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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Surely this can’t be real?!?!

He hasn't been dismissed just replaced & moved into another position!
Facts are Fact!
He has done a poor job in building up the Naval fleet in the Persian Gulf since he took charge! In the Caspian Sea they added a frigate & a Missile boat but in the Persian Gulf the Jamaran was from his predecessor, Iran's Gadir Class and Nahang class again almost all the work in getting those project going were from his predecessor

Sina and other Mowj class ships have been delayed
Fateh-class has been delayed
Besat-class is up in the air
Missile boat projects for the Persian Gulf have hit delay after delay under his command
Iran's MOD Naval industry is building insignificant unarmed speed boats in Shiraz 200km from the Persian Gulf it's a bit absurd!
The navy's R&D team keeps coming up with detailed designs of new ships and crafts that don't go beyond small mockups

And at the end of the day he has held the position for 10 years and under his command Iran has NOT added a single new frigate to it's fleet in the Persian Gulf!!!! The truth is the fact that he lasted this long is what's shocking I would have sacked him 5 years ago!

He may be a good guy, a great solder & a good military leader but that doesn't necessarily make you a good manager & Iran needs a good manager that can get it's naval projects moving forward on a small budget and he just hasn't been able to do that!
He hasn't been dismissed just replaced & moved into another position!
Facts are Fact!
He has done a poor job in building up the Naval fleet in the Persian Gulf since he took charge! In the Caspian Sea they added a frigate & a Missile boat but in the Persian Gulf the Jamaran was from his predecessor, Iran's Gadir Class and Nahang class again almost all the work in getting those project going were from his predecessor

Sina and other Mowj class ships have been delayed
Fateh-class has been delayed
Besat-class is up in the air
Missile boat projects for the Persian Gulf have hit delay after delay under his command
Iran's MOD Naval industry is building insignificant unarmed speed boats in Shiraz 200km from the Persian Gulf it's a bit absurd!
The navy's R&D team keeps coming up with detailed designs of new ships and crafts that don't go beyond small mockups

And at the end of the day he has held the position for 10 years and under his command Iran has NOT added a single new frigate to it's fleet in the Persian Gulf!!!! The truth is the fact that he lasted this long is what's shocking I would have sacked him 5 years ago!

He may be a good guy, a great solder & a good military leader but that doesn't necessarily make you a good manager & Iran needs a good manager that can get it's naval projects moving forward on a small budget and he just hasn't been able to do that!

Any news on Pourdistan? He has been dismissed, period. No new role announced for him. Rouhani met all army commanders yesterday apart from him.

Also, is Khanzadi a good replacement?
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A truck carries a submarine as a member of Iranian Naval forces sitting on it, past President Hassan Rohani and military commanders during the Army Day parade in Tehran on April 18, 2015. Fatemeh Bahrami/Anadolu Agency
Netanyahu: Iran Seeks to Send Its Submarines to Syria's Mediterranean Ports
In first public mention of Israeli military concern, prime minister says Iran wants to send aerial forces, divisions and military vessels to the region

Amos Harel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday in a BBC interview that Iran is seeking to use its close ties with Syria to dock its submarines in Syrian ports. Netanyahu made the same claim in his remarks at the London policy institute Chatham House on Friday.

It was the first public mention by a senior Israeli figure of this possibility, which has concerned the country’s military establishment for some time.

The Crucial Statement Hidden in PM's Latest Rant
Israel has been warning about Iran entrenching itself in Syria for the past year. Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman have warned several times that Israel could be forced into military action under such circumstances, particularly with regard to the deployment of pro-Iranian Shi’ite militias in southern Syria near the border with Israel in the Golan Heights.

Among other things, there has been talk of establishing an Iranian air force base in Syria and of Iranian plans to build weapons factories for Hezbollah in Syria and in Lebanon. In March, Netanyahu, after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Iran sought was seeking to lease naval facilities along Syria’s Mediterranean coast, as Russia had done at the port of Tartus.

Speaking on “The Andrew Marr Show” on BBC One, Netanyahu said, “Iran openly calls for our destruction. Iran openly says it’s out to destroy what they call the ‘small Satan’ en route to the ‘Great Satan’ which is the United States. ... It is seeking to colonize Syria for that purpose – that is, to ‘Lebanonize’ Syria; what they did in Lebanon that Prime Minister [Saad] Hariri resigned over is basically took over the country. ... The same thing is being done in Syria.


“As ISIS [the Islamic State] collapses, as ISIS moves out, Iran moves in, but they want to bring their air force there, right next to Israel; they want to bring Shi’ite and Iranian divisions right next to Israel, they want to bring submarines and military vessels into the Mediterranean, right next to Israel. So we will not let that happen; we will resist it.”

