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Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

Iran to Start Up Newly-Discovered Lithium Mines by 2025​

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian official said the country will be able to extract lithium from two newly-discovered lithium deposits in the next two years.

Mohammad Hadi Ahmadi, the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade’s local branch in western Hamedan province, said on Sunday that production from two lithium ore deposits in the region whose discovery were announced last week will begin by 2025.

The discovery of Iran’s first lithium ore deposits was reported on February 27. The ministry’s exploration department said at the time that the deposits in Hamedan contain some 8.5 million metric tons of lithium ore, making the pair one of the largest in the world.

Ahmadi went on to say that the two deposits cover an area of around 11 square kilometers in Qahavand Plain, located more than 50 kilometers to the east of the provincial capital of Hamedan.

He said the discovery of the deposits had taken nearly four years, adding that the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade is currently studying technological capacities existing in two developed countries as part of efforts to start up the mines through a partnership with private investors.

The ministry’s authorities expect more lithium ore deposits could be discovered in Hamedan, a province with vast deposits of clay which is a source of lithium.


Note...Iran's revenue from tourism is only $ 6 billion compare that to our neighbour Turkey ..they earned $30 billion from tourism. Egypt income from tourism is around $15 billion.. Iran with 3000 year of history and thousands of historical sites is way behind (I guess we all know why!!).

Greece revenue: $$ 20 billion
China: $260 billion..amazing!
India: $170 billion ..wow
Canada: $ 20 billion

Iran’s annual tourism revenues at $6.2bn: Official​

Thursday, 13 July 2023 7:30 PM [ Last Update: Thursday, 13 July 2023 7:30 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Photo shows the Naqsh-e Jahan Square in the central Iranian city of Isfahan.
A deputy head of the Iranian tourism ministry (MCTH) says Iran’s annual tourism revenues have reached $6.2 billion, adding that tourism is becoming a major source of earning hard currency for the country.
Citing figures from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) on Thursday, Ali Asghar Shalbafian did not elaborate if the annual revenue figure was related to 2022 or to the calendar year to late March 2023.
Speaking at a ceremony in the tourist hub of Tabriz in northwest Iran, Shalbafian said tourism revenues had reached levels to equal more than 10% of Iran’s annual non-oil export revenues.
He said, however, that Iran had invested some 3,650 trillion rials ($7.3 billion) in recent years to boost its tourism infrastructure, adding that some 360 trillion rials had been spent in Tabriz and cities around it which are normally frequented by tourists from the Republic of Azerbaijan and countries in the Caucasus region.
MCTH figures show tourists arrivals to Iran reached a record of 4.230 million in the six months to September 2022 when a spell of unrest in the country caused a drop in the number of arrivals.
Tourism activity rebounded in Iran in the quarter to late June as the country received 1.4 million foreign visitors over the period, according to the MCTH.
Tourism has become a focus of Iran’s efforts to diversify its economy away from crude revenues in recent years.
The policy is meant to offset the impacts of US sanctions on the Iranian oil sector while it is also aimed at creating more jobs for the country’s youth.
Recent reports show that the Iranian government is seeking to expand its visa waiver program to cover visitors from more than 60 new countries.
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Iran's oil export for 2022. An important figure that I was looking for from an independent source (OPEC): $ 42.6 billion dollars ( and this does not include under the table oil sales)
So now we can guess what was Iran's total export for 2022

Iranian OIL exports in 2022: $42.6 billion dollars
Iranian non-oil exports in 2022: $60 billion dollars

So for 2022:

Total exports : $102 billion dollars
Total imports: $ 55 billion dollars

Question: what does Iran do with $47 billion dollars of surplus dollarso_O

Beside saving some of this in Sovereign fund which is a good things and spending some on new oil/gas exploration which is a "must" what happens to the rest of the money...a question that I have no answer only some guesses!!:undecided::undecided:

Are these figures for domestic + international? Because I think the numbers for India are both domestic and foreign combined.
my source:
World Travel and Tourism Council calculated that tourism generated ₹13.2 lakh crore (US$170 billion) or 5.8% of India's GDP and supported 32.1 million jobs in 2021.
my source:
World Travel and Tourism Council calculated that tourism generated ₹13.2 lakh crore (US$170 billion) or 5.8% of India's GDP and supported 32.1 million jobs in 2021.
Yup, I know its domestic + foreign for India, was curious about other countries.
As if South Korea theft of Iran's $7 billion dollars oil was not a wake up call for the mullahs of Iran now IRAQ their best Arab friend that they love so much is refusing to pay $10 billion dollars of Gas and electricity bill.

