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Iranian Drones vs Turkish Drones: Comparing Technology And Efficiency

@LeGenD I've saw your post on some thread on the Iran section, don't remember which one it was, but you were saying that misinformation and propaganda wasn't allowed by the rules and also the conversation about "zionists" you had with @SalarHaqq

What i want to ask is why you are not saying anything to some users here that not only spread Turkey regime and panturk propaganda, but also blatantly rewrites history of Iran such as claiming Safavids were Turks or whatever rewriting of history they do aimed at Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and even some north African countries, reaching as far to claim Turks discovered the Americas, and calling other "slave" "puppets" (which is very ironic)

Very short list of Turkish users trolling, rewriting history of others, insulting, spreading blatant panturk/Turkey regime propaganda etc

And you also talked about "constructive criticism"

Are some users above the "rules" when it comes to all cited above and proven below?

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The problem with this specific member is that it's impossible to discuss with him. He doesn't want to talk,he is not here to talk. He will never accept any opinion other than his,he spams the same phrases and lists of Turkish products again and again,even on the same thread and always talks in an arrogant manner.
And then you add ballistic missiles...

1) Turkish Tayfun ballistic missile (500km) vs Iranian Raad-500 ballistic missile (500km)

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2) Turkish CENK ballistic missile (1000km) vs Iranian Khaybarshekan ballistic missile (1450km)
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And then there are Iranian missiles Turkey doesn't have:

1) Fattah HYPERSONIC missile (1400km)
View attachment 956960

2) Sejjil-2 ballistic missile (2500km)
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3) Khorramshahr ballistic missile (2000km with 1800kg warhead and 4000km with 1000kg warhead)
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Difference between Iran and Turkey is iran have a self sufficient military projects and Turkey relies on western designs and parts.

Also I don't think they have good quality missiles. We have best quality missiles in world.
@LeGenD I've saw your post on some thread on the Iran section, don't remember which one it was, but you were saying that misinformation and propaganda wasn't allowed by the rules and also the conversation about "zionists" you had with @SalarHaqq

What i want to ask is why you are not saying anything to some users here that not only spread Turkey regime and panturk propaganda, but also blatantly rewrites history of Iran such as claiming Safavids were Turks or whatever rewriting of history they do aimed at Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and even some north African countries, reaching as far to claim Turks discovered the Americas, and calling other "slave" "puppets" (which is very ironic)

Very short list of Turkish users trolling, rewriting history of others, insulting, spreading blatant panturk/Turkey regime propaganda etc

And you also talked about "constructive criticism"

Are some users above the "rules" when it comes to all cited above and proven below?

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Cry all you want, the Safavids are Turkish and Shah Ismail is also Turkish. I don't know how history is written in Iran, but why is it so difficult to accept this historical fact?

Also, is it against the forum rules to say "Sah Ismail is Turkish"?

You must overcome your inferiority complex.
Is Fonikia
Difference between Iran and Turkey is iran have a self sufficient military projects and Turkey relies on western designs and parts.

Also I don't think they have good quality missiles. We have best quality missiles in world.
be careful….
Jet powered shahed drones:


BE CAREFUL, enemies of Iran! you must fright, fret and cry... you hope don t sleep anymore, be vigilant. Shaheds,also night hunters.
Cry all you want, the Safavids are Turkish and Shah Ismail is also Turkish. I don't know how history is written in Iran, but why is it so difficult to accept this historical fact?

Also, is it against the forum rules to say "Sah Ismail is Turkish"?

