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Iranian Chill Thread

Pro government rallies in Iran

Ukraine is a mess. The former head of the Israeli intelligence called Zelensky a disgrace to all Jews for his support of Nazis

IRAN is in turmoil. If reforms are not implemented we might witness a civil war. It's obvious that a large segment of society are not happy with the current policies.

Angry Iranian mobs beating and killing IRGC Special Forces in the streets

This is not true. In Canada food inflation is supposed to be 10% but it's really atleast 50% or more and that's being generous. Many items have doubled in price since last year. If Germany is saying 20% it's likely 100%

Ukrainian UAVs and USV (Unmanned surface vehicles) attacked the Russian fleet at Sevastopol. Most of the drones were destroyed by air defenses and helicopters. Russia has responded by cancelling the grain deal with Ukraine, claiming that Ukraine is not supplying grain to any poor countries but rather they are merely selling grain to developed countries. Odessa will be blockaded again. According to rumors Russia is also considering targeting US satellites (Starlink) and drones that provide intelligence to Ukraine as well as NATO personnel inside Ukraine.

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Angry Iranian mobs beating and killing IRGC Special Forces in the streets

Stop spreading propaganda. Those are local Basij.

Why would special forces be sitting unarmed in riot zone with no tactical gear? Actually why would they even be deployed in a random town to begin with?
But dishes were mounted at the homes of many students, who spend time there during vacations. Also, the impact of the propaganda beamed into Iran has never been confined to actual viewers alone. The latter repeat it in discussions with friends and family, and end up influencing those as well.
attack was on dormitories not home , the student were at university , they had no time going home get
indoctrinated and then come back to start protest after the closure of Salam Newspaper

There's no evidence for Iranian law enforcement randomly opening fire on citizens for no valid reason.

No evidence they were police forces rather than Basij. Moreover, assuming the information given by the head of Tehran police was wrong, it doesn't prove the quoted allegations.
if that make you sleep better . basij and police clothes are not the same
I referenced established facts, no more and no less.
let me tell you an established fact.

your facts are as accurate as the fact of Pastafarianism

NATO regimes lie all the time. A former USA Secretary of State went as far as admitting nonchalantly to the CIA's habit of speaking untruth.
and also press TV , its a well known fact that the news agency lies
By your logic, there's nothing fishy about an alleged fatal accident when it happens to be immediately consecutive to threats the victim proclaimed having received from a hostile intelligence agency. Nor when the victim's mother declares there was no mark on her deceased daughter.

As for the cousin's remarks, I did offer a rational explanation: when someone's relative is murdered by a NATO intelligence agency, they will think twice about wholesale refutation of NATO's version of the event. Rather, they'll weigh their words and try to alert listeners whithout going too far, for their own safety's sake.
by my logic something fish does not mean killed by NATO . maybe press tv did saw she is leaving them and don't want to work for them , then said let kill her and say NATO did it , by doing so we can have some propaganda against NATO . after all its just some hitman , its cheap.
get real if you have something present facts , if you don't have facts , then dont spread قصه حسین کرد شبستری
There's Sahim's public statement on the threats she received, her mother's statement about the condition of her daughter's remains, and the explanations of her cousin which aren't consistent with the declarations of Turkish authorities.
there is her writing , and there is something called persecutory delusion
Stop spreading propaganda. Those are local Basij.

Why would special forces be sitting unarmed in riot zone with no tactical gear? Actually why would they even be deployed in a random town to begin with?
many of police special force are not actually special forces , they take conscripts with big bodies and use them to bolster the rank. what many consider special force is just Yegan-e-Emdad.
Don't get mad at me, that's just what the tweet said.

Stop spreading propaganda. Those are local Basij.

Why would special forces be sitting unarmed in riot zone with no tactical gear? Actually why would they even be deployed in a random town to begin with?
Do you believe that nonsense ? That's just western propaganda. How would they transport 10 million women to Nixon even ? That's just silly. A cheap attempt to put down China.

Right now they're trying to criticize China for continuing lockdowns but China has 1.4 billion people. Look what happened in India, millions died, although the Indian government says 500,000, but that's an obvious lie.

Just to give you an idea, in Canada yesterday 52 people died from Covid. If you do the math, proportionally in China around 2000 would have died today. In most countries before vaccination, 1%-3% would die from Covid. In China 1% is 14 million people. Even a tenth of 1% is 1.4 million

In the west they love to criticize China and blame China for all their problems, but usually those people can't even find China on a map and they don't know the facts.

Some people have developed like this :
https://foreignpolicy.com/2008/02/15/mao-offered-kissinger-10-million-chinese-women/. :/

Thank God we are Iranians.
All the UAVs were shot down and most of the unmanned surmersibles were destroyed by helicopters. However 2 made it through. This is the footage. Because of this Russia has now backed out of the grain deal brokered by Turkey. Kuleba and Zelensky have reacted by whining and crying. They'll be even more upset once Russia retaliates.

Russians are now saying that this was done in coordination with the UK and the US, which an American RQ-7 flying in the Black Sea providing vital intelligence for the operation. Russians are now threatening US satellites including Starlink for providing intelligence to the Ukrainians. Russia also claims that the UK was responsible for the NordStream 1 & 2 attacks. They already bombed a foreign legion base in Zaporizhia and they are threatening to target NATO personnel in Ukraine.

Helicopter intercepting a Ukrainian USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle)

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From the outset, Iran’s Embassy in Seoul has been following up the situation of its nationals and the staff are present in hospitals or medical centers to assess the situation after the incident occurred in the South Korean capital .

In a statement, Iran’s Embassy expressed sympathy with the families of the dead.

Korea’s Police have released the names of the dead Iranians as follows:

Afaq Raast-manesh, Ali Parakand, Reyhaneh Sadat Atashi and Somayyeh Moqimi-nejad

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