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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Why couldnt they just admit it failed, you cannot intercept 100% of every projectiles whether you are the United States army or another army, they want to keep that image of the "invicible US army" into people's mind, pretty much same as Israel

Exactly. USA hegemony to a significant degree hinges upon this carefully manufactured image of "invincibility" and "unmatchable technological superiority", spread and cultivated amongst the masses by Hollywood, and amongst intellectual elites by paid scholars and shills. The goal being of course to inhibit any act of Resistance on the part of those subjected to their imperial rule.

Relentless psy-ops is an essential weapon the American regime uses to enchain nations and governments. Break those mental chains, and the potential to undo their yoke becomes reality.
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You forgot the Patriots in 2020 that were unluckily disconnected from the main power station when the missiles landed into their base

Why couldnt they just admit it failed, you cannot intercept 100% of every projectiles whether you are the United States army or another army, they want to keep that image of the "invicible US army" into people's mind, pretty much same as Israel
don't really matter if they are connected or not
this is somewhere in KSA when the system was connected

don't really matter if they are connected or not
this is somewhere in KSA when the system was connected

It was sarcasm when i say they were unluckily disconnected during the missile attack, we all know that such a base cannot stay without any air defenses and they just completely dodged the question of "why the patriots/thaad didn't intercepted them" for years

This is one of the only countries with Israel relying extensively on military propaganda, i.e never acknowledge failures, never acknowledging their jet that crashed during most of their recent wars unless they were forced to admit (for exemple the F-18 shot down by an Iraqi MiG-25, the F-117 drama that took them so much time to admit, the RQ-170, the Israeli F-16, it was so blatant they were forced to admit) etc

The only thing honest about the US commandment is that they acknowledge personnel deaths, Israel never acknowledge personnel deaths or just anything happening inside and outside their land, i feel they are even worse than NK in terms of opacity of what is happening in terms of military, journalists can't approach any scene of crash and just ask what happened and why there is a sudden fire or some debris that fell from the sky and why an helicopter fell inside the sea in front of people

At some point for example Iran was hiding the failed SLV launches and waited until US releases satellite images, recently they acknowledge the failures, it would be very idiot to wait for a foreign force to show to yourself that you failed your test, as far as i know all personnel deaths are acknowledge, same for sabotages
The cause of the downing of the Israeli F-16 was initially announced to be due to a malfunction in the aircraft,
It was later corrected to say that it was due to the pilot's failure to reduce altitude and stay below the radar horizon.
In other words, the popular legend that Western aircraft could fly comfortably at high altitudes and that electronic jamming would completely disable SAM was a fiction.
Since then, Israel seems to have consistently adopted the tactic of fleeing below the horizon as soon as a missile is launched.
The cause of the downing of the Israeli F-16 was initially announced to be due to a malfunction in the aircraft,
It was later corrected to say that it was due to the pilot's failure to reduce altitude and stay below the radar horizon.
In other words, the popular legend that Western aircraft could fly comfortably at high altitudes and that electronic jamming would completely disable SAM was a fiction.
Since then, Israel seems to have consistently adopted the tactic of fleeing below the horizon as soon as a missile is launched.
Sometimes they also use ground launched missiles.
With its innovative and successful approach to warfare, Islamic Iran keeps evidencing the obsolescence of western military concepts, a reflection of the boundless hubris affecting these declining arrogant powers.

Latest example: in a staggering admission the regime in France decided to equip its military with a force of 1800 "small, cheap suicide drones", citing "the lessons learned from Ukraine".

France races for small suicide drones after seeing effectiveness in Ukraine

The French military recently narrowed a field of 19 competitors to two in a race for hundreds of small, deadly UAVs.

By Christina MacKenzie on March 30, 2023 at 10:25 AM

PARIS — After years of reticence about the use of small, cheap suicide drones in combat, the Ukraine conflict has convinced the French military it’s a capability troops cannot do without in a future conflict.

Earlier this month the French Ministry of the Armed Forces announced it had narrowed down a competition for the production of such UAVs from 19 competitors down to two in its Colibri (Hummingbird) project. Colibri was launched last May by the nation’s Defense Innovation Agency (AID) in partnership with the French DGA procurement agency.

France hopes to have a “base of 1,800” of the remotely-controlled munitions, Armed Forces Minister Sébastien Lecornu told Le Figaro last month. In late January, he told French lawmakers that France had “fallen behind” in developing the new type of weapon that is clearly here to stay. He said the plan was to have “thousands” of these types of munitions by 2030. “That’s part of the lessons learned from Ukraine,” he explained.

The two teams moving on in the Colibri competition are MBDA/Novadem’s proposal based on a rotor-blade drone bigger than the NX70 that Novadem has already delivered to the French Army, and Nexter with a drone-manufacturer, whose name was not released at its request, with a fixed-wing drone solution.

