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Iranian engineers reveal methods of hacking US drones

If this is true...

made Iran a thief.
Kinky...I would have thought they would go for looking up women's burquas.

Then USA should stop sending such "Theivable" drones to a war zone...Even car manufacturers cater for this aspect and fit anti-theft..This is a top secret drone..Beast of Kandahar . bla de bla .. The pride / epitome of American Robotic warfare...At least this should be better than a car when it comes to vulnerability to theft.

And why should i bother looking up Burqas when i can just google "upskirt" and there will be millions of American women showing their stuff...in the name of freedom..Good for me and any red blooded man..be it American or non american ;).
I say give more freedom (to expose flesh) to women .. specially the petite ones..
Mind you .. all this female freedom in the west is just a ploy to undress women and make them work "at home and out of home".
Then USA should stop sending such "Theivable" drones to a war zone...Even car manufacturers cater for this aspect and fit anti-theft..This is a top secret drone..Beast of Kandahar . bla de bla .. The pride / epitome of American Robotic warfare...At least this should be better than a car when it comes to vulnerability to theft.


Don't you think that the possibility of a drone being lost intact over enemy territory has not already been factored in in the planning?
Don't you think that the possibility of a drone being lost intact over enemy territory has not already been factored in in the planning?

A drone should have the co-ordinates of the airport it was launched from,saved in its memory and in case of loss of signal or malfunction..it should turn back and land at the airport it came from....It shouldn't land on an Iranian airport,as enemy airport is never safe.
If it did land on an Iranian airport...we should believe what the Iranians say.

About vulnerability in Navigation system..it is plausible that the designers relied too much on the stealth features and assumed that since it cannot be seen on radar,it cannot be Hacked by spoof signal.
Humility aside, I can't help but be happy that my assessment appears to have been conformed.

The Iranians probably jammed the American signal. Normally this would cause the drone to return to base. But they probably either jammed the GPS signals or sent false GPS signals to make the drone think it was back home. And the drone probably landed itself.
Humility aside, I can't help but be happy that my assessment appears to have been conformed.

Aircraft designers have a habit of overlooking a known vulnerability..Thinking that another capability will compensate for it..
Guns were removed from fighter jets...thinking that BVR will more than compensate for it? and that didnt happen?
Likewise Drone desighners must have overlooked certain vulnerabilities thinking that stealth features will compensate for them.
If the US knew about the potential fault, then it may be that this drone is a Trojan Horse for something else.

lol I was wondering when this all started, thought of all the top scientists leaping at the chance to examine a US drone the generals racing for a photo op if a week later there was going to be a press release from the yanks.

"Recent investigations have show the new coating applied to the RQ-170 series of drones appears to be highly toxic anyone coming in contact with these drones please email, Cia.gov with antidote in the e-mail title"
So all those drone crashes over the decade was all Iran's fault. That they finally revealed their true capabilities. Hopefully to deter Americans from sending more drones into Iran and to show the Americans the weakness of operating drones.
"The GPS navigation is the weakest point," the Iranian engineer told the Monitor, giving the most detailed description yet published of Iran's "electronic ambush" of the highly classified US drone. "By putting noise [jamming] on the communications, you force the bird into autopilot. This is where the bird loses its brain."

The “spoofing” technique that the Iranians used – which took into account precise landing altitudes, as well as latitudinal and longitudinal data – made the drone “land on its own where we wanted it to, without having to crack the remote-control signals and communications” from the US control center, says the engineer.

Mogambo khush hua.
Iran guided the CIA's "lost" stealth drone to an intact landing inside hostile territory by exploiting a navigational weakness long-known to the US military, according to an Iranian engineer now working on the captured drone's systems inside Iran.

Iranian electronic warfare specialists were able to cut off communications links of the American bat-wing RQ-170 Sentinel, says the engineer, who works for one of many Iranian military and civilian teams currently trying to unravel the drone’s stealth and intelligence secrets, and who could not be named for his safety.

Full story

Meaning that the drone will likely have some collective data, codes for its AI or its programmed way points (will help the Iranians determine the regions of U.S. interests) which should be left mostly intact as it has failed to relay them back or was allowed to recieve instruction from control for it to be erased or destroyed.
So all those drone crashes over the decade was all Iran's fault. That they finally revealed their true capabilities. Hopefully to deter Americans from sending more drones into Iran and to show the Americans the weakness of operating drones.

They said they are going to show the other drones they shot down too.
If the US knew about the potential fault, then it may be that this drone is a Trojan Horse for something else.

This is what i am also suspecting since day one.

It cannot be ruled out.
This is what i am also suspecting since day one.

It cannot be ruled out.

Lol the only thing that cant be ruled out is the fact you dont like the idea that Iran has got its hand on one the most advanced drones on earth.
Lol the only thing that cant be ruled out is the fact you dont like the idea that Iran has got its hand on one the most advanced drones on earth.
you wahabis are burning jealousy.

I did not say they cannot get their hands on it, but just trying to say that there are many scenarios to all this and all scenarios are as much possible as Iranians getting hold of the machine by any technological means that may be possible.

Just a reminder:

Yeah wahabis are not real. okay then.
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