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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

The most interesting it is that IRIN is investing in a frigate with phased array radar (Damavand II and Taftan?), but, at the same time, IRIN is developing another frigate with hangar for helicopter.
Moudge class frigates have reached a limit in their development. But it is really remarkable how IRIN and the iranian naval industry are developing different solutions that could cristalize or converge in a single hull warship; VLS, phased array radar and hangar helicopter. In a 120 meters long hull IRIN could fit all together... Unfortunately it is so damn slowly. But even with this bizarre fleet of corvettes they can challenge Pentagon in all oceans around the world. Bravo Zulu!.
which in addition to showing the sky jump you can also see the extension of the side flight deck

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when this photo was published in December 2022, we all focused on the ship highlighted in yellow, but the photo also offered a second image, red arrow, with a view from the bow of the Nao Taftan frigate ship currently under construction.
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in December 2022, an image seen from the stern of the ship was published
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FwMAC6NWYAg-Dfg (1).jpeg
noticed two things in the photo.

1- The age of the officers..looks like a retirement party! (being an old fart myself..lol)
2- The ever present mandatory "mullah"in all gatherings..reminds me of "commissars" in old soviet system.
what is the retirement age rank wise in Iranian armed
forces, if possible to answer
thank you
what is the retirement age rank wise in Iranian armed
forces, if possible to answer
thank you
I do not know that in the current armed forces of Iran

ask @Hack-Hook @Mehdipersian @Muhammed45 @mohsen who all lives in Iran

They probably know better than this self-hating man trolling from Canada
Brown man why don't you go back to the shit holes of east Asia that you and your ancestors came from and stop interfering in Iranian sections..Iranian affairs are none of your damn business and your French flags do not fool any one brown man.
PS: did mullahs promise you an Iranian citizenship also...too bad because real Iranians will kick you out when the time comes.
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I do not know that in the current armed forces of Iran

Brown man why don't you go back to the shit holes of east Asia that you and your ancestors came from and stop interfering in Iranian sections..Iranian affairs are none of your damn business and your French flags do not fool any one brown man.
PS: did mullahs promise you an Iranian citizenship also...too bad because real Iranians will kick you out when the time comes.
@waz this turd is insulting Iranians and none-Iranians 24/7

Bandar Abbas (IP) - Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, Commander of the Russian Navy, along with Rear Admiral Amir Baloch, Deputy Coordinator of the Iranian Navy, visited the 1st Naval Region of the Iranian Navy. 214​




as can be seen , on the Sahand 74 the launchers of the new anti-aircraft system are now in naval gray , this may indicate that it has passed the tests.
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I do not know that in the current armed forces of Iran

Brown man why don't you go back to the shit holes of east Asia that you and your ancestors came from and stop interfering in Iranian sections..Iranian affairs are none of your damn business and your French flags do not fool any one brown man.
PS: did mullahs promise you an Iranian citizenship also...too bad because real Iranians will kick you out when the time comes.
Take your Valium you are getting out of control
what is the retirement age rank wise in Iranian armed
forces, if possible to answer
thank you
Usually after 30 years of working.
I do not know that in the current armed forces of Iran

Brown man why don't you go back to the shit holes of east Asia that you and your ancestors came from and stop interfering in Iranian sections..Iranian affairs are none of your damn business and your French flags do not fool any one brown man.
PS: did mullahs promise you an Iranian citizenship also...too bad because real Iranians will kick you out when the time comes.
Ok, you hate east asia and brown men and arabs and mullahs and ...

But you can't call your thoughts and yourself "iranian"
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