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Iranian Chill Thread


This is a baseless fallacy. Do you take the Americans to be god? Do exactly what when the treaty is triggered and it is deployed. Just sanctions how is that fruitful? They have no power over it because if they had it Pakistan wouldn't have gained them in the first place all that is just fallacy and they know KSA already has them and have known it for decades now. This is a basic ground reality
Sauds with or without nuclear weapons are bunch of camel jockeys. They cannot handle the poorest Arab country Yemen, you talk as if KSA is a major power. No sir, they are as useless as they have been. An American poodle in this region

Israeli fighter jets, Egyptians, Emiratis, Americans, French, British and other Arab fkholes of west couldn't handle Yemen. Just imagine what will happen if Iran enters the show.

Even Pakistani general was appeared in this conflict proving a harsh reality that it doesn't matter how big is your enemy's coalition. It is the power of will that wins the wars
greetings comrade ,
As an Indian , iam confused as to why iran supports a Christian Armenia instead of islam Azerbaijan .
Don't take this question , as if iam trolling , i know about historical and cultural affinity between Armenia and iran .
I wanted to know an Iranians perspective in this regard

Actually it doesn't. Iran sent the IRGC to train troops from the Republic of Azarbaijan during the first Karabakh war. More than 10 Iranian military personnel fell as martyrs in Azarbaijan, there are even videos of them present on the frontlines. You can ask user Muhammed45 to direct you to one, since he posted it here before. There is also a speech by an IRGC commander who was gifted a dagger by Heydar Aliyev in person for his engagement.

What then happened, however, is that the Baku regime spit in Iran's face so to say, by flirting with separatist tendencies against Iranian territorial integrity. So Iran decided to play a mediating role between the two sides in the Karabakh conflict, and to remain neutral.

Things worsened when the Arrani regime (so-called Republic of Azarbaijan) not only sealed a strategic alliance with the zionist regime, becoming one of the largest importers of Isra"el"i-made arms, but according to reports even allowed Mossad to use its soil to conduct UAV spying missions over Iran, and to recruit terrorists for the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists.

Baku's missteps were further compounded by Erdogan's speech at the recent victory parade in Baku, where Turkey's president expressed the notion that Baku has designs on sovereign Iranian lands.

Another issue blurring things is that the current Armenian administration, brought to power by a CIA-sponsored "colored revolution" a couple of years ago, is in fact zionist, much like the treasonous Aliyev regime of Baku. Hence Iran has no incentive to support it, despite Baku's brazen hostile actions. Some in Iran even suspect that the Pashinyan regime is covertly on board with Tel Aviv, Baku and Ankara in sabotaging Armenia's defensive power and thereby indirectly helping the Arranis seize territory.

Recurrent allegations of Iranian military intervention on Armenia's behalf in the mainstream and regional media represent propaganda for which no proof was presented to date. Media from Turkey and Arran, as well as from the west are spreading this claim in order to whip up hostility against Islamic Iran amongst not just Turkey's and Arran's populations, but also - so they hope, among Azari Iranians susceptible to pan-Turkist propaganda. In this regard, the zionist regime and its operatives (including some key academics who authored books to this effect and have been advising Baku authorities) have been at the forefront of attempts to cultivate separatist sentiments among Azari speakers of Iran, but largely in vain. Despite all these efforts, separatists and pan-Turkists do not represent more than a tiny fraction of Azari Iranians, who historically have been some of the staunchest Iranian patriots and nationalists, aware of their Iranian (much rather than Turkic) ethnic roots as well as of their shared Iranian culture (the name Azarbaijan or Azarbadegan as it was originally called, is itself genuinely Iranian and not Turkish).

Nonetheless, the enemy has been more or less able to contribute to the appearance of an identitarian, culturally centrifugal lobby of sorts comprising a limited number of Iranian politicians (essentially local ones and members of Majles, Iran's parliament, as well as some civil servants) claiming to represent Azari Iranians, who strive for ethnic federalization of the Islamic Republic, in line with their separatist counterparts in the exiled opposition. Needless to say, such a restructuring of the state would represent a dangerous stepping stone towards the balkanization and dismantling of Iran.

But there's one central factor which dooms to failure all these ethno-separatist, NATO- and zionist-masterminded plots against Iran: the simple fact that owing to urbanization, social modernization, the development of infrastructures and their corollary ie intermarriage, as well as the generalization of the national language, Persian, a significant majority of Iranians actually descend from several and not just one single sub-national linguistic group, ie most Iranians are of mixed linguistic backgrounds and can impossibly be compartmentalized into a so-called "ethnic" category.