Mullah foreign policy back firing on all directions even their friends no longer respect them

Expert: Iraqis refuse to pay their energy debt to Iran by shifting blame onto US​

ByIFP Editorial Staff
July 19, 2023
Iraq Gas

Iranian foreign policy expert Seyyed Ali Hosseini says Iraqi officials are deliberately dragging their feet on the payment of their energy debt to Iran through hampering a mechanism that’s been created for this purpose.
Hosseini added that in fact Iraq’s Bank of Commerce has thrown the payment of the country’s debt to Iran into administrative pitfalls to avoid fulfilling Baghdad’s commitments but the Iraqi officials shift the blame onto the US sanctions.
Hosseini noted that a direct communication channel needs to be put in place between Iran and the US in such cases so the Iraqis cannot use the US as an excuse for refusing to pay their debtq.
He added that Iraqis are used to living a double life in this respect as, on the one hand, they say they are friends with Iran, but, on the other hand, they have learned to seek their own interests from Iran’s conditions in foreign policy issues.
The foreign policy expert said when Iran cuts gas flow to Iraq due to Baghdad’s failure to pay for the gas, the Iraqi officials incite their people against Iran, and under such circumstances, Iran has to convince the Iraqis that it’s their own government that is dragging its feet on paying its debt to Iran.
As if South Korea theft of Iran's $7 billion dollars oil was not a wake up call for the mullahs of Iran now IRAQ their best Arab friend that they love so much is refusing to pay $10 billion dollars of Gas and electricity bill.

Mullah foreign policy back firing on all directions even their friends no longer respect them

Expert: Iraqis refuse to pay their energy debt to Iran by shifting blame onto US​

ByIFP Editorial Staff
July 19, 2023
Iraq Gas

Iranian foreign policy expert Seyyed Ali Hosseini says Iraqi officials are deliberately dragging their feet on the payment of their energy debt to Iran through hampering a mechanism that’s been created for this purpose.
Hosseini added that in fact Iraq’s Bank of Commerce has thrown the payment of the country’s debt to Iran into administrative pitfalls to avoid fulfilling Baghdad’s commitments but the Iraqi officials shift the blame onto the US sanctions.
Hosseini noted that a direct communication channel needs to be put in place between Iran and the US in such cases so the Iraqis cannot use the US as an excuse for refusing to pay their debtq.
He added that Iraqis are used to living a double life in this respect as, on the one hand, they say they are friends with Iran, but, on the other hand, they have learned to seek their own interests from Iran’s conditions in foreign policy issues.
The foreign policy expert said when Iran cuts gas flow to Iraq due to Baghdad’s failure to pay for the gas, the Iraqi officials incite their people against Iran, and under such circumstances, Iran has to convince the Iraqis that it’s their own government that is dragging its feet on paying its debt to Iran.
Iran should completely cut them off from electricity until their debts are paid in full. Let them riot and cry, as long as they learn to pay their debts.
Iran should completely cut them off from electricity until their debts are paid in full. Let them riot and cry, as long as they learn to pay their debts.
Exactly,let them sit in the dark without electricity for a few days,I suspect that would serve to very quickly concentrate their minds on finding a solution to the problem most effectively.
Personally I dont know why they just dont physically ship the cash to iran,it may be a little cumbersome or inconvenient,but if the us could fly pallets of cash to iran to pay its debts then I dont see why iraq simply cannot do the same.
As with all things in this world if the political will is there then there is virtually no problem that ultimately cannot be solved.However,in this case it may well take a little "pressure" from iran in order to "encourage" the iraqis to find the necessary requisite political will for a solution.

