internal metal supports. Total length
2.6 m; The wingspan is 2.2 m with an estimated weight of 135 kg. Internal piston engine
combustion sets the platform in motion by means of a wooden screw with a fixed
step by step The electronic system inside the UAS was interconnected using
special marked wire. All markings in the UAS were written in English
language It is estimated that it can be launched from static rails or a truck.


Components to be studied:
a. GNSS transceiver. A commercial off-the-shelf GNSS receiver (Figure 18-22) was
encased in a custom-made metal box made of CPC. It should be noted,
that the GNSS has been processed and manufactured from the same material as the GNSS,
flight control unit (FCU) and power control unit (PCU) that can
see on the IRN-16 platform. He has the ability to receive from four
outer washers of the COTS receiver. A fifth COTS GNSS receiver was also present
outside the fuselage of IRN-05, but the wire leading from it was cut. black
GNSS washers from other systems were also either cut out or disabled, FIT Comment:
this suggests that an OWA UAS has been conducted on Iranian weapons systems
modernization of the average service life; system upgrade from standard black
GNSS systems to a system that can now operate in airspace where
prohibited GNSS (multiple white GNSS washers). End of FIT comment.
b. Flight Control Unit (FCU) The FCU (Fig. 12-14) contained five
order of printed circuit boards (PCBs) that contained TMS320 F28335 processors “Texas
Instruments". It is a highly integrated high performance chipset for
demanding management programs. Four printed circuit boards were identical, and the fifth
the circuit board was evaluated as a power distribution system for others
printed circuit boards. FIT Comment: Four identical PCBs look very similar to
fee from IRN-16 FCU. End of FIT comment. As of May 2019 in
the MEPED reports claimed that the IRN05 had the ability to connect a direct line
line of sight (LOS), Iridium SATCOM radio, possibly a homing gun and pre
programmed flight paths, which may explain that each of the 4 PCBs
programmed to run.
c. ATOL. The UAS had a box marked ATOL (Automatic take off and landing) (Fig.
27-30). FIT Comment: Evaluated Acronym for Automatic Takeoff and Landing. It
the first time this system was used by FIT exploit teams.
End of FIT comment. This system is connected between the GNSS system and the FCU and,
appears to be a new addition. This system can offer many extras
services for UAVs, but can also simply be part of a commercial system that
is not used. As seen in Figure 30, there are four LEDs labeled;
PGNSS, DGNSS, SGNSS and HDG. Initial open source research has shown
the following regarding LED labels:

PGNSS. Unknown through search from open sources..


DGNSS. Differential GNSS. Functions as a supplement system,
based on the improvement of primary information about the GNSS constellation; by
by using a network of ground base stations that allow

broadcast differential information to UAS to improve accuracy
determining its position. This can be used to transfer known
GPS coordinates on the drone to help it
maintain a flight path in airspace where GPS is prohibited.


SGNSS. The S-GNSS upgrade provides improved accuracy, sensitivity and
multipath mitigation and also provides
a completely new measurement category for the GNSS receiver with one
antenna - reception angle. It is by distinguishing the direction of arrival that the SGNSS can identify, ignore and (if necessary) locate the source
GNSS spoofing.


HDG. Hold direction – holds the current direction
UAV platform. This is possibly used if/when the UAV
loses the GNSS signal and continues its flight at altitude until it receives
the GNSS signal or will not recover it. This may indicate why
UAV platforms get close to targets but are not 100% accurate
for the desired purpose. When course hold is enabled and switched from GNSS
per unit of inertia to continue flight, ambient wind
will cause in-flight drift that the FCU cannot accommodate,
as a result of which the UAV slightly deviates from the target but continues its flight and
lands close behind. FIT Comment: For example, if the UAV received
jamming/spoof signal 5km from target and switched to HDG, it will
drift about 5% in distance depending on speed and
wind direction, (5000 m/100)x5=250 m of potential drift from
original GPS target. End of FIT comment.

d. Power Distribution Unit (PDU). The PDU (Fig. 12, 15, 16) has two inside
custom printed circuit boards. It is believed that this device
designed to receive input power from the battery pack at
25.9 volts and converting it to the probable 5 volts needed to run everything
printed circuit boards in the system.
e. Battery. The 25.9 V, 17,000 mAh Li-ion battery consists of 35
of battery cells in a blue heat-shrinkable package. Marked as S/N: 004, Code
client: D19BS0705.

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Digital air data computer (Fig. 23).
The IMU used both static and pitot tubes. This will allow you to evaluate the air
aircraft speed, altitude and altitude trend. They will go to FCU and ATOL,
to help determine flight altitude and can be used as a primary
input source in case of GNSS loss.

e. Cables Several connections were labeled as follows: P31 FC, P13 PDU, P2 AV PANEL, P43
S.L.R, P19 IRIDUME, P45 L.O.E, P44 S.L.I.E, P1 REG, P15 ATOL, P41 S.R.I.E, J1. P106
FUEL.D, P107. Some connectors are not marked.
g. Internal combustion piston engine. The UAV contained a large piston
engine. A scan of the fluid in the fuel tank showed a mixture of diesel fuel and
other oil-based substances. According to estimates, the maximum range is
up to 900 km
h. Engine control unit (ECU). The ECU (Fig. 31-33) contained one printed circuit board with
processor "Texas Instruments", according to estimates, this module will control all
engine performance during flight.