You must overcome your inferiority complex.
Cry all you want, the Safavids are Turkish and Shah Ismail is also Turkish. I don't know how history is written in Iran, but why is it so difficult to accept this historical fact?
Show us your sources so everyone can laugh
Also, is it against the forum rules to say "Sah Ismail is Turkish"?
Answer to my question and stop dodging, were Safavids Turkish? This is typical panturk propaganda and history rewriting (misinformation), just as big as the America discovery by turks and recycling USSR propaganda dating from 100yr ago, i mean, anyone not knowing history can ask internet, just chatgpt for instance


What a "slavery"

No one in the world, even the one that never opened a history book or gone in school is going to believe panturk propaganda, at least if it wasn't so big to claim that America was discovered by Turks and saying "Iran slave of turkey" "Greece slave of turkey", panturk books used as propaganda books will not solve anything of your history complex.
You must overcome your inferiority complex.
Nice projecting, why are you all so virulent when it concerns Iran and Greece and rewriting history of other countries in the globe? Do you guys have an inferiority complex about your history?
No one in the world, even the one that never opened a history book or gone in school is going to believe panturk propaganda, at least if it wasn't so big to claim that America was discovered by Turks and saying "Iran slave of turkey" "Greece slave of turkey", panturk books used as propaganda books will not solve anything of your history complex.
MMM-E says the Byzantine Empire "wasn't Greek". He insists that Greeks were "nothing since they were conquered by Romans" and that Iranians were also nothing.

He also insists on weird things like this:

Screenshot_2022-09-19 Pelosi's journey to Armenia and her anti-TR PR campaign.png
Screenshot_2021-11-16  We are a naval nation Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu.png

According to him,Turks had a navy since 1081 A.D. because a Seljuk emir built some ships (and was eventually defeated).

He ignores basic history that even kids know,saying that Egypt,Israel,Greece and Iran...had no naval history. S

As well as other nonsense like this:

Screenshot_2023-06-11 Indian Pilots Supporting Anti-Turkey Patch in Greece .png
MMM-E says the Byzantine Empire "wasn't Greek". He insists that Greeks were "nothing since they were conquered by Romans" and that Iranians were also nothing.

He also insists on weird things like this:

View attachment 956999View attachment 957001
According to him,Turks had a navy since 1081 A.D. because a Seljuk emir built some ships (and was eventually defeated).

He ignores basic history that even kids know,saying that Egypt,Israel,Greece and Iran...had no naval history. S

As well as other nonsense like this:

View attachment 957002
Unfortunately this is somehow compulsive, you can watch some videos about Iran/Greece history on youtube and you will see them history rewriting in the comments, this isn't for nothing that the Armenian genocide, Safavid empire etc are locked from edits on Wikipedia with Turkey IP address requesting to rewrite it with fallacious sources

lol 45000 years ago was paleolithic, it was literally braindead tribes of humans hunting with wooden spears

Simply a panturk just judging by the word "proto turkic" which is vastly used in panturk books about rewriting history of the world

@LeGenD @waz (sorry to quote you two times) these users are freely spreading propaganda about history in the main forum. The above images shows the same users being obsessed with Iran and Greece, insulting China, Greece, Iran/others, saying they are "slave" "puppets", that "Turkey is the father of (basically) all Asian countries" "All Shahed have been destroyed" "Useless beside ours" "Puppet of Russia" "Puppet of Europe", this is the typical behavior from people having a history/ego/inferiority complex we see everywhere on the internet, virulent on every platform and compulsively history rewriting

And also like Legend posted in the Iran section and talked about misinformation being against the rules, there you have pure Turkish propaganda on the main forum, any actions or is it just reserved for some sections and not others?


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Have you not taken your meds, look at Iranians and Griic ho so full of jealousy and thirst
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Iranian drones = Quantity
Turkish drones = Quality
Iranian drones = battle tested
Turkish drones = NOT battle tested.

Turkey has some seemingly good drone and military technology, but Turkey uses and relies on only a few of them in actual war time, because alot of its military drones and gears arent battle tested, so their reliability in war scenario is not guaranteed. When war starts, Turkey mainly uses F16s, Kirpis, and TB2s.
The problem with this specific member is that it's impossible to discuss with him. He doesn't want to talk,he is not here to talk. He will never accept any opinion other than his,he spams the same phrases and lists of Turkish products again and again,even on the same thread and always talks in an arrogant manner.

