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Iranian copy of Harpy UAV!


Feb 5, 2009
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Picture of Iranian copy of Harpy UAV for the SEAD missions (SUPRESS OR DESTROY ENEMY AIR DEFENCE ASSET).


They're not visible Destruclord. Check this links again.
nice, got a bigger picture of the UAV, the first one does look like its photo shoped lol.
I don't know about the first one since it's Israeli Harpy UAV! But i know Harpy can carry around 23 Kg and this one can carry around 50 Kg! So i have no idea about the Israeli Harpy! :P
Only the lower picture is Iranian Harpy (or harpy-like). The Upper picture is originally on this link HARPY, obviously an Israeli site.
Only the lower picture is Iranian Harpy (or harpy-like). The Upper picture is originally on this link HARPY, obviously an Israeli site.

Yes, Of course i just mentioned that! Anyway Iranian one is capable of carrying more explosives and has more speed! 50 Kg warhead and 300 Km/h speed!

Now let's see the Harpy specifications:

Maximum speed: 185 km/h (100 knots, 115 mph).
1 × 32 kg (70 lb) high-explosive warhead.
Here is the Janes report on the older version of Ababil:

The Ababil has a maximum operational radius of 150 km, a maximum ceiling of 14,000 ft (4,268 m), the ability to travel at a maximum speed of 300 km/h and is capable of carrying a 45 kg payload. It has a surveillance configuration, carrying a camera and digital communications equipment, but also an attack configuration, carrying a high-explosive warhead that would be delivered by the UAV crashing onto a target.
way to go , nice of iran,With the wealth and brain it has iran will be the superpower of the future in the middle/east. . Wealth!! niether pakistan nor india has it.:chilli:
way to go , nice of iran,With the wealth and brain it has iran will be the superpower of the future in the middle/east. . Wealth!! niether pakistan nor india has it.:chilli:

Good for you buddy, but see thing is that even though Pakistan and India may not have any "Wealth" as you say, but still we made our first UAVs back when you were in pre-school.
way to go , nice of iran,With the wealth and brain it has iran will be the superpower of the future in the middle/east. . Wealth!! niether pakistan nor india has it.:chilli:

you are trying to do the unthinkable here mate..making Indians and Pakistanis fight together...dont do that :tongue:
way to go , nice of iran,With the wealth and brain it has iran will be the superpower of the future in the middle/east. . Wealth!! niether pakistan nor india has it.:chilli:

good wishes for being superpower...just keep selling the oil to us...;)
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