One last point to add to this brief overview is that the Islamic Republic too has its allies and supporters across the river Aras. These essentially consist of religious elements of Baku society, and they adhere to the Islamic revolutionary ideology of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). Ever since Iran lost the southern Caucasus to the Russian empire in the first half of the 19th century, religion has lost much of its relevance over there though, as a result not just of 70 years of Soviet communism, but also of the Aliyev regime's ultra-secularist policies, complete with hijab bans at certain public places, the jailing of clerics critical of the regime's religious policies, economic corruption and alliance with Israel. This of course is in stark contrast with Baku's Turkish ally Erdogan. Along with this, Baku proceeded with the installment of a number of wahhabi preachers and mosques as a means to counter-act and contain any possible Shia Islamic political and religious revival. Much like the Aliyev regime authorized Turkey to ship over and station right next to the border with Iran some of its Syrian insurgent proxies (terrorist mercenaries of anti-Shia "jihadist" persuasion). Iran's IRGC for its part helped set up and trained a unit of fighters from the Republic of Azarbaijan, the Hüseynciler or Hosseynioun Brigade, which served in Syria as part of the loyalist camp supportive of the government in Damascus.

Now the thing is that these pro-Iranian movements and groups in Arran are at the same time patriotic Azaris who do not see eye to eye with Armenia over Karabakh, even while they oppose the ruling regime in Baku. So Iran's retort to Baku's backstabbing and provocations has not so much consisted in taking sides with Armenia in the Karabakh conflict, but in promoting Iran-friendly Islamic oriented local currents.

This being said, a new red line for Iran is the Zangezur corridor which, if wrested away from Armenia by Baku's forces and their allies, would completely cut Iran off from Armenia, jeopardizing not just Iran's North-South transport corridor from the Persian Gulf to Russia, but also increasing future threats of zionist and takfiri terrorist encroachment on Iran's northwestern borders as well as enhanced separatist agitation. Hence Iran made it clear that while it supports Baku's legally sound claims to Karabakh, it will not allow other recognized international borders in the area to be altered by force. To this effect, Iran staged a massive wargame in the border zones and sent a clear message to Baku and Turkey that it will intervene in case they tried to unlawfully snatch land from Armenia proper.

Hope this helps!
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Sauds with or without nuclear weapons are bunch of camel jockeys. They cannot handle the poorest Arab country Yemen, you talk as if KSA is a major power. No sir, they are as useless as they have been. An American poodle in this region

Israeli fighter jets, Egyptians, Emiratis, Americans, French, British and other Arab fkholes of west couldn't handle Yemen. Just imagine what will happen if Iran enters the show.

Even Pakistani general was appeared in this conflict proving a harsh reality that it doesn't matter how big is your enemy's coalition. It is the power of will that wins the wars

They surely didn't get bashed by a country they are accused of commiting genocide on but I will bite. But it was you who lost Syria to none state actors and ran to Russia handing over the country and selling everything out as consequence of your defeat there 200k Iranians bested by non military civil miliatia.

Was it not Solemani who was in Moscow crying to Putin help me we are defeated etc etc. Now being bounded by a tiny Israel you don't intimidate anyone.

You were always defeated by small forces while fielding large you are a shitty fighters I mean the persian cats.. How many times in history did the biggest military upsets happen in Iran if it had happen once you could have called it a fluke but not when it has happened 100s of times.

The Saudis themselves have upset you couple of times overruning Iran. A tiny minority Abrahamic descendants have upset you entirely and conquered you

It is not like they don't know you in the region... they know you better than they do themselves stop acting like an alien stranger
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They surely didn't get bashed by a country they are accused of commiting genocide on but I will bite. But it was you who lost Syria to none state actors and ran to Russia handing over the country and selling everything out as consequence of your defeat there 200k Iranians bested by non military miliatias.

Was it not Solemani who was in Moscow crying to Putin help me we are defeated etc etc. Now being bounded by a tiny Israel you don't intimidate anyone.

You were always defeated by small forces while fielded you are a shitty fighters I mean the persian cats
The most important part of Foreign imposed War on Syria was ending ISIS and its done already.

The northern part occupied by the Turkish supported Al Qaeda will be liberated along with kicking Americans and other invading forces out of the country.

It would be hard but possible. Currently Americans are mostly located in hotspots like Bu Kamal and oil fields of Syria. Fortunately, we have the majority of Sunni tribes on our side making it much more easy to get rid of Foreign invaders.

