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Iranian Space program

The difference between an opinion and offensive or demeaning behavior lies in the content, intent, and impact:

1. Opinion:
- An opinion is a personal belief, feeling, or view based on individual experiences, convictions, or values.
- It's a person's right to hold and express an opinion, as long as they do so in a respectful and non-harming manner.
- Opinions can be factual or emotional, but they represent an individual's views that don't necessarily need to be universally accepted or shared.

2. Offensive and Demeaning Behavior:
- This refers to statements or actions that intend or tend to insult, harm, or belittle another person.
- Such behavior often demonstrates a lack of respect or empathy for the feelings, rights, or views of others.
- It can be both verbal and non-verbal and is often destructive as it tends to evoke negative emotions like anger, sorrow, or shame.
- A comment that discriminates against others on a racist, sexist, or other grounds often falls into this category, regardless of being presented as the "opinion" of the speaker.

By the way, in our section, you are a stranger, a guest. You should behave as such in our house, with respect. If someone comes in my house like this I throw him out. Otherwise, we will collectively ensure very quickly that you won't be able to post in any thread here. You're only isolating yourself.

This Iranian section is honored and respected, and among those speaking here are highly educated individuals. Many of them are scholars or esteemed persons. How can you, as an outsider and foreign guest, dare to come into our house and speak to the other members in this way?
Are you serious? 😀
The difference between an opinion and offensive or demeaning behavior lies in the content, intent, and impact:

1. Opinion:
- An opinion is a personal belief, feeling, or view based on individual experiences, convictions, or values.
- It's a person's right to hold and express an opinion, as long as they do so in a respectful and non-harming manner.
- Opinions can be factual or emotional, but they represent an individual's views that don't necessarily need to be universally accepted or shared.

2. Offensive and Demeaning Behavior:
- This refers to statements or actions that intend or tend to insult, harm, or belittle another person.
- Such behavior often demonstrates a lack of respect or empathy for the feelings, rights, or views of others.
- It can be both verbal and non-verbal and is often destructive as it tends to evoke negative emotions like anger, sorrow, or shame.
- A comment that discriminates against others on a racist, sexist, or other grounds often falls into this category, regardless of being presented as the "opinion" of the speaker.

By the way, in our section, you are a stranger, a guest. You should behave as such in our house, with respect. If someone comes in my house like this I throw him out. Otherwise, we will collectively ensure very quickly that you won't be able to post in any thread here. You're only isolating yourself.

This Iranian section is honored and respected, and among those speaking here are highly educated individuals. Many of them are scholars or esteemed persons. How can you, as an outsider and foreign guest, dare to come into our house and speak to the other members in this way?
The problem with this mindset is that you have no room for a negative opinion, You just deem it offensive and demeaning. You can't tell when an individual is just stating his/her opinion or deliberately trolling.

And if this is your home and I'm a guest, you have to first clean your home. You have Iranian members here saying Turks are a race worthy of genocide and the rest of you say nothing. Nobody reports him, nobody talks to the moderators. This is tribal mentality. There's no room for civilized discourse here.
The problem with this mindset is that you have no room for a negative opinion, You just deem it offensive and demeaning. You can't tell when an individual is just stating his/her opinion or deliberately trolling.

And if this is your home and I'm a guest, you have to first clean your home. You have Iranian members here saying Turks are a race worthy of genocide and the rest of you say nothing. Nobody reports him, nobody talks to the moderators. This is tribal mentality. There's no room for civilized discourse here.

Strangely enough, you're the only one with whom these conflicts arise. Pakistanis, Americans, Canadians, and many others come here. You fail to understand that it's not about nationalities; it's solely about you as an individual.
Don't worry, we Iranians are civilized. We belong to one of the oldest nations and civilizations on this planet. We know very well how to behave. Our home is clean, and yet you enter it with shoes on.
Leave this section; otherwise, we will ensure you're removed from here. And never dare to refer to Azeris as Turks again. Azeris adopted the Turkish language because it was imposed on them. Ethnically, they are not Turks. PERIOD! But that's just a minor point here. As said, you are not welcome here. I believe I can speak on behalf of everyone: Leave and never return.
only if people understand , we don't care if some one is kurd, Azeri , Baluch , Lor or Pars . you are Iranian that's enough
Foreigners don't understand that... they think Iran is a post-ottoman country like turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc which had to impose identity politics upon its citizens or follow foreign imposed models like federalism.
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Strangely enough, you're the only one with whom these conflicts arise. Pakistanis, Americans, Canadians, and many others come here. You fail to understand that it's not about nationalities; it's solely about you as an individual.
Don't worry, we Iranians are civilized. We belong to one of the oldest nations and civilizations on this planet. We know very well how to behave. Our home is clean, and yet you enter it with shoes on.
Leave this section; otherwise, we will ensure you're removed from here. And never dare to refer to Azeris as Turks again. Azeris adopted the Turkish language because it was imposed on them. Ethnically, they are not Turks. PERIOD! But that's just a minor point here. As said, you are not welcome here. I believe I can speak on behalf of everyone: Leave and never return.
lol whatever

Foreigners don't understand that... they think Iran is a post-ottoman country like turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc which had to impose identity politics upon its citizens or follow foreign imposed models like federalism.
in other words M U L T I C U L T U R A L I S M

You know, like the degenerate Americans
So why does he not thumb up my posts? Does he not like me?
What are you talking about? Of course I like you.

and @tsunset you're the one riding Saddam's meat. I'm saying he was brushed aside with ease by a competent army.
In kooni madar ghahbeh kire sag khor adam beshoo neest; put the jabroni fagot piece of garbage on ignore like the rest of those mongoloid degenerates in this forum... Theirs is truly a degenerate race worthy of genocide.
To those inside Iran, kill all pan turks or other pan roaches if you can get away with it...

@waz daily reminder that this guy isn't banned
Maybe, it is natural.
Su35 would come with FAB bombs and other guided KAB-500S bombs, so it makes sense to have a trainer capable to train pilots in using russian weaponry.

Any Yassin or Kowsar will always use persian glide bombs, guided bombs or missiles.

Both aircraft are compatible even in low end CAS missions. But Yassin/Kowsar should be used as a trainer for F4/F5/F14 aicraft (or even Simorgh cargo planes) (with persian avionics/radars) and Yak-130 for Su35 and any possible MLU Mig29 upgrade with russian avionics.
There lies the heart of the problem, moving forward all Iranian systems will have to be built compatible with Russian equipment.
Noor 3 lunched into space
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