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Iranian Chill Thread

همه جدیدها ضد لیزر شدند
حمله لیزری به سادگی قبل نیست
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ما تا حالا ماهواره بزرگ وعملیاتی نداشتیم
از همون ده سال پیش حرفش بود که روزی که بفرستیم خرابکاری میکنن
ایران بدون داشتن پاسخ ضد ماهواره توان ماهواره عملیاتی نخواهد داشت
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Of course I do not know if this is their official Twitter website or a fake one.
The new Delta / Indian variant is really causing problems globally. 700+ dead in Russia today, 1300 a day in Indonesia. In US and in the west they're seeing a new surge now which has spooked the stock market.

India got lucky after the first wave, it was small. Afterwards some people began to think that India had developed herd immunity. Contrary to the advise of experts, they didn't keep any restrictions in place, allowing massive weddings, festivals and politicians encouraged large rallies.

The Indians didn't give two shits now the entire world is paying the price. What a disaster.
Why is it always the Israelis behind cyber crimes like this ?

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I think that it would be more realistic for Iran to produce a 4th generation platform, perhaps a delta wing configuration ? 70-100 4th generation fighters would be great for the airforce in Iran.

As for 5th gen, I don't see Iran purchasing or producing any such platform for at least another decade. That's not a bad thing though since by then 5th gen fighters will be more mature and much cheaper to purchase and maintain.

The Russians are badly in need of funding for their future weapons platforms like the SU-57 / Armata tank etc. Perhaps Iran can provide some funding in exchange for a few dozen SU-57's and Armata tanks ?

Right now neither China nor Russia seem interested in selling Iran a 5th generation fighter. The Chinese are keen on selling Iran the JF-17, but Iran seems to be more interested in the J-10, which is China's more expensive and capable export variant.

Of course if Iran is looking at a SU-30 like platforms then the Chinese J-11 would be the Chinese equivalent. The Chinese variants are $30-$40 million while one SU-30 is $60 million.

I've heard rumors that Iran was genuinely interested in purchasing approx 30 x J-10s from China. However the main issue of contention between the two seems to be the payment method.

You see Iran wants to pay China in oil and barter, whereas China wants Iran to purchase the jets using hard cash / foreign currency / gold etc Of course because of the current economic situation Iran is not too interested in giving up its foreign currency reserves.

One thing to keep in mind is that unmanned platforms seem to be playing an increasingly prominent role in present wars. When it comes to investing in unmanned platforms, Iran definitely made the right choice and is heading in the right direction in that regard.

When it comes to replacing its aging fleet of fighter jets, Iran seems to be weighing all of the available options very carefully.

Basically a 5th gen F-16.

75 of these and 75 of SU-30 could keep Iran airforce afloat for next 20 years until Iranian domestic projects take off.

All in cost will be less than 20B of maintenance and spare parts. (not sure the exact figure too lazy to do the calculations)

once Iran starts doing its own maintenance and spare parts production plus using Iranian arms (instead of Russian ones) costs will drop for servicing the aircraft.
Antisatellite kinetic projectiles or laser ground canons?
What action was taken against the sabotage by the IRGC, brother Stryker1982?
Of course I do not know if this is their official Twitter website or a fake one.

They do not have an official twitter, but they report on broadcasts and announcements by the IRGC.

No action has been officially taken, but what they are saying is that they reserve the right to take defensive action against "enemy satellites". Which indicates that some of the rumors of a anti-satellite weapon that have been the topic of discussion are true.

Source as well:

Considering it is from the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), I would take it very seriously.
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Syrian air defenses shot down 7/8 Israeli missiles last night

Saudi and Hadi forces trying their best to cut off the Houthi offensive to the south by threatening the Houthis flank (6 days ago)

Despite this the Houthis are still expanding in the south

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Right now neither China nor Russia seem interested in selling Iran a 5th generation fighter. The Chinese are keen on selling Iran the JF-17, but Iran seems to be more interested in the J-10, which is China's more expensive and capable export variant.
the correct chain of event was Chinese tried to sell Iran J-10 but Iran air force was not impressed with the airplane
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