I dont care about liar troll team same lies again and again
same troll team spamming threads with lies 24/7

Jealous boys stop compare your backward countries with the strongest country in the region ( Turkiye )

Iran can see mosquitos in Turkiyeh with their satelites, Iran is an advanced country, Iran can see also mosquitos in occupated land... Iran has the power, Iran has satelites and turkiyeh no,

only one example from silly , ignorant and liar troll team

Turkiye has RASAT , GOKTURK-1 , GOKTURK-2 and IMECE Satellites ... you liar loser

even better than so-called Iranian Satellites

Türkiye's fully domestically high-res observation Satellite IMECE


TURKSAT-6A Communications Satellite ( 5,5 tons )

Turkiye's first fully domestically-produced communications satellite
Only 10 countries in the World


Even Turkiye exported Satellite to Argentina
unique solutions on small geo telecommunications market.


Aselsan designed X-Band Transmitter to send the optical data, which will be created by ASELSAT’s camera payload (able to be taking pictures at 30m GSD), to the ground station

Our incredible pocketqube Satellite sent into space
Turkiye's first and the World's 3rd mobile satellite network initiative, aims to provide end-to-end data services all over the world by creating a set of mobile satellites to be sent into space.

When Hello Space's suite of 80 pocket satellites is completed, reliable, sustainable data service will be available even in remote areas and oceans with low population density.


Turkiye exported electro-optical Satellite Camera with sub-meter resolution to Pakistan

in the region
Only Turkiye and Israel have technology to produce high-res observation Satellite with sub-meter resolution

Enough with your silly posts and lies
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Iranian drones = battle tested
Turkish drones = NOT battle tested

What a troll team .... Your lies makes you more pathetic

Iranian Drone in terror role against civilian areas and infrastructure in Ukraine

low speed and dumb Iranian Drone never destroyed Air Defense System and large military equipment

on the other hand
Turkish TB-2 UCAV has kill record in the World

TB-2 UCAVs destroyed over 1.000 military equipment in Syria,Libya,Karabakh and Ukraine

including Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS and 48 SAMs PANTSIR , BUK , TOR , OSA , S300
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No one in the world, even the one that never opened a history book or gone in school is going to believe panturk propaganda, at least if it wasn't so big to claim that America was discovered by Turks and saying "Iran slave of turkey" "Greece slave of turkey", panturk books used as propaganda books will not solve anything of your history complex.

False flager troll of FOINIKAS

Cry and more cry

Seljuk , Safavid , Kajar and Afshar Dynasties were 100% Oghuz Turks who ruled Iran for centuries

and now Oguzh Turks are same in Turkiye and Azerbaijan also in Iran , Iraq and Syria

and Greeks - Persians were our ex vassals .... whole world knows about it

MMM-E says the Byzantine Empire "wasn't Greek".

Its true
There was not Byzantine Empire
The name Byzantine was coined by Jeronimus Wolf, a German scholar, in the 16th century.

There was Eastern Roman Empire which was not Greek ( between the 4th century and 1453 )
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Cry and more cry
Stop projecting.
False flager troll of FOINIKAS
False flagger of? I am born and live in France with most of my family in Iran, I have nothing to do with Greece or this user. As far as i know Iranians and Greeks and the nations themselves have neutral views of eachother and both doesn't have an alliance against Turkey, neither any alliance or anything else, are you paranoid?

It is a fact that no one buys panturk fantasy stories because the stories are very primitive, at least if panturks would have made up more credible history rewriting, some idiots could have believed it, right now even kids in high school would not buy it, no one, beside yourself and panturks, places struck by Turkish/panturk/USSR dating propaganda such as Baku.

No matter how much you project your own feelings into others, no matter how much panturk books from 20/21th century you bring to anybody, no matter how much panturk fantasy you spit at others, no one buys it, cope with it and move along.

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