When asked if Israel would go to war to stop this from happening, Netanyahu responded, “You know, the more we’re prepared to stop it, the less likely we’ll have to resort to much greater things. There is a principle I very much adhere to, which is to nip bad things in the bud.”

The Iranian navy operates several types of submarines, including midget or mini submarines it would deploy if attacked by navies in the Persian Gulf. By docking submarines in Syrian ports, the Iranians could gather intelligence or conduct sabotage operations against Israel.

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He hasn't been dismissed just replaced & moved into another position!
Facts are Fact!
He has done a poor job in building up the Naval fleet in the Persian Gulf since he took charge! In the Caspian Sea they added a frigate & a Missile boat but in the Persian Gulf the Jamaran was from his predecessor, Iran's Gadir Class and Nahang class again almost all the work in getting those project going were from his predecessor

Sina and other Mowj class ships have been delayed
Fateh-class has been delayed
Besat-class is up in the air
Missile boat projects for the Persian Gulf have hit delay after delay under his command
Iran's MOD Naval industry is building insignificant unarmed speed boats in Shiraz 200km from the Persian Gulf it's a bit absurd!
The navy's R&D team keeps coming up with detailed designs of new ships and crafts that don't go beyond small mockups

And at the end of the day he has held the position for 10 years and under his command Iran has NOT added a single new frigate to it's fleet in the Persian Gulf!!!! The truth is the fact that he lasted this long is what's shocking I would have sacked him 5 years ago!

He may be a good guy, a great solder & a good military leader but that doesn't necessarily make you a good manager & Iran needs a good manager that can get it's naval projects moving forward on a small budget and he just hasn't been able to do that!
Vou..you really don't know much about military?Don't you?
First He was Navy cheef..that include whole Navy...including Caspian sea..and second ..defence industry has nothing to do with military staff ...they do not have anything with projecting and production....they can only ask for something they need ...
Those ships are not build by Iran navy....you can find out more about Iran defence industry online....and Sayyari is not degraded,He has been appointed as Deputy Army Coordinator.
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Vou..you really don't know much about military?Don't you?
First He was Navy cheef..that include whole Navy...including Caspian sea..and second ..defence industry has nothing to do with military staff ...they do not have anything with projecting and production....they can only ask for something they need ...
Those ships are not build by Iran navy....you can find out more about Iran defence industry online....and Sayyari is not degraded,He has been appointed as Deputy Army Coordinator.

It's you that doesn't know jack about IRAN'S Military!
1.No one said he was not responsible for the Caspian Sea!!! And that still doesn't change the fact that he DID NOT add a single frigate to the Persian Gulf fleet in his 10 years of command.
2.I expressly pointed out that he was not discharged, rather moved into another position & some positions in Iran's military may have a higher rank BUT have lesser responsibility! Sayyari is not a bad guy! in fact he is one of Iran's Hero's in the Iran-Iraq war when he was a commando! BUT that doesn't make him a good manager & that's what Iran's Navy needs right now!

3.Are you so blind that you think the fact that he has NOT added a single frigate in the Persian Gulf in his 10 years as the commander of Iran's Navy has gone unnoticed? You can make all the excuses that you want but at the end of the day that is a FACT!

Unlike Sayyari who seems to love to give interviews like a politician, his predecessor was deeply involved in R&D and was constantly pushing & lobbying for Iran to build new Frigates, Missile Boats, Subs, Anti-ship cruise missiles,....!

Iran's Military doesn't purchase it's ships from other companies they are built by the Navy at docks belonging to Iran's Navy, using engineers enlisted in Iran's Navy who where all under the command of Sayyari!

Under Sayyari Iran's Navy expanded on blue water international missions BUT when it came to expanding the fleet in the Persian Gulf he just didn't do a good job!
Do you know how many Sina-Class missile boats halls have just been sitting around waiting for completion? The hulls have been sitting around for almost a decade!

That missile boat has been there for 5 years! Both the deck & hulls of both ships have been completed for 5 years! The 5th Mowj class hull has also been completed of the 5 only 1 was completed under his command in the Caspian Sea
Iran practically stopped building Missile boat hulls in the Persian Gulf & we have a bunch of hulls just sitting around because the work is NOT being done to complete them!

A Naval commander that had a passion for expanding the fleet would have constantly lobbied the MOD for the parts & materials required to finish these projects!

A Naval commander with a passion to expand the Persian Gulf fleet would have taken issue with using the navy's limited funding to be used for a Naval MOD project to build Speed Boats in Shiraz 200km from the Persian Gulf!

