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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

I am impressed with what I have seen from Artesh in these UAV drills. Like we discussed in the past, the swarming suicide UAVs will play a very important role in the future and this is becoming apparent day by day. What we have seen is that Iranian UAVs are now being armed with A-A missiles, guns, radar homing capability etc and they have very long range ranges. These developments are extremely important. Now it is the turn of Sepah to showcase its new systems.
Just letting my imagination fly ......Iran has one of world's biggest fleet of tanker ships..If each tanker is equipped with some combination of these drones then that makes Iran one of the few countries with considerable reach beyond her borders....Imagine an Oil tanker with one of these suicide drones passing close to South Korean coast line...Flay one over Seoul not with a bomb but with some pamphlets that says..GIVE OUR F*CKING MONEY BACK ..!!..lol
now those suicide drone have 4000km of range, why the ship go close to S. Korea coast.they can release the drone in middle of the pacific or Indian Ocean
Very important news.

Range of Iran’s Suicide Drones Extended to 4,000 km

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Army experts have dramatically increased the flight endurance of suicide UAVs, manufacturing drones with an operational range of 4,000 kilometers, a commander said.

The spokesperson for an ongoing drone war game staged by the Iranian Army said on Wednesday that the homegrown military suicide drones can conduct nonstop sorties to hit targets at a range of 4,000 km.
Admiral Mahmoud Mousavi said the Army’s long-range suicide drones took off from the southern costs of Makran on Wednesday and hit targets at the war game zone in the Semnan province after traveling 1,400 km.
The Army units have also flown various tactical combat quadcopters equipped with small bombs, small pilotless aircraft for reconnaissance operations, and the Pelican VTOL drones on board naval vessels in the southern waters.
During the exercise, the Army has for the first time utilized Arash suicide and anti-radar drone with a portable launcher.
Various unmanned aircraft are taking part in the drill in Iran’s northern province of Semnan for different operations including aerial interception, launch of air-to-air missiles, detonation of ground targets with bombs and missiles with pinpoint accuracy, and suicide strikes.

These suicide UAVs...or in other words, a platform where Iran officially increased the range greater than the official range it has set for its missile force to date!

I believe this coming decade, we will witness an extended range for the following forces besides Iran's missile force:

1. UAV/UCAV/Recon
2. Navy (Destroyers/Mobile bases/Submarine force)
3. Air defence
4. SatNav
Just letting my imagination fly ......Iran has one of world's biggest fleet of tanker ships..If each tanker is equipped with some combination of these drones then that makes Iran one of the few countries with considerable reach beyond her borders....Imagine an Oil tanker with one of these suicide drones passing close to South Korean coast line...fly one over Seoul not with a bomb but with some pamphlets that says..GIVE OUR F*CKING MONEY BACK ..!!..lol

that sentence was too good bro :rofl:




It looks like its carrying pods of some sort,perhaps ew,either that or canisterised missiles.
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I remember a couple of years back asking what the farsi word for "spike" was,I`m actually surprised,and a little disappointed to be honest,that they didnt name it that,sorta like the dprk naming their first submarine launched missile "polaris".
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