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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

This is one area I’m disappointed by both IRGC-N and Iranian Navy….UUV drones. With how narrow and shallow PG is a fast moving swarm of UUV equipped with powerful warheads or underwater smart munitions would do MORE a havoc than a bunch of speed boats firing unguided rockets. No manpower needed and harder to detect and destroy a swarm of UUVs vs swarm of surface vessels
Well, technologically is much more challenging that those FACs. Navigation it is harder and you need excellent sensors (shallow waters are much more noisy than blue water ones)... and propulsion must be longer range than light torpedoes or heavyweight that IRIN usually operates.
The only thing Iran's not so new navy commander reveals is a stamp!!!!..WTF! ..progress in reverse order!. These f*kers better move their as*! Country can not afford incompetent people in charge.

- Shahid Mahdavi and Shahid Soleimani class vessels have been equipped with 2.000-km-range 'Ghadr-474' CMs
- Ashoura and Zolfaghar class boats have been equipped with 'Kosar-200' (5-7 km range) and 'Kosar-222' (17 km range) SAMs
- 4 more Shahid Soleimani class vessels to be unveiled this year: 'Shahid Sayyad Shirazi', 'Shahid Hassan Bagheri', 'Shahid Mojahed Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes' and 'Shahid Rais-Ali Delvari'
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Sky Jump, looks like I was guessing February 11, 2023 when I wrote this

but then I exaggerated in my hypothesis with photoshop, I had imagined it with two corner bridges. instead it seems that there is only one
During the interview carried out by the Tasnim Agency concerning the commercial vessel listed above under modification, the current commander of the IRGC replies
"On the Shahid Bahman Bagheri vessel, 180 meters of flight deck has been built, on which the UAV can take off and land, while this vessel also houses small Zulfiqar and Ashura class missile boats."
- Shahid Mahdavi and Shahid Soleimani class vessels have been equipped with 2.000-km-range 'Ghadr-474' CMs
- Ashoura and Zolfaghar class boats have been equipped with 'Kosar-200' (5-7 km range) and 'Kosar-222' (17 km range) SAMs
- 4 more Shahid Soleimani class vessels to be unveiled this year: 'Shahid Sayyad Shirazi', 'Shahid Hassan Bagheri', 'Shahid Mojahed Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes' and 'Shahid Rais-Ali Delvari'
Also: Shahid Soleimani and Zolfaghar class have been fitted with Nawab VLS AD missiles (12 on Shahid Soleimani and 4 on Zolfaghar class).

- Shahid Mahdavi and Shahid Soleimani class vessels have been equipped with 2.000-km-range 'Ghadr-474' CMs
- Ashoura and Zolfaghar class boats have been equipped with 'Kosar-200' (5-7 km range) and 'Kosar-222' (17 km range) SAMs
- 4 more Shahid Soleimani class vessels to be unveiled this year: 'Shahid Sayyad Shirazi', 'Shahid Hassan Bagheri', 'Shahid Mojahed Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes' and 'Shahid Rais-Ali Delvari'

I thought Shahid Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandes was supposed to be its own class Catamaran that is smaller in size than Shahid Soleimani. It’s almost complete and has already been spotted by sats.
The Iranian Navy’s 86th flotilla "Makran 441 and Dena 75" has docked at Oman’s Salalah port after a long voyage around the globe.

when they set sail, there will be only 2000km left to finish the mission and reach Bandar Abbas

the corvette Bayandor 81 is also moored in the port

in this address some photos
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