Iran needs a Navy commander that is a good manager and has a passion for expanding Iran's blue water fleet in the Persian Gulf who thinks and worries more about expanding the Persian Gulf fleet than using the Navy as a diplomatic tool who thinks more about expanding the fleet than giving interviews on Iranian TV who thinks more like a manager and less like a politician!

No one say's the Sayyari is a bad guy or a bad military commander or tactician BUT when it comes to expanding the fleet in the Persian Gulf actions speak louder than words & his record as it pertains to expanding Iran's Persian Gulf fleet speak louder than words!

YES Iran's Navy DOSN'T build the VAST majority of the parts required in a frigate but as the commander the navy you do manage how the money is being spent, you do have the power to put pressure on the MOD for the parts & equipment you need and you do have the power to push and get new R&D projects going or stop ones that don't make any sense & you do have the power to monitor any MOD naval project so the buck does stop at him when it comes to delays and short comings!!!!!
Any news on Pourdistan? He has been dismissed, period. No new role announced for him. Rouhani met all army commanders yesterday apart from him.

Also, is Khanzadi a good replacement?
no he became deputy commander in chief of Iran army.
Any news on Pourdistan? He has been dismissed, period. No new role announced for him. Rouhani met all army commanders yesterday apart from him.

Also, is Khanzadi a good replacement?

the rumor is that Pourdastan made public some information that he had no business making public about 3 Russian bombers flying over Iranian Airspace towards Syria!

I personally support Iran allowing Russia to use it's military bases as a pit stop but I also understand why such information doesn't necessarily need to be made public!

This is military business & even something as simple as Iran opening up it's Airspace for it's ally although not a big deal at all should NOT have been made public!

That's all I know!

Also these are recommendation that came down from the head of Iran's Artesh... Every new commander wants people around him that he knows and trusts!

I don't know much about Khanzadi so we'll have to see in time how he performs.

What is evident is the performance of his (Sayyari's) predecessor compared to him!
His predecessor(s)
Purchased 3 Kilo Subs
Reverse engineered & build the Jamaran (mowj class)
Reverse engineered the La Combattente 2A Fast attack craft & built 4 of them within 5 years
Brought Anti-Ship cruise technology to Iran, brought torpedo technology to Iran
reverse engineered 2 different types of Naval cannons
Started domestic submarine R&D and production with the Gadir Class sub, The Nahang Class sub & R&D in developing larger subs
Massively expanded Iran's ship building capacity by building the tools and facilities required even the 2 very large dry-docks built in the last 10 years at ISOICO were started and planed prior to him taking charge

So the fact that he underperformed in terms of expanding the fleet with more tools, facilities, capability & manpower at his disposal than all his predecessor combined is just not good performance!
Again you don't have a clue about Iran military and military in general,I myself as retired Jugoslovenian and later Bosnian officer with 4 years of war experience know a lot about military in general and also about Iran military,I know some Iranian personel personaly because I met with them many times in Zenica in 1993 ,'94 and '95.
You should firs learn a lot of about military in general and than respond about something you don't have a clue....Defence industry doesn't have anything with Army,Navy or any other branch ...it is completely separeted and under Defence ministry and those are companies or corporations(sometimes grouped) like any other companies or corporation with diference that they are threated by diferent low as "dedicated industry".Those companies are not tied with military at all when it comes to managment and projecting.You are making fool of your self,navy chiefs and all military staff in general are not one who are responsible for buying or producing weapons....they are ONLY responsible for operational command and control and they work with resource they have....all requests for new equipement or any other resource are sent first to first to headquarters and than passed to defence minstry and all those request are handled by civil authority..in most cases parlamentar comissions or government itself.Military has not and can not have control over projecting and founding...it is the basis of civilian control over the military.Again stop making fool of yourself .....building new ships or buying submarines..etc is beyond navy chief responsiblity..he has no control over those things...it is handled by civil authority....they decide what will be founded and put in budget....
Military on it own can only make some modifications in their overhoull facilities ....it is simple..every penny is projected in budget ..only one who has some reserve(very limited) is chief of staff and headquortes..and he is boss to all branch chiefs.
Again you don't have a clue about Iran military and military in general,I myself as retired Jugoslovenian and later Bosnian officer with 4 years of war experience know a lot about military in general and also about Iran military,I know some Iranian personel personaly because I met with them many times in Zenica in 1993 ,'94 and '95.
You should firs learn a lot of about military in general and than respond about something you don't have a clue....Defence industry doesn't have anything with Army,Navy or any other branch ...it is completely separeted and under Defence ministry and those are companies or corporations(sometimes grouped) like any other companies or corporation with diference that they are threated by diferent low as "dedicated industry".Those companies are not tied with military at all when it comes to managment and projecting.You are making fool of your self,navy chiefs and all military staff in general are not one who are responsible for buying or producing weapons....they are ONLY responsible for operational command and control and they work with resource they have....all requests for new equipement or any other resource are sent first to first to headquarters and than passed to defence minstry and all those request are handled by civil authority..in most cases parlamentar comissions or government itself.Military has not and can not have control over projecting and founding...it is the basis of civilian control over the military.Again stop making fool of yourself .....building new ships or buying submarines..etc is beyond navy chief responsiblity..he has no control over those things...it is handled by civil authority....they decide what will be founded and put in budget....
Military on it own can only make some modifications in their overhoull facilities ....it is simple..every penny is projected in budget ..only one who has some reserve(very limited) is chief of staff and headquortes..and he is boss to all branch chiefs.

