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How many of them at a time? Only one? Or can the system handle salvos of 3, 6 or even more coming at it at the same time or only seconds apart? Each Khalije Fars launcher carries three such missiles exactly because of the same reason.

Have you ever seen a Trident submarine fire dozens of missiles at one time? Does that mean it can't handle firing a salvo? So just cause you seen an Aegis destroyer just firing one missile for test doesn't mean it can't handle many.
Have you ever seen a Trident submarine fire dozens of missiles at one time? Does that mean it can't handle firing a salvo? So just cause you seen an Aegis destroyer just firing one missile for test doesn't mean it can't handle many.
I didn't say it can't. I just pointed out the fact that there is a limit to any system and beyond the system will be overwhelmed.
I didn't say it can't. I just pointed out the fact that there is a limit to any system and beyond the system will be overwhelmed.

What you say is true, there are limits to what the Aegis destroyer can handle. The question is how much can you fire to overwhelm such defense? Remember that the U.S. created a doctrine in response to Soviet Union's ability to reach our carriers and to overwhelm such defense of the carrier. Massive numbers of bombers. Large submarines as well as the quantity of it with massive amounts of anti-ship missiles and torpedoes and so on.
what is it's guidance? think I read it has electro-optical??? think a soft kill with smoke would make it harder to hit. or a lazer to blind the electro-optical sensor??

It probably has redundancies to counter anything like smoke or fog.

I'm sure there are counter measures against this weapon. The question is how effective they are and how fast can they be employed as they approach their target at a very high speed. From the time that it is within the range of the defense system to the time it hits the target there is less than one minute time to react.
Have you ever seen a Trident submarine fire dozens of missiles at one time? Does that mean it can't handle firing a salvo? So just cause you seen an Aegis destroyer just firing one missile for test doesn't mean it can't handle many.

one missile SM-3 or Trident D5 every 10 seconds makes sense to me. not like's it's
It probably has redundancies to counter anything like smoke or fog.

I'm sure there are counter measures against this weapon. The question is how effective they are and how fast can they be employed as they approach their target at a very high speed. From the time that it is within the range of the defense system to the time it hits the target there is less than one minute time to react.
a IIR sensor would let it see though fog/smoke right??
and I think with the AN-SPY1 Aegis it could detect it fairly quickly, but this depends how far away they are from the shore. it says it has a 300KM range so I would think they would be launched a quite a ways inland to be protecting from counter-battery fire and stand off missiles.
It depends. If you have a datalink, you can have a ground station, ship, or other aircraft send general target info to the plane, which then programs the missile to fly a certain path (using waypoints) to the area where a target is expected, where the missile itself uses active radar and perhaps a search pattern to actually acquire the target. Targeting data can be radar, ESM, AWACS, visual etc.

Yes, that Kh 55 clone, acquired via shady Ukrainian and Russian contacts. They didn't really have to change the missile, they just stuck a booster onto it and a developed a launch vehicle.

Did you know that

RK-55 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kh-55 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

RK-55 (SS-N-21/SSC-X-4) | Missile ThreatSS-N-21, Sampson, 3M10, Granat, SSC-X-4, Slingshot, 3K10 | Missile Threat

Kh-55/-55SM/-555/-65SE | Missile ThreatAS-15 'Kent", RKV-500, X-65C3, Kh-SD | Missile Threat

Difference? Probably mainly a booster (note length and range difference, for the same diameter)

German V2 rocket

HIMARS high-mobility artillery rocket system (MLRS) family developed by Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control under an advanced concept technology demonstration (ACTD) programme

WW2 German cruise missile V1 and ballistic missile.V2

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one missile SM-3 or Trident D5 every 10 seconds makes sense to me. not like's it's

a IIR sensor would let it see though fog/smoke right??
and I think with the AN-SPY1 Aegis it could detect it fairly quickly, but this depends how far away they are from the shore. it says it has a 300KM range so I would think they would be launched a quite a ways inland to be protecting from counter-battery fire and stand off missiles.

We always have seen images of its regular camera showing how it locks on its target but yes an IR sensor would probably do it. There is also another variation which is anti radiation and seeks the radar.