Payload. The payload of the system consisted of high-explosive (HE)
warhead (Fig. 5-8), copper cone-shaped charge and preformed
shrapnel sleeve. The copper conical charge had a diameter of 111 mm and a depth of 162 mm. Size
of pre-formed fragmentation is 7 mm in a cube. Materials and components
of this warhead are very similar to IRN-16. The content of BP is estimated at 10-15 kg of cast explosive
substances; explosives could not be tested during operation. Comment
FIT: the formation of a copper cone-shaped charge will be negatively affected by its placement
in the nose cone of the UAV. Both the battery box and several lead ballasts
are in the zone where the jet is formed, this will negatively affect the ability
jets penetrate. There is a hole in the center of the lead weights that can be passed through
form charge. This shows a lack of understanding of the Munro effect and how
formation charges are formed, or that this warhead has a modular one
a design that can be retro-installed in various systems. End of comment.
a. Safety device/fuse. The Safe To Arm (STA) block/fuse is the same as the
in IRN-16. It is made of a ground alloy consisting of a pre
of a wound rotor that acts as a physical barrier between the striker and the detonator is
acts as a safety measure during transport and storage. Percussive inertial percussion
the trunnion is held by an uncompressed spring; it is this spring that must be overcome
inertia striker on impact to trigger the detonator. The battle platoon probably
takes place during flight using a rotating electronic motor
inside the fuse, giving room for the firing pin to go back,
ready to strike There was no presence of electrically controlled initiation. Bloc
The STA/fuse in this IRN-05 was not on a combat platoon during service; it
was confirmed by the use of a protective window on the safety system
an entrenchment that glowed green for the unarmed.


Weight and dimensions. The weight and dimensions of the UAV platform are estimates because the platform
was not intact during operation. Table 1 shows the weights
"gross weight" including approximately full fuel tanks.

135 kg


2.2 m

15 kg


2.6 m

Table 1. IRN-05 weight and dimensions

Figure 1. IRN-05 (Shahed-131).


Figure 2. IRN-05 (Shahed-131) rebuilt showing warhead.

Figure 3. IRN-05 main fuselage with panels labeled.

Figure 4. IRN-05 base of fuselage.

Figure 5. IRN-05 Warhead with fuse

Figure 6. IRN-05 warhead with a copper cone for the forming charge

Figure 7. IRN-05 striking elements in the warhead (cubes 7mm edge)

Figure 8. IRN-05 Warhead with installed

Figure 9. Panel 1, Panel 1 (power supply device)

Figure 10. Panel 2 Fuel tank

.Figure 11. Panel 3 - empty


Figure 12 Panel 4 containing Flight Control Unit (FCU) and Power Distribution Unit (PDU).

Figure 13 Flight Control Unit. Flight control unit

Figure 14. Internal FCU, containing five bespoke PCBs. Inertial block

Figure 15. Power Distribution Unit (PDU).

Figure 16. Internal PDU.

Figure 17. Panel 5 containing fuel tank.

Figure 18. Panel 6 showing four new “hardened” GNSS pucks in white. Figure 18 also shows the
old black GNSS puck, which has been cut from the system.

Figure 19. Panel 6, Containing GNSS Transceiver.

Figure 20. IRN-05 Transceiver.

Figure 21. IRN-05 GNSS Transceiver.

Figure 22. Internal GNSS Transceiver.

Figure 23. Panel 7 containing Inertia Measurement Unit (IMU).

Figure 24. Panel 8 containing connectors for aileron servos.

Figure 25. Panel 9 containing wiring loom connectors.

Figure 26. Panel 10 fuel or lubricants tank.

Figure 27. Panel 11 containing ATOL – “Automatic Take Off and Landing”.

Figure 28. ATOL - "Automatic Take Off and Landing".

Figure 29. Internal ATOL.

Figure 30. LEDs on ATOL PCB showing “PGNSS, DGNSS, SGNSS, HDG”.

Figure 31. Panel 12 containing Engine Control Unit (ECU).

Figure 32. Panel 12 containing Engine Control Unit (ECU).

Figure 33. IRN-05 Combustion Engine.

Figure 34. 3D Scan of IRN-05 fuselage.

Figure 35. 3D Scan of IRN-05 fuselage.

Figure 36. 3D Scan of IRN-05 fuselage.

Figure 37. 3D Scan of new “hardened” GNSS pucks on panel 11.

Figure 38. 3D Scan of IRN-05 Power Distribution Unit (PDU).

Figure 39. 3D Scan of IRN-05 Engine Management Unit (ECU).

Figure 40. 3D Scan of IRN-05 ATOL “Automatic Take Off and Landing” Unit.

Figure 41. 3D Scan of IRN-05 panel 10 fuel/lubricants tank.

Figure 42. 3D Scan of IRN-05 Flight Control Unit (FCU).
Even Shahed 136 denoizified the PDF's Ukraine war thread - Pro Ukraine people post like 20% as much as they used to some months ago - they reacted as if the Shahedification of Ukrainian energy facilities directly affected them- they literally started sulking and whining quietly.

Shahed 136 is now a modern military star drone.

:enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy:

That is literally god-like
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