Your comparing how Bosnian military conducts business with how Iran's Military conducts business! LOL!

As I said YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE! Iran's military doesn't conduct business like Saudi Arabia or Bosnia!
And every branch in Iran is different in the way it conducts business as it pertains to weapons acquisition, R&D & production!
And most of all Iran's Artesh Navy conducts business completely differently than most branches in Iran's military specifically because of Sayyari's predecessor Sajjad Kochaki who was directly involved in R&D & he actively pushed for reverse engineering the Mowj Class, the Sina Class, Iranian Sub's,....

Ali Shamkhani was directly involved in R&D both when he was in the Military & at a larger scale when he was leading the MOD

Tehrani Mogadam was a military officer but his entire carrier whether he was head of the IRGC's artillery division or the head of IRGC Air Force it didn't matter all he cared about was R&D and missile production

And Iran is where it is today because of MILITARY officers like Sajjad Kochaki, Ali Shamkhani & Tehrani Moghadam! People like them are the reason why Iran is where it is today! They lobbied and pushed for R&D and domestic weapons production regardless of where they were stationed!

If Iran's Navy was going to sit around and wait for the MOD to buy them ships Jamaran, Damavan, Sina class FAC, Gadir Sub, Nahang Sub, Fatteh Sub,.... none of these projects would have been possible!

You think Civilian official sit around and analyzes what weapons they need & then decide to go on a shopping spree? That may be how Saudi Arabia conducts business but that IS NOT how Iran conducts business!

Even when it comes to foreign purchases, it's military officials that conduct a full annalist of the weapons needed then they send up requests to the MOD & constantly lobby the MOD to buy those weapons and then the MOD decides how possible those requests are and whether or not Iran can purchase them or not!

When it comes to R&D and production it really depends on what branch of the military your talking about what type of weapon your talking about!

The 1st Iranian built frigate Jamaran was built DIRCTLY BY THE NAVY at the Navy's own shipyard with ALL the engineers being directly from the Navy! Yes they got assistance from MOD companies & universities around the country but at the end of the day it was a Navy project & it requires massive coordination, an interest in expanding the Persian Gulf fleet, an interest getting R&D projects going to make such a project a reality!

You can have your Iranian friend translate this for you!

When it came to getting new R&D projects going Sayyari just didn't have the right skill set it didn't make him a bad guy just NOT a good fit for the head of Iran's Navy! And 10 years of experience is proof of that fact!
Right before Sayyari took charge Iran built 4 Sina class FAC in a span of 5 years & that trend should have increased yet in the past 9 years Iran only added 1 new FAC & that was in the Caspian Sea and that is a FACT!
And not being able to add a single frigate to the Persian Gulf in 10 years speaks for it's self

So again you know NOTHING about how Iran conducts it's military business & how Bosnia conducts business has NOTHING to do with Iran! And just because you know how your own country conducts business doesn't mean you have the slightest clue on how we conduct our business!
Iran builds military warships way too slow.

The Jamaran from the mowj series reached active service in 2010? 7-8 years later and they have added only 1 more mowj variant to active service?

That is an embarrassment.
[QUOTE = "TheImmortal, post: 10011902, member: 183490"] L'Iran costruisce navi militari militari troppo lenta.

Il Jamaran dalla serie mowj ha raggiunto un servizio attivo nel 2010? 7-8 anni dopo e hanno aggiunto solo 1 variante mowj al servizio attivo?

Quello è un imbarazzo. [/ QUOTE]

writing exclusively technical and non-political issues

why embarrass?

in India we do much more to build ships, even in Myanmar the times are long, but also in Russia
and in most western countries to make a corvette / frigate they are at least 5 years, although they already have everything available as propulsion, gearbox, axle and propeller, armament, electronics, etc.
At the moment only in China build ships faster, for the C28A frigates for Algeria they sufficed for 3 and 1/2 years

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