There are two types of this missile. The Khalije Fars missile has 300 km range and I would say yes it probably will be fired at a distance as far as possible from the coast line.

There is also the Ghaem version which has 2000 km range with the same application. Which of course will give more time to the defense system to prepare but also approaches its target at far higher speed than Khalije Fars.
So modifying by having a booster and having a platform for this weapon for surface to surface pretty much made the difference. No different than adding ground attack capability for the F-14 with not much difficulty.

By the way, do you believe it was Iraq's intention to hit the American warship? Or was it an accident as they said?
I remember I red somewhere that it was intentional. It was a warning to USA to keep its fleet away from Persian Gulf. The fact is Saddam wasn't a fan of having foreign powers presence in the Persian Gulf either. He wanted to push Iran aside and then claim the whole region. USA was in the way.
i know its a military exercise im not that dumb.

but regarding 9 prophets in shia... shia do believe their imams are gods like. meaning they are greater than prophets. now please dont start and say its BS. there is plenty of proof all from their own mouth and books. maybe cuz you are an atheist you dont know this

That is 9 Imams as I understand it, the prophet (PBUH) is kept out of it, they do not equate them with him. They believe in Imam Mahdi as a religious leader driven by his faith in GOD and a descendant of the prophet (PBUH).
How many shrines the Sunnis have of saints who were descendants of the prophet (PBUH)?
These manoeuvres were the ninth phase of "Prophet Mohammad" (PBUH) wargames.
lol i know you cant debate. i didnt say shia has 9 prophets @Militant Atheist saidit. i said shia say their imam are gods like and are better than prophets. just like the 10 videos show you. but i understand you have to change the subject and troll its ok. its hard to be in your place

you didnt even watch it what terrorist group ?! ahmadin nijad is a terrorist now ? your scholars who graduated from qum and iraq are terrorists ?! good to know. hats off for admitting.
anyways i knew none of you can debate or watch the video. but i posted it to prove that muslims never run away.
change topics troll make excuses... dosnt matter i proved my point. lol
There are hundreds and thousands of videos full of BS from all known faiths, but made by fake people, beware!

On Topic:

These manoeuvres are in line with the koran verse: Wa a'idou lahom ma istata'tom min qoah"
German V2 rocket

HIMARS high-mobility artillery rocket system (MLRS) family developed by Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control under an advanced concept technology demonstration (ACTD) programme

WW2 German cruise missile V1 and ballistic missile.V2

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First of all, we all know how that German missile (and aircraft, as well as jet engine) technology was acquiered and used by all major Allies (including Russia). Moreover, no one denies that.
Second, Himars/AtACMs is not a V2 clone in any way. Current ATACMS is not the direct result of the US getting V2 in 1945. There is no design or direct technological relation. It is a silly and flawed comparison. Had you said e.g. PGM-11 Redstone there would have been some reason to compare. But that is by far less of a V2 clone as e.g. the Russian R-1 (NATO: SS-1 Scunner, Soviet code name SA11) .

Weight 12,500 kg (27,600 lb)
Length 14 m (45 ft 11 in)
Diameter 1.65 m (5 ft 5 in)
Warhead 1,000 kg (2,200 lb)
Wingspan 3.56 m (11 ft 8 in)
Propellant 3,810 kg (8,400 lb) 75% ethanol/25% water
4,910 kg (10,820 lb) liquid oxygen
Operational range 320 km (200 mi)
Flight altitude 88 km (55 mi) maximum altitude on long range trajectory,
206 km (128 mi) maximum altitude if launched vertically.
maximum:5,760 km/h (3,580 mph)
at impact: 2,880 km/h (1,790 mph)

Weight 1,670 kilograms (3,690 lb)
Length 4.0 metres (13 ft)
Diameter 610 millimetres (24 in
Propellant: solid propellant
Maximum firing range
300 km
Wingspan 1,400 millimetres (55 in)
Flight ceiling 48 kilometres (30 mi)

3. We know Iran got those (a certain model/type) cruise missiles from abroad
4. All we can see it that a booster has been added: we can't look inside the missile, or the Iranian production facility.

So, based on what can be verified, that's where conclusion ends.

I apologize if I hurt your ego and/or national pride..
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