And it looks like Russian presence was a major pain. No one has surrendered anything to Russians. They were once willing to leave Syria but after what happened to georgia and Ukraine they decided to stay and suffer the sanctions for their own security. We just warned them about approaching enemy and they got the massage after almost 3 to 4 years of hesitance.
Actually it doesn't. Iran sent the IRGC to train troops from the Republic of Azarbaijan during the first Karabakh war. More than 10 Iranian troops fell as martyrs in Azarbaijan, there are even videos of them present on the frontlines there. You can ask user Muhammed45 to direct you to one, since he posted it here before. There is also a speech by an IRGC commander who was gifted a dagger by Heydar Aliyev in person for his engagement.

What then happened, however, is that the Baku regime spit in Iran's face so to say, by flirting with separatist tendencies against Iranian territorial integrity. So Iran decided to play a mediating role between the two sides in the Karabakh conflict, and to remain neutral.

Things worsened when the Arrani regime (so-called Republic of Azarbaijan) not only sealed a strategic alliance with Isra"el", becoming one of the zionist regime's largest importers of arms, but according to reports even allowed Mossad to use its soil to conduct UAV spying operations over Iran, and to recruit terrorists for the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists.

Baku's missteps were further compounded by Erdogan's speech at the recent victory parade in Baku, where Turkey's president expressed the notion that Baku has designs on sovereign Iranian lands.

Another issue blurring things is that the current Armenian administration, brought to power by a CIA-sponsored "colored revolution" a couple of years ago, is in fact zionist, much like the treasonous Aliyev regime of Baku. Hence Iran has no incentive to support it, despite Baku's brazen hostile actions. Some in Iran even suspect that the Pashinyan regime is covertly on board with Tel Aviv, Baku and Ankara in sabotaging Armenia's defensive power and thereby indirectly helping the Arranis seize territory.

Recurrent allegations of Iranian military intervention on Armenia's behalf flooding the mainstream and regional media represent propaganda for which no proof was presented whatsoever to date. Media from Turkey and Arran, as well as from the NATO zone are spreading this claim in order to whip up hostility against Islamic Iran amongst not just Turkey's and Arran's populations, but also - so they hope, among Azari Iranians susceptible to pan-Turkist propaganda. In this regard, the zionist regime and its operatives (including some key academics who authored books to this effect and have been advising Baku authorities) have been at the forefront of attempts to cultivate separatist sentiments among Azari speakers of Iran, but largely in vain. However, despite all these efforts, separatists and pan-Turkists do not represent more than a tiny fraction of Azari Iranians, who historically have been some of the staunchest Iranian patriots and nationalists, aware of their Iranian (much rather than Turkic) ethnic roots as well as of their shared Iranian culture (the name Azarbaijan = Azarbadegan is itself 100% Iranian, not Turkish at all).

Nonetheless, the enemy has been more or less able to contribute to the appearance of kind of an identitarian, culturally centrifugal lobby comprised of certain Iranian politicians (essentially local politicians and members of Majles, Iran's parliament, as well as some civil servants) claiming to represent Azari Iranians, and who strive for ethnic federalization of the Islamic Republic, in line with their separatist counterparts in the exiled opposition. Needless to say, such a restructuring of the state would represent a dangerous stepping stone towards the balkanization and dismantling of Iran.

But there's one central factor that is dooming to failure all these ethno-separatist, NATO- and zionist-masterminded plots against Iran: the simple fact that owing to urbanization, social modernization, the development of infrastructures resulting in intermarriages, as well as the generalization of the national language, Persian, nowadays a significant majority of Iranians actually descend from several and not just one single sub-national linguistic group, ie most Iranians are of mixed linguistic backgrounds and can impossibly be compartmentalized into a so-called "ethnic" category.

One last point to add to this brief overview is that the Islamic Republic too has its allies and supporters across the river Aras. These essentially consist of religious elements of Baku society, and they adhere to the Islamic revolutionary ideology of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). In effect, religion has lost much of its relevance over there though, as a result of not just 70+ years of Soviet communism, but also of the Aliyev regime's ultra-secularist policies, complete with hijab bans at certain public places, the jailing of clerics critical of the regime's religious policies, economic corruption and alliance with Israel. This of course is in stark contrast with Baku's Turkish ally Erdogan. Along with this, Baku proceeded with the installment of a number of wahhabi preachers and mosques as a means to counter-act and contain any possible Shia Islamic political and religious revival. Much like it authorized Turkey to ship over and station right next to the border with Iran some of its Syrian insurgent proxies (terrorist mercenaries of anti-Shia "jihadist" persuasion). Iran's IRGC for its part helped set up and trained a unit of fighters from the Republic of Azarbaijan, the Hüseynciler or Hosseynioun Brigade, which served in Syria as part of the pro-Iranian forces.