The idea is that both consortia will fly demonstrators before the end of this year so that the AID and the DGA can “evaluate the pertinence of these industry proposals vis-à-vis the operational requirement,” according to a statement issued by the AID.

The MBDA/Novadem proposal, called Sphinx, would be most useful in urban or more enclosed spaces while the Nexter project based on a surveillance drone is better suited for use in more open environments, the AID said. Nexter’s munitions unit, Nexter Arrowtech, will develop the munition that will be carried by a drone made by the anonymous drone-manufacturer. Nexter Arrowtech proposed a “product that is absent today from the French arsenal. This innovative operational concept will carry a new, controlled fragmentation warhead,” Nexter said in a statement.

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With its innovative and successful approach to warfare, Islamic Iran keeps evidencing the obsolescence of western military concepts, a reflection of the boundless hubris affecting these declining arrogant powers.

Latest example: in a staggering admission the regime in France decided to equip its military with a force of 1800 "small, cheap suicide drones", citing "the lessons learned from Ukraine".

France races for small suicide drones after seeing effectiveness in Ukraine

The French military recently narrowed a field of 19 competitors to two in a race for hundreds of small, deadly UAVs.

By Christina MacKenzie on March 30, 2023 at 10:25 AM

PARIS — After years of reticence about the use of small, cheap suicide drones in combat, the Ukraine conflict has convinced the French military it’s a capability troops cannot do without in a future conflict.

Earlier this month the French Ministry of the Armed Forces announced it had narrowed down a competition for the production of such UAVs from 19 competitors down to two in its Colibri (Hummingbird) project. Colibri was launched last May by the nation’s Defense Innovation Agency (AID) in partnership with the French DGA procurement agency.

France hopes to have a “base of 1,800” of the remotely-controlled munitions, Armed Forces Minister Sébastien Lecornu told Le Figaro last month. In late January, he told French lawmakers that France had “fallen behind” in developing the new type of weapon that is clearly here to stay. He said the plan was to have “thousands” of these types of munitions by 2030. “That’s part of the lessons learned from Ukraine,” he explained.

The two teams moving on in the Colibri competition are MBDA/Novadem’s proposal based on a rotor-blade drone bigger than the NX70 that Novadem has already delivered to the French Army, and Nexter with a drone-manufacturer, whose name was not released at its request, with a fixed-wing drone solution.
The idea is that both consortia will fly demonstrators before the end of this year so that the AID and the DGA can “evaluate the pertinence of these industry proposals vis-à-vis the operational requirement,” according to a statement issued by the AID.

The MBDA/Novadem proposal, called Sphinx, would be most useful in urban or more enclosed spaces while the Nexter project based on a surveillance drone is better suited for use in more open environments, the AID said. Nexter’s munitions unit, Nexter Arrowtech, will develop the munition that will be carried by a drone made by the anonymous drone-manufacturer. Nexter Arrowtech proposed a “product that is absent today from the French arsenal. This innovative operational concept will carry a new, controlled fragmentation warhead,” Nexter said in a statement.

Yeah......they are not talking about Shahed-131/136 here, they are talking about Lancet's.
Yeah......they are not talking about Shahed-131/136 here, they are talking about Lancet's.

And you know this how? Lancet and Shahed follow the same general philosophy. Therefore Shahed's performance in Ukraine will also have weighed on the French regime's decision, even if they opt for a suicide drone closer in design to the Lancet.

Animation in response to Erdogan's misplaced uttering at the Baku republic's 2020 victory parade, which called into question Iran's sovereignty over her northwestern provinces ("Tweet" captions may be superficial, couldn't find the video elsewhere).

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The cause of the downing of the Israeli F-16 was initially announced to be due to a malfunction in the aircraft,
It was later corrected to say that it was due to the pilot's failure to reduce altitude and stay below the radar horizon.
In other words, the popular legend that Western aircraft could fly comfortably at high altitudes and that electronic jamming would completely disable SAM was a fiction.
Since then, Israel seems to have consistently adopted the tactic of fleeing below the horizon as soon as a missile is launched.
It is probably more accurate to say that since then Israel has avoided entering Syrian airspace to attack targets in Syria, preferring instead to strike from low altitude over the (occupied) Golan Heights and Lebanon. This doesn't appear to have hindered their ability to successfully strike targets in Syria.

S-136 more advanced imho. Just seems like a cheap mass producible system, easier to build. Something that would be more exported to non-state organizations. Not a big deal
That is what I thought : looks like Iran is now making Drone designs for Resistance groups outside Iran...something that can be built in a workshop type environment..
It missed... Overall pretty disappointing announcement. Remains very noisy, slow and nothing special. I hope we can see the "Mobin" LO cruise missile of similar range displayed at an arms show in 2019 but never seen again.

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