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Iranian Troops Cross the Border Twice To Fight Terrorists


Apr 3, 2010
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(the red colored text is my own modification to the article)

05 June 2010 - 19H36

Iran troops twice cross border to fight terrorists: Iraq Kurds

AFP - Iranian troops have crossed into Iraq twice in three days amid clashes with Kurdish terrorist groups in the Qandil mountains near the border, a security spokesman said Saturday.

The incursions, which both occurred after Iran's ambassador to Baghdad was summoned to the foreign ministry over the issue, came during a series of clashes in recent days with the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK).

"Iranian forces, two days ago (Thursday), entered... Iraqi territory in the Haji Omran area" in Iraq's Kurdish autonomous region, a spokesman for the region's peshmerga former rebel security force told AFP.

"The Iranian soldiers numbered more than 30, and were combined with armoured vehicles and heavy weaponry," Major General Jabbar Yawar said.

Yawar said the Iranian troops penetrated two kilometres (just over a mile) into Iraqi territory, two days after they crossed three kilometres (two miles) over the border in similar clashes with the PJAK.

In recent weeks, Iran has repeatedly shelled suspected PJAK rear-bases in the border area. It has also carried out helicopter assaults across the frontier.

In a statement on May 31, the foreign ministry said it had separately summoned the ambassadors of Iran and Turkey over cross-border attacks by Tehran and Ankara against Kurdish rebel movements. (Pasban: This is indeed positive. Both Ankara and Tehran need to cooperate more in regard to this PJAK issue)

"The ministry expressed its strong concern over the two states' actions in the form of bombardment and air strikes along the border," the statement said.

It added: "The ministry called on both countries to cease these violations in future because they have a negative impact on the friendly relations between our countries."

Turkey on May 20 conducted its own bombardment of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) bases in northern Iraq.

A May 31 rocket strike on a naval base killed six Turkish soldiers. A news agency close to the PKK said it had been claimed by the rebel group.

The PJAK is closely allied with the PKK which has been fighting for self-rule in eastern Turkey since 1984 and is blacklisted as a terrorist group by the European Union and the United States. (Pasban: The article does not mention this but it is recognized as such by Iran as well)

Last month, Iranian troops clashed with Iraqi border guards after mistaking them for terrorist fighters. An Iraqi guard officer was captured but later released.

(Pasban: I have replaced the word "rebel" with "terrorist")
France24 - Iran troops twice cross border to fight rebels: Iraq Kurds
Pasban they are rebels as long as they don't attack Israeli or NATO Troops.
In a statement on May 31, the foreign ministry said it had separately summoned the ambassadors of Iran and Turkey over cross-border attacks by Tehran and Ankara against Kurdish rebel movements.

The ministry expressed its strong concern over the two states' actions in the form of bombardment and air strikes along the border, the statement said.

They have some nerve complaining to Iran for doing their job. If the Iraqi government was more effective, Iran wouldn't need to cross into Iraq as such. They should rather take constructive steps themselves against PJAK than complaining about Iranian intrusion. Of course, from Baghdad's perspective, this is largely a diplomatic response.
why everbody hates the kurds?

SOCOM, I would rather label PJAK as terrorists concerning Iran's case for I oppose any state, entity or organization that wishes to undo Iran or harm it's citizens. I am Iranian and and therefore Kurds are my brethren people but organizations as such serve to create divisions and are of much greater harm to Kurds themselves. Furthermore, regardless of their own ideology or motivational factors, PJAK and similar groups are allowing themselves to become chess pieces for much larger players, all of whom have vested interests in the region.
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why everbody hates the kurds?

There are a lot of Kurds in Turkey that love our country, but the ones that want strictly a Kurdish state rebelled and murdered and have been murdering thousands of troops, civilians,teachers, doctors, children women,elderly etc... The total death toll is at around 40k. So we dont hate the Kurds, we hate PKK. It is really easy for the outsiders to judge Iran and Turkey, but the reality is, no other country is being attacked constantly and the attackers are constantly being labeled as 'rebels'. When the same happens to Israel, for some reason, they are automatically excused for the blockade. It is sickening.
There are a lot of Kurds in Turkey that love our country, but the ones that want strictly a Kurdish state rebelled and murdered and have been murdering thousands of troops, civilians,teachers, doctors, children women,elderly etc... The total death toll is at around 40k. So we dont hate the Kurds, we hate PKK. It is really easy for the outsiders to judge Iran and Turkey, but the reality is, no other country is being attacked constantly and the attackers are constantly being labeled as 'rebels'. When the same happens to Israel, for some reason, they are automatically excused for the blockade. It is sickening.

Brother I can understand, Pakistan is also having problems with some terrorist groups known as BLA,BRA.
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