Now the thing is that these pro-Iranian movements and groups in Arran are at the same time patriotic Azaris who do not see eye to eye with Armenia over Karabakh, even while they oppose the ruling regime in Baku. So Iran's retort to Baku's backstabbing has not so much consisted in taking sides with Armenia in the Karabakh conflict, but to promote Iran-friendly Islamic oriented local currents.

This being said, a new red line for Iran is the Zangezur corridor which, if wrested away from Armenia by Baku's forces and their allies, would completely cut off Iran from Armenia, jeopardizing not just Iran's North-South transport corridor from the Persian Gulf to Russia, but also increasing future threats of zionist and takfiri terrorist encroachment on Iran's northwestern borders as well as enhanced separatist agitation. Hence Iran made it clear that while it supports Baku's legally sound claims to Karabakh, it will not allow other recognized international borders in the area to be altered by force. To this effect, Iran staged a massive wargame in the border areas and sent a clear message to Baku and Turkey that it wil intervene in case they tried to unlawfully snatch land from Armenia proper.

Hope this helps!
This helped , very much helped .
The only proof I have seen is some , footage of irani t 72 being taken to Armenia border .
Regarding Armenia government in bed with Azerbaijan , well Armenia probably didn't use it airforce in second karabakh war .
The most important part of Foreign imposed War on Syria was ending ISIS and its done already.

The northern part occupied by the Turkish supported Al Qaeda will be liberated along with kicking Americans and other invading forces out of the country.

It would be hard but possible. Currently Americans are mostly located in hotspots like Bu Kamal and oil fields of Syria. Fortunately, we have the majority of Sunni tribes on our side making it much more easy to get rid of Foreign invaders.

And it looks like Russian presence was a major pain. No one has surrendered anything to Russians. They were once willing to leave Syria but after what happened to georgia and Ukraine they decided to stay and suffer the sanctions for their own security. We just warned them about approaching enemy and they got the massage after almost 3 to 4 years of hesitance.

Do you think Russia will start WW3 for you? It ain't happening they will stick around until it is not financially viable and the areas the Russians hold is getting poorer and poorer nowadays which means they can only suk so much out of it and it doesn't have anything meaningful they will eventually look elsewhere as it won't be financially viable losing the gas deal to EU sets this just in motion even faster because if they leave Assad will be overrun inside Damascus. You invited Russia because you were conventionally defeated by none state actors because if you were able to win your own battles it wouldn't have happened
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Do you think Russia will start WW3 for you? It ain't happening they will stick around until it is not financially viable and the areas the Russians hold is getting poorer and poorer nowadays which means they can only suk so much out of it and it doesn't have anything meaning they will eventually look elsewhere as it won't be financially viable losing the gas deal to EU sets this just in motion even faster because if they leave you will be out in few months time. You invited Russia because you were conventionally defeated by none state actors
Russians were present in Syria, they just strengthened their presence after the shocks they received in Europe and Libya.

Which non state actor if i may Ask? They were all defeated in most of Syrian lands.

Syria even repelled American attack during Trump admin. Don't you Remember?
Russians were present in Syria, they just strengthened their presence after the shocks they received in Europe and Libya.

Which non state actor if i may Ask? They were all defeated in most of Syrian lands.

Syria even repelled American attack during Trump admin. Don't you Remember?

The country is in 3 part partition and over 40% outside of Damascus control. By the way no the Americans were never repelled but there was once where the SAA tried to sneak in to Omar Oilfield the Americans managed to kill over 1000 mercenarios in one night including 300 russians after that night there was no miscalculations or sneaky attack on US oilfieds east of the Euphrates the Russian mercenarios were mislead by delusional locals who were oil hungry they mobilized them together with local militias and walked right into their death.. A huge red-line stamp has been put on that chapter:lol:
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The country is in 3 part partition and over 40% outside of Damascus control. By the way no the Americans were never repelled but there was once where the SAA tired to sneak in to Omar Oilfield the Americans managed to kill over 1000 mercenarios in one night including 300 russians after that night there was no miscalculations or sneaky attack on US oilfieds east of the Euphrates the Russian mercenarios were mislead by delusional locals who were oil hungry they mobilized them together with local militias and walked right into their death.. A huge red-line stamp has been put on that chapter:lol:
This is the latest Map of Syrian development. The green zone shows Syrian forces, yellow one is Kurds and the red one includes Turkish supported Al Qaeda. As you can see, half of Idlib plus northern parts of Kurdish controlled areas are under control of Syria.