Note...Iran's revenue from tourism is only $ 6 billion compare that to our neighbour Turkey ..they earned $30 billion from tourism. Egypt income from tourism is around $15 billion.. Iran with 3000 year of history and thousands of historical sites is way behind (I guess we all know why!!).

Greece revenue: $$ 20 billion
China: $260 billion..amazing!
India: $170 billion ..wow
Canada: $ 20 billion

Iran’s annual tourism revenues at $6.2bn: Official​

Thursday, 13 July 2023 7:30 PM [ Last Update: Thursday, 13 July 2023 7:30 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Photo shows the Naqsh-e Jahan Square in the central Iranian city of Isfahan.
A deputy head of the Iranian tourism ministry (MCTH) says Iran’s annual tourism revenues have reached $6.2 billion, adding that tourism is becoming a major source of earning hard currency for the country.
Citing figures from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) on Thursday, Ali Asghar Shalbafian did not elaborate if the annual revenue figure was related to 2022 or to the calendar year to late March 2023.
Speaking at a ceremony in the tourist hub of Tabriz in northwest Iran, Shalbafian said tourism revenues had reached levels to equal more than 10% of Iran’s annual non-oil export revenues.
He said, however, that Iran had invested some 3,650 trillion rials ($7.3 billion) in recent years to boost its tourism infrastructure, adding that some 360 trillion rials had been spent in Tabriz and cities around it which are normally frequented by tourists from the Republic of Azerbaijan and countries in the Caucasus region.
MCTH figures show tourists arrivals to Iran reached a record of 4.230 million in the six months to September 2022 when a spell of unrest in the country caused a drop in the number of arrivals.
Tourism activity rebounded in Iran in the quarter to late June as the country received 1.4 million foreign visitors over the period, according to the MCTH.
Tourism has become a focus of Iran’s efforts to diversify its economy away from crude revenues in recent years.
The policy is meant to offset the impacts of US sanctions on the Iranian oil sector while it is also aimed at creating more jobs for the country’s youth.
Recent reports show that the Iranian government is seeking to expand its visa waiver program to cover visitors from more than 60 new countries.
All Iraqi oil revenues are stolen and controlled by U.S. banks.
For several months now, all remittances must be approved by the U.S. government, and almost no luxury goods such as precious metals are allowed, even if the trade is not with Iran.
Iraq, which succumbed to the invasion, is still a colony of the U.S. 10 years after the war's end.
For this reason, Iran only accepts payment in Iraqi dinars, which are exchanged for dollar bills on the black market in Iraq whenever possible and brought into Iran.
This has led to a depletion of dollar bills in Iraq and a large drop in the exchange rate due to people seeking dollars.
The U.S. has mocked Iraq's request and arrogantly insists that Iran will only allow settlement if it buys medicines and food from Iraq.
All Iraqi oil revenues are stolen and controlled by U.S. banks.
For several months now, all remittances must be approved by the U.S. government, and almost no luxury goods such as precious metals are allowed, even if the trade is not with Iran.
Iraq, which succumbed to the invasion, is still a colony of the U.S. 10 years after the war's end.
For this reason, Iran only accepts payment in Iraqi dinars, which are exchanged for dollar bills on the black market in Iraq whenever possible and brought into Iran.
This has led to a depletion of dollar bills in Iraq and a large drop in the exchange rate due to people seeking dollars.
The U.S. has mocked Iraq's request and arrogantly insists that Iran will only allow settlement if it buys medicines and food from Iraq.
And all these years we thought Iraq was under Iranian control...Iran foolishly exported $10 billion dollars of her gas and electricity to a US colony...what is wrong with Iranians leader ship...:hitwall:

PS: Iran accepts Iraqi dinar as payments and then gives these dinars to millions of pilgrims to return it to Iraq...end result..Iraqis get free oil and gas...Iranians get ,,,well a place reserved for them in Heven!!..:undecided:
Very good news on Steel production:

According to World Steel Association for the first 6 months of 2023 ,Iran is world's 7th largest steel producer. (Iran was no 10 in 2022)..credit to Raisi government for this achievement (reliable supply of electricity was the key).:-)


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