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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Someone may ask this question that are those ships sent to S.America a match to USN in that region? Considering the size of departed fleet, answer is, Surely not. And it is not what the navy wanted to achieve. It is more of a political move, the concept of military diplomacy. I think the objectives were:
1) USA is not the one to dictate who can sail to S.America and who cannot
2) Iranian economic relationship with S.America is too important and no one can threaten it without severe consequences
3) Breaking through US hegemony in that hemisphere
4) S.America is not USA's backyard, not anymore
5) American sanctions means nothing

And all goals are achieved. :tup:
but this mission with IRIS Dena 75 and the one last year arrived in St. Petersburg Russia with IRIS Sahand 74, have shown that these light frigates are good and reliable ships.
But surely sailing with ships of small dimensions and low displacement for stormy oceans and for many months should not be comfortable, indeed month after month it can become stressful, different for the crew on board the gigantic IRIS Makran 441 ship.
These considerations made me think of a hypothesis:
Do you think it is possible that IRIS Dena 75 set sail for the mission with a number of sailors to form +/- 2 crews, let me explain, a group of sailors and officers make up a crew aboard the frigate and a second group of sailors and officers who make up another crew resting on board the IRIS Makran 441, who then, at the end of a certain number of days of navigation, all or in groups, replace the personnel who were on board the frigate, who in turn will go to rest at aboard the IRIS Makran 441.
If they eventually used this method, the mission to circumnavigate the globe, instead of giving all-important experience to one crew, this experience would be doubled

IMHO those ships are for sure reliable ...a simple CODOD propulsion and tested navigation and communications systems make them safe... but being so light are not that seaworthy and in high seas in stormy atlantic makes those journeys a truly nightmare.

It is possible and even desirable to keep more than a crew for training purposes, but I´am afraid that Makran cannot provide long lodging for months if it is not explicitly designed for it. Chinese ships have embarked containers specially designed for converting cargo ships into Hospital ships PLAN Zhuanghe (i. e.), and Makran could easily embark any specific number of those cointaners for improving habitabily aboard. Unless there is accomodation inside the only optimal solution it is just that adding those containers.

But I see that IRIS have been sending periodically ships further Indian Ocean. And that makes IRIN develop first training... and with some years -> doctrine... and from doctrine -> new projects. It is just what chinese PLAN did.

And it is so easy. None western country will help Iran. ...They never helped Russians, they never helped China to develop a modern Navy... so, unfortunately persians must do all this process alone, like them, and just in my opinion it is 10 of 10.

As we now know, Iran shows us things many years before and only to reappear years later. This drone has intrigued me for a long time and looking under the wings it does look like it is an army drone. This demonstrates that Iran has been working on many prototypes for a long time. Imagined the things that are completed but have not been officially unveiled to the general public
Whats the radar there on the mast?
Do you mean the planar array one? Asr I believe.
Some of the mowj have an older dish and a couple have Asr, while Asr is too much radar for those craft, they are good for field testing. Cheshmeh Oghab might eliminate Asr altogether though.
which of the two
The flat dish
Do you mean the planar array one? Asr I believe.
Some of the mowj have an older dish and a couple have Asr, while Asr is too much radar for those craft, they are good for field testing. Cheshmeh Oghab might eliminate Asr altogether though.
Yeah that one. Asr!

Any details on Asr?
As we now know, Iran shows us things many years before and only to reappear years later. This drone has intrigued me for a long time and looking under the wings it does look like it is an army drone. This demonstrates that Iran has been working on many prototypes for a long time. Imagined the things that are completed but have not been officially unveiled to the general public View attachment 918874
Seems to be a drone for naval targetting. Red color of fuselage and green and red in the tips of the wings are for ideal for AA targetting practice. Under de wings you can see racks probably for smoke and making long trails... it is very good for training crews on AA firing... Fajr and Fath artillery man will find them more attractive!!!
Seems to be a drone for naval targetting. Red color of fuselage and green and red in the tips of the wings are for ideal for AA targetting practice. Under de wings you can see racks probably for smoke and making long trails... it is very good for training crews on AA firing... Fajr and Fath artillery man will find them more attractive!!!

Yes just a target drone. Of course user thinks it’s some super secret Iranian weapon. That’s his MO, most of the time.
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