If you were not aware of cruise missile attack on Syria then you are badly under informed.

Let me tell you a fact, victory is so close.
This is the latest Map of Syrian development. The green zone shows Syrian forces, yellow one is Kurds and the red one includes Turkish supported Al Qaeda. As you can see, half of Idlib plus northern parts of Kurdish controlled areas are under control of Syria.
View attachment 794135
If you were not aware of cruise missile attack on Syria then you are badly under informed.

Let me tell you a fact, victory is so close.

I agree with it but it is out of focus that map but I see what you mean..

This one is more in focus
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Who are these parsis? are you a parsis? I have seen they are a tiny minority in India but seem to have alot of wealth apparently and on Wiki it says they fled the Rashidun and that they are farsi remnants of the Sassanids empire.

Iam a hindu , they are Zoroastrianism followrs , model minority these guys are .
They don't marry much , although the government gives them money to marry to make more babies under jio parsi scheme
Their population is finally growing .
They own tata godrej jeebhoy wadias and other big business in india .
Once upon a time in british era , half of bombay was owned by one parsi family .The jeebhoy family
These guys got rich during opium trade with china , they became british agents and many times independent traded with chiense.
In log ko , afeem ne khub amir banaya they became gentry in british era , interacted with british on equal footing
They speak gujarati though .
Worship in fire temples , they are one of the most well educated peoples in the subcontinent , I would say.
Dadabhai naoroji became first indian to be a member of british parliament.
Baniya and parsi own india , comrade .Baki sarkar to inki hai bas
Iam a hindu , they are Zoroastrianism followrs , model minority these guys are .
They don't marry much , although the government gives them money to marry to make more babies under jio parsi scheme
Their population is finally growing .
They own tata godrej jeebhoy wadias and other big business in india .
Once upon a time in british era , half of bombay was owned by one parsi family .The jeebhoy family
These guys got rich during opium trade with china , they became british agents and many times independent traded with chiense.
In log ko , afeem ne khub amir banaya they became gentry in british era , interacted with british on equal footing with the Brits .
They speak gujarati though .
Worship in fire temples , they are one of the most well educated peoples in the subcontinent , I would say.
Dadabhai naoroji became first indian to be a member of british parliament.

I know they are not as influential as the Punjabis who control all of India despite being 30m but the Parsis have done well for themselves also becoming amongst the elite of the country. Yes they still follow Zoroastrianism because they are sassanids remnants who managed to flee into India during Omar Ibn Khattab's time and era.. Funny enough they fled from it into India but it just followed them there few centuries later
This helped , very much helped .
The only proof I have seen is some , footage of irani t 72 being taken to Armenia border .
Regarding Armenia government in bed with Azerbaijan , well Armenia probably didn't use it airforce in second karabakh war .

Friend, that was probably a T-72 participating in the wargame I mentioned above. Not meant to enter the war on Erevan's behalf.

About the Armenian PM hatching secret plots with Baku and the zionists, I'm not sure if that's really true. But the fact that some commentators in Iran have been suggesting so should help one understand the Iranian position(s) on the topic.
They already know the Saudis have it. The CIA have known this publically since the 90s this is not a secret everyone and his dog knows this already.

Of course. We overheard it from chatter at the local town square or something, but there's no credible written source about it anywhere. Who needs that, aight?

Also thinking anyone can bully the Qibla is delulu a unified world can't achieve that.. This is not where Israel keeps bounding you where no sovereign red-lines exist. Ethablish your own red-lines first than start to speak being bounded by a tiny country constantly and leaders eliminated inside your soil.

Not sure what you're referring to here but the Saudi regime isn't synonymous with the Qibla. As for tampering with Mecca, suffice to take a look at how the Sauds have remodeled that sacred town, demolished historic sites of Islam and even curtailed core rituals of Hajj and not just any ritual, but the 'devil stoning' one... No further comment needed.

The only where you fight nowadays is on twitter, PDF and other platforms and you basically just mourners and got some machoistic tendencies..

Lame retort.

If it makes you sleep better at night you can tell yourself that these nukes are US controlled and hack while we are at it why don't we also say Pakistan's nukes are US controlled why only stop at their potential future nukes?

There are no Saudi nukes and